family empowerment
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Kuntoutus ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-21
Anu Kippola-Pääkkönen ◽  
Kristiina Härkäpää ◽  
Aila Järvikoski ◽  
Ilona Autti-Rämö

Sopeutumisvalmennus on psykososiaalista kuntoutusta, joka tarjoaa tietoa ja tukea sairaudesta tai vammasta, sen hoidosta ja selviytymiskeinoista. Lapset ja nuoret, joilla on pitkäaikaissairaus tai kehityksen häiriöitä, osallistuvat sopeutumisvalmennukseen useimmiten perheenjäsentensä kanssa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli 1) selvittää vanhempien käsityksiä lasten hyvinvoinnista ja toimintakyvystä, 2) arvioida vanhempien omaa hyvinvointia ja perheiden valtaistumista ja 3) selvittää kurssiodotuksia ja niihin yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä. Tutkimus kohdistui Kelan kuntoutuksena vuosina 2014–15 toteutettuihin diabeteskursseihin, oppimisen tai psyykkisen kehityksen häiriöiden kursseihin sekä moni- ja liikuntavammaisten lasten kursseihin. Lasten vanhemmat vastasivat kurssin alussa lomakekyselyyn (n = 357, vastausprosentti 59 %). Kaikissa kurssiryhmissä useimmat vanhemmat arvioivat lapsen terveydentilan hyväksi tai melko hyväksi. Vanhempien arviot niin omasta kuin lapsenkin hyvinvoinnista erosivat kurssiryhmittäin, mutta myös kurssiryhmien sisällä ilmeni vaihtelua. Vanhemmat, joiden lapsella oli diabetes, arvioivat hyvinvointia myönteisemmin kuin vanhemmat, joiden lapsella oli kehityksellinen häiriö. Vanhempien arviot omasta hyvinvoinnistaan korreloivat melko vahvasti lasta koskeviin hyvinvointiarvioihin. Sopeutumisvalmennukseen liittyvät odotukset ja tuen tarpeet koskivat erityisesti vertaistukea ja virkistäytymistä sekä tiedon saantia sairaudesta ja sen hoidosta ja kuntoutuksesta. Kurssiryhmä, lapsen toimintakyvyn rajoitteet, vanhempien hyvinvointi ja perheiden valtaistuminen olivat yhteydessä perheiden odotuksiin ja tuen tarpeisiin. Tutkimuksen keskeinen tulos koski perheen valtaistumisen ja kurssiodotusten välistä yhteyttä. Tarve ammatilliseen asiantuntijuuteen pohjautuvaan tietoon ja psykososiaaliseen tukeen oli vahvempaa niillä perheillä, joilla valtaistumisen tunne oli heikompaa. Sen sijaan ne perheet, joilla valtaistuminen oli voimakkaampaa, odottivat kursseilta vähemmän asiantuntijan tukea ja enemmän vertaistukea ja virkistäytymistä. Abstract Parents´  evaluations of their children´s wellbeing and functioning and identified expectations for psychosocial rehabilitation Finnish adaptation training represents psychosocial rehabilitation, which aims to offer information and guidance for living with an illness or disability as well as promoting coping skills. Children and adolescents with chronic illnesses or developmental disorders participate adaptation training mostly with their family members. The aim of this study was to 1) examine the parents´ perceptions of their child´s wellbeing and functioning, 2) depict their assessments on their own wellbeing and family empowerment, and 3) investigate their needs and expectations for the adaptation training as well as factors connected with different expectations. The study focused on three courses arranged for children either with diabetes, learning or psychological development disorders or multiple or mobility disabilities. The courses were organized in three rehabilitation centers. The parents answered the questionnaire at the beginning of the course (n=357, response rate 59 %). In all course groups most parents perceived their child’s health fairly good or good. The parents of children with diabetes evaluated their child’s wellbeing more positively than the parents of children with developmental disorders. The parents’ wellbeing correlated positively with the children´s wellbeing. Strongest rehabilitation needs and expectations were related to the domains of peer support and recreation, and information about illness or disability and its treatment. The course group, disability of the child, wellbeing of parents and children, and family empowerment were associated with the expectations and needs factors. The main finding of this study addressed the relationship ofthe family empowerment to the expectation domains. Families with weaker empowerment expressed more expectations and needs for professional information and support. More strongly empowered families expressed less needs for professional support and information but more expectations for peer support and recreation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 671-675
Islamiyati Islamiyati ◽  
Sadiman Sadiman ◽  
Yoga Triwijayanti

