scholarly journals Peningkatan Pertumbuhan Gereja Melalui Sikap Gembala Jemaat Berdasarkan 1 Petrus 5:2-3

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 205-215
Yanto Paulus Hermanto

The growth of the church is God's will, so this goal is a priority for God's church. The growth of the church cannot be separated from the character Peter who is a disciple who was asked by the Lord Jesus to shepherd His people. Church growth cannot be separated from the attitude of church leaders (pastors), therefore the problem discussed in this study is how to increase church growth through the attitude of the church pastor based on 1 Peter 5: 2-3. By researching and answering the formulation of this problem, it is hoped that the leaders of the congregation and congregation will have knowledge and attitudes that are in accordance with the word of God, and finally church growth is experienced by all churches.Pertumbuhan gereja merupakan kehendak Allah, sehingga sasaran ini menjadi prioritas bagi gereja Tuhan. Pertumbuhan gereja tidak bisa dipisahkan dari tokoh Petrus yang merupakan murid yang diminta Tuhan Yesus untuk menggembalakan umat-Nya.  Pertumbuhan gereja pun tidak dapat dipisahkan dari sikap pemimpin jemaat (gembala), oleh sebab itu masalah yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana meningkatkan pertumbuhan gereja melalui sikap gembala jemaat berdasarkan 1 Petrus 5:2-3. Dengan meneliti dan menjawab rumusan masalah ini diharapkan para pemimpin jemaat dan jemaat memiliki pengetahuan dan sikap yang sesuai firman Allah, dan akhirnya pertumbuhan gereja dialami oleh semua gereja.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 88-97
Dwi Setio Budiono Santoso

Preaching is a work that proclaims God's will through His Word. Preaching the Word of God is expected to have a positive influence on the spiritual life of the listener, which is to bring change to those who listen. Preaching is the pastor's main work related to his calling in service in the church. This study aims to show that there is a relationship between the sermon by the pastor and the growth of the congregation. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method of 50 members of the congregation at GPdI Tamanan, Bondowoso. The conclusion obtained is, there is a significant role of preaching in church growth. Abstract Berkhotbah merupakan pekerjaan yang mewartakan kehendak Allah melalui Firman-Nya. Pemberitaan Firman Tuhan itulah yang diharapkan dapat memberikan pengaruh positif bagi kehidupan kerohaniaan pendengar, yaitu membawa perubahan bagi yang mendengarkannya. Berkhotbah merupakan pekerjaan utama gembala sidang terkait panggilan pelayanannya di gereja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara khotbah yang dilakukan oleh gembala sidang terhadap pertumbuhan jemaat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualiitatif dengan metode deskriptif terhadap 50 anggota jemaat di GPdI Tamanan, Bondowoso. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah, ada peran khotbah yang signifikan dalam pertumbuhan jemaat.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-111
Ferderika Pertiwi Ndiy ◽  
S Susanto

Church growth is an important study in church history. The Bible has important principles in church growth, therefore these principles need to be analyzed so that they can contribute to the study of church growth. The Acts of the Apostles is a book that has a history and principles of church growth, therefore the author conducted research on church growth based on Acts 2: 1-47. The author uses a qualitative approach to literature study to find the principles of church growth based on Acts 2: 1-47. The results showed that there were three principles for the growth of the early church. The first principle based on the fourth verse is to depend on the Holy Spirit, the second principle based on verses 14-36, 42 is to preach the Word of God, the third principle based on verses 42-46 is to live in fellowship. For the growth of the church today the church must depend on the power of the Holy Spirit, teaching based on the word of God, and the church lives in fellowship.

2011 ◽  
Vol 45 (2/3) ◽  
Douw G. Breed

Corresponding guidance by the RCSA’s ministers of the Word: a study of the guidance provided by Peter, Paul and James on four occasionsDifferences between RCSA ministers in terms of their guidance from the Word of God have become increasingly apparent in recent years. It is clear that these differences among those who are called to lead are not in the best interest of the church. The present article sets out guidelines for church leaders – in casu, for ministers of the RCSA – to achieve non-conflicting guidance. These guidelines are presented after studying the guidance provided by Peter, Paul and James on four occasions when dealing with the matter of the Christians from the non-Jewish nations. The article focuses on the interrelationship between the three church leaders regarding the guidance that they offered, as well as guidelines that could be derived from their conduct to enable present-day church leaders to achieve non-conflicting guidance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-41
Joseph Christ Santo ◽  
Dapot Tua Simanjuntak

