scholarly journals Cultura de la seguridad y percepción del riesgo: temas claves para la gestión empresarial. / Culture of safety and perception of risk: key issues for management business.

Antonio Torres ◽  
Manuel Perdomo Ojeda

El artículo presenta un resumen crítico de la evolución de la percepción social del riesgo y su reflejo a nivel del ambiente laboral. La cultura de la seguridad es considerada una temática de élite y se asocia esencialmente con instalaciones sujetas a regulaciones estatales, sin embargo, el documento argumenta como su generalización en otras entidades, con riesgo asociado, constituye un paso hacia la percepción científica del riesgo gestionado. Partiendo del estudio dialéctico de los métodos de evaluación de percepción de riesgo laboral, se introduce el método EPRO (del acrónimo Evaluación de Percepción de Riesgo Ocupacional) para contribuir a identificar las necesidades de capacitación en materia de seguridad del trabajo. Las evaluaciones de percepción de riesgo son imprescindibles en otras áreas, ya sean públicas o empresariales, donde la seguridad es clave. Considerando las necesidades de medición del riesgo subjetivo, se implementa el código RISKPERCEP que ha sido empleado en variados estudios de percepción de riesgo. Adicionalmente, el artículo demuestra con ejemplos algunas aplicaciones realizadas al estudio de percepción de riesgos laborales.  ABSTRACT: The paper shows a critical summary ofthe evolution ofthe social risk perception and its reflection at the level ofthe work environment. The safety culture is considered an élite theme and is essentially associated with facilities subject to state regulations, however, the paper argües that its generalization in other entities, with associated risk, constitutes a step towards the scientific perception ofmanaged risk. Starting frorn the dialectical study oftke methods ofevaluation of occupationál risk perception, the EPRO metkod (from the acronym Assessment of Occupationál Risk Perception) is introduced to contribute to the identification oftraining needs in the field of occupationál safety. Risk perception assessments are essentiál in other areas, whether public or business, where safety is essentiál. Considering the needs of subjective risk measurement, the RISKPERCEP code has been implemented, which has been used in severál studies of risk perception. Additionally, the paper demonstrates with examples some applications made to the study of perception of occupationál risks.

N.V. Vadulina ◽  
V.I. Litvinova ◽  
O.V. Konstantinova ◽  
M.I. Ismagilov ◽  

The main concepts of safety culture at work and the problems of their adaptation to specific conditions at the enterprises of PJSC LUKOIL and PJSC SIBUR Holding are considered. Safety culture is a broad concept that includes a set of knowledge, beliefs, moral values, habits, skills, as well as a set of legislative and normative acts. Individual elements of a safety culture can be implemented in various combinations. However, not all the organizations have a specific concept for implementing safety culture programs in their workplaces. In this regard, the study of the efficiency of the activities of the enterprises of PJSC LUKOIL and PJSC SIBUR Holding was conducted to improve the culture of occupational safety. The dynamics of incidents and its dependence on the introduced measures for the implementation of programs for the culture of safety at work were assessed. The objectives of this work are to establish afore-mentioned dependence at work, as well as to identify the best practices for introducing an occupational safety culture. The causes of injuries and their relationship with the safety culture at work, as well as the influence of individual tools of this culture on the frequency and severity of incidents are considered. It is established that the use of only informational tools, as is done at many Russian enterprises, does not reduce injuries. Simple information does not lead to an improvement in occupational safety and efficiency of the enterprise, and sometimes even causes the opposite effect. The most promising and efficient tool for the occupational safety culture is the assessment of occupational risks, i.e., identification of incidents that potentially lead to injury or incident. The conducted analysis of the implementation of various programs on the culture of occupational safety will help enterprises to choose the concept of safety culture that is optimal for themselves and, as a result, reduce the level of work injuries.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-82 ◽  
April M. Clayton ◽  
James Hayes ◽  
George W. Lathrop ◽  
Nathaniel Powell

