scholarly journals Sopeutumisvalmennuskursseille osallistuvien lasten vanhempien arvioita hyvinvoinnista, toimintakyvystä ja kurssiodotuksista

Kuntoutus ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-21
Anu Kippola-Pääkkönen ◽  
Kristiina Härkäpää ◽  
Aila Järvikoski ◽  
Ilona Autti-Rämö

Sopeutumisvalmennus on psykososiaalista kuntoutusta, joka tarjoaa tietoa ja tukea sairaudesta tai vammasta, sen hoidosta ja selviytymiskeinoista. Lapset ja nuoret, joilla on pitkäaikaissairaus tai kehityksen häiriöitä, osallistuvat sopeutumisvalmennukseen useimmiten perheenjäsentensä kanssa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli 1) selvittää vanhempien käsityksiä lasten hyvinvoinnista ja toimintakyvystä, 2) arvioida vanhempien omaa hyvinvointia ja perheiden valtaistumista ja 3) selvittää kurssiodotuksia ja niihin yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä. Tutkimus kohdistui Kelan kuntoutuksena vuosina 2014–15 toteutettuihin diabeteskursseihin, oppimisen tai psyykkisen kehityksen häiriöiden kursseihin sekä moni- ja liikuntavammaisten lasten kursseihin. Lasten vanhemmat vastasivat kurssin alussa lomakekyselyyn (n = 357, vastausprosentti 59 %). Kaikissa kurssiryhmissä useimmat vanhemmat arvioivat lapsen terveydentilan hyväksi tai melko hyväksi. Vanhempien arviot niin omasta kuin lapsenkin hyvinvoinnista erosivat kurssiryhmittäin, mutta myös kurssiryhmien sisällä ilmeni vaihtelua. Vanhemmat, joiden lapsella oli diabetes, arvioivat hyvinvointia myönteisemmin kuin vanhemmat, joiden lapsella oli kehityksellinen häiriö. Vanhempien arviot omasta hyvinvoinnistaan korreloivat melko vahvasti lasta koskeviin hyvinvointiarvioihin. Sopeutumisvalmennukseen liittyvät odotukset ja tuen tarpeet koskivat erityisesti vertaistukea ja virkistäytymistä sekä tiedon saantia sairaudesta ja sen hoidosta ja kuntoutuksesta. Kurssiryhmä, lapsen toimintakyvyn rajoitteet, vanhempien hyvinvointi ja perheiden valtaistuminen olivat yhteydessä perheiden odotuksiin ja tuen tarpeisiin. Tutkimuksen keskeinen tulos koski perheen valtaistumisen ja kurssiodotusten välistä yhteyttä. Tarve ammatilliseen asiantuntijuuteen pohjautuvaan tietoon ja psykososiaaliseen tukeen oli vahvempaa niillä perheillä, joilla valtaistumisen tunne oli heikompaa. Sen sijaan ne perheet, joilla valtaistuminen oli voimakkaampaa, odottivat kursseilta vähemmän asiantuntijan tukea ja enemmän vertaistukea ja virkistäytymistä. Abstract Parents´  evaluations of their children´s wellbeing and functioning and identified expectations for psychosocial rehabilitation Finnish adaptation training represents psychosocial rehabilitation, which aims to offer information and guidance for living with an illness or disability as well as promoting coping skills. Children and adolescents with chronic illnesses or developmental disorders participate adaptation training mostly with their family members. The aim of this study was to 1) examine the parents´ perceptions of their child´s wellbeing and functioning, 2) depict their assessments on their own wellbeing and family empowerment, and 3) investigate their needs and expectations for the adaptation training as well as factors connected with different expectations. The study focused on three courses arranged for children either with diabetes, learning or psychological development disorders or multiple or mobility disabilities. The courses were organized in three rehabilitation centers. The parents answered the questionnaire at the beginning of the course (n=357, response rate 59 %). In all course groups most parents perceived their child’s health fairly good or good. The parents of children with diabetes evaluated their child’s wellbeing more positively than the parents of children with developmental disorders. The parents’ wellbeing correlated positively with the children´s wellbeing. Strongest rehabilitation needs and expectations were related to the domains of peer support and recreation, and information about illness or disability and its treatment. The course group, disability of the child, wellbeing of parents and children, and family empowerment were associated with the expectations and needs factors. The main finding of this study addressed the relationship ofthe family empowerment to the expectation domains. Families with weaker empowerment expressed more expectations and needs for professional information and support. More strongly empowered families expressed less needs for professional support and information but more expectations for peer support and recreation.

