Developing a Military Cyber Maturity Model for Multi-Domain Battle Mission Resilience and Success

2020 ◽  
pp. 151-164
David Ormrod ◽  
Benjamin Turnbull

Modern military forces rely heavily on cyber-enabled systems; for logistics, communication, and control. Modern military platforms are heavily integrated with computing capability. This integration and reliance will only increase over time. Modern military operations require the support of flexible, responsive and resilient cyber-capabilities. Current information system security models and information assurance constructs seek to achieve information assurance, a high degree of certainty in the confidentiality, integrity and availability of cyber-systems supporting combat operations. However, this approach assumes that an information assurance approach is a complete and comprehensive defense. History though, has proven otherwise. This work argues that the information assurance approach, whilst a worthy goal, is not reflective of the lessons of history or warfare. Specifically, this work outlines the need for, and introduces The Military Cyber-Maturity Model, a pragmatic model that assumes a technically capable and intelligent adversary. This model assumes the possibility of an adversary utilizing an unknown vulnerability to attack the system, and expends resources to minimise the impact of the successful attack rather than relying entirely on an impregnable defense. This approach extends beyond the assumption that a cyber-attack immediately causes mission failure, by recognizing that each cyber-attack has different requirements and outcomes and will affect different assets and processes. The Military Cyber-Maturity Model seeks to model business continuity through a high degree of cultural change, embedded work practices that parallel analogue and digital work practices with deceptive counterintelligence behavior. The Military Cyber-Maturity Model incorporates the concepts of behavioral defense and mission assurance to provide agility and increase the likelihood of success in combat. Information deception provides a behavioral defense, creating uncertainty and doubt in the adversary's mind and reducing the degree of trust they have in the information available. This paper introduces the model, outlines its aims, components and justifications. This work also outlines the need for simulation and testing to validate the model's effectiveness, and introduces a number of potential use-cases.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-13
David Ormrod ◽  
Benjamin Turnbull

Modern military forces rely heavily on cyber-enabled systems; for logistics, communication, and control. Modern military platforms are heavily integrated with computing capability. This integration and reliance will only increase over time. Modern military operations require the support of flexible, responsive and resilient cyber-capabilities. Current information system security models and information assurance constructs seek to achieve information assurance, a high degree of certainty in the confidentiality, integrity and availability of cyber-systems supporting combat operations. However, this approach assumes that an information assurance approach is a complete and comprehensive defense. History though, has proven otherwise. This work argues that the information assurance approach, whilst a worthy goal, is not reflective of the lessons of history or warfare. Specifically, this work outlines the need for, and introduces The Military Cyber-Maturity Model, a pragmatic model that assumes a technically capable and intelligent adversary. This model assumes the possibility of an adversary utilizing an unknown vulnerability to attack the system, and expends resources to minimise the impact of the successful attack rather than relying entirely on an impregnable defense. This approach extends beyond the assumption that a cyber-attack immediately causes mission failure, by recognizing that each cyber-attack has different requirements and outcomes and will affect different assets and processes. The Military Cyber-Maturity Model seeks to model business continuity through a high degree of cultural change, embedded work practices that parallel analogue and digital work practices with deceptive counterintelligence behavior. The Military Cyber-Maturity Model incorporates the concepts of behavioral defense and mission assurance to provide agility and increase the likelihood of success in combat. Information deception provides a behavioral defense, creating uncertainty and doubt in the adversary's mind and reducing the degree of trust they have in the information available. This paper introduces the model, outlines its aims, components and justifications. This work also outlines the need for simulation and testing to validate the model's effectiveness, and introduces a number of potential use-cases.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Kukjoo Kim ◽  
Kyung-Ryeung Min ◽  
Young-Jun Park

The Korean peninsula is under increasing threat of electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) from neighboring countries; EMP protection facilities are an essential means of ensuring the operational readiness of the military. However, existing EMP protection facilities are manufactured as fixed-weight structures, which limit the mobility of military operations and lead to the misconception of EMP protection as something only required for higher command. The current military and official EMP protection standards require only a uniform shielding effectiveness of 80 dB. Therefore, this study aims to differentiate the existing uniform level of shielding effectiveness of 80 dB into 80 dB, 60 dB, 40 dB, etc. Further, it seeks to derive the factors to be considered when applying various methods, such as shielding rooms, shielding racks, site redundancy, spare equipment, and portable lightweight protective tents, for recovery of failure, instead of the existing protection facilities that rely on shielded rooms by the Delphi analysis. Then, the applicability of lightweight EMP protection is determined after selecting lightweight materials to build a facility. The electromagnetic shielding performance of 21 types of materials was measured in the 30 MHz–1.5 GHz frequency band using ASTM-D-4935-10. The results showed the possibility of developing a lightweight EMP shielding facility, which would save approximately 316,386 tons of concrete, reducing the CO2 emissions by approximately 9,972,489 tons. Assuming that the Korean carbon transaction price is USD 50/ton CO2, the savings are equivalent to USD 49,862,435.