Introduction: Laboratory animal facilities aim to provide excellence in animal care and welfare and support scientific research. Critical to these goals is to ensure a safe work environment for personnel comprising veterinary and animal care, laboratory research, and maintenance staff. Objective: Thus, performing occupational risk assessments allows for evaluation of risks from identified hazards associated with a variety of tasks ongoing in laboratory animal facilities. Methods: Herein, we present the development of an occupational risk assessment tool purposed to capture the dynamics of work performed in laboratory animal facilities, calculate and prioritize identified risks associated with procedures and processes, and inform and evaluate risk mitigations. Results: We also discuss a risk assessment for refining sharps use in nonhuman primate husbandry and care to demonstrate the utility of this tool to improve occupational safety in our animal facility. Conclusion: This tool and framework evolve into a holistic occupational risk management system that identifies, evaluates, and mitigates occupational risks; determines risk acceptability; consistently ensures communication and consultation with frontline personnel, stakeholders, senior leadership, and subject matter experts in biosafety, science, and animal care and welfare; and continuously strives to improve and enhance the operations of laboratory animal facilities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 271-286
Meriadi Meriadi ◽  
Fakhry Zamzam ◽  
Luis Marnisah

Research objectives specifically to know the results of the analysis of the implementation of the value of cultural safety through the Baturaja Risk Containment employee Level Junior Manager and Specialist at PT. Semen Baturaja Site Baturaja. The method of research that is used is qualitative descriptive by emphasizing analysis of data obtained in the field. Data collection in the field using observation and interview techniques. Data sources and information obtained from informant that is an employee of the Junior manager and specialist and also key informant from the officials at the Vice president, Senior Manager and Manager who experienced more than six years in the field. The results of the study stated that before the program BRC employees did not care and do not understand the importance of occupational safety. After the implementation of BRC program there is a change in safety culture of employees with increased awareness of 64%, increased adherence to safety rules by 14% and increased understanding of safety culture by 22%. Factors supporting the creation of cultural safety include 60% of consciousness, 25% of fear due to sanctions and 15% pressure from superiors. The positive impact of the BRC program makes employees more concerned about the culture of safety. With the commitment and maximum support from the cement Baturaja, the value of cultural Safety through BRC program for employees of Semen Baturaja in Junior Manager and Specialist disite Baturaja can not only be realized well but also provide a positive image for investors and the public.

KANT ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 200-205
Elviza Abiltarova

The article touches upon the problem of the formation of a culture of safety in the professional activities of occupational safety and health protection engineers. The author emphasizes the importance of defining the structural and content components of the safety culture. The work substantiates structural components of the safety culture of occupational safety engineers, which include: general culture, labour protection culture, labour culture, and health culture. The author's definition of the following concepts is given: general culture, labour protection culture, labour culture, and health culture.


 In the course of work it was demonstrated that occupational risk is considered to be the probability of harm to health as a result of exposure to harmful and / or dangerous production factors during the labor process. A prerequisite for occupational safety in production activities is knowledge and assessment of the activities of sources of danger, risk assessment tools, the degree of impact of hazards on people and taking the necessary measures. Risk management is carried out in the performance of each production operation performed by employees of the enterprise, and is aimed at eliminating or reducing unacceptable risks through the implementation of appropriate protective measures. Without the analysis and management of occupational risks, it is impossible to create safe conditions, as well as reduce injuries and reduce occupational diseases. One of the main methods of occupational risk analysis that gives the best results is the method of analysis of causation using a dynamic model. In order to identify hazards, assess risks and implement protective measures that can ensure the acceptable level of risks of future work, it is necessary to consider the production task and visit the work site. Work is allowed if there are no additional hazards and protective measures of the Risk Assessment Map are actually implemented. It is forbidden to perform the work when identifying additional hazards that require reducing the risks of additional resources and the decision of management. It is strictly forbidden to perform the work until the rapid reduction of the level of risk to an acceptable level begins − with the identification of additional hazards that require the development and implementation of protective measures at the expense of personal resources.

