Mariya Veleva ◽  

Tourism is characterized by a highly dynamic internal and external environment, which means that adaptation and periodic changes are an integral part of the organizational life of tourism organizations. The present study aims to indicate how and why the socio-psychological aspects of governance are essential for human resource management in tourism organizations. In this regard, it is clarified what are the applied aspects of social psychology related to management and organizational behavior. The areas of application of these aspects are outlined, the connection between the management of human resources in the tourism organizations and the derived socio-psychological aspects of the management is indicated.


Pegawai PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Barat Cabang Flamboyan harus ditingkatkan dikarenakan faktor sumber daya manusia perlu diperhatikan dalam meningkatkan kinerja kerja karena adanya pengetahuan dan kesadaran di dalam diri setiap manusia atau tenaga kerja bagi suatu organisasi. Permasalahan pada penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja pegawai yang dimediasi oleh kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasional Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan: 1) Berdasarkan hasil pengujian menunjukkan nilai probabilitas Gaya Kepemimpinan sebesar 0,000 lebih kecil dari 0,05 (probabilitas <0,05) sehingga Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel Gaya Kepemimpinan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kepuasan. 2) nilai probabilitas Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Kepuasan Kerja dan  sebesar 0,000 lebih kecil dari 0,05 (probabilitas <0,05) sehingga Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel Gaya Kepemimpinan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Komitmen Organisasional. 3) nilai probabilitas Gaya Kepemimpinan, Kepuasan Kerja dan Komitmen Organisasional sebesar 0,000, 0,002, dan 0,000 lebih kecil dari 0,05 (probabilitas < 0,05) sehingga Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel Gaya Kepemimpinan, Kepuasan Kerja dan Komitmen Organisasional berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja.Kata Kunci : Gaya Kepemimpinan, Kepuasan Kerja, Komitmen Organisasional Dan Kinerja DAFTAR PUSTAKA Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2002. Metode Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktis. Jakarta: Renika Cipta.-------. 2006. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktis. Jakarta: Renika Cipta. Bernardin, H. John dan Joyce E.A Russel. 2003. Human Resource Management (an Experimental Approach Internal Edition), Singapore: Mc Graw Hill Inc. Dubrin, Andrew J. 2005. Leadership (Terjemahan). Edisi Kedua. 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2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 403-422
Ahmad Saefulloh ◽  
Fisher Zulkarnaen ◽  
Dewi Sadiah

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi manajemen sumber daya manusia pondok pesantren pagelaran II sumedang, dan mengetahui bagaimana hasil kinerja santri di pondok pesantren pagelaran II sumedang.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik observasi, studi dokumentasi dan wawancara.Hasil Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa peran manajemen sumber daya manusia dalam mengoptimalkan kinerja santri di pondok pesantren pagelaran II sumedang yang diawali dengan pengolaan dalam bentuk fungsi perencanaan dan operasional yang baru.Terutama pengrekrutan jajaran assatidz yang berdedikasi dan berpendidikan tinggi masuk ke pondok pesantren pagelaran II. Sehingga keberlangsungan pesantren akan berinovasi dan pengendalian selalu sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa manajemen sumber daya manusia di pondok pesantren pagelaran II sumedang telah dijalankan dengan baik dan menunjukan keberhasilan dalam upaya menyiapkan insan kamil. ABSTRAK It aims to know how to implementation of human resources management hut pesantren by fire ii, and find out How did santri's performance result in the pesantren pagelaran 2 Sumedang. The method used in this study is a descriptive method, data collection is done using observation techniques, a documentary study and debriefing. This study found that human resource management's role in optimizing santri's performance in pondok pesantren pagelaran 2 Sumedang. That begin with processing in the form of new planning and operational functions. Particularly recruits for the dedicated, highly educated assatidz went into the pagelaran 2 Sumedang. So martial arts have continued to innovate and control always conforms to the development of The Times. So it is inadmissible that the human resources management at pesantren pagelaran 2 sumedang has been well run and show that is successful in preparing for the perfect human being.