1843 ◽  
Vol 7 (13) ◽  
pp. 172-199
Samuel Charters Maopherson

[Note. Several years ago, at the close of the military operations of the Madras Government in Goomsur, Captain (then Lieutenant) Macpherson executed by order of government a survey of the country, and in that service lost his health. From the Cape of Good Hope, whither he had gone for its recovery, he transmitted his notes on the religion of the Khonds to a relative in this country, who considered them to possess so much novelty and general interest, that he presented them to the Society, upon his own responsibility, and without the sanction of the writer: and a few additions having been since made, the paper is now laid before the public.]

2012 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-124 ◽  
Raphaël van Steenberghe

Proportionality is a condition provided under both jus ad bellum and jus in bello. Based on a particular interpretation of state practice and international case law, recent legal literature argues that the two notions of proportionality are interrelated in that proportionality under jus in bello is included in the assessment of proportionality under jus ad bellum. This article seeks to refute such a position and, more generally, to clarify the relationship between the two notions of proportionality.The main argument of the article is in line with the traditional position regarding the relationship between jus ad bellum and jus in bello. It is argued that, although sharing common features and being somewhat interconnected, the notions of proportionality provided under these two separate branches of international law remain independent of each other, mainly because of what is referred to in this article as the ‘general versus particular’ dichotomy, which characterises their relations. Proportionality under jus ad bellum is to be measured against the military operation as a whole, whereas proportionality under jus in bello is to be assessed against individual military attacks launched in the framework of this operation.This article nonetheless emphasises the risk of overlap between the assessments of the two notions of proportionality when the use of force involves only one or a few military operations. Indeed, in such situations, the ‘general versus particular’ dichotomy, which normally enables one to make a distinct assessment between the two notions of proportionality, is no longer applicable since it becomes impossible to distinguish between the military operation as a whole and the individual military attacks undertaken during this operation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 220-225
Olga Yuryevna Igoshina

This paper considers one of the urgent problems of the great Patriotic war history - the irrevocable human losses during the great Patriotic war. In the 21st century mass sources (electronic databases and databanks) were distributed. Some of them can be used while studying how local people of the Kuibyshev (now - Samara) Region participated in the military operations in 1941-1945. The paper analyzes information opportunities of the generalized databank Memorial and the consolidated database of the all-Russian information and search center Fatherland. The paper also analyzes the electronic database of the irrevocable human losses of the Kuibyshev Region that is founded on The Memory book and made by the author of the paper. The databank Memorial and the database Fatherland are on the Internet and help to determine the fate or find the information about the dead or missing relatives and friends as well as to determine their burial place. Sections of the victims are accompanied by links as well as by digital copies of archival documents that confirm the information about the date, place of service, death and burial of soldier. Electronic resources have unique features and value for achieving the historical truth about the price of Victory.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
Amir Horev ◽  
Shanny Edan-Reuven ◽  
Ron Eshel ◽  
Lena Novack

In addition to the immediate casualties of armed conflicts, their indirect impact may bring even more damage by causing malfunctioning of health systems and impaired access to diagnosis and treatment. We conducted a population-based study, to assess the utilization rates of health services due to skin disorders, among civilians exposed to missile attacks and siren alarms during three military operations in Israel. The study was designed as a natural experiment, whereas periods of military operations were compared to the non-military times. During the military operations, when sirens and missiles were an everyday experience, the number of visits to dermatologists was 1.07-1.16 times lower [Relative Risk (RR)=0.86-0.92] as compared to the non-military periods, especially evident for patients residing closer to the military zone, where it dropped almost 2- folds (RR=0.52). Although perceived nonurgent in their majority, the routine care should not be delayed to prevent more serious skin conditions.

2020 ◽  
pp. 123-153
Muhammad Maigari Abdullahi ◽  
Usman Ahmad Karofi ◽  
Uthman Abdullahi Abdul-Quadir ◽  
Ibrahim Arafat

This article identifies different operational codenames adopted by the Nigerian military in special domestic operations from 1966-2019 and examined whether the operations were executed in line with the codenames. In Nigeria, the military has an established tradition of codenaming special operations, in both internal and foreign missions. Since 1966, the Nigerian military has been involved in internal security management and codenamed all the operations using both English and local language names. The aftermath of the first military coup d'état on 15th January 1966, was the beginning of military involvement in domestic security operations in addition to their constitutional responsibility of defending the territorial integrity of the country. The Effect Perspective (TEP) is adopted as the theoretical framework which gives proper nuance to the study. Methodologically, data were elicited through in-depth interviews. The findings explain why several military operations have failed to achieve the objectives of their codenames. It concludes that there is no correlation between the operational codenames and their outcomes of special military operations in Nigeria because the desired results of restoring peace have not been achieved within the specific time frame given when they were launched. The paper concludes that the majority of special military operations launched in Nigeria failed below expectations and unable to restore peace in their country in line with the operational codenames as a result of factors identified in the study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 039-054
Paul Tudorache

