scholarly journals Escasez en el aprendizaje sobre diseño editorial en la universidad / Shortages in Learning about Editorial Design at the University

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 123-134
Sandra Hernández López ◽  
Miriam Rodríguez Borrayo ◽  
Eduardo Núñez Rojas ◽  
Elvira Silvia Pantoja Ruíz

ABSTRACTThe investigation comes as a result of the concern that arises when they detect that students reach the final straight of the degree, the question why students are not learning enough about editorial design? The Hypothesis certain: if applied interviews with a group of students from the degree. The qualitative method, complemented with the tool of the interview semi guided. The results obtained, it is necessary that the professor hold a strong interest toward the subject to infect their students; the updating of educational program. Finally, after concluding the investigation establishes that it has met the objective of the same, finding with this the main causes of the deficiency in the learning, obtained from the students themselves.RESUMENLa investigación surge a raíz de la preocupación que surge al detectar que los alumnos llegan a la recta final de la licenciatura, la pregunta ¿por qué los alumnos no estamos aprendiendo lo suficiente sobre diseño editorial? La hipótesis cierta: si se aplican entrevistas a un grupo de alumnos de la licenciatura. El método cualitativo, complementada con la herramienta de la entrevista semi guiada. Los resultados obtenidos, hace falta que el profesor mantenga un interés fuerte hacia la materia para contagiar a sus alumnos; la actualización del programa educativo. Finalmente, tras concluir la investigación se establece que se ha cumplido el objetivo de la misma, encontrando con ello las principales causas de la deficiencia en el aprendizaje, obtenidas de los alumnos mismos.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 490-501
Tatyana G. Chelovenko ◽  

The article problematizes the search for the principles to create and implement the educational program in theology at the university, taking into account the specifics of the Eastern Christian theological tradition. The need for integrative and sociallyoriented approaches that allow students to authentically perceive the essence of Orthodox theology, expressed in the unity of Eastern Christian speculation and moral attitude towards life, is substantiated. Taking into consideration the synergistic nature of theological knowledge and its value-worldview capabilities, the author identifies a number of fundamental theoretical and methodological approaches for the development of the educational program and the corresponding goals of its implementation. The formation of a personal value-semantic conceptual system of a young person as a “super-task” is emphasized. Developing personal meanings with a focus on values, as they are presented in the Holy Scriptures and the patristic heritage, is a great pedagogical task, which should include the methodology of the so-called “existential cognition,” orienting a person to coexistence and one’s spiritual foundations. The author illustrates that in theological education, the information-cognitive approach, even with all its innovations, must be supplemented by an appeal to the issue of personal coexistence. Many years of the author’s practical experience in the field of education made it possible to identify a number of pedagogical conditions for such conjugation presented in the subject-semantic model of pedagogical integration of knowledge.

M. V. Noskov ◽  
M. V. Somova ◽  
I. M. Fedotova

The article proposes a model for forecasting the success of student’s learning. The model is a Markov process with continuous time, such as the process of “death and reproduction”. As the parameters of the process, the intensities of the processes of obtaining and assimilating information are offered, and the intensity of the process of assimilating information takes into account the attitude of the student to the subject being studied. As a result of applying the model, it is possible for each student to determine the probability of a given formation of ownership of the material being studied in the near future. Thus, in the presence of an automated information system of the university, the implementation of the model is an element of the decision support system by all participants in the educational process. The examples given in the article are the results of an experiment conducted at the Institute of Space and Information Technologies of Siberian Federal University under conditions of blended learning, that is, under conditions when classroom work is accompanied by independent work with electronic resources.

