A Streamline-Based Model of Wuliwan Oil Field Injecting Polymer Microspheres to Enhance Sweep Efficiency of Water Flooding

2011 ◽  
Vol 361-363 ◽  
pp. 451-455
Zhao Qi Fan ◽  
Lin Song Cheng ◽  
Fu Dai ◽  
Jian Shen

Polymer microsphere is a deep profile control agent which has been developed in recent years. Microsphere’s excellently elastic property makes it possible to be injected, or to penetrate deep into formation, and plug high permeable layers. Many laboratory investigations have been carried out on polymer microspheres by researchers, and field tests also have been done in some oilfields. The laboratory and field test results show that polymer microspheres can plug pore throats effectively, decrease permeability of high permeable channels, thus force injected water to change it’s direction and enhance water-flood sweep efficiency. In this paper, based on the mechanisms of profile modifying and plugging of polymer microsphere, Streamline models have been build abstractly to simulate the profile controlling progress of polymer microspheres, observe the transformation of streamline field, and analyze its impact on the pressure of water injection wells and performance of oil wells. In the end, the mechanisms of profile modifying and plugging of polymer microspheres have been interpreted based on the streamline field.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-9 ◽  
Zhong-Bin Ye ◽  
Yuan Xu ◽  
Hong Chen ◽  
Chen Cheng ◽  
Li-Juan Han ◽  

Graphite oxide sheet, now referred to as graphene oxide (GO), is the product of chemical exfoliation of graphite and has been known for more than a century. A GO sheet is characterized by two abruptly different length scales; the apparent thickness of the functionalized carbon sheet is approximately 1 nm, but the lateral dimensions can range from a few nanometers to micrometers. In this paper, an improved method for the preparation of graphene oxide within a mild condition is described. We have found that cancelling the high-temperature stage and prolonging the reaction time of mid-temperature can improve the efficiency of oxidation process. We utilized FTIR, XRD, Ultraviolet-visible, TGA, Raman spectrum, and XPS measurements to characterize the successfully synthesized GO. SEM images were employed to reveal the interior microstructure of as-prepared GO dispersion. We also wondrously found that the GO dispersion could be used as profile control agent in the oilfield water-flooding. Flooding experiments showed that the GO dispersion has an ability to adjust water injection profile, reduce permeability ratio, and improve conformance factor. So the GO dispersion would have potential applications in oilfield exploitation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Xiaoping Qin ◽  
Haiwei Lu ◽  
Yilin Li ◽  
Tong Peng ◽  
Lijie Xing ◽  

The waste drilling fluid was treated by a flocculant and a pH regulator. And a novel profile control agent base on waste drilling fluid (PCAWDF) was prepared using polymer, formaldehyde, resorcinol, and thiourea as raw materials under mild conditions. PCAWDF was characterized by infrared (IR) spectroscopy and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Compared with the profile control agent prepared by the recirculated water (PCARW), PCAWDF exhibited comparable or better stability, salt resistance, and viscoelasticity. The results of parallel core plugging experiments showed that the profile improvement capability of PCAWDF was stronger than that of PCARW (for 3000 mg/L: 84.6% versus 83.1%; for 5000 mg/L: 91.8% versus 90.2%). The main performance indexes of PCAWDF could meet the need of profile control for the water injection wells. The method could solve the problem of waste drilling fluid treatment in an economic and environmental way.

