scholarly journals Sistem Pakar Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor untuk Estetika Kulit Wanita dalam Menjaga Kesehatan

Subrianto Chandra ◽  
Yuhandri Yunus ◽  
Sumijan Sumijan

The skin is an important organ located on the outside of the human body that needs to be kept healthy. Good skin health will certainly increase self-confidence, especially for women. Lack of information about diseases and treatment solutions and the small number of professional estheticians means that women end up not consulting when skin problems arise. If left untreated, skin problems will be more serious. The purpose of this study was to identify the accuracy of skin problems in women so that a solution in caring for the skin was obtained. The data processed in this study are the results of an interview from an aesthetic doctor about skin problems in women and the solutions and symptoms experienced by patients. Then the data obtained manually were processed using the Certainty Factor method and tested with a website-based system. The processing stage of this method is the compilation of symptoms into rules, giving weight values ​​for each symptom and calculating based on the Certainty Factor rule formula. The results of testing this method were 13 data on aesthetic skin diseases identified from 15 trial data. So that the level of accuracy is 86.67%. The results of this test have been able to identify well. The Certainty Factor method used can identify quite specifically and can be recommended to skin aesthetic doctors in increasing accuracy for identifying skin problems in women.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-17
Sudi Utari ◽  
Uky Yudatama ◽  
Bambang Pujiarto

The skin, which is the largest part  of the human body, is the body's first defense against bacterial and virus attacks. When the skin is exposed to the sun, dry weather, or bacteria, the reaction will spread to other parts of the body, and can even result in death if it is too late to be handled especially if the sufferers are children who are very vulnerable to disease. In this study an expert system was implemented to diagnose skin diseases in infants using the certainty factor method. certainty factor method is very suitable for expert systems that diagnose something that is uncertain. This system makes a diagnosis based on the symptoms felt by the user and then calculates certainty factors based on existing symptoms. Based on the test results by making comparisons between manual calculations and the one carried out by the system it is known that 90.22% of the diagnosis results get the same results so that the system is said to be suitable for use.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 110
Ikhsan Romli ◽  
E Romansyah ◽  
Andika Permana

Herpes Zoster is a skin disease that is very difficult to treat and everyone can certainly experience it, the characteristics of this disease are characterized by unilateral vesicles in groups with pain characterized by radicular around the dermatome. This study aims to establish a Web-based Certainty factor method as a tool to diagnose skin diseases. With this application, it doesn’t need long time to find out what type of herpes zoster is suffering. To use this application  is that the patient answers the questions which are provided by the system, then the system will process all the patient answers using the certainty factor method, after that, the system will produce output as the results of the diagnosis of the type of shingles. The system built can help patients to know the type of disease that is being suffered by the patients and in accordance with expert analysis of skin diseases.Keywords:Certainty factor, Herpes zoster, web.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 21
Elis Nurhayatmi ◽  
Zaenal Muttaqin ◽  
Ahmad Sugiyarta ◽  
Ryan Naufal Hay’s

Intestine is one of the organs of the digestive system in the human body which is shaped like pipes and act as gatekeeper food system for our bodies. Many people do not noticed his intestines health because they are too busy with his activity, or lazy to go to the doctor, even when hospital were many visitors there is also felt a lot of to waste time to queue up because they want to get their turn to be checked and a lot of costs to be incurred. This research discusses about creating expert system to diagnose intestinal diseases using certainty factor method.  Applications developed with Visual Basic programming language with MySQL as its database. The results of this research able to do early diagnosis of the symptoms that is felt system users, and provide diagnostic results such as type of disease suffered, prevention and its information.

SinkrOn ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 98
Linda Marlinda ◽  
Widiyawati Widiyawati ◽  
Wahyu Indrarti ◽  
Reni Widiastuti

Many animal keepers at home who do not know the disease contained in the animal's body. Especially for dogs, the lack of information begins to provide care, hygiene, vaccinations for the health of pet dogs and sickles that will be caused by dogs to their owners. Expert systems can provide solutions to the lack of information obtained by pet dog owners, especially dogs. With this expert system, the owner can know the dog's disease and realize the right prevention in treatment. In this paper 25, physical symptoms of the disease are used and found 8 types of common dog diseases. Five options are given to answer the calculation question using each method: no, quite sure, sure enough, certain, and certainty sure. Accuracy Analysis of each method is tested by assessing the results of each analysis method based on user feedback. The results of this study are the application of an expert system that can diagnose dogs using herbal medicines from plants. The purpose of this study is to implement the certainty factor method in the diagnosis system of canine diseases that can provide space in providing value confidence in knowledge. The conclusion in this study will show some questions as indicators of the characteristics of canine disease, until the final question. The conclusion of the study using the certainty factor method will show the characteristics of the disease in dogs. By being obtained from Rabies (0.9) with easy to get angry refuse nomal food; Hepatitis (0,9) with swelling of the liver occurs; Distemser (0,8) with stomach part blister and festering discharge from the eye; canine parvorius (0,8) with loss of appetite and poop there is blood, herpesvirus (0,8) with  often roared and complaints,  papilomatosis (0,9) with Smelly dog breath, and leptospirosis (0,7) with complaints, and dirofilaria immitis (0,9) with Unstable body temperature

