The Daily Routine of Students in the Classroom

Lilian Marques Silva

The almost instantaneous access to information provided by technological advances has revolutionized the behavior of people and of the classrooms too. Teachers had to adapt themselves to new technologies to maintain students interested and attentive to the discipline being taught. In this work, the behavior of the students of the 6th grade of elementary school II during class was observed. The school chosen is a public school in the State of São Paulo (Brazil). The research was based on data collection. The students were observed by being filmed during six months. The results showed that the students were interested in the classes and committed to the activities. The place that the student chooses to sit in the classroom influences the behavior of the teacher, because the more distant the teacher, the less he participates in the class.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 26
Christiane Fernanda da Costa ◽  
João Pedro Pezzato

ResumoApresentamos, neste artigo, resultados de uma pesquisa de mestrado defendida em 2015 na qual foi dado relevo a um trabalho com a linguagem cartográfica que permitiu aprofundar o conhecimento em relação aos estudos de Cartografia Escolar e suas imbricações com o estudo da localidade. Com a realização de uma sequência didática, a partir do estudo do meio com cinquenta e oito alunos de duas salas de aulas do 3º ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública municipal de Rio Claro, estado de São Paulo, Brasil, foram produzidos os dados em dez encontros. Entre as atividades realizadas no estudo do meio, destacamos as produções decorrentes de um passeio pedagógico pela história da formação espacial do município, com enfase em uma particularidade: a Floresta Estadual Edmundo Navarro de Andrade (FEENA). A análise dos registros nos permite afirmar que o estudo do meio proporcionou a experiência de processos relativos à produção de conhecimento pelos escolares, como a observação, a descrição, o estabelecimento de relações e correlações, a produção de conclusões e sínteses.Palavras Chave: linguagem cartográfica, ensino fundamental, geografia, Floresta “Estadual Edmundo Navarro de Andrade”.  AbstractIn this article, we present results of a Master thesis defended in 2015, where the research with the cartographic language expanding the available knowledge regarding the scholar cartographic studies, and their overlaps with the study of the locality were acknowledged. The data were obtained from ten meetings, with the completion of a didactic sequence, from the study of the surroundings, with fifty-eight students from two classrooms of 3rd year of primary school, from a public school in the municipality of Rio Claro, São Paulo, Brazil. Among the activities performed in the local study, we highlighted the productions resulting from an educational tour of the history of the municipality space formation, particularly emphasizing the State Forest "Edmundo Navarro de Andrade" (FEENA). Analysis of the records allows us to state that the study of the surroundings has provided the experience of cases concerning the production of knowledge by the students, such as observation, description, establishing relationships and correlations, the production of conclusions and syntheses. Keywords: cartographic language, elementary school, geography, State Forest "Edmundo Navarro de Andrade".  ResumenPresentamos en este artículo, resultados de un estudio de maestría defendida en el año 2015 en la cual se le ha dado relevo para un trabajo con el lenguaje cartográfico que permitió profundizar el conocimiento en lo referente a estudios de cartografía escolar y sus implicaciones con el estudio local. Con la realización de una secuencia didáctica, a partir del estudio del medio con 58 alumnos de dos aulas del tercer grado de primaria de una escuela pública municipal de Rio Claro, estado de São Paulo, Brasil, fueron producidos en diez encuentros. Entre las actividades realizadas en el estudio de medio, destacamos la producción resultante de un recorrido pedagógico por la historia de la formación del espacio del municipio, con énfasis en una particularidad: la Floresta Estadual “Edmundo Navarro de Andrade” (FEENA). El análisis de los registros nos permite afirmar que el estudio de los medios proporciona la experiencia de los procesos relativos a la producción de conocimiento en la escuela, como la observación, descripción, el establecimiento de relaciones y correlaciones, conclusiones y resúmenes.Palabras claves: lenguaje cartográfico, escuela primaria, geografía, Floresta Estadual “Edmundo Navarro de Andrade”. 