The target number of children in early detection of child development and development in the working area of ??Puskesmas Karangrejo is 1,037 children, with details of 133 infants from 0 - 11 months and 904 children aged 12 - 72 months. Of these, the coverage for early detection until February 2020 is still low, namely at 6.7%. The purpose of the Community Service is to empower families in conducting early detection of toddler growth and development in the Karangrejo Health Center area. The method of activity is health education and empowerment of “active participation” of mothers toddler in stimulating and detecting the growth and development of their children. The result of mentoring was that there was progress in the developmental ability of 1 child who had not been able to walk at the age of 19 months, showing an increase in walking ability after 2 weeks of assistance. There was an increase in the knowledge of mothers / families about growth and development by 12.68 points. There was an increase in the frequency of implementing stimulation for child growth and development by mothers of under-five from 88.2% of mothers who had stimulated to 98.6% after mentoring. Continuity of family empowerment is needed regarding early detection of growth and development and not only involving mothers / families but also involving cadres.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 619
Erie Hariyanto ◽  
Abd Hannan ◽  
Arif Wahyudi ◽  
Eka Susylawati ◽  
Bhismoadi Tri Wahyu Faizal

This study examines a sakinah family empowerment by optimizing the role of Badan Penasihat Pembinaan dan Pelestarian Perkawinan (Body for Marital Advisory Guidance and Maintenance (BMAGM)) and parents from a mental revolution perspective. There are three research questions: What is the so-called BMAGM? What and how is the correlation between the national revolution movement and sakinah family empowerment in Indonesia? What strategies are carried out in doing mental revolution in a family in order to have a sakinah family? This qualitative research collected both primary and secondary data. Three essential findings in this study are as follows. First, BMAGM is a legal social-religious organization whose particular duty is to cope with problems in a family. Second, there are three programs in the National Mental Revolution Movement (NMRM) as stated in the Presidential Instruction No. 12 of 2016 i.e. Indonesia in Order Movement (IOM) in point H/8; United Indonesia Movement (UIM) point J/10; Clean Indonesia Movement (CIM) point A/1. Third, in the perspective of the National Mental Revolution Movement (NMRM), parents’ role is essential. Therefore, parents are a strategic issue and should be prioritized in building sakinah family in Indonesia.

Patricia K. Zemantic ◽  
Evangeline C. Kurtz-Nelson ◽  
Hannah Barton ◽  
Jonathan Safer-Lichtenstein ◽  
Laura Lee McIntyre

2021 ◽  
pp. 51
Mila Citrawati ◽  
Citra Ayu Aprilia ◽  
Yanti Harjono ◽  
Diana Agustini

The definition of hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition when blood pressure reaches a value of ≥ 140/90 mmHg. If not treated immediately, hypertension can cause serious life-threatening diseases, such as heart failure, kidney disease, and stroke. During the Covid-19 pandemic which has been going on since the beginning of 2020, most government health facilities have become centers for handling Covid 19 patients. So it is difficult for patients other than Covid 19 to come for treatment. Depok has a fairly high number of hypertensive patients and is currently having problems with regular check-ups at the puskesmas. This can make it difficult to control the condition of hypertension patients, apart from the puskesmas being the first service center for Covid-19 patients, the risk of contracting Covid-19 is also high if the patient comes to the puskesmas for control. Various studies on family empowerment in treating hypertensive patients have become one of the basics for our community service team to educate respondents who have family members with hypertension. This community service activity aims to increase knowledge about hypertension and how to control it in respondents so that family empowerment in treating hypertension patients can be improved. To determine the level of understanding of respondents on educational materials, questionnaires were filled out before and after education. The results achieved in this activity is an increase in respondents' knowledge about hypertension and how to control it with family participation. Hipertensi (tekanan darah tinggi) adalah kondisi tekanan darah mencapai nilai ≥ 140/90 mmHg. Hipertensi dapat mengakibatkan beberapa penyakit yang mengancam nyawa, seperti gagal jantung, penyakit ginjal, dan stroke, jika tidak segera ditangani. Pandemi Covid-19 yang sudah berlangsung sejak awal tahun 2020 memaksa sebagian besar fasilitas kesehatan milik pemerintah menjadi pusat penanganan pasien Covid-19. Sehingga menjadi masalah bagi pasien selain Covid-19 untuk datang berobat. Depok memiliki angka pasien hipertensi yang cukup tinggi dan saat ini terkendala untuk kontrol rutin ke puskesmas. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan sulitnya mengontrol kondisi pasien hipertensi selain puskesmas menjadi pusat layanan pertama untuk pasien Covid-19, risiko tertular Covid-19 juga tinggi apabila pasien datang ke puskesmas untuk kontrol. Berbagai penelitian mengenai pemberdayaan keluarga dalam merawat pasien hipertensi menjadi salah satu dasar tim pengabdi untuk melakukan edukasi kepada responden yang mempunyai anggota keluarga penderita hipertensi. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini mempunyai tujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang penyakit hipertensi dan cara mengendalikannya pada responden sehingga pemberdayaan keluarga dalam merawat pasien hipertensi dapat ditingkatkan. Untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman responden atas materi edukasi dilakukan pengisian kuesioner sebelum dan sesudah edukasi. Hasil yang dicapai pada kegiatan ini adalah peningkatan pengetahuan responden tentang penyakit hipertensi dan cara pengendaliannya dengan peran serta keluarga.