2021 ◽  
pp. 78-85
Abiltarova T.N.

The article is devoted to the problem of forming the culture of safety of professional activity in future occupational safety and health engineers. Thepurposeof the article is to substantiate the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of professional safety culture in future occupational safety and health engineers. Methods. The work is based on the works of scientists, who applied the principles and ideas of culturological, humanistic, axiological, activity, and personality-oriented approaches, used theoretical methods (analysis and systematization of scientific literature, comparison, generalization, and systematization of information), empirical methods (practical experience, expert evaluation, ranking, expert survey), methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The pedagogical conditions of effective formation of the culture of safety of professional activity (CSPA) in future occupational safety and health engineers are defined: formation of positive motivation to master CSPA; updating the content of professional training of occupational safety and health engineers taking into account CSPA component on the basis of interdisciplinary integration; use of innovative technologies of formation of CSPA in future occupational safety and health engineers; development of creative readiness of future occupational safety and health engineers to provide for safe activities. The implementation of the first pedagogical condition involves the creation of a positive attitude and motivation for safe behavior and health at work. To implement the second pedagogical condition, it is important to ensure the design of integrative content, which should contain the following components: labor, legal, organizational and managerial, ergonomic, health, communicative. In order to implement the third and fourth pedagogical conditions, it is topical to cover the application and implementation of innovative technologies, interactive teaching methods, and information and communication technologies, distance and mixed learning systems; investigation of social networks, blocks, sites of international organizations in the field of labor protection; creation of an atmosphere of creative development, self-learning and self-realization. Conclusions. It is established that ensuring effective pedagogical conditions for the formation of the safety culture in future professionals in the field of labor protection will improve the quality of their training in higher education institutions. It is concluded that further research requires consideration and experimental verification of the detected pedagogical conditions.Key words: safety culture, professional training, occupational safety and health engineer, pedagogical conditions, professional activity, labor protection methods. Стаття присвячена проблемі формування культури безпеки професійної діяльності у майбутніх інженерів з охорони праці. Мета статті полягає в обґрунтуванні організаційно-педагогічних умов ефективного формування культури безпеки професійної діяльності у майбутніх інженерів з охорони праці. Методи. Робота ґрунтується на працях учених, у яких застосовано принципи та ідеї культурологічного, гуманістичного, аксіологічного, діяльнісного та особистісно-орієнтованого підходів, використано теоретичні методи (аналіз та систематизація наукової літератури, порівняння, узагальнення та систематизація інформації), емпіричні методи (практичний досвід, експертне оцінювання, ранжування, опитування експертів), методи математичної статистики. Результати. Визначено організаційно-педагогічні умови ефективного формування культури безпеки професійної діяльності у майбутніх інженерів з охорони праці, такі як формування позитивної мотивації до оволодіння культури безпеки професійної діяльності; оновлення змісту професійної підготовки інженерів з охорони праці з урахуванням компонента культури безпеки професійної діяльності на основі міждисциплінарної інтеграції; використання інноваційних технологій формування культури безпеки професійної діяльності у майбутніх інженерів з охорони праці; розвиток творчої готовності у майбутніх інженерів з охорони праці до безпечної діяльності. Реалізація першої педагогічної умови передбачає створення позитивного ставлення та мотивації до безпечної поведінки та збереження здоров’я у процесі праці. Для впровадження другої педагогічної умови важливо забезпечити проєктування інтегративного змісту, який має містити такі компоненти, як працеохоронний, правовий, організаційно-управлінський, ергономічний, здоров’язберігаючий, комунікативний. Задля здійснення третьої та четвертої педагогічних умов акту-альними є застосування та впровадження інноваційних технологій, інтерактивних методів навчання, інформаційно-комунікативних технологій, систем дистанційного та змішаного навчання, соціальних мереж, блоків, сайтів міжнародних організацій у галузі охорони праці, створення атмосфери творчого розвитку, самонавчання та самореалізації. Висновки. Встановлено, що забезпечення результативних педагогічних умов формування культури безпеки у майбутніх фахівців у галузі охорони праці підвищить якість їх підготовки у вищому навчальному закладі. Зроблено висновок, що подальше досліджен-ня потребує розгляду та експериментальної перевірки визначених педагогічних умов.Ключові слова: культура безпеки, професійна підготовка, інженер з охорони праці, педагогічні умови, професійна діяльність, методика охорони праці.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-75
M. L. Rudakov ◽  
O M. Bolshunova ◽  
D. S. Sobyanin