Kuntoutus ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 6-20
Kristiina Härkäpää ◽  
Aila Järvikoski ◽  
Anu Kippola-Pääkkönen ◽  
Marjatta Martin ◽  
Ilona Autti-Rämö

Sopeutumisvalmennus on kuntoutusmuoto, jonka avulla pyritään tukemaan kuntoutujaa vamman tai pitkäaikaisen sairauden hallinnassa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää sopeutumisvalmennukseen saapuvien aikuisten kuntoutujien elämäntilannetta, sairauskäsityksiä, hallinnan tunnetta, terveyteen liittyvää valtaistumista ja sopeutumisvalmennukseen kohdistuvia odotuksia. Kurssimuotoja oli kolme: syöpää, fibromyalgiaa ja diabetesta sairastavien kurssit. Neljän kuntoutuslaitoksen toteuttamille kursseille osallistui vuosina 2014–15 toteutetun tiedonkeruun aikana 581 kuntoutujaa, joista 377 (65 %) antoi kirjallisen suostumuksen osallistua tutkimukseen ja vastasi alkukyselylomakkeeseen. Kurssiryhmät erosivat sairauskäsitystensä suhteen toisistaan. Kuntoutujien elämäntilanne, sosiaalinen ja institutionaalinen luottamus sekä sairauden rajoitukset olivat yhteydessä hallinnan tunteeseen. Sopeutumisvalmennukseen kohdistuvat odotukset muodostivat neljä ulottuvuutta: palvelutietoja, sairautta ja sen hoitoa koskevia tietoja, psykososiaalista asiantuntijatukea sekä vertaistukea koskevat odotukset. Odotukset vaihtelivat kurssiryhmittäin. Sairauskäsityksiin liittyvät sairauden oireet, huolestuneisuus, tunnereaktiot ja käsitys hoidon vaikutuksista ja omista vaikutusmahdollisuuksista selittivät odotusten vaihtelua. Tietoihin ja psykososiaaliseen asiantuntija-apuun kohdistuvien odotusten todennäköisyyttä lisäsi terveyteen liittyvän valtaistumisen osalta tiedollisen hallinnan vähäisyys, kun taas vertaistukeen liittyvien odotusten todennäköisyyttä lisäsi vahva tiedollinen ja psykososiaalinen hallinta. Abstract Illness perceptions, empowerment and rehabilitation expectations of persons attending psychosocial rehabilitation Adaptation training is a form of psychosocial rehabilitation that aims to empower the client in coping with his or her illness or disability. The aim of the study was to examine the life situation, sense of mastery, illness perceptions, health-related empowerment and rehabilitation needs and expectations of clients attending adaptation training courses for adults with cancer, fibromyalgia or diabetes. In 2014–15, 581 clients attended these courses in four rehabilitation centers; 377 of them gave their informed consent to participate the study and answered the questionnaire at the beginning of the course. The three groups differed according to their illness perceptions and rehabilitation expectations, but there was also much variance between group members. Life situation, perceived disability, and social and institutional trust were associated with sense of mastery. Rehabilitation expectations were grouped into four main dimensions, i.e., information about services and support, information about the illness and treatment and rehabilitation options, psychosocial professional support, and peer support. Illness perceptions, i.e. perceived symptoms, worry, emotional reactions, experienced outcomes of treatment, and perceptions of one’s own possibilities to influence the illness were associated with different dimensions. Health-related empowerment was also connected with expectations. Expectations for information and professional help were stronger in those with weak informational mastery, whereas expectations for peer support were stronger with those whose informational and psychosocial mastery was better than average.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 417-428
Özgün Ünver ◽  
Ides Nicaise

This article tackles the relationship between Turkish-Belgian families with the Flemish society, within the specific context of their experiences with early childhood education and care (ECEC) system in Flanders. Our findings are based on a focus group with mothers in the town of Beringen. The intercultural dimension of the relationships between these families and ECEC services is discussed using the Interactive Acculturation Model (IAM). The acculturation patterns are discussed under three main headlines: language acquisition, social interaction and maternal employment. Within the context of IAM, our findings point to some degree of separationism of Turkish-Belgian families, while they perceive the Flemish majority to have an assimilationist attitude. This combination suggests a conflictual type of interaction. However, both parties also display some traits of integrationism, which points to the domain-specificity of interactive acculturation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 (S1) ◽  
pp. S616-S616
L. Rodrigues ◽  
J.V. Freitas-de-Jesus ◽  
G. Lavorato-Neto ◽  
D.D. Lima ◽  
E.R. Turato ◽  