Handan Boztepe ◽  
Sevil Çınar ◽  
Yalçın Kanbay ◽  
Burcu Acımış ◽  
Figen Özgür ◽  

2021 ◽  
Akemi Matsuzawa ◽  
Rie Wakimizu ◽  
Iori Sato ◽  
Hiroshi Fujioka ◽  
Kaori Nishigaki ◽  

Abstract BackgroundFamilies raising children with disabilities assume risks to their health and lives. Therefore, it is necessary to support these families to improve family empowerment, which is the ability of these families to control their own lives and to promote the collaborative raising of children with disabilities. This is the first online program development and interventional study focusing on the empowerment of families raising children with disabilities who live at home in Japan.MethodThe program consisted of four online peer-based group sessions. Moreover, the families engage in several activities in stages wherein they discover their own issues, find measures to resolve them, and take action, while visualizing interfamily relationships, including social resources, and the status of their family life, with facilitators and other peer members. This study was a non-randomized, waitlist-controlled trial. It compared the results of the intervention group (early group) and the waitlist-controlled group (delayed group). The participants were allocated to the early or delayed group in the order of their applications. The main outcome was family empowerment. Other outcomes are the caregiver burden, awareness of the use of social resources, self-compassion, and the quality of life (QOL) of primary caregivers. The timing of the online surveys was as follows: the initial evaluation (Time 1 [T1]) was conducted before the start of the first early group program, and post-intervention evaluation (Time 2 [T2]) was conducted immediately (within one week) after the early group had completed all four sessions (four weeks) of the program. Follow-up evaluation (Time 3 [T3]) was conducted four weeks after the post-intervention evaluation. This timing was the same in the delayed group, but the delayed group attended the program after a four-week waiting period, compared to the early group.DiscussionThe intention is to evaluate whether the provision of the program developed in this study and the evaluation test design are feasible and to verify the efficacy of this program.Clinical trial registrationThe UMIN Clinical Trials Registry (UMIN000044172), registration date: May 19, 2021.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-34
Setiawati ◽  
R. Dede Siswandi ◽  
Abdul Chaidir Marasabessy

This study aims to reveal the application of Pancasila values ​​in Family Empowerment and Welfare activities in Kuripan village. This study uses a qualitative method using a descriptive analysis approach. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and document studies. The conclusion of the research, 1) Precept I, that is, every activity and daily life is used to say greetings, beginning, and ending with prayer. Always work together in work groups, carry out worship together for Muslims. The basic principle is to respect the celebration of holidays for people of different religions. 2) Sila II, is an attitude of mutual cooperation, and there is no coercion for members 3) Sila III, which means doing community service, celebrating the independence day of the Republic of Indonesia, likes to wear batik 4) Sila IV, which means prioritizing freedom to express common interests, and everything is resolved through deliberation, and 5) Precept V, Do not separate seats, the application of a frugal lifestyle is supported by a socialization program about the importance of frugal living. The implementation of Pancasila values ​​in PKK activities in Kuripan Village is a subjective and objective implementation of Pancasila, because all activities carried out in PKK activities reflect the implementation of Pancasila values. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan penerapan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam Pancasila yang tercermin pada kegiatan Pemberdayaan dan Kesejahteraan Keluarga di Desa Kuripan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan ialah  dengan analisis deskriptif. Untuk mengumpulkan data dilakukan dengan melakukan pengamatan, wawancara, dan studi dokumen. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian, 1) Sila I, dalam setiap kegiatan dan kehidupan sehari-hari digunakan untuk mengucapkan salam, diawali dan diakhiri dengan doa. Selalu bekerja sama dalam kelompok kerja, menjalankan ibadah bersama bagi yang muslim. Prinsip dasarnya adalah menghargai perayaan hari raya bagi umat yang berbeda agama. 2) Sila II, adalah sikap gotong royong, dan tidak ada paksaan untuk anggota 3) Sila III, yang berarti melakukan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, merayakan hari kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia, suka memakai batik 4) Sila IV, yang berarti mengutamakan kebebasan menyatakan kepentingan bersama, dan segala sesuatunya diselesaikan melalui musyawarah, dan 5) Sila V, tidak memisahkan tempat duduk, penerapan pola hidup hemat didukung oleh program sosialisasi tentang pentingnya tidak boros.

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