Widia Kartika ◽  
Ngadri Yusro ◽  
Siswanto Siswanto

This study aimed to find out a depiction of principal’s efforts to increase community’s interest in sending their children to SMP Negeri 21 Rejang Lebong in the midst of competition wherein there are many schools in the region. This study used a qualitative approach with the school principal and teachers as the key informants. This study used observation, interviews, and documentation techniques to collect the data. After the data were collected, the data were subsequently analyzed using Miles’ et al approach extending to data reduction, data presentation, and verification as well as drawing conclusions. This study revealed that so that the efforts made to by increase the interest of new students attending SMPN 21 Rejang Lebong included: Improving the quality of schools in terms of both learning and services, completing school facilities and infrastructure, promoting schools by distributing brochures, providing information to neighboring teachers and making billboard displayed in front of schools presenting the school's superior activities.

Septi Yani ◽  
Kusen Kusen ◽  
Ummul Khair

This study aimed to find out a depiction of school policies in the implementation of students’ disciplinary character at SDN 77 of Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu. This study used a qualitative approach, and the subjects were Islamic education teachers, classroom teachers, and the school principal. Subsequently, the data collection techniques of this study were observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis adopted Miles’ et al theory comprised of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusion. This study concluded that the application of disciplinary character education was integrated into subjects in accordance with the materials and objectives to be achieved and resting upon the school culture including class culture. Class culture referred to the culture associated with the application of disciplinary character education and responsibility as seen from the activities commonly carried out in the classroom and outside the classroom.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Agus Ahmad Nasrulloh ◽  
Ikhsanul Fadillah

Barbershop business in Tasikmalaya District is increasingly prevalent, including in Singaparna District, but not all Barbershop in Singaparna District are visited by consumers. Competition between Barbershop is found in excellent service quality for consumers, the application of a quality service affects the development of customer satisfaction. The research method used is descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data is obtained through direct interviews with owners of barbershop and consumers. Then the data is analyzed through the stages of data reduction or simplification, data presentation / presentation (Data Display), and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the quality of services provided in five Barbershop in Singaparna Subdistrict, Tasikmalaya Regency was quite good, this can be seen from the efforts made such as prioritizing appearance, neatly arranged facilities, tools that are always ready to use and choosing a strategic place. The reliability and responsiveness of barbershop can be seen from the consumer's assessment of indicators of reliability, responsiveness, empathy and assurance from Barbershop which is quite good.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-52
Rahmani Rahmani ◽  
Shinta Putri ◽  
M. Isa Rani ◽  
Hambali Hambali

This study aims to determine how the character formation of love for the country through the flag ceremony of SD Negeri 10 Banda Aceh students. The approach in this research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. The subjects in this study consisted of 1 school principal, 1 grade IV teacher and 3 grade IV students. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Data analysis used a percentage formula and also used data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of research on the formation of the character of love for the country through the flag ceremony at SD Negeri 10 Banda Aceh, it is still in the category of very frequent or good according to the indicators of love for the country. Principals and teachers always strive well so that students can instill the character of loving the motherland in each student. The formation of the character of love for the country through the flag ceremony, namely by reminding, guiding and always explaining the meaning of the flag ceremony so that students have the character of loving the country and being orderly at the time of the flag ceremony, and also instilling discipline, so that students can understand the meaning of the flag ceremony well. With the flag ceremony, it is able to foster a character of love for the country which can shape and make students who have noble, moral, ethical, cultured and civilized characters based on Pancasila so that they become students who have an attitude of nationalism. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pembentukan karakter cinta tanah air melalui upacara bendera siswa SD Negeri 10 Banda Aceh. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Adapun subjek dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 1 orang kepala sekolah, 1 orang guru kelas IV dan 3 orang siswa kelas IV. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan angket. Analisis data menggunakan rumus persentase dan juga menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data serta penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pembentukan karakter cinta tanah air melalui upacara bendera di SD Negeri 10 Banda Aceh masih dalam kategori sangat sering dilakukan atau baik sesuai dengan indikator dari cinta tanah air. Kepala sekolah dan guru selalu mengupayakan dengan baik agar siswa dapat menanamkan karakter cinta tanah air di dalam diri masing-masing siswa. Pembentukan karakter cinta tanah air melalui upacara bendera yaitu dengan mengingatkan, membimbing dan selalu menjelaskan makna dari upacara bendera  agar siswa memiliki karakter cinta tanah air serta tertib pada saat upacara bendera, dan juga menanamkan kedisplinan, sehingga siswa dapat memahami makna upacara bendera dengan baik. Dengan adanya upacara bendera mampu menumbuhkan karakter cinta tanah air yang dapat membentuk dan menjadikan diri siswa yang berakhlak mulia, bermoral, beretika, berbudaya, dan beradab berdasarkan pancasila sehingga menjadi siswa yang memiliki sikap nasionalisme. Kata Kunci: Karakter, Cinta Tanah Air Dan Upacara Bendera

