scholarly journals Pluralisme dalam Perspektif Pemikiran Gus Dur dan Nurcholish Majid

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (02) ◽  
pp. 75-90
Asripa Asripa ◽  
Devy Habibi Muhammad ◽  
Ari Susandi

The purpose of this research is to understand the thoughts of Gus Dur and Nurcholish Majid about pluralism. In Indonesian society, which is pluralistic, friction between understandings in various structures of community groups is unavoidable. For this reason, it is important to understand how Gus Dur and Nurcholish Majid think in terms of pluralism. And what are the similarities and differences in their thinking. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach and the type of research is library research. Data collection comes from several books and scientific works in the form of journals that are relevant to the themes in the research. The data processing in this study was analyzed in accordance with a count approach (statistics) but through the presentation of thoughts, opinions of experts, or information related to the problem. Gus Dur's idea of ​​pluralism has the main goal of creating harmonization of a pluralistic Indonesian society. And according to Nurcholish majid pluralism is a positive value and grace from God to mankind to enrich the growth of diverse cultures.      Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memhami pemikiran Gus dur dan Nurcholish Majid tentang pluralisme. Dalam masyarakat indonesia yang mejemuk  pergesekan antar paham diberbagai struktur kelompok masyarakat tidak dapat dihindari. Untuk itu penting memahami bagaimana pemikiran Gus Dur dan Nurcholish Majid dalam hal pluralisme. Serta apa saja persamaan dan perbedaan dalam pemikiran keduanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dan jenis penelitiannya adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library reseach). Pengumpulan data bersumber dari beberapa buku dan karya ilmiah berupa jurnal yang relevan dengan tema yang ada dalam penelitian. Adapun Pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini  dianalisis sesuai dengan pendekatan hitungan (statistik) tetapi memalui penyajian pemikiran,pendapat para ahli, atau informasi yang berhubungan dengan permasalahan. Gasasan pluralisme Gus Dur memiliki tujuan utama yaitu menciptakan harmonisasi masyarakat Indonesia yang majemuk. Dan  menurut Nurcholish majid pluralisme merupakan nilai positif dan rahmat dari Tuhan kepada umat manusia untuk memperkaya pertumbuhan budaya yang beraneka ragam. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-32
Moh Rosyid

Tujuan ditulisnya artikel ini untuk mengidentifikasi jejak Hindu Kuno di Kawasan Menara Kudus Jawa Tengah. Metode yang digunakan dalam riset ini adalah deskriptif analitik yakni cara mendeskripsikan dan menganalisa data berupa bangunan kuno berupa Menara Masjid Al-Aqsha, Makara/Kalla, dan dua gapura (kori) di Masjid al-Aqsha. Riset ini mendeskripsikan, menganalisis, dan menginterpretasi data berdasarkan observasi danliteratur. Hasilnya,kondisi benda cagar budaya yang menyerupai peninggalan Hindu di Kawasan Menara Kudus(1) Menara hasil renovasi erakolonial tahun 1880, 1913, 1933, dan oleh BPCB Jawa Tengah tahun 1980, 2011, 2013, dan 2014.Kondisinya kini tidak lagi asli karya masa lalu tapi bentuknya tetap utuh, 80 persen hasil renovasi BPCB Jawa Tengah akibat Menara mengalami kerusakan diterpa hujan, cuaca/iklim/angin, dan getaran akibat pengguna jalan di depan Menara yakni mobil dan sepeda motor.Rekomendasi BPCB Jawa Tengah sejak tahun 2018 mobil umum dilarang melintas jalan di depan Menara oleh Pemda Kudus hingga kini, (2) dua gapura (kori) di serambi dan di dalam Masjid Menara Kudus kondisinya baik dan utuh, dan (3) kala/makara posisinya ada di tempat wudlu.Untuk merawat kesinambungan Kawasan Kauman Menara Kudus agar lestari, Pemda Kudus perlu mencanangkannya sebagai kota pusaka.   This article identifying the Kuno Hindu Trail in Region Kudus Minaret Central Java. This research data were descriptive analysis a by interview, participatory observation, and literature review. Data collection was analyzed using a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection was observationand literature. Research result, condition culture reserve relic Hindu in Kudus Minaret (1) minaret, renovation colonial era in the year of 1880, 1913, 1933 and BPCB Central Java 0f 1980, 2911, 2013, and 2014. The condition is now not original after renovation although the shape is still intact. The minaret is damaged because get rained on, weather, vibration due to the car. The recomanded BPCB until 2018 the car prohibited from passing in front of minaret, (2) two gate (kori) in the masque al-Aqsha good condition and intact, (3) kala/makara in ablution place. To preserve holy government Kudus need to schedule the city heritage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-142