IntroductionThe relationship between parents and children is a complex link. In the process of pregnancy-birth-puerperium, frequent feelings such as responsibility, love, fear, uncertainty, generate strong expectations at birth. The death of a newborn may not be perceived as natural by the parents, considering the local culture and the context of great technological development of neonatology.ObjectiveTo explore possible guilt and fantasies in life experiences of parents during mourning process due to death of their newborn.MethodClinical-qualitative design, a particularization of qualitative methods here applied in clinical assistance settings with highlight to psychological aspects. Data collection with the technique of semi-directed interview with open-ended questions, in-depth. Sample intentionally constructed, with closure by theoretical saturation of information. The participants were 7 parents, mourning by the death of their child at the neonatal intensive care unit, in a university hospital of Campinas, São Paulo State.ResultsFeelings of guilt - conscious or not - lead to an internal and particular movement so that mourning can be lived. The participants showed certain embarrassment, accompanied by natural suffering facing to the cultural pattern that permeates the emotional experience. It predicts types of psychological meanings that the experience will give to the person.ConclusionHealth professionals working with bereaved parents should consider more deeply the moment these one experienced, with emphasis on the details of the death scenery, beside the problems of illness and death properly so called.Disclosure of interestThe authors have not supplied their declaration of competing interest.

2017 ◽  
Vol 34 (5) ◽  
pp. 400-414 ◽  
Karin Alexanderson ◽  
Elisabet Näsman

This article is based on interviews with fifteen children, whose parents have addiction problems. Purpose: To contribute to in-depth understanding of children's situation when parents have ceased abusing drugs or alcohol. Method: An explorative interview study with childhood sociology and symbolic interactionism as theoretical framework. Outcome: The end of the abuse gives children space to feel how they feel, to reflect on the impact of the addiction on their health and personality, and to try changing themselves and their lives. Their need for processing may last for a long time. It can take time and be difficult to build up the relationship with the parent. Children can still feel care responsibility but also distrust and worry about relapses. However, teenagers can see opportunities to move on with their own life. If the abuse ends only for one of two parents with addiction problems, children are still affected by addiction. Conclusion: Children's need for processing in relation to the parents can both be time consuming and last for a long period of time, regardless of if the child lives with the parent or not. Children may need help for their own part but also in relation to the parent. Professionals should be encouraged to work with a family perspective, regardless of organizational divisions and if parents and children live together or not. This requires structures, procedures and resources for collaboration across organizational boundaries.

Jurnal NERS ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 265 ◽  
Nursalam Nursalam ◽  
Ah. Yusuf ◽  
Ika Yuni Widyawati ◽  
Candra Panji Asmoro

Introduction: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that infects cells of the immune system, destroying or damaging the function of cells of the immune system. This makes the immune system becomes weaker, and people become more liable to infection. A lot of new detected HIV transmission source comes from former workers who work abroad. The challenge in dealing the number of transmission performed comprehensive care of patients and their family empowerment and peer support groups. The aimed of this study was to develop the ability of a family of Indonesian Workers who are infected with HIV and Peer Support Group in independence of care. Methods: This study was used an explanatory design and quasy-experimental. Population in this study were the closest family who care for patients infected with HIV during work abroad as migrant workers in East Java. Samples were selected using simple random sampling technique. The independent variable was the peer group and family support, the dependent variable is the level of independence of care on the respondent. Data were collected using a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability and results were tested using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with alpha ≤0.05. Results: The results showed that this method can improve the independence of the family of the HIV-infected client care during labor as migrant workers abroad with a significance value of p=0.004. Conclusion: Empowerment of family and peer group support can be used to increase the independence of families and patients in the treatment of HIV-infected patients during work abroad as migrant workers. Future studies are expected to use a larger sample.Keywords: empowerment of the family, peer group support, independence treatment, TKI (Indonesian Labor), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-62
R.N. Egorov ◽  
I.V. Shapovalenko

Traditionally scientific literature presents many investigations on relationship between parents and children of age from a newborn child to a teenager. This paper presents an overview of foreign literature on the relationship between parents and children in the period of their transition into adulthood. First, attention is paid to the importance of these relations and to some peculiarities of the period of children becoming adults and separating from parents. Some approaches and models used to describe the relationship of parents and adult children are considered; the factors that determine the differences in relations between children and their parents at the period indicated, as well as various typologies of these relationships, are analized. Some patterns of child-parent relationships during this period of family development are described. The methodological features of conducting research on child-parent interactions are indicated. The conclusions made on the ground of this literature review may be helpful when carrying out scientific investigation or during family counseling practice.

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