Bader Yahya Alshahrani, Adullah Ali Alammar

A study entitled the challenges facing human resource management in applying the modern concepts of human resources management by applying to the hospitals in Khamis Mushait. This study aims to identify the challenges facing human resource management in applying modern concepts of human resources management. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, of the nature of the study, while the questionnaire was used as a main tool for data collection. The study population is from the private hospitals in Khamis Mushait. The sample of the study was 91 workers. The study reached a set of results. Maha: The challenges of the external environment are the most influential in the application of modern concepts of human resources management in the hospitals of Khamis Mushait, while the application of modern concepts of human resources management in private hospitals in Khamis Mushait medium degree with a relative weight (65.80%). The results showed no differences Statistical significance among the opinions of hospital staff in Khamis Mushait on their appreciation of the challenges facing human resource management in applying the modern concepts of human resources management due to the gender variable and the variable age, the variable of scientific qualification and the variable years of service. To study the need to apply modern concepts of human resources management as an essential part of the culture of the institution, and to create a permanent relationship between management and employees to promote the application of modern concepts of human resources management, and attention to continuous training to develop the skills of staff and develop their abilities to achieve development of the hospital.

2016 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 281-300 ◽  
Biljana Đorđević

Abstract In today’s business conditions, the internationalisation of business becomes an almost inevitable precondition for future growth and development of organisations. However, internationalisation of business usually requires organisations to implement some changes in the way they operated in the previous period. One of the areas that require some changes is the area of human resource management, too. Factors which require modifications in this system are related primarily to the legal regulations of other countries, but also to the characteristics of their national culture. The former influence comes from the fact that national culture exerts a powerful influence on the system of values, attitudes and behaviour of people in a particular country and, among the other things, on the preferences for policies and procedures in the field of human resources management. Starting from the above, this paper analyses the impact of certain dimensions of national culture on the preferred content of human resources management in organisations in certain countries. The aim of the paper is to provide the theoretical basis for organisations that internationalised their business, or intend to do so, to create system of human resource management in the entities abroad which, at least, will represent the balance between the system that is applied at headquarter and one that is preferred in entities abroad, in order to be effective.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Biljana Panić ◽  
Jana Cvijić ◽  
Nada Petrović

The importance study shows is based on the possibility of a company that through proper human resources management strategy achieved an increase in effectiveness and efficiency, and therefore the productivity of business in the conditions of high competition. Strategic management of human resources is an important part of the sphere of management, and is based on a theoretical - practical knowledge in the field of work psychology. Human resource management can significantly influence the behavior of employees, their attitudes and success. People, their skills, knowledge and information are the characteristic of the each organization and can not be copied. It must be borne in mind that human resource management can fail if the pursuit organitzacija hire the wrong people, or if they are not motivated enough to their employed. Human resources management strategy needs to be aligned with the company’s strategy. Basic objectives and methods of human resource management needs to ensure the success of the company. Human resources management strategy has an important operational and managerial function carried out by managers of human reusrse. Management Strategy managers are determined by the quality of employees and their potential. The objectives of human resources management in the organization is directly related to the individual indicators work and results achieved by the employees. From the quality of motivation and stimulation of employees rise to its productivity, loyalty and quality of work. At the organizational level, human resource management strategy should be aimed at increasing the level of average productivity, improving quality, improving working conditions. Planing human resources is achieved competitive strategy of the organization. All of that contribute the most to employees and their productive possibility.

Mykhailo Vedernikov ◽  
Oksana Chernushkina ◽  
Lesia Volianska-Savchuk ◽  
Maria Zelena ◽  
Natalia Bazaliyska

