life situation
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Mareike Gerundt ◽  
Yvonne Beerenbrock ◽  
Arndt Büssing

AbstractMany believers experience phases of spiritual dryness in their lives coupled with feelings of exhaustion, confusion, and emotional emptiness. Even religious sisters and brothers experience such phases. But how do they cope with phases of spiritual dryness, and what resources do they use to overcome them? In a qualitative study, 30 religious brothers and sisters utilized four main categories of resources: internal reflective resources, internal spiritual resources, external personal resources, and external other resources. A primary strategy does not seem to exist for overcoming phases of spiritual dryness. In the context of this study, therefore, several resources emerged that were used in accordance with the triggers and were applied against the background of the life situation, context and attitudes, perceptions, behavioral competencies, resources, and abilities of the person concerned.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Nabil Assadi ◽  
Wafiq Hibi

The study aims to examine the impact of using real life situation in solving linear equations by seventh graders. In order to achieve the designated aim of the study, the study was conducted in one of the Arab schools in Israel. A sample of 20 average students was deliberately chosen depending on their educational achievement. Two approached were employed within the study; the qualitative approach and its quantitative counterpart. Results of the study clearly exhibit that student have undergone three stages: in the first stage, a development in the concept of “similar terms” was noticed. The second stage showed a development in the concept of “quantity comparison.” In the final stage of the study, the students became familiar with the concept of parity in the linear equations. In light of the researchers’ findings, the study could be concluded with some important recommendations and suggestions. Namely, to review the mathematics curriculum for the middle school students and recreating one that seriously tackles real life situations. Implementation of advanced technology and software within the mathematics class, and working on further research on the topic of the study are also highly encouraged.   Received: 23 September 2021 / Accepted: 16 November 2021 / Published: 3 January 2022

2021 ◽  
pp. 47-60
Vidadi Gafizovich Asadov

The article makes an attempt to analyze a new type of social assistance to low-income citizens, low-income families, as well as citizens in a difficult life situation in order to formulate proposals for its improvement. The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin during the meeting with senators held on 23 September 2020 pointed out that "One of the key factors in war on poverty is the social contract" ( The social contract is a very effective type of social assistance, as it is aimed to activating the citizens themselves in increasing their level of material security. As a result of the contract, they get the opportunity to find a permanent income, including by opening their own business or running a personal subsidiary farm, solve their difficult life situation, retraining. Despite the positive dynamics of the increase in the number of signed social contracts, the mechanism of these contracts itself needs to be improved. In particular, the author suggests that social protection institutions move to proactive social work with poor citizens, informing them more fully about the features of the social contract. It is also proposed to transfer the distribution of quotas for the conclusion of a social contract in various areas of the activities carried out within its framework to the subjects of the Russian Federation, to revise the terms of the social contract in the direction of «job search».

Marina A. Krylova

The article presents theoretical and empirical studies of cognitive styles, mental representation, coping behaviour and mechanisms of psychological defence. The influence of cognitive styles is described: rigid/flexible cognitive control, narrow/wide range of equivalence, cognitive simplicity/complexity on coping behaviour and defence mechanisms. The tendency of respondents with flexible cognitive control to assess a difficult life situation through time characteristics, to associate it with solvability and safety is revealed. In coping behaviour, they choose Self-control, Social support, Acceptance of responsibility. Cognitive simplicity/complexity is characterised by predictability, solvability and the possibility of changing the situation. Respondents belonging to a narrow range of equivalence assess the situation in terms of completeness and saturation. It is revealed that the protective and coping behaviour in a difficult life situation depends on the specifics of the mental representation of those possessing cognitive-style characteristics. It is concluded that mental representation can be a link between cognitive styles and coping behaviour.

Kuntoutus ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 6-20
Kristiina Härkäpää ◽  
Aila Järvikoski ◽  
Anu Kippola-Pääkkönen ◽  
Marjatta Martin ◽  
Ilona Autti-Rämö

Sopeutumisvalmennus on kuntoutusmuoto, jonka avulla pyritään tukemaan kuntoutujaa vamman tai pitkäaikaisen sairauden hallinnassa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää sopeutumisvalmennukseen saapuvien aikuisten kuntoutujien elämäntilannetta, sairauskäsityksiä, hallinnan tunnetta, terveyteen liittyvää valtaistumista ja sopeutumisvalmennukseen kohdistuvia odotuksia. Kurssimuotoja oli kolme: syöpää, fibromyalgiaa ja diabetesta sairastavien kurssit. Neljän kuntoutuslaitoksen toteuttamille kursseille osallistui vuosina 2014–15 toteutetun tiedonkeruun aikana 581 kuntoutujaa, joista 377 (65 %) antoi kirjallisen suostumuksen osallistua tutkimukseen ja vastasi alkukyselylomakkeeseen. Kurssiryhmät erosivat sairauskäsitystensä suhteen toisistaan. Kuntoutujien elämäntilanne, sosiaalinen ja institutionaalinen luottamus sekä sairauden rajoitukset olivat yhteydessä hallinnan tunteeseen. Sopeutumisvalmennukseen kohdistuvat odotukset muodostivat neljä ulottuvuutta: palvelutietoja, sairautta ja sen hoitoa koskevia tietoja, psykososiaalista asiantuntijatukea sekä vertaistukea koskevat odotukset. Odotukset vaihtelivat kurssiryhmittäin. Sairauskäsityksiin liittyvät sairauden oireet, huolestuneisuus, tunnereaktiot ja käsitys hoidon vaikutuksista ja omista vaikutusmahdollisuuksista selittivät odotusten vaihtelua. Tietoihin ja psykososiaaliseen asiantuntija-apuun kohdistuvien odotusten todennäköisyyttä lisäsi terveyteen liittyvän valtaistumisen osalta tiedollisen hallinnan vähäisyys, kun taas vertaistukeen liittyvien odotusten todennäköisyyttä lisäsi vahva tiedollinen ja psykososiaalinen hallinta. Abstract Illness perceptions, empowerment and rehabilitation expectations of persons attending psychosocial rehabilitation Adaptation training is a form of psychosocial rehabilitation that aims to empower the client in coping with his or her illness or disability. The aim of the study was to examine the life situation, sense of mastery, illness perceptions, health-related empowerment and rehabilitation needs and expectations of clients attending adaptation training courses for adults with cancer, fibromyalgia or diabetes. In 2014–15, 581 clients attended these courses in four rehabilitation centers; 377 of them gave their informed consent to participate the study and answered the questionnaire at the beginning of the course. The three groups differed according to their illness perceptions and rehabilitation expectations, but there was also much variance between group members. Life situation, perceived disability, and social and institutional trust were associated with sense of mastery. Rehabilitation expectations were grouped into four main dimensions, i.e., information about services and support, information about the illness and treatment and rehabilitation options, psychosocial professional support, and peer support. Illness perceptions, i.e. perceived symptoms, worry, emotional reactions, experienced outcomes of treatment, and perceptions of one’s own possibilities to influence the illness were associated with different dimensions. Health-related empowerment was also connected with expectations. Expectations for information and professional help were stronger in those with weak informational mastery, whereas expectations for peer support were stronger with those whose informational and psychosocial mastery was better than average.