I. G. Zakharova ◽  
Yu. V. Boganyuk ◽  
M. S. Vorobyova ◽  
E. A. Pavlova

The article goal is to demonstrate the possibilities of the approach to diagnosing the level of IT graduates’ professional competence, based on the analysis of the student’s digital footprint and the content of the corresponding educational program. We describe methods for extracting student professional level indicators from digital footprint text data — courses’ descriptions and graduation qualification works. We show methods of comparing these indicators with the formalized requirements of employers, reflected in the texts of vacancies in the field of information technology. The proposed approach was applied at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Tyumen. We performed diagnostics using a data set that included texts of courses’ descriptions for IT areas of undergraduate studies, 542 graduation qualification works in these areas, 879 descriptions of job requirements and information on graduate employment. The presented approach allows us to evaluate the relevance of the educational program as a whole and the level of professional competence of each student based on objective data. The results were used to update the content of some major courses and to include new elective courses in the curriculum.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-15
Mukodas . ◽  
Wildan F. Mubarock

HUMOR AND TASTE OF KHONG GUAN IN JOKO PINURBO’S POEMJoko Pinurbo is one of productive writer. The most interesting part of all works from Jokpin is the humour or jokes he inserted. What makes it interesting there are several poems that he wrote which published in Kompas newspaper on 31st Agustus 2019. There are twelve poems which consists the word Khong Guan in every title: Perjamuan Khong Guan, Hujan Khong Guan, Tidur Khong Guan, Lebaran Khong Guan, Minuman Khong Guan, Sabda Khong Guan, Agama Khong Guan, Keluarga Khong Guan, Mudik Khong Guan, Doa Khong Guan, Bingkisan Khong Guan, dan Hati Khong Guan. Those twelve poems are the subject to this research. The aim of this research is to define how humor was created.  Recent humors are mostly uneducated humor such as insult joke, bullying, and disrespectful. Joko Pinurbo gives alternative in doing humor, through poem. Humor found in the poem is dominated by tragedy humor. Descriptive qualitative method is used in this research. This research found that there are five poems which can be classified as tragedy

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-103
Gretchen Slover

Background: This research was birthed in 2017 during a trip to Lusaka, Zambia, with the purpose of offering fourth-year, medical students attending the University of Zambia, School of Medicine, lectures on psychology topics as part of their clinical studies.  Students were also offered brief therapy sessions where they could process thoughts and feelings causing them internal struggles.  The subject of offering counseling on a regular basis was randomly discussed with the students.  From these discussions the need for this research became evident, with the intent of becoming the launching pad to brainstorm the most effective ways of developing a plan to offer counseling services for all medical students attending the University of Zambia School of Medicine. Methods: An-experimental research design, consisting of completion of a 12-item questionnaire administered by paper and pen. The inclusion criteria were the fourth year, medical students attending the University of Zambia, School of Medicine. Results:  The student responses revealed that most of them had little to no experience with counseling services, but a strong desire for them. Discussion: The goal of this study was to simply establish a need for an on-campus counseling service, the need of which has been established by the very students who would benefit.  With the acceptance of this need, the future plan is to explore the different ways in which this need can be fulfilled with minimal costs to the Medical School Program. Conclusion:  This study is the first step towards identifying the needs of the medical students and sets the ground-work for further research into the specific areas of need and mental health challenges.  More specificity in the area of demographics of students will produce a more comprehensive picture of the areas of concentration for the therapists offering services.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-37
Syarifudin Syarifudin

Each religious sect has its own characteristics, whether fundamental, radical, or religious. One of them is Insan Al-Kamil Congregation, which is in Cijati, South Cikareo Village, Wado District, Sumedang Regency. This congregation is Sufism with the concept of self-purification as the subject of its teachings. So, the purpose of this study is to reveal how the origin of Insan Al-Kamil Congregation, the concept of its purification, and the procedures of achieving its purification. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with a normative theological approach as the blade of analysis. In addition, the data generated is the result of observation, interviews, and document studies. From the collected data, Jamaah Insan Al-Kamil adheres to the core teachings of Islam and is the tenth regeneration of Islam Teachings, which refers to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. According to this congregation, self-perfection becomes an obligation that must be achieved by human beings in order to remember Allah when life is done. The process of self-purification is done when human beings still live in the world by knowing His God. Therefore, the peak of self-purification is called Insan Kamil. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 4 ◽  
E. K. Samerhanova ◽  
M. A. Balakin