Church growth is important, but not all churches experience good growth. The observation shows that one of the causes of the church not experiencing growth is the problem of the exemplary life of the pastor. This research was conducted to determine the effect of a pastor's living example on church growth. The conceptual and operational definitions of the pastor's living example are formulated based on the letter of 1 Peter, while the conceptual and operational definitions of church growth are formulated based on the growth of the early church. This research was carried out by distributing questionnaires to 125 respondents from four local churches from the Gereja Injili di Indonesia (Evangelical Church in Indonesia) in West Java Classes. With statistical calculations, the results show that there is the influence of the pastor's living example based on letter 1 Peter on the growth of the Gereja Injili di Indonesia in West Java Classes, and the effect is high. AbstrakPertumbuhan gereja adalah hal yang penting, tetapi tidak semua gereja mengalami pertumbuhan yang baik. Hasil observasi menunjukkan bahwa salah satu penyebab gereja tidak mengalami pertumbuhan adalah masalah keteladanan hidup gembala sidang. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh keteladanan hidup gembala sidang terhadap pertumbuhan gereja. Definisi konseptual dan operasional keteladanan hidup gembala sidang dirumuskan berdasarkan surat 1 Petrus, sedangkan definisi konseptual dan operasional pertumbuhan gereja dirumuskan berdasarkan pertumbuhan gereja mula-mula. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mendistribusikan kuesioner atas 125 responden dari empat gereja lokal dari Gereja Injili di Indonesia Klasis Jawa Barat. Dengan perhitungan statistik diperoleh hasil bahwa ada pengaruh keteladanan hidup gembala sidang berdasarkan surat 1 Petrus terhadap pertumbuhan jemaat Gereja Injili Di Indonesia Klasis Jawa Barat, dan pengaruhnya adalah tinggi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-139
Rustam Siagian

Pembahasan tentang pertumbuhan gereja selalu menjadi perhatian para pemimpin gereja dimana saja. Berbagai teori dipelajari dengan harapan bisa diterapkan di dalam gereja masing-masing agar pertumbuhan bisa tercapai secara maksimal. Tetapi sesungguhnya dasar pertumbuhan gereja sudah disampaikan kepada gereja dalam kitab Kisah Para Rasul, karena itu tulisan ini akan menelusuri prinsip-prinsip pertumbuhan gereja dari kitab Kisah Para Rasul dan dengan harapan prinsip-prinsip itu menjadi masukan bagi gereja masa kini.   Discussions about church growth always come to the attention of church leaders everywhere. Various theories are learned with the hope that they can be applied in their respective churches so that growth can be achieved to the maximum. But actually the basis for the growth of the church has been conveyed to the church in the book of Acts, therefore this paper will explore the principles of church growth from the book of Acts and hopefully these principles will be input for the church today.

Kairos ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-91
Stanko Jambrek

In order to have a fruitful understanding of the nature of the Church, the Bible uses a variety of pictures, which when taken together form Church models by which believers live and act by. We have reviewed Church models in three categories: the first category is taken by Church models which are formed today by our everyday life; the second one are Church models which have been created by man throughout history; and third, the Church models which have a foundation in the Word of God. Church models formed by everyday life and man-made Church models can be used as negative examples of models to be changed and avoided, especially models of the Church as an institution and as a denomination. The Bible shows a particular reality and nature of the Church by using numerous different pictures from everyday life. These include pictures from the ownership system; the picture of the way the human body works; pictures from premarital, marital, and family life; pictures from architecture, agriculture, cattle breeding, fishery, and citizenship and patriotism. Each of the used pictures communicates one or more God’s truths in a way that is experientially very close and familiar to the listeners and readers. These pictures reflect life and point towards life. The 21st century Christianity needs to adopt and apply Biblical pictures of Church which, when taken together, form the Biblical Church model. As we establish this model, we need to focus on God and His purposes and plans for a specific time, place, and culture. Our communication with God needs to be completely open, and the Church needs to be prepared to follow God’s plans and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Biblical Church model contains God’s (immutable) and human (mutable) elements. God is immutable, which is why anything that is permanent and immutable in Church comes from God, and what can and needs to be changed is anything that came from people. The human elements need to be aligned with God’s Word and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, so that the Church would be able to obey God’s will fruitfully.