2007 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-108
Regiane Aparecida De Almeida Ferreira ◽  
Paula Meyer Soares Passanezi

The increasing level of consumer’s conscientiousness resulting from the larger access to information as well as the development of actions in certain organizations have guided the decisions of consumers during the buying act. This new procedure has conducted some companies to emphasize the effects of certain actions developed by them, such as the social responsibility ones, which aim to reach some specific market share, besides communicating a new entrepreneurial image. The objective of this article is to present the main social actions of Sabesp – Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo (Basic Sanitation Company of the State of São Paulo) and show the results reached by the adoption of a new management performance which generated a change of image in the company actuation. The methodology used was based on a bibliographic research and on a study of case.

Gilmar Araujo de Oliveira ◽  
Luiz Gonçalves Junior ◽  
Fábio Ricardo Mizuno Lemos

ResumoO objetivo deste estudo foi identificar, descrever e compreender os processos educativos desencadeados na relação Mestre-Aprendiz no contexto dos treinos de Capoeira da Associação Cultural e Desportiva Pena de Ouro, ministradas pelo Mestre Izael Teixeira. Nos orientamos pela Fenomenologia e, em busca de uma compreensão do fenômeno, realizamos inserção na citada Associação, localizada no município de São Carlos, interior do estado de São Paulo. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre outubro de 2014 e maio de 2015, totalizando 15 encontros, com 11 participantes. Durante todos os encontros foram redigidos registros sistemáticos de observações em diários de campo, dos quais foram organizadas as seguintes categorias temáticas: A) Pedagógica de Mestre Izael; B) Valorização do Mestre Izael pela Comunidade; C) Enquanto descanso, carrego pedra - resistência e ancestralidade. Foram identificados processos educativos de resistência, ancestralidade, pertencimento e fortalecimento de identidades.Palavras-chave: Processos Educativos. Capoeira. Cultura Popular.Educational processes unveiled in the capoeira circle of the Pena de Ouro AssociationAbstractThe objective of this study was to identify, describe and understand the educational processes of the Master-Apprentice relationship in the training sessions of Capoeira of the Cultural and Sports Association Pena de Ouro, developed by Master Izael Teixeira. We use the Phenomenology to understand the phenomenon and we perform insertion in the Association, located in the city of São Carlos, in the interior of the state of São Paulo. Data collection took place between October 2014 and May 2015, totaling 15 meetings, with 11 participants. The observations of all the meetings were systematically recorded in field diaries, from which the thematic categories were organized: A) Pedagogical of Master Izael; B) Valorization of Master Izael by the Community; C) While resting, I carry stone - resistance and ancestry. Educational processes of resistance, ancestry, belonging and the strengthening of identities were identified.Keywords: Educational Processes. Capoeira. Popular Culture.Procesos educativos desvelados en la rueda de capoeira de la Asociación Pena de OuroResumenEl objetivo de este estudio fue identificar, describir y comprender los procesos educativos desencadenados en la relación Maestro-Aprendiz en el contexto de los entrenamientos de Capoeira de la Asociación Cultural y Deportiva Pena de Ouro, impartidos por el Maestro Izael Teixeira. Nos orientamos por la Fenomenología y, en busca de una comprensión del fenómeno, realizamos inserción en la citada Asociación, ubicada en el municipio de São Carlos, interior del estado de São Paulo. La recolección de datos ocurrió entre octubre de 2014 y mayo de 2015, totalizando 15 encuentros, con 11 participantes. Durante todos los encuentros se redactaron registros sistemáticos de observaciones en diarios de campo, de los cuales se organizaron las siguientes categorías temáticas: A) Pedagogía del Maestro Izael; B) Valorización del Maestro Izael por la Comunidad; C) En cuanto descanso, llevo piedra - resistencia y ancestralidad. Se identificaron procesos educativos de resistencia, ancestralidad, pertenencia y fortalecimiento de identidades.Palabras clave: Procesos Educativos. Capoeira. Cultura Popular.