2014 ◽  
Vol 912-914 ◽  
pp. 297-300
Wei Zhang ◽  
Shuang Yan Zhang ◽  
Deng Feng Ju ◽  
Hai Jun Yan ◽  
Guo Qing Fu ◽  

Since Menggulin reservoir fully been developed in1990, profile control technique is widely used for improving water swept volume. After multiple rounds and large-scales of polymer flooding by materials mixed with sol-gel and Yellow River clay, the formation damage such as depth blockage and stemming become more and more serious.According to statistics, in 2012 there are respectively 10 and 11 water injection wells happened with back flow of profile control agent and wells pressure higher than fracture pressure that without injection. The original reservoir permeability is good, and individual well production has the capacity of 40 to 50m3/d. Yet recently several oil wells almost have fewer even no liquid output due to the blockage and stemming. Estimated by a typical well group,the speed of sol-gel drive increased from 10 m/year to 50~60 m/year, and average water injection pressure were up to 16MPa which almost double original pressure while the only 2MPa pressure corresponding to oil wells. Hence, it show that the severe depth blockage of the formation exactly exit in Menggulin reservoir.

2012 ◽  
Vol 268-270 ◽  
pp. 772-775
Shuo Liang Wang ◽  
Yang Ming Liao ◽  
Huang Chang Xie

Fractured reservoir development process are often faced with the angle wells flooded serious and side wells don’t get the effect of water injection. In order to increase the water flooding sweep efficiency. Profile control plugging is a measure that is frequently used. Traditional plugging program design does not take into account the fluid loss, Program design of the blocking agent dosage is always small, the result is not satisfactory. In this paper, the classic percolation theory is used, seepage equation of the fracture system and matrix system is established, the blocking agent Filtrate analytical solution that considers the different reservoir properties and different blocking agent performance is obtained, that can be used to guide the design of profile control water plugging program and can calculate the best blocking agent dosage. Through the actual implementation of the effect, the proposed method can be more substantial increase in the effect of plugging.

2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (09) ◽  
pp. 58-59
Chris Carpenter

This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Chris Carpenter, contains highlights of paper OTC 30407, “Case Study of Nanopolysilicon Materials’ Depressurization and Injection-Increasing Technology in Offshore Bohai Bay Oil Field KL21-1,” by Qing Feng, Nan Xiao Li, and Jun Zi Huang, China Oilfield Services, et al., prepared for the 2020 Offshore Technology Conference Asia, originally scheduled to be held in Kuala Lumpur, 2–6 November. The paper has not been peer reviewed. Copyright 2020 Offshore Technology Conference. Reproduced by permission. Nanotechnology offers creative approaches to solve problems of oil and gas production that also provide potential for pressure-decreasing application in oil fields. However, at the time of writing, successful pressure-decreasing nanotechnology has rarely been reported. The complete paper reports nanopolysilicon as a new depressurization and injection-increasing agent. The stability of nanopolysilicon was studied in the presence of various ions, including sodium (Na+), calcium (Ca2+), and magnesium (Mg2+). The study found that the addition of nanomaterials can improve porosity and permeability of porous media. Introduction More than 600 water-injection wells exist in Bohai Bay, China. Offshore Field KL21-1, developed by water-flooding, is confronted with the following challenges: - Rapid increase and reduction of water-injection pressure - Weak water-injection capacity of reservoir - Decline of oil production - Poor reservoir properties - Serious hydration and expansion effects of clay minerals To overcome injection difficulties in offshore fields, conventional acidizing measures usually are taken. But, after multiple cycles of acidification, the amount of soluble substances in the rock gradually decreases and injection performance is shortened. Through injection-performance experiments, it can be determined that the biological nanopolysilicon colloid has positive effects on pressure reduction and injection increase. Fluid-seepage-resistance decreases, the injection rate increases by 40%, and injection pressure decreases by 10%. Features of Biological Nanopolysilicon Systems The biological nanopolysilicon-injection system was composed of a bioemulsifier (CDL32), a biological dispersant (DS2), and a nanopolysilicon hydrophobic system (NP12). The bacterial strain of CDL32 was used to obtain the culture colloid of biological emulsifier at 37°C for 5 days. DS2 was made from biological emulsifier CDL32 and some industrial raw materials described in Table 1 of the complete paper. Nanopolysilicon hydrophobic system NP12 was composed of silicon dioxide particles. The hydrophobic nanopolysilicons selected in this project featured particle sizes of less than 100 nm. In the original samples, a floc of nanopolysilicon was fluffy and uniform. But, when wet, nanopolysilicon will self-aggregate and its particle size increases greatly. At the same time, nanopolysilicon features significant agglomeration in water. Because of its high interface energy, nanopolysilicon is easily agglomerated, as shown in Fig. 1.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 786 ◽  
Tomislav Malvić ◽  
Josip Ivšinović ◽  
Josipa Velić ◽  
Jasenka Sremac ◽  
Uroš Barudžija