Mohammad Arman Prambudi ◽  
Achmad Muchayan

Health is a very important factor in the human body. If the health of ourselves is interrupted, it is also interrupted by someone to do the activity. There are several diseases that have a lot of sufferers. One of them is the disease of the respiratory system. Respiratory system is defined generally as a matter that disrupts the process of breathing in our body. Diseases of the respiratory system is one of the main problems of public health in Indonesia, because the disease is a human breathing. The expert system is a library of specialists or an expert in diseases of the respiratory system and the conditions used to take the conclusion of the symptoms. In the calculation process used the certanity factor method to find a percentage level of confidence. The Parameter used in the diagnosis is the symptom chosen by the sufferer. The conclusion of this application results in the diagnosis of the disease suffered and the percentage result of confidence through the selected symptoms.  Keywords: Respiratory disease, expert system, Certainty Factor  

Oktavio Nansia ◽  
Bosker Sinaga

In this study, the authors conducted research to apply the Certainty Factor Method to Diagnose Diseases in Livestock and build applications in the application of Reviews These methods. Information technology is now a staple in developing a field. Along with the development of the times, proper information management is needed, so we need an Appropriate computational method. In this case the expert system method is one way to find out or identify diseases in poultry that have been infected with bacteria or viruses. A form of management information system specifically created to support a plan in making decisions to solve a case or problem. Artificial Intelligence (Artifical Intelligence) is one part of computer science that makes machines (computers) can do work as and as well as humans do. Expert System is one of the Artificial Intelligence techniques that attempts to adopt human knowledge into computers, so that computers can solve problems as is usually done by experts. Diagnosing disease in poultry is currently a problem that is still underestimated for most people, this is due to lack of knowledge or lack of information in terms of Overcoming and Preventing Contaminated, viruses or bacteria. Certainty Theory Theory was suggested by Shortlife and Buchanan in 1975 to a accommodate the uncertainty of thinking or inexact reasoning of an expert. Phrases like "maybe", "most likely", "almost Certain". To a accommodate this, Researchers conducted a certainty factor method to describe the level of expert confidence in problems in diseases Suffered by chickens already infected with dangerous viruses.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 107
Lola Fida Putri

Measles Roseola usually attacks infants with transmission from a sprinkling of sufferers' saliva. Roseola must be treated quickly because it can cause liver and brain inflammation. Roseola's disease for people whose economy is low is not given much attention because it is often diagnosed in severe or acute illness. This is because the red rash in infants is a common measles. Early diagnosis of Roseola's disease is a good way to avoid adverse consequences for the baby's health. The Roseola disease expert system is able to help low-income people to self-diagnose the disease. Roseola's disease expert system is applied knowledge gained from experts, namely specialist dermatologists in children. Processing of symptoms based on facts with the value and calculation of the Certainty Factor method. Certainty Factor determines good results by combining expert values and user values.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 19
Anita Sindar R M Sinaga

The low production of smallholder rubber is caused by various factors, one of the causes is interference from various diseases. Building a system (computer) that is intelligent to analyze problems, observe the work system of an expert or expert. Expertise comes from the development of knowledge of someone who is competent and directly provides instructions to solve a problem. Certainty Factor is a method to prove whether a fact is certain or not certain in the form of metrics that are usually used in expert systems. This method is very suitable for expert systems that diagnose something that is uncertain. To apply the Certainty Factor method to the expert system, data is needed that will be input into the system, processed and display the results of the diagnosis of rubber plant diseases.  Input: rubber plant disease type data and disease symptom data. Process: carry out analysis and calculation to get the diagnosis results using the Certainty Factor method. Output: information on the diagnosis of rubber plant diseases and percentage of confidence level in the diagnosis results in accordance with the rules of the Certainty Factor method. Keywords : Rubber Disease, Symptoms Diagnosis, Value Combination, Certainty Factor   

Repositor ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Nina Mauliana Noor Fajriah ◽  
Yufis Azhar ◽  
Gita Indah Marthasari

Expert system is one of the AI Development fields. AI (Artificial Intelligence) is part of a computer science which used the computer to imitate the human thoughts and behavior. The usage of a method in Expert System is very important. Thus, the most compatible method to use is the Certainty Factor method. This method is suitable to be used on Expert System to measure things and diagnosed it, will it be very sure or unsure. For example, Expert System to diagnose disease on strawberry plants. This software allows the user to diagnose the disease on strawberry plants before taking a further action. This software is using PHP programming language and store the data using MySQL system database. When the user consulting to the software, the software will show the symptoms of the disease and the user can choose the level of certainty from the chosen disease symptom. The final result from the software is a form which includes the guide of how to take the measurement of the disease based on the chosen symptoms.

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