2016 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
Brian A. DeVries

This article examines the use of spiritual gifts for church growth, particularly in relation to the sovereign work of the Holy Spirit. The article begins with a definition of spiritual gifts and by highlighting their purpose for growing the church. This is followed by two practical considerations: How should Christian believers use spiritual gifts for church growth, and how should church leaders motivate gift use for this purpose? Since the Holy Spirit works though believers to build up the body of Christ, advocates of biblical church growth should seek to employ his means to motivate spiritual giftedness in the church.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Sonny Manoach ◽  
Sutikto Sutikto

Church growth is the triune God's will. Embodied through the Lord Jesus Christ as the head of the Church. God wills the Growth of the Church as an implementation of the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. However, GPdI Elohm Sentani - Papua has not been maximally growing quantitatively. As the church strives to carry out its spiritual mandate so that all people bow down to worship God through Jesus Christ. The growth in question is related to spiritual growth, number and management, and outward expansion. The church growth in GPdI Elohim Sentani – Jayapura has not been maximized because it has many weaknesses. Weaknesses in the aspects of the mission of marturia, koinonia, and deaconess, as well as leadership. These aspects have not been implemented effectively in the past, so that at the same time through this research an evaluation is carried out. Thus, a relevant strategy is needed in order to grow according to God's will. This research approach is qualitative, the type of research is a theological phenomenological study. This research was conducted using library research methods and field research methods. Building on the theoretical basis of the exposition of the Book of Acts regarding the Church's growth strategy is supported by the opinion of practical theologians about Church growth. In addition, data were also obtained from the field through structured interviews, and administrative documents, observations of congregants involved in local church services at GPdI Elohim Sentani - Jayapura.

Steve Paulson ◽  
Chris Croghan

The profound impact of Martin Luther’s theological confession is well documented. What is not as thoroughly explored is Luther’s understanding of the function of preaching, which both rooted his reformational breakthrough and drove the Reformation thereafter. Luther’s simple assertion—instead of the pope, there stands a sermon—resulted in a revolution that impacted all facets of 16th-century life. Luther’s simple assertion concerning proclamation deconstructed a deeply embedded framework that had arisen around Christianity that affected everything from the function of the priest to the definition and role of the church, and even Scripture itself. While Luther learned as he went, especially in the matter of preaching, the unwavering consistency and even simplicity of his theology is breathtaking. Instead of the pope, a sermon which delivers Christ’s forgiveness of sins. Faith in that promise is certain and is not to be doubted in any way. Thus, preaching and nothing else makes the church, not vice versa. The ramifications of this assertion are monumental and far-reaching. Luther’s confession caused great upheaval and consternation in his time and continues to do so even now, since it addresses the basic questions of theology and life, such as the role of the individual in salvation, whether the will is free or bound in relation to God, what the authority of Scripture is in relation to tradition, and what the difference between a command and a promise is. Yet Luther held to the claim that the most important matter was the comfort of the conscience, which can come only through a promise delivered in place and time to a person pro me and thus builds a whole gathering of the faithful as true church. Thus, in the face of outcries and upheaval in Christendom, Luther refused to blame the gospel, but simply preached as he had taught, trusting that the word of God does not return empty but accomplishes what it says. So he trusted that in that proclamation God’s will would be done: killing and making alive, naming and absolving the sin of people desperate to hear that freeing proclamation. Thus the Reformation that followed Luther became a preaching movement that distinguished the law and the gospel and applied both categorically. Proclamation is the moment and fullness of the divine election unto eternal life.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Benyamin Fleming Intan

ABSTRACT: After man has sinned, violence cannot be separated from human life. As Christianity comes into contact with violence, it generates a theory of just-war in responding against injustice. The applications of just-war theory are not only limited to Christian circle, but has reached wider groups. Just-war has become a guidance for non-Christian philosophers and politicians to fight oppressors and to uphold justice. This paper discribes the idea of just-war in Christians tradition, firstly by exploring the legitimacy of war in the light of the Word of God, and secondly by comparing it to the holy war in the context of the Old Testament. To better understand the views of the church leaders about just-war this paper will also discuss the criticisms against the theory. The author believes that the presence of just-war theory is crucial in the midst of this sinful world. KEYWORDS: violence, the legitimacy of war, just-war, holy war, peace, justice, Christian love

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