The authors analyse the process of water re-injection in the hydrocarbon reservoirs/fields in the Upper Miocene sandstone reservoirs, located in the western part of the Sava Depression (Croatia). Namely, this is the “A” field with “L” reservoir that currently produces hydrocarbons using a secondary recovery method, i.e., water injection (in fact, re-injection of the field waters). Three regional reservoir variables were analysed: Porosity, permeability and injected water volumes. The quantity of data was small for porosity reservoir “L” and included 25 points; for permeability and injected volumes of water, 10 points each were measured. This study defined selection of mapping algorithms among methods designed for small datasets (fewer than 20 points). Namely, those are inverse distance weighting and nearest and natural neighbourhood. Results were tested using cross-validation and isoline shape recognition, and the inverse distance weighting method is described as the most appropriate approach for mapping permeability and injected volumes in reservoir “L”. Obtained maps made possible the application of the modified geological probability calculation as a tool for prediction of success for future injection (with probability of 0.56). Consequently, it was possible to plan future injection more efficiently, with smaller injected volumes and higher hydrocarbon recovery. Prevention of useless injection, decreasing number of injection wells, saving energy and funds invested in such processes lead to lower environmental impact during the hydrocarbon production.

1991 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-116 ◽  
D. M. Stewart ◽  
A. J. G. Faulkner

AbstractThe Emerald Oil Field lies in Blocks 2/10a, 2/15a and 3/1 lb in the UK sector of the northern North Sea. The field is located on the 'Transitional Shelf, an area on the western flank of the Viking Graben, downfaulted from the East Shetland Platform. The first well was drilled on the structure in 1978. Subsequently, a further seven wells have been drilled to delineate the field.The Emerald Field is an elongate dip and fault closed structure subparallel to the local NW-SE regional structural trend. the 'Emerald Sandstone' forms the main reservoir of the field and comprises a homogeneous transgressive unit of Callovian to Bathonian age, undelain by tilted Precambrian and Devonian Basement Horst blocks. Sealing is provided by siltstones and shales of the overlying Healther and Kimmeridge Clay Formations. The reservoir lies at depths between 5150-5600 ft, and wells drilled to date have encountered pay thicknesses of 42-74 ft. Where the sandstone is hydrocarbon bearing, it has a 100% net/ gross ratio. Porosities average 28% and permeabilities lie in the range 0-1 to 1.3 darcies. Wireline and test data indicate that the field contains a continouous oil column of 200 ft. Three distinct structural culminations exist on and adjacent to the field, which give rise to three separate gas caps, centred around wells 2/10a-4, 2/10a-7 and 2/10a-6 The maximum flow rate achieved from the reservoir to date is 6822 BOPD of 24° API oil with a GOR of 300 SCF/STBBL. In-place hydrocarbons are estimated to be 216 MMBBL of oil and 61 BCF of gas, with an estimated 43 MMBBL of oil recoverable by the initial development plan. initial development drilling began in Spring 1989 and the development scheme will use a floating production system. Production to the facility, via flexible risers, is from seven pre-drilled deviated wells with gas lift. An additional four pre-drilled water injection wells will provide reservoir pressure support.