The paper deals with an approach to occupational risk management based on the structuring of hazardous production situations (OPS) on the example of a coal open-cut. The possibility of using weight coefficients in determining groups of hazardous factors is shown, based on which the dominant contribution of technological and subjective factors is highlighted. An example of assessment of risks and opportunities as elements of occupational safety management based on GOST R ISO 45001-2020 is demonstrated.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Kuok Ho Daniel Tang

Climate change has far-reaching impacts not only on the ecosystems but on the astrosphere. Its effects on the astrosphere are multi-tiered from an entire nation down to individuals including the working population. It alters exposure to environmental hazards and the subsequent occupational risks. This review looks into how various aspects of climate change influence occupational safety and health, and provides recommendations for workplace adaptation. This review examines official data and peer-reviewed scholarly articles published in the past 15 to 20 years to draw the impacts and recommendations. It highlights the susceptibility of outdoor workers to heat and humidity caused by global warming and their works often require high physical demand and the wearing of personal protective clothing which exacerbate heat impacts. Excessive heat causes excessive sweating which could lead to dehydration and kidney disease. Mounting heat reduces working capacity and productivity besides increasing respiration rate hence exposure to chemicals through inhalation. Extreme weather events, particularly wildfires resulted from drought and increasing temperature present high occupational risk to firefighters and other outdoor workers in the wildfire zones, exposing them to extreme heat and numerous air pollutants. Global warming has been linked to increased lightning strikes and more severe heatwaves threatening workers. Flooding and more intense storms increase the occupational risks of those working on sea and in coastal areas. Climate change also alters the distribution and prevalence of disease vectors, creating new occupational risk. Adaptations should take into consideration climate change and workers’ protection in building designs, coastline protection and adaptive response. Keywords: Adaptation; Climate change; Extreme weather; Heat; Safety and health; Workplace

S. S. Adamiv ◽  
V. P. Holod

The problem of reducing occupational risk in agriculture is extremely complex and at present not found a universal way to solve it. Reduction of occupational risk should be considered as a major component part of occupational safety as one of the most important functions of state authorities and business entities. Current trends in the growth of professional (production) risks in agriculture necessitated the development of an industry-wide system assessment and the introduction of modern methods of management of labour safety. One of the priority areas reducing the number of accidents at production is increased attention to the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases on the basis of existing production of dangerous and harmful factors, there are certain risks of injury and health loss. Modern scientific and methodological approaches and experiences of developed countries show that an effective model of protecting workers from negative (threat) impact the production environment should be based on occupational risk management. Implementation of quantitative methods for the assessment of occupational risks is one of the strategic directions achievements in the state acceptable level of safety, environmental and industrial objects. In the conditions of modern agricultural production is a complex probabilistic system, in which, as a rule, there is an unresolved danger that is inherent through participation in the process of a man with his emotional, physiological and psychological weakness, there is always the risk of an accident. In the traditional tasks of labour protection are investigating the actions of the employee as a potential source of danger because of his wrong actions, ignorance of safe methods of work. However, the technical security will play a critical role in solving problems of complex reduce the risk of injury to the mechanized processes of agriculture, that allows to consider this problem as a new and up to date.

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