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is an effect of cooperation between parents and teachers on Islamic religious education at MTs Muhammadiyah 03 Sedayulawas Lamongan. This research is a qualitative research with a background at MTs Muhammadiyah 03 Sedayulawas Lamongan. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews / interviews, and documentation. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach, so the presence of researchers in the field is very important. Researchers act directly as instruments and as data collectors from in-depth observations and are actively involved in research. Data in the form of words were obtained from informants,while additional data was in the form of documents. Data analysis is done by examining existing data, then reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions and the final stage of data analysis is to validate the data by using the accuracy and persistence of triangulation observations. The results showed: (1) The cooperation of parents and teachers. (2) Efforts to improve Islamic Religious Education. (3) The effect of cooperation between parents and teachers on Islamic Religious Education

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Moh Rosyid

This article to description Adam religion and worship Samin community in Region Kudus  Central Java. This research data were descriptive analysis a by interview, participatory observation, and literature review. Data collection was analyzed using a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection was observation and literature. Public research aim get rid of stigma as a dissident, ateis, poor. By understanding about Samin realize tolerance. Result, word ‘Adam’ for Samin is prime god creatures. Religious Adam teachings semedi, pray, fasting, and manifested in life wisdom. A place of worship in home (sanggar pamujan), best time of worship at midnight time. Obedience and disobedience dependens personally. Adam religions by government is indigeneus religions. The teachings by oral traditions.basic problem fased Samin community is poor not be a farmer anymore especially young children, not united and disagree between Samin the impact of understanding the teachings said inherit need a middle ground between Samin the attempts to argue for government watch out for. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-127
Idammatussilmi Idammatussilmi ◽  
Anifatul Latifah

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis desain pembelajaran menulis puisi anak melalui pembelajaran daring selama pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan jumlah subjek 20. Metode pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Data penelitian diuji keabsahannnya dengan triangulasi sumber. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan terdiri dari tahap reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa puisi anak yang buat oleh siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ma’arif Asmaul Husna sudah sesuai dengan unsur intrinsik teori Nurgiantoro.AbstractThis study aims to analyze the design of learning to write poetry for children through online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach with 20 subjects. The data collection methods were interviews, observation and documentation. The validity of the research data was tested by triangulation of sources. The data analysis technique used consisted of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that the children's poetry made by students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ma'arif Asmaul Husna is in accordance with the intrinsic elements of Nurgiantoro's theory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 498-505
Irwan Irwan

The research aims to identify and develop the revitalization of civic disposition in fostering the values of Pancasila at SDN 3 Nganganaumala. The research design used a qualitative research type with a qualitative descriptive approach. The subjects used as samples in this study were students, educators, school leaders and parents, totaling 52 people. Research data collection was carried out by observation, interview and documentation techniques. Data analysis used an interactive model consisting of sorting data, describing the data and interpreting conclusions. The results showed that the revitalization of civic disposition in fostering the values of Pancasila in SDN 3 Nganganaumala from all the participants had different answers and experiences consisting of the competence of role models for good students, a conducive and meaningful will given to students , habits of self-respect and integration of school members in fostering morality. The conclusion from research in the revitalization of civic disposition fosters the values of Pancasila, all school residents and parents who have been applied in schools have a good effect.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Fatih Fuadi

Indonesia is a country that has diverse cultures and religions, so zakah and tax are two things that cannot be released. Both of them have different meanings and treatments, where zakah is only charged to Muslims and the tax are imposed on all Indonesian citizens whose income above an average. This paper aims to determine the similarities and differences of the concept of zakah and tax, the opinion of scholars about them, and the last is to know about the effective zakah management of with the adoption of some concept of tax management. In this study, used data collection techniques in the form of library research. The research findings show that the similarity between the concept of zakah and the tax is as follows; both of them have the element of coercion and management. The difference both of the are as follows; in terms of name, legal basis and nature of its obligations, as well as from the object, percentage, and utilization. The concept of tax which can be applied in order to obtain an effective zakah management are as follows: first, giving sanction to the zakah manager and negligence muzakki. Second, an improvement of zakah administration system consisting of function, system and institution. Third, the existence of zakah information system. Fourth, the formation of zakah directorate as well as the formation of tax directorate, And the latter developing an independent institution that acts as an auditor of zakah institution.

Suci Armala

Cohesion and coherence in discourse play a role in forming a wholeness in the discourse itself, both discourse and writing. One of the written discourses is the news in the Jawa Pos newspaper, which is the distribution of basic food packages breaking the fast of Ramadhan for the poor in the Tuban area held by PT. PJB UBJOM PLTU Tanjung Awar-awar, in this news is thought to contain elements of cohesion and coherence. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach and discourse analysis techniques. The data obtained contains cohesion and coherence. In this data collection, namely by listening to the news and recording it. The results of this study include grammatical cohesion, lexical cohesion and its coherence. Grammatical cohesion includes reference cohesion, recovery cohesion, release cohesion and liaison cohesion. In addition to cohesion there is also coherence that is like the coherence of the means of purpose, the coherence of reasons for action, the coherence of the meaning of reason and so forth. With the discovery of the use of cohesion and discourse coherence in Jawa Pos news.