Aline Gomes Vidal

Resumo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo fazer um relato de prática pedagógica com o auxílio das novas tecnologias. A experiência foi realizada com turmas de primeiro ano do Ensino Fundamental I em uma escola municipal de São Paulo ao longo do segundo semestre de 2015. O intuito inicial era promover o letramento matemático a partir da identificação, nomeação e apropriação das formas geométricas. Com esse olhar, os alunos tiveram contato com a obra de Alfredo Volpi e puderam explorá-la, refletindo sobre o uso das formas geométricas. Para este projeto foram utilizados jogosonline, dinâmicas de grupo, vídeos, rodas de conversa, apropriação do espaço escolar e desenhos produzidos em dupla no programa Microsoft Paintbrush, revisitando a obra de Alfredo Volpi e culminando com a exibição dos trabalhos durante a Mostra Cultural da unidade educacional. Palavras-chave: Letramento Matemático. Transdisciplinaridade. Tecnologia. Protagonismo. REVISITING ALFREDO VOLPI: EXPLORING ART AND USING NEW TECHNOLOGIES AS A STRATEGY FOR PRODUCING KNOWLEDGE AND MATHEMATICAL LITERACY Abstract: This paper aims at reporting the development of pedagogical practices which employ new technologies. The experiment was carried out with Elementary School first graders in a public school in São Paulo in 2015. The initial goal was to promote mathematical literacy through identification, naming and appropriation of geometric shapes. Students could get to know the work of Alfredo Volpi, and exploit it with an eye toward the use of geometric shapes. For this project, we used online games, group dynamics, videos, conversation circles and the appropriation of school space. The ultimate product was drawings produced in pairs using Microsoft Paintbrush, revisiting the work of Alfredo Volpi, and culminating with an exhibition during the Cultural Fair of the school.Keywords: Mathematical Literacy. Transdisciplinarity. Technology. Protagonism.  

Larissa Sapucaia Ferreira Esteves ◽  
Isabel Cristina Kowal Olm Cunha ◽  
Elena Bohomol

Objective: to analyze how nursing courses in the State of São Paulo, Brazil have operationalized the supervised curricular internship and to identify those that approach the recommendations proposed by the National Curriculum Guidelines. Method: a quantitative, descriptive-exploratory study. The sample consisted of 38 course coordinators. The data collection instrument was developed based on the Curricular Guidelines. Data collection took place electronically and, for data analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Results: the undergraduate schools have developed internships for a mean of 860.4 hours in primary and tertiary care settings, with learning based on professional practice being the main teaching method. Formative assessment is the predominant mode of assessment, and nurses from health institutions participate in 44.7% of courses. The mean score obtained was 3.1 points (scale from 1 to 5), with the evaluation processes used being the most influential factor (p<0.001). Conclusion: the courses have partially met the educational legislation regarding the hours and participation of professionals from health institutions granting internship field, which can compromise the quality of training and the safety of care.

2021 ◽  
Marcio Siqueira

Measuring the development of organizations is of paramount importance to evaluate the development of the said organizations, even better if the measures are validated and become metrics of a subsector willing to guide in a trustworthy manner the decisions to be made in it's functions. The general objective in this thesis consists in proposing a methodology that allows the establishing metrics for service providers. One of the specific objectives is to make the analyse of the applicability of the methodology proposed in a set of pre-established companies of a service subsector; in this case, highway concessionaires of the state of Sao Paulo. A methodology is proposed that choses companies, in which to participate in a data collection process up until the obtention of metrics which are the indicators of valid developments. The TL 9000 is the sector of telecommunications that sustain a lot the methods of colectingthe proposed data. The work shows various indicators of development based on seven criterea of development proposed by Sink and Tuttle (1993) and evaluated by the competitive aspects by Slack (2002), besides other autors that consubstantiate the proposed methodology. From these indicators there were obtained some metrics, in which allows to conclude about the development of the highway concessionaires. It stands out that the proposed metrics are of quantitave stamp, measured the performance of the service companies analysed.