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 995-1002
Rido Kurnianto, Nurul Iman, Sigit Dwi Laksana

This study aims to describe Reyog Ponorogo from the historical aspect, the negative stigma that has accompanied its development, and local wisdom that spreads to all its components. This problem is studied using a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews with data collection tools is the researcher himself as a key instrument. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive analytical with the process of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The findings of this study are as follows; (1) Reyog Obyog is an important and inseparable part of Reyog Ponorogo. In fact, it is very possible that Reyog Obyog is the origin of the Reyog Ponorogo which has developed and is known to the public today; (2) Reyog Obyog performance model which tends to be free, not bound by standards, is performed in the audience and is predominantly filled with entertainment, in its development various negative stigmas have emerged in the community, namely eroticism, drunkenness, and mystical performance rituals; (3) The Reyog Obyog has a great value in the form of a noble life guidance which is strategic enough to be used as a medium for building civilization.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-125
Muhammad Amri ◽  
Saharuddin Saharuddin ◽  
La Ode Ismail Ahmad

Islamic Religious Education is an important and inseparable part of the educational curriculum in Indonesia. Besides being an obligation for its adherents, Islamic learning can instill the values of faith and make students possess noble morals (akhlakul karimah). This study aims to examine and discuss how the implementation process of Islamic education in instilling noble morals in students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (Islamic Junior High School). This study uses a qualitative approach with data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing as the data analysis. The sample of this study was the principal of the madrasah, vice-principal, students, and teachers of Islamic education in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Makassar. The results of the analysis of this study indicate that through the implementation of Islamic Religious Education, the students could possess noble characters. There are eight behaviors that are applied to instill the noble characters, namely habituating the smiles, salaam, and greetings, mutual respect (tolerance), sunnah fasting on Monday and Thursday, performing the Duha prayer, performing dhuhr prayers, reciting the Quran, congregational prayer, and getting used to alms giving (infaq). These eight commendable behaviors are recommended for teachers and principals to be applied in their respective schools.

2018 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Ridwan Nurdin ◽  
Muhammad Iqbal ◽  
Muhadi Khalidi

This study discusses the empowerment of productive zakat aimed at fostering the welfare of mustahik. This research is a programme on the implementation of the Zakat Amil Agency in the distribution of zakat. This research uses qualitative method in order for it be relevant to the results achieved. The sources of the data in this study are relevant literature both in the form of books, journals and articles used to compile theories about problems that are the objects of the research. Based on our findings, the mustahik receive zakat from the Zakat Amil Agency with the scheme of productive zakat. In relation to the data compilation in this study, the techniques used include the activities and the development of the Zakat Amil Agency in daily activities to manage zakat and mustahik’s productive zakat in organizing the programmes. Data analysis was conducted by structuring data in the form of compiling, classifying and testing data during the research. Data analysis was carried out to describe the processes and results of examinations from transcripts and notes and other materials. In relation to the qualitative approach, the data analysis is conducted in three steps, namely data reduction, data presentation, and reduction of conclusions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 113
Muhammad Ridho ◽  
Yanyan Muhammad Yani ◽  
Arfin Sudirman

This study aim to explain phenomenon of Arab spring that occurred in Syria and describing the triggering factors of conflict Syria and the analysis of Alawie group in Syria. The type of this study uses a qualitative approach with the literature study method, because the data collection techniques used make books and documents related to the Arab spring in Syria as a reference frame, as well as some data from a valid website. Data analysis techniques through three components, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions in which data verification is also accompanied by triangulation of data sources. The results showed that the phenomenon of Arab spring that occurred in Syria converged on inter-ethnic conflict that occurred between the Sunni-Alawie, then triggered by the phenomenon of Arab spring that spread in the Middle East.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-94
Nuning Octaviani

