scholarly journals Penggunaan Cadar dan Konsekuensinya bagi Muslimah (Analisis Komparatif Antara Wahdah Islamiyah dan Jemaah Tablig)

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 488-499
Iskandar Iskandar ◽  
Rosmita Rosmita ◽  
Miftahul Jannah

This study aims to identify and understand the differences in the use of the veil and its consequences for Muslimah Wahdah Islamiyah and Jama'ah Tablighi. Problems in research; (1) what is the use of the veil and the consequences for Muslimah Wahdah Islamiyah?; (2) what is the use of the veil and the consequences for Muslimah Jama'ah Tablighi? This research uses descriptive qualitative research with field research methods (Field Research). Using normative, historical and sociological approaches. Primary data sourced directly from sources. Secondary data in the form of literature and documents in the form of books, articles and others. The results showed that Muslimah Wahdah (MW) and Masturah had different views on the law of wearing the veil. Muslimah Wahdah (MW) places greater emphasis on independence for all cadres and sympathizers and even Muslim women in general to make their own choices. Choose an opinion that requires the wearing of the veil or choose an opinion that views the sunnah. There is no coercion and intervention. While Masturah is more likely to adhere to the opinion that requires the wearing of the veil, especially to all Muslim women of the Tablighi Jamaat. As for the selection of the model and the color of the veil used, there were no significant differences between these two Muslim da'wah movements. However, Muslimah Wahdah (MW) is more lenient in this regard. The consequences they face when wearing the veil are generally the same. Challenges from the family and community that they must face.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (02) ◽  
pp. 199
Suci Mubriani ◽  
Imroatun Koniah

This research discusses democracy in the pandagan M. Quraysh Shihab. The reason behind this writing is that the author wants to spread democracy from a different point of view, namely from the Indonesian interpreter, namely M. Quraysh Shihab through his interpretation of the verses of the Qur'an. The formulation of this research problem is M. Quraysh Shihab's view of democracy. The purpose of this study was to find out what M. Quraysh Shihab said about democracy. Research is the study of figures, research methods used literature. The primary data of the work was written by M. Quraysh Shihab and secondary data in the form of writings of others about the thought of M. Quraysh Shihab. The results of M. Quraysh Shihab's research do not give a sense of democracy. But say joint decisions or so-called shura are a common feature of democracy. He argued that the implementation of democratic principles in Islam is different from that understood and practiced in Western countries. interpret the verses on shura namely: al-Baqarah verse 233, Āli 'Imrān verse 159, asy-Syūrā verse 38. The result of his interpretation is: First deliberation begins from the family. God is All-forgiving, All-merciful. Third, the problem that can be dimusyawarakan is a problem that has no provisions in the Qur'an and Sunnah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 58
Arlinta Prasetian Dewi

This research was conducted at several amil zakat institutions representing the Ponorogo area, namely BMH Ponorogo, LAZISMU ponorogo, BAZNAS Ponorogo Regency and LAZ Ummat Sejahtera. The location is adjusted to the origin of the institution. BMH and LAZISMU are under the auspices of the organization Hidayatullah and Muhamadiyah, BAZNAS under the auspices of the government in this case the ministry of religion, and LAZ Prosperous Community which is an independent institution. This research is qualitative descriptive field research. Methods of collecting data through observation, documentation, and interviews. While the type of data used is primary data and secondary data. From this study, it was concluded that the pattern of zakat distribution carried out by BMH and LAZ Prosperous Ummah could be said to be better and more innovative especially with the high professionalism of amil in work so that the distribution system could be optimally implemented, complete and organized in the hope that distribution could be optimized zakat institutions for the welfare of society will be greater.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 19-26
Raden Biroum Bernardianto ◽  
Vina Panduwinata

The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze the performance of the Regional Parliament of Palangka Raya in carrying out legislative powers and to describe and analyze the constraints that affect the Palangka Raya City DPRD in setting regional regulations. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The types and sources of data chosen by researchers are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used to obtain information are interviews and documentation. The results of the study show that the performance of the Palangka Raya City DPRD (DPRD) in exercising legislative power with the City of Palangka Raya government is quite good. In the period 2015 to 2017, 36 local regulations have been discussed and established. However, if it is reviewed from the proposal initiation, it can be said to be unsatisfactory, because only 9 Regional Regulations are the initiative of the Palangka Raya City DPRD. Factors that influence the performance of the DPRD of Palangka Raya City in setting regional regulations are: Human Resources, Data and Information, and Experience. The condition of Human Resources with an average Bachelor level education (21 out of 30 people) is actually a supporting factor for performance. Given that the basic education is not in line and experience that is still lacking, it becomes an obstacle to support the legislative performance of members of the Palangka Raya City DPRD.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2A) ◽  
pp. 91
Reno Raven Derek ◽  
Elsje P. Manginsela ◽  
Benu Olfie L.S.