Introduction. The article deals with the training of professional educational program managers for work in the digital environment of a university. The digital environment of the university is considered from the perspective of managing professional educational programs and is a complex open system that integrates system components for managing content, process, resources, contingent, finance and quality of programs that ensure the integrity and continuity of the educational process at all levels and in all respects. The implementation of a digital model for managing educational programs at a university on the basis of a single digital ring of services for an electronic platform for managing educational programs at a university dictates the need for digital competencies of managers of major professional educational programs (OPOP).By digital competence of the leaders of professional educational programs we mean the ability and willingness to perform labor functions in the design, implementation and replication of an educational program using digital technologies that ensure the effectiveness of activitiesThe way to identify professional deficiencies in the field of digital competencies of the leaders of professional educational programs was the personalized design of educational internship trajectories with tutorial support for the internship. The internship trajectory of the heads of OPOP has a modular structure and is aimed at eliminating professional deficits in the field of information, methodological, communication, technological and organizational component of digital competencies. The internship site (virtual laboratory) is a virtual educational space that provides training for educational program managers and online events: hackaths, quests, webinars, etc.Materials and methods. When writing an article, the following methods were used - theoretical and methodological analysis and synthesis of available special domestic and foreign scientific and methodological literature, conceptual analysis of scientific articles and publications on the topic; study and generalization of both domestic and foreign developments and implementation of projects to create digital environments in education management; application of generalization, comparison, forecasting methods, online surveys.Results. The structure of the digital environment for managing professional educational programs at the university is presented. Functionally described is the ring of digital services for the management of OPOP. The analysis of different approaches to assessing the digital competencies of educators is presented. The concept of digital competencies has been clarified in relation to the head of a professional educational program. The content of the components of digital competency is described: informational, methodological, communication, technological, organizational.Discussions and Conclusions. The developed modular program for eliminating professional deficits of heads of professional educational programs in the field of digital competencies, based on the personalized design of educational internship trajectories with tutorial support for internships, will allow you to effectively administer and manage BEP in the digital environment of the university.

2006 ◽  
Vol 65 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-152
Luc Vandeweyer

Hendrik Draye, opponent of the carrying out of the death penaltyIn this annotated and extensively contextualised source edition, Luc Vandeweyer deals with the period of repression after the Second World War. In June 1948, after the execution of two hundred collaboration-suspects in Belgium, the relatively young linguistics professor at the Catholic University of Leuven, Hendrik Draye, proposed, on humanitarian grounds, a Manifesto against the carrying out of the death penalty. Some colleagues, as well as some influential personalities outside the university, reacted positively; some colleagues were rather hesitant; most of them rejected the text. In the end, the initiative foundered because of the emphatic dissuasion by the head of university, who wanted to protect his university and, arguably, the young professor Draeye. The general public’s demand for revenge had not yet abated by then; moreover, the unstable government at that time planned a reorientation of the penal policy, which made a polarization undesirable. Nevertheless, Luc Vandeweyer concludes, "the opportunity for an important debate on the subject had been missed".

1987 ◽  
Vol 3 (12) ◽  
pp. 337-348
Robert Skloot

One of the ways in which Jews and others have sought somehow to assimilate the knowledge of the Nazi Holocaust has been through the theatrical expression of the appalling dilemmas it posed. Implicitly or explicitly, however, the process of ‘shaping’ that this involves forces an attitude to be taken by the dramatist towards the meaning of ‘choice’ in such circumstances, and the ‘acceptable’ price of possible survival. In his anthology The Theatre of the Holocaust (1982), Robert Skloot assembled four plays which exemplified the possible ‘attitudes to survival’, and here he relates them to the ideas of Bruno Bettelheim, Terrence Des Pres, and other writers on the subject, in an attempt to assess how fully and honestly theatre is able to reflect the issues involved. Robert Skloot is Professor of Theatre and Drama at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and was Fulbright Lecturer in Israel in 1980–81. He has also edited a collection of essays, ‘The Darkness We Carry’: the Drama of the Holocaust, due for publication in the spring of 1988.

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