2018 ◽  
Vol 785 ◽  
pp. 159-170
Vadim Aleksandrov ◽  
Kirill Galinskij ◽  
Andrey Ponomarev ◽  
Vadim Golozubenko ◽  
Yuriy Sivkov

One of the most important aspects in the activities of oil companies in the Western Siberia is to improve the effectiveness of water-flooding as the main method of impact on the formation. This is due to the fact that at the present time reservoirs of a complex structure with difficult to recover reserves prevail among newly introduced development objects, the extraction of which is extremely difficult using a simple method of water injection volumes regulation. First of all, this refers to reservoirs of Jurassic deposits, which are characterized by the most complex geological structure and porosity and permeability properties. A promising direction in improving the water-flooding system at such objects is the use of physical and chemical technologies to enhance the oil recovery of formations, and primarily, referring to the diverter technology. The research objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of using “hard” type diverter compositions to enhance oil recovery of formations. With the help of detailed oil-field analysis and field-geophysical studies, the nature of the development of oil reserves for Jurassic development sites has been assessed.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 37 ◽  
Inyang Namdie ◽  
Idara Akpabio ◽  
Agbasi Okechukwu .E.

Bonga oil field is located 120km (75mi) southeast of the Niger Delta, Nigeria. It is a subsea type development located about 3500ft water depth and has produced over 330 mmstb of hydrocarbon till date with over 16 oil producing and water injection wells. The producing formation is the Middle to Late Miocene unconsolidated turbidite sandstones with lateral and vertical homogeneities in reservoir properties. This work, analysis the petrophysical properties of the reservoir units for the purpose of modeling the effect of shale content on permeability in the reservoir. Turbidite sandstones are identified by gamma-ray log signatures as intervals with 26-50 API, while sonic, neutron, resistivity, caliper and other log data are applied to estimate volume of shale ranging between 0.972 v/v for shale intervals and 0.0549 v/v for turbidite sands, water saturation of 0.34 v/v average in most sand intervals, porosity range from 0.010 for shale intervals to 0.49 v/v for clean sands and permeability values for the send interval 11.46 to2634mD, for intervals between 7100 to 9100 ft., Data were analyzed using the Interactive Petrophysical software that splits the whole curve into sand and shale zones and estimates among other petrophysical parameters the shale contents of the prospective zones. While Seismic data revealed reservoir thickness ranging from 25ft to over 140ft well log data within the five wells have identified sands of similar thickness and estimated average permeability of700mD. Within the sand units across the five wells, cross plots of estimated porosity, volume of shale and permeability values reveal strong dependence of permeability on shale volume and a general decrease in permeability in intervals with shale volume. It is concluded that sand units with high shale contents that are from0.500 to0.900v/v will not provide good quality reservoir in the field.

2010 ◽  
Vol 92 ◽  
pp. 207-212 ◽  
Ke Liang Wang ◽  
Shou Cheng Liang ◽  
Cui Cui Wang

SiO2 nano-powder is a new type of augmented injection agent, has the ability of stronger hydrophobicity and lipophilicity, and can be adsorbed on the rock surface so that it changes the rock wettability. It can expand the pore radius effectively, reduce the flow resistance of injected water in the pores, enhance water permeability, reduce injection pressure and augment injection rate. Using artificial cores which simulated geologic conditions of a certain factory of Daqing oilfield, decompression and augmented injection experiments of SiO2 nano-powder were performed after waterflooding, best injection volume of SiO2 nano-powder under the low-permeability condition was selected. It has shown that SiO2 nano-powder inverted the rock wettability from hydrophilicity to hydrophobicity. Oil recovery was further enhanced after waterflooding. With the injection pore volume increasing, the recovery and decompression rate of SiO2 nano-powder displacement increased gradually. The best injected pore volume and injection concentration is respectively 0.6PV and 0.5%, the corresponding value of EOR is 6.84% and decompression rate is 52.78%. According to the field tests, it is shown that, in the low-permeability oilfield, the augmented injection technology of SiO2 nano-powder could enhance water injectivity of injection wells and reduce injection pressure. Consequently, it is an effective method to resolve injection problems for the low-permeability oilfield.

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