This study aims to describe how farmers carry out a strategy of life on three groups of farmer: upper layer, middle layer and peasant farmers to finance their family daily life. This research was conducted in the urban village of Pandu, Sub-District Bunaken, Manado City. Most of them live from farming activities. The research was conducted in November 2015 through to March 2016. The primary data obtained from interviews to three (3) groups. Selection of the sample is purposive stratified sampling. Each group selected five respondents, so a total of 15 respondents. Collection of secondary data derived from the Urban Village Office of Pandu, Manado City. The results showed that the upper and middle groups of farmers tend to apply the accumulation strategy while consolidation strategy was not found. The two groups have incomes that exceed the needs of farming and of the results they could buy a cow, land or other assets. While farmers lower group implement survival strategies. This farmersgroup use their earnings for the daily needs of the family and the other half to farm. Limited income makes farmers can not save even they have to borrow money to supplement the family income either eat or buy school supplies for children.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Fawaid Fawaid

In conducting research, the authors use Islamic economic law research methods that adopt qualitative research methods including both primary data sources and secondary data, data collection techniques namely observation, interviews, documentation, data analysis techniques namely editing and organizing, checking the validity of data, and stages research stage. All this researchers use to find research results. The findings in this study are as follows: 1. In running a business as a transportation service provider, PT Kereta Api does not only focus on sales but also serves to cancel and change the schedules. 2. There are two kinds of cancellations, namely canceled buyers and canceled officers. 3. Cancellations and schedule changes are both manual and online. 4. Cancellation and schedule changes can be made as long as not exceeding the specified time limit. 5. In canceling and changing passengers' schedules, an administration fee of 25% of the ticket price is subject to administration.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-78

ABSTRAK Bagi guru aqidah akhlak, melaksanakan kinerjanya dengan baik dapat mempermudah proses pembentukan akhlaq, sehingga peserta didik mampu memiliki kemampuan di bidang kognitif, psikomotorik dan afektif. Pembentukan akhlak telah dilaksanakan dengan baik oleh guru aqidah akhlak, tetapi masih ada pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang menyebabkan peserta didik melakukan pelanggaran di sekolah. Data yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini yaitu dengan cara observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara tentang kinerja guru aqidah akhlaq dan peserta didik. Penelitian lapangan ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif yang bersumber pada data primer, yaitu data yang langsung diperoleh dari guru aqidah akhlak dan peserta didik, dan data skunder yaitu data yang diperoleh secara tidak langsung yaitu melalui media perantara atau dari pihak lain, seperti kepala sekolah dan dewan guru yang lain. Data-data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisa secara induktif, yakni dengan cara mengidentifikasi hal yang bersifat khusus lalu ditarik menjadi kesimpulan yang bersifat umum. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa masih ada pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh siswa. Pelanggaran ini di sebabkan oleh faktor internal dari peserta didik itu sendiri dan faktor eksternal yang berasal dari lingkungan keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat. Kata Kunci: akhlakul karimah, madrasah aliyah, siswa ABSTRACT For teachers aqidah akhlak, implement good performance can simplify the process of formation of morality, so that learners are able to have the ability in the field of cognitive, psychomotor and affective. Formation of morals has been adhered to by teachers aqidah akhlak, but still there are violations committed by learners. This study aims to determine what factors are causing learners foul in school. Data obtained from this study is by observation, documentation and interview about the performance of teachers and learners. The field research is descriptive qualitative which is based on primary data, ie data obtained directly from the teacher aqidah akhlak and learners, and secondary data is data obtained indirectly, namely through media intermediaries or from other parties, such as principals and teachers' board another. The data obtained is then analyzed inductively, by way of identifying things that are special and then pulled into general conclusions. The results of this study showed that there were violations committed by students. This violation is caused by internal factors of learners themselves and the external factors are derived from the family, school and community. Keyword: karimah akhlakul, madrasah aliyah, student

Mambang Mambang ◽  
Fatmah Fatmah

The purpose of this study is to explain and describe the Strategy of the Indonesian National Sports Committee in improving the achievements of athletes in Central Kalimantan province. The type of research used in this study is descriptive with qualitative research methods. Sources of data in this study are primary data, namely the Deputy General Chair of KONI, Deputy Secretary of KONI, Division of Organization and Management, KONI staff, Athletes and Coaches. While secondary data comes from official documents related to this research such as sports medal data acquisition, and data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. The focus of his research is to get a clear picture of the Strategy of the Indonesian National Sports Committee in improving Athlete Achievements in Central Kalimantan Province. The results of this study are that the KONI Strategy in improving the achievements of athletes in Central Kalimantan Province is already good, because of the five Performance indicators there are three indicators that have gone well, Responsiveness, Responsibility, Accountability while the two indicators have not gone well are Productivity and Quality of Service