2021 ◽  
Pittawat Taveekitworachai ◽  
Jonathan H. Chan

The Krathu-500 contains 574 Pantip posts title, post body with all comments of each post. The number of total comments is at 63,293 comments. The corpus provide Thai language used in real life situation with various context and types in conversational form. The corpus serves as a good way to improve capability of machine learning techniques that dealing with Thai language. Sentiment labeled smaller version of the comments dataset also provided with 6,306 records. The labeled corpus is human-annotated dataset with three labels for negative, neutral, and positive comments. The project also consists of open-source repository that allow any people who interested to modify and built on top of the current source code and dataset.

2021 ◽  
Pittawat Taveekitworachai ◽  
Jonathan H. Chan

The Krathu-500 contains 574 Pantip posts title, post body with all comments of each post. The number of total comments is at 63,293 comments. The corpus provide Thai language used in real life situation with various context and types in conversational form. The corpus serves as a good way to improve capability of machine learning techniques that dealing with Thai language. Sentiment labeled smaller version of the comments dataset also provided with 6,306 records. The labeled corpus is human-annotated dataset with three labels for negative, neutral, and positive comments. The project also consists of open-source repository that allow any people who interested to modify and built on top of the current source code and dataset.

Lisa Hellström ◽  
Linda Beckman

Listening to the voices of adolescents and young adults regarding their lived experiences could be a way to identify important skills and abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that will enable youth to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life. Hence, the aim with the current study is to explore the experiences and understandings of the life situation among adolescents and young adults of today, by making their voices heard in regards to mental health and help-seeking behaviour. A total of 6 group interviews were conducted with 22 adolescents and young adults (13 girls and 9 boys) ages 17–25 (M = 18.6 years). Data analysis was conducted using qualitative content analysis and resulted in two categories and five subcategories. The first category, Life challenges, included views on the sources of mental health, how to manage different types of relationships, and thoughts on accepted ways to express mental health problems. The second category, The need of present adults, highlighted important aspects for seeking help, such as an expressed need to be seen and heard by adults including parents, school staff, and other professionals as well as a need for adults’ increased availability. The challenges to students’ well-being and mental health are many, and there are no simple solutions. Based on the results in this study, life skills training should include elements to enhance the development of individual coping strategies, to be applied when life feels tough and when the body is experiencing stress reactions. Further, to minimize the risk of self-stigma and the internalization of negative stereotypes and self-blame, life skills training should include elements to increase knowledge of structural factors that have effects on the life situation as well as parents, school personnel, and other important adults.

BMC Nursing ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Inger K Holmström ◽  
Elenor Kaminsky ◽  
Anna T Höglund ◽  
Marianne Carlsson

Abstract Background Nursing care should be respectful of and unrestricted by patients’ age, ethnicity, gender, dis/abilities or social status, and such values should be taught to nursing students. Nursing teachers are crucial as role models, and their values are essential. In telephone nursing, only age, sex and ethnicity are known to the registered nurses, which can be challenging. The aim of this study was to explore awareness of discrimination and inequity in telephone nursing among nursing teachers. Methods A study specific survey was filled in by 135 nursing teachers from three universities in Sweden. The survey included short descriptions of 12 fictive persons who differed in age, ethnicity and sex and with questions about their estimated life situation. The teachers’ estimations of life situation were ranked from lowest probability to highest probability. A ‘good life index’ was constructed and calculated for each fictive person. It included quality of life, power over one’s own life and experience of discrimination. Results The results indicate that the nursing teachers were aware of how power and age, ethnicity and sex are related; that is, they were aware of discrimination and inequity in healthcare. The persons assessed to be most likely to lead a good life were males of Swedish origin, followed by females of Swedish origin. Persons with non-European origin were estimated to have the highest probability of experiencing discrimination. Conclusions The nursing teachers were aware of discrimination and inequity in healthcare. They were able to estimate a fictive person’s life situation based on the limited knowledge of age, ethnicity and sex. This is important, as their values are pivotal in theoretical and practical nursing education.

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