The purpose of the article. The article considers the features of strategic human resource management as the basis of strategic potential, which affects the competitiveness of the enterprise, determines the directions of its development. The scheme of the system of strategic human resources management is presented. The goals of personnel policy and a set of tasks that allow them to be implemented are determined. The ways of realization of the strategy of human resources management at an industrial enterprise are offered. It is established that the process of implementing the strategy of the enterprise should be divided into certain conditional stages, which should be included in the action plan for the implementation of the strategy.Methodology. The strategic goal of human resources management system is to ensure the development of the enterprise through the efficient use of human capital. When forming a human resources management strategy, the main task is to identify and take into account future changes and trends, to justify changes that contribute to the sustainable development of the enterprise.The process of strategy development and implementation is continuous, which is covered in close connection with the solution of strategic tasks both in the long run and in the medium and short term, i.e. their solution in terms of strategic, tactical and operational management. Such specification of human resources management strategy and bringing it to strategic objectives and individual actions is embodied in the strategic plan – a document containing specific tasks and measures to implement the strategy, the timing of their implementation and responsible executors for each task, the amount of resources required.Results. Implementation of human resources management strategy is an important stage of the strategic management process. For it to be successful, the organization's management must adhere to the following rules: firstдн, the goals, strategies, tasks of personnel management must be carefully and timely communicated to all employees of the organization in order to obtain from them not only understanding of the organization and service personnel management, but also informal involvement in the implementation of strategies, in particular, the development of obligations to employees of the organization to implement the strategy; secondдн, the general management of the organization and the heads of personnel management service must not only ensure the timely use of all necessary resources (material, equipment, office equipment, financial, etc.), but also have a plan for implementing the strategy in the form of targeted guidelines for the state and development labor potential and record the achievement of each goal.Practical implications. The process of implementing the strategy of an industrial enterprise requires fundamentally different approaches than the process of strategy formation. First of all, because it is mainly organizational process, while the formation of strategy is mainly an analytical one. The process of implementing the company's strategy can also be divided into certain conditional stages, more precisely, areas of activity that should be included in the action plan to implement the strategy. Initial among them is decomposition, i.e. the development on the basis of a strategic plan of tactical, operational plans, as well as policies, programs, projects, rules and procedures.Value/originality. Thus, the relationship of personnel strategy and general strategy of enterprise development is realized through a mechanism that includes: coordination of goals of both strategies, the relationship of their functions, coordination of business processes of personnel management with other business processes, integration of personnel strategy results to aggregate results of the organization, control of compliance of the obtained results with the defined strategic goals of the organization. Of particular importance is the approach to human resource management as a business process. Personnel processes as a certain sequence of interrelated actions for the implementation of personnel management functions are aimed at: transformation of human assets of the organization in accordance with its strategic priorities; transformation of working conditions of employees of the organization in accordance with the expectations and needs of staff; creation of new management technologies and other HR-products.

2021 ◽  
Veronica Yefian

The best for companies in Indonesia to survive in the midst of glogal economic is by transforming their business and human resources, given that changes in business concepts are highly driven and patterned by advances in information technology that are exponentially increasing. The innovative steps of transformation, however, should refer to Good Corporate Governance, as an operational foundation and guarantee trust from stakeholders. The era of economic disruption requires companies in Indonesia to always generate new values in all aspects so that performance can increase and the companies are able to survive in the market by gaining positive profits. Human resources management is also important, especially when there is employee engagement in facing threats originating from the external environment.

2021 ◽  
Liam James

Dramatic changes due to the current COVID-19 coronavirus have unparalleled effects on businesses acrossthe globe and have deeply affected human resources management. HRM has taken the lead in handlingemployees to deal with pressures and continue to work remotely to continue its activities in a vaguecurrent and unforeseen future. However, the HRM had to contend with the pandemic lock-down dismissaland staff reduction. The paper is focused on the analysis approach used by qualitative experts. It addressesthe problems faced by HRM in Romania, identifies the human resources ramifications of the situation andidentifies solutions. It addresses the problems HRM has been facing in Romania, ascertains the effects thecrisis has on human resources, points out the strategies companies implemented, and make s suggestionsfor addressing the crisis from the point of view of HRM. Based on the results, this study recommend thefollowing: giving more consideration for worker mental wellbeing, performing medical tests during theselection process, and encouraging the sick employees to remain at home and developing crisismanagement plans.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Dedy Alamsyah ◽  
A Khalik ◽  
Dian Nisa Istofa

This study aims to analyze the efficiency of human resource management in improving the quality of Muaro Jambi Extraordinary School. This study uses qualitative descriptive methods. Data is collected through observations, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that SLB Muaro Jambi applies two management functions in managing its SDM, namely the planning and implementation functions. Human Resource Management consists of planning the needs and development of educators and education personnel; procurement of capacity building training for teachers and staff/employees. The implementation of human resources involves committees, teachers, and staff/ employees to realize the activities that have been planned. Human Resources Management can effectively improve the quality of education in SLB.

2012 ◽  
pp. 854-870
Maureen McDonald ◽  
J. Scott McDonald ◽  
Gerald A. Merwin ◽  
Keith A. Merwin ◽  
Mathew Richardson

Most local governments employ an intranet within the organization, to assist in human resources. A telephone survey of local government officials (n=17) found these intranet sites employ few Web 2.0 applications. The survey found most cities have plans to increase their use of Web 2.0 applications for human resources management. However, the recent economic recession has adversely impacted these plans. The chapter forwards recommendations to improve local governments’ use of Web 2.0 applications while maintaining cost efficiencies.

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