   Mohamed El Amin Mahmoud Mohamed - Rami Osama El Ali

This study aimed to identify factors that affecting on Saudi consumer choice for shopping malls in Najran city. The study problem was determining those factors that drive Saudi consumer to shopping in those malls. The Statistical hypotheses that examined the impact of the following factors on consumer choice to shopping malls in najran were formulated: mall environment, the products offered at the mall, the price, the promotion, the location of the mall, mall employees, the family atmosphere and entertainment. To get the results, this study used descriptive analytical approach according to primary data that collected through questionnaire tool and secondary data that collected from books and scientific articles related to the subject. The study reached that there is significant statistical impact of the following variables: mall environment, verity of products, products prices. Promotion, mall place, mall employee’s services, and family atmosphere and entertainments on consumer choice to shopping malls in Najran. The more important recommendations of the study are the shopping malls must pay attention to provide some entertainment for customers of all ages with a view to attract them to the shopping malls.

Al-Qadha ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-159
Rasyidin & Mayang Diwana

In Islam divorce is something that is not prohibited but is an act that is hated by Allah SWT. In Islam itself, the law of divorce is makhruh. Especially in the Sawit Seberang community, divorce has occurred a lot, especially for migrant workers, so that a divorce that occurs in the community is no longer an unusual thing, because there are many factors that trigger divorce in the household. The purpose of this study is to find out what is the biggest factor that triggers so many divorce cases among the community, especially the Sawit Seberang community from among the husbands of immigrants. This research method uses qualitative research methods (field research). The primary data sources were obtained through observation and interviews with the community and the parties concerned who clearly knew about the divorce case. based on the results of research that has been carried out by the author, the author concludes that the dominant factor in the occurrence of divorce among nomad husbands in Sawit Seberang District is the infidelity factor. It can be concluded that the existence of a third party is something that is very influential in household resilience, and this often happens, especially in the Sawit Seberang community.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1A) ◽  
pp. 101
Deysi ., Kaseke ◽  
Carolina B.D. Pakasi ◽  
Charles R. Ngangi

This study aims to (1) identify the level of untidiness of setllement area in Sindulang Satu Urban Village based on identification of slum conditions (physical), other considerations and legality of land at the site, (2) analyze the pattern of handling the slums and choose the appropriate pattern to be applied to the region. Region slums in the city of Manado North Sulawesi selected as the study area. Limitation of the study area is determined on a region-located strategically Sindulang One area that affects the tourism sector as well as residential typology which is a blend of rolling hills and waterfront settlements (DAS Tondano) and the beach (Boulevard Phase II). The research was conducted for 2 (two) months from the month of January 2017 to February 2017. Methods of data collection is done by the method of field research (Field Research Methods) as well as with library research methods (Library Research Methode). The data used in this research is the primary data collected and processed its own form of existing data found in the object of research is the identification of space utilization, status of ownership of land and buildings, state of the infrastructure and facilities of existing settlements. In addition, also used secondary data is data obtained from other parties or data that are processed or published by various government agencies (Kotaku. 2016). The variables used in this study is the data on the observation of research sites, including the identification of the condition of untidiness / physical, identification of other considerations and identification of the legality of the land, as follows: (1) The condition of the building, (2) The condition of roads, with criteria ie the coverage of the environment and the quality of the road surface environment, (3) the condition of water supply, (4) the condition of drainage environment, (5) Condition wastewater management, (6) Conditions waste management, (7) the condition of fire protection, (8) another consideration, (9) The legality of land. The analysis was performed with regard to the object of analysis and interpretation of the data description of the physical condition, other considerations and the legality of land obtained in the field / location of research and literature review, then associated with a pattern appropriate treatment to be applied to an area of research. The analysis was performed using analysis techniques Formula Rate location based on the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing No. 02 / PRT / M / 2016 on Improving the Quality of the Slum Housing and Slum (Anon. 2016). Then the pattern of treatment in improving the quality of slum area carried out in accordance with Law No. 1 of 2011 Article 97 (Anonymous, 2011), through (1) The restoration; (2) Rejuvenation; or (3) Resettlement. Handling practices followed by management to maintain the quality of housing and settlements. The research showed that (1) the area of Sindulang One Urban Village is one area of slums in the city of Manado with typologies / characteristics of settlements in the hills, plains and the waters edge (DAS Tondano and the waterfront) is based on the identification of the condition of untidiness, other considerations and the legality of land categorized as slum heavy that its existence is affecting the level of the city of Manado in general untidiness, therefore, this area can be prioritized to be one of the priority areas in the handling of the slums. The pattern of treatment that can be done to do that is the rejuvenation of the city with alternative land sharing to maximize the feasibility of the location to the fulfillment of environmental facilities and public facilities on land that is legal, and the land consolidation which is a pattern of development that is based on the wisdom of setting land ownership to improve the quality of life and maintenance resources natural as well as maximizing the strategic location of the region.

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