Similar to other fields, also in the military one, the Artificial Intelligence has become recently an evident solution for optimizing specific processes and activities. Therefore, this research paper aims to highlight the potential uses of Artificial Intelligence in the military operations carried out by the Land Forces. In this regard, analysing the framework of the operations process and applying suitable research methodology, the main findings are related to AI’s contributions in optimizing commander’s decisions during the progress of planning and execution. On the other hand, picturing the AI upgrated combat power of the Land Forces is another significant result of this study.

Lituanistica ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 66 (4) ◽  
Palmira Zemlevičiūtė

The article deals with the names referring to persons engaged in medicine and related sciences as used in the 1920 issues of Medicina, a medical theory and practice magazine of independent Lithuania. The author identifies their meanings and typical groups, discusses their composition and characteristics, and, to some extent, touches upon the matters of their structure and origin. The names of the actors in the medical field carry a high degree of semantic diversity and fall into four identifiable core groups: (1) the names of persons administering treatment, (2) the names of medical training persons, (3) the names of pharmacy persons, and (4) the names of persons undergoing treatment. Within these groups, names further branch off into subgroups based on a set of different, often individual aspects. Still, there are several frequently occurring aspects that should be distinguished: these are the aspects of college medical education, the connection with the military, and the qualifying degree. Although all names of these actors in the medical field are covered by the overarching seme of medicine, they all vary in differential semes. In terms of word formation, the prevailing names for the actors in the medical field are compound words with their key components mostly deriving from Lithuanian terms. Obviously, the prevalence of compounds is the outcome of the need to name different persons associated with medical science and practice, as well as patients, something that cannot be done with single-word terms. Today, many think of a scientific text as one defined by an abundance of foreign terms. The subject source of the names for the actors in the medical field is a science magazine, yet most of the names are of Lithuanian origin. Many of them are suffixal derivatives: gydytojas ‘physician’, mokovas ‘expert’, slaugytojas ‘nurse’, pribuvėja ‘midwife’, seselė ‘sister’, vaistininkas ‘pharmacist’, ligonis ‘a sick person’, džiovininkas ‘a consumptive’, etc. Loanwords are dominated by words of Latin (daktaras ‘doctor’, medikas ‘medic’, pacientas ‘patient’, provizorius ‘pharmaceutical chemist’, sanitaras (‘orderly’), etc.) and Greek (anatomas ‘anatomist’, chirurgas ‘surgeon’, fiziologas ‘physiologist’, terapeutas ‘therapist’, etc.) origin. Hybrids are not very common and usually have a borrowed root and a Lithuanian suffix (stipendininkas ‘scholar’, farmacininkas ‘pharmacist’, venerininkas ‘a male with a venereal disease’, kretinaitė ‘a female with cretinism’, and so on). Conformity with the terminological criterion can mostly be observed in the names of persons administering treatment, whereas a number of the names of persons undergoing treatment are not very terminological due to them being expressed by substantival adjectives and, typically, participles (apsikrėtusysis ‘one who has caught a disease’, pažeistasis ‘(the) affected’, sergantysis ‘(the) sick’, sveikasis ‘(the) healthy’, etc.), or descriptive word combinations (akių liga sergantysis ‘one with an eye disease’, grįžtamąja šiltine sergantysis (‘one with recurrent typhus’, etc.). In addition to linguistic and terminological evidence, the names of actors in the medical field convey a certain amount of subject-related (medical) information. Their meanings provide insight into the medical situation in Lithuania in 1920, practitioners, the most common illnesses of the period, and so on.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2 (40)) ◽  
pp. 70-90

Because nowadays’ world is visually saturated, many social re- searchers are using visual methods to understand how images contribute to the shaping and perpetuation of social constructs, norms, and behaviors. Gender is such a construct, and the beliefs and principles that contributed to the social and visual construction of gender have been broadly argued in the last decades. However, in today’s digitalized world, there is a space poorly explored by gender and visual researchers, namely how the army as a media actor contributes to the construction of masculinity through the images it promotes online. Thus, with the purpose to explore this gap, the present paper examines how the Romanian armed forces visually construct the militarized masculinity on their official Facebook pages, highlighting how those images contribute to the consolidation of the existing gendered stereotypes. Through the photos it disseminates, the Romanian Army le- gitimizes the main role of men in defending the country by revealing de- sirable male characteristics and the high degree of connectivity with the military theatre.

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