Miriã Martins de Brito

ResumoEste artigo teve como objetivo central identificar e compreender os processos educativos emergentes da prática social do atendimento educacional hospitalar em uma perspectiva lúdica junto a uma classe de hospital de uma cidade do interior do estado de São Paulo. Consistiu em pesquisa participante com o registro das observações em diários de campo para a coleta de dados. Com base na análise destes construímos a categoria “atenção e cuidado com outrem”. Consideramos que a atenção e o cuidado da Educadora da classe hospitalar, a partir da perspectiva lúdica, possibilitaram processos educativos como: amorosidade, diálogo, acolhimento e construção de laços de confiança, contribuindo com a ressignificação do contexto de hospitalização vivenciado pelas crianças.Palavras-chave: Processos Educativos. Atendimento Educacional Hospitalar. Lúdico. Hospital educational care from a ludic perspective: emerging educational processesAbstractThis article aimed to identify and understand the educational processes emerging from the social practice of educational hospital care in a ludic perspective with a hospital class in a city in the interior of the state of São Paulo. The investigation consisted of researching the participant, relying on the systematic record of the analyzes in a field diary as resources for data collection. An analysis of the data enabled the construction of the category “attention and care for others”. We believe that the attention and care of the hospital educator, from a ludic perspective, found aspects such as: lovingness, dialogue, welcoming and building bonds of trust, as human principles of the social practice of hospital educational care, contributing to the re-signification the context of hospitalization experienced by children.Keywords: Educational Processes. Hospital Educational Care. Ludic. Atendimiento educacional hospitalario desde una perspectiva lúdica: procesos educativos emergentesResumenEste artículo tuvo como objetivo central identificar y comprehender los procesos educativos emergentes de la práctica social de lo atendimiento educacional hospitalario desde una perspectiva lúdica junto a una clase de hospital en una ciudad en el interior del estado de São Paulo. Consistió en investigación participante con lo registro de las observaciones en diarios del campo para la coleta de datos. Con base en el análisis de eses construimos la categoría “atención y cuidado con otren”. Consideramos que la atención y lo cuidado de la Educadora de la clase en hospital, desde la perspectiva lúdica, posibilitaran procesos educativos como: amorosidad, diálogo, acojínenlo y construcción de lazos de confianza, contribuyendo al re-significación del contexto de hospitalización vivenciado por los niños.Palabras clave: Procesos Educativos. Atendimiento Educacional Hospitalario. Lúdico.

2009 ◽  
Vol 1 (26) ◽  
Luciana Cristina Ferreira Dias

RESUMO: Considerando a problemática acerca da linguagem e da identidade nos estudos de perspectiva discursiva, este trabalhobusca refletir sobre as representações construídas discursivamente sobre a cidade, considerando uma colônia italiana, no Estado de São Paulo. Em termos de coleta de dados, investiguei, a partir de depoimentos pessoaisemateriais que circulamno site oficial da cidade, os sentidos sobre ser italiano ou ser brasileiro, tendo emmente a construção do discurso urbano, uma vez que a cidade é um espaço simbólico que organiza conhecimentos sobre as pessoas, instituições e imagens. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: memória discursiva, cidade, discurso urbano. ABSTRACT: Dealing with problems of language and identity in discourse studies, this research analyzes discourse-constructed representations on the city, taking into account an Italian colony in the state of São Paulo. In terms of data collection, I investigated personal testimonies andmaterials that circulate in the official site of city the meanings of being Italian or Brazilian, keeping in mind the construction of urban discourse, since a city is a symbolic space that organizes knowledge about people, institutions, and images. KEYWORDS: discursive memory, city, urban discourse.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-95
Daiana Evilin Gibram ◽  
Heslley Machado Silva ◽  
Elaine Sandra Nicolini Nabuco Araujo ◽  
Paloma Rodrigues Silva ◽  
Lílian Teixeira Sousa

This study aims to analyze conceptions of creationism and evolutionism among educators-in-training in the city of Formiga in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. Data collection was conducted based on a questionnaire developed by the European research project BIOHEAD-CITIZEN. To explore possible regional influences, the data obtained in Formiga, MG, were compared with data collected in São Paulo state, in Brazil. The results show a greater prevalence of creationist ideas among students of the Faculty of Education in Formiga, MG, compared to the results for the state of São Paulo. This prevalence arises due to the influence of religious, cultural and social values, which may be related to deficiencies in how evolution is taught throughout elementary school. The influence that these educators-in-training will have on children in the future may cause difficulties in the latter’s acquisition of scientific knowledge. This work is being funded by FAPEMIG.

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 367-370 ◽  
Amadeu Regitano Neto ◽  
Paulo Boller Gallo ◽  
Edison Ulisses Ramos Junior ◽  
Tammy Aparecida Manabe Kiihl ◽  
Luiz Ernesto Azzini

The release of good yielding cultivars, which present low height, short cycle and responsiveness to new technologies, supports modern agriculture. The cultivars IAC 203 and IAC 204 are new options for upland rice cultivation for the State of São Paulo.

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