The purpose of this study is to determine the KBIH strategy in improving prime service in the form of customer needs or practical pilgrims as well as the needs of customers or pilgrims emotionally and the process of providing services in KBIH Maqdis in terms of improving excellent service for prospective pilgrims. The method used in this study is descriptive method using a qualitative approach. The research steps are taken by: determining the location of research, collecting data using observation techniques, interviews, literature studies, and documentation then analyzing data by means of data reduction then data classification and drawing conclusions. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the KBIH Maqdis strategy in improving excellent service is quite good because this can be seen from the practical needs given by KBIH Maqdis to prospective pilgrims. The KBIH Maqdis party provides good service in terms of its service, supervisor, management and chairman. Because the effort to provide good service is expected that pilgrims feel satisfied so that they can tell others about the quality of services provided by KBIH Maqdis to worshipers. The process of implementing service delivery can also look good, that is seen from the provision of excellent service in KBIH Maqdis, Bandung.Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui strategi KBIH dalam meningkatkan pelayanan prima berupa kebutuhan pelanggan atau jamaah secara praktis maupun kebutuhan para pelanggan atau jamaah secara emosional dan proses dari pemberian pelayanan yang ada di KBIH Maqdis dalam hal meningkatkan pelayanan prima terhadap calon jamaah.Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Adapun langkah-langkah penelitian ditempuh dengan: penentuan lokasi penelitian, pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan tehnik observasi, wawancara, studi kepustakaan, dan dokumentasi selanjutnya analisis data dengan cara reduksi data kemudian klasifikasi data dan penarikan kesimpulan.Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi KBIH Maqdis dalam Meningkatkan pelayanan prima cukup baik karena hal ini dapat dilihat dari kebutuhan secara praktis yang diberikan KBIH Maqdis kepada calon jamaah haji. Pihak KBIH Maqdis memberikan pelayanan yang baik dari segi pelayanannya pembimbing, pengurus maupun ketuanya. Karena dengan upaya memberikan pelayanan yang baik diharapkan jamaah haji merasa puas sehingga dapat memberitahu kepada orang lain tentang kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan pihak KBIH Maqdis terhadap jamaah. Proses pelaksanaan pemberian pelayanan pun dapat terlihat baik yakni dilihat dari pemberian pelayanan prima yang ada di KBIH Maqdis Kota Bandung.

Lezi Heryanto ◽  
Ahmad Dibul Amda ◽  
Dina Hajja Ristianti

This study aimed at finding out the depiction of Fiqh teacher’s creativities in improving students’ learning skills. The present study applied a qualitative approach by engaging the Fiqh teacher at Madrasah Aliyah Baitul Makmur in Curup Utara District as the key informant. The data were garnered from observations and interviews. Once the data were collected, the data were further analyzed using the theory proposed Miles et al comprising data reduction, data presentation, verification, and conclusion drawing. It seemed that the Fiqh teacher’s creativities at MA Baitul Makmur in teaching were very good. This was evident that in teaching the teacher applied various methods and used various media in order that the Fiqh-related materials could be delivered in interesting ways and could trigger comfortable learning situations alongside lowering students’ boredom in the classroom.  The teacher’s evaluation in viewing students’ abilities to learn was conducted in various ways. That ranged from written and spoken assessments, portfolio, and practice-based assessments. With the Fiqh teacher’s creativities at MA Baitul Makmur, students' learning skills gain improvement.

Wresni Pujiyati

This study aims to analyze and find out the implementation of principals 'leadership through school quality with the long-term goal of improving the quality of schools through principals' leadership. The specific target of this research is to develop a principal's leadership model. The research method uses a qualitative approach through case studies through observation, interviews, document studies relating to the principal's leadership and school quality. The general conclusion is that improving school quality is a process towards the realization of quality schools. Principal's leadership in strengthening school quality can be found in (1) Improving school quality (2) Principal's leadership strategy in improving school quality.

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