Risna Dewi Kinanti ◽  
Dudy Imanudin Effendi ◽  
Abdul Mujib

Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui proses bimbingan keagamaan, fungsi bimbingan keagamaan serta hasil bimbingan keagamaan dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan spiritual remaja di Boarding School SMK PPN Tanjungsari. Dengan pertanyaan penelitian 1) Bagaimana proses bimbingan keagamaan di Boarding School SMK PPN Tanjungsari?, 2) Bagaiamana fungsi bimbingan keagamaan di Boarding School SMK PPN Tanjungsari?, 3) Bagaimana hasil bimbingan keagamaan dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan spiritual remaja di Boarding School SMK PPN Tanjungsari?. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan datanya dilakukan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, dikarenakan masalah yang diteliti perlu dilukiskan secara sistematis dan faktual dengan menggambarkan keadaan atau status fenomena. Hasil bimbingan keagamaan di Boarding School SMK PPN adalah munculnya aspek-aspek kecerdasan spiritual pada remaja seperti kesadaran untuk menghayati proses ibadah bukan sebagai pengguguran kewajiban, terbiasa berperilaku baik, memiliki prinsip keadilan, memiliki prinsip kebenaran, mampu mengambil hikmah dari musibah yang dihadapinya, bersikap fleksibel, bersikap kritis dan merenungkan penyebab serta alasan segala sesuatu terjadi. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa bimbingan keagamaan di Boarding Schoool SMK PPN memiliki peranan yang sangat menunjang dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan spiritual remaja. The purpose of this study is to find out how the proccess of islamic guidance, function of islamic guidance, and result of islamic guidance to increase SpritualQuetiont in adolescence. With research questions 1) How the proccess of islamic guidance to increase spiritual quetiont on adolescence ?, 2) What is the function of islamic guidance to increase Spiritual Quetiont on adolescence?, 3) How are the results of islamic guidance to increase Spiritual Quetiont on adolescence?. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive approach with subject and object of research is guidancer. While the data collection tool in this study through observation, direct interview and written interviews. From the results of research conducted at Boarding School SMK PPN Tanjungsari, it appears of Spiritual Quetiont in adolescents. Such as the behavior of living the worship process, get used to behave well, be fair, be wise, able to take lessons from the difficulties they experienced, be flexible, be critical. So, we can conclude that islamic Guidance has a very supportive role in increasing adolescent Spiritual Quetiont.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 23

This study aimed to describe the value of cohesion and coherence contained in the translation of the Qur'an surah Al Zalzalah. This study was a qualitative descriptive research, research data collection techniques using three techniques namely, inventory, rading and understanding, and record keeping. The data analysis used the coding of data, classification data, and the determination of the data. The results showed that the cohesion markers used in the translation of surah Al Zalzalah discourse are: 1) reference, 2) pronouns, ie pronouns second person, and third, the relative pronoun, the pronoun pointer, pen pronouns and pronouns owner, 3 ) conjunctions, namely temporal conjunctions, coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, and conjunctions koorelatif, and 4) a causal ellipsis. It mean that there was a coherence in the translation of surah Al Zalzalah discourse are: the addition or addition, pronouns, repetition or repetition, match words or synonyms, in whole or in part, a comparison or ratio of conclusions or results. Keywords: Cohesion, Coherence, sura Al Zalzalah AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai kohesi dan koherensi yang terdapat dalam terjemahan Al-Qur’an surah Al Zalzalah. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan tiga teknik yakni, inventarisasi, baca simak, dan pencatatan. Teknik analisis data menggunakan pengodean data, pengklasifikasian data, dan penentuan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemarkah kohesi yang digunakan dalam wacana terjemahan surah Al Zalzalah adalah: 1) referensi, 2) pronomina, yaitu kata ganti orang kedua, dan ketiga, kata ganti penghubung, kata ganti penunjuk, kata ganti penanya dan kata ganti empunya, 3) konjungsi, yaitu konjungsi temporal, konjungsi koordinatif, konjungsi subordinatif, dan konjungsi koorelatif, dan 4) elipsis kausal. Sarana koherensi yang terdapat di dalam wacana terjemahan surah Al Zalzalah adalah: penambahan atau adisi, pronomina, pengulangan atau repetisi, padan kata atau sinonim, keseluruhan atau bagian, komparasi atau perbandingan simpulan atau hasil.Kata Kunci: Kohesi, Koherensi, surah Al Zalzalah

2019 ◽  
Novi Rozalita AR

ABSTRACTInformation systems in the processing of student value using the program the computer can facilitate teachers in processing student value more quickly and effectively. So as to produce information quickly and accurately in searching the data value of students. One is the use of E-report cards in processing grades at MAN 1 Sungai Panuah. The main focus of this research is "Processing Student Value of E-Grade X Class at MAN 1 Sungai Panuah" This research was conducted at MAN 1 Sungai Panuah by using Qualitative Descriptive approach. Data collection method used is interview

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