In-City Villages, an Inharmonious Factor in Chinese City

2011 ◽  
Vol 368-373 ◽  
pp. 2611-2616
Yu Wen Na ◽  
Zhi Min Li ◽  
Hong Bin Zhao

It has been a long time that two kinds of resident habitations and the corresponding administration systems have been present and functioning in Chinese cities and countries. In recent years, with the rapid development and expansion of city, many villages have been gradually incorporated into city zone and as a result villages in urban district, normally called in-city villages, come into being, which are sarcastically against the grain with all aspects of city zone. This paper studies the problem by the theory of dualistic structure of city and country, and analyzes the transition and causes from the point of view of city development, especially on the change process, i.e., from neighboring village to village which is half incorporated by city, and finally to the in-city village. For the purpose of illustration, investigates the causes of transition and engendering of in-city villages with respect to city expansion and village urbanization. The result of this study is anticipated to be of some significance to perform the full-scale city modernization and to establish a harmony society.

1998 ◽  
Vol 37 (04/05) ◽  
pp. 518-526 ◽  
D. Sauquet ◽  
M.-C. Jaulent ◽  
E. Zapletal ◽  
M. Lavril ◽  
P. Degoulet

AbstractRapid development of community health information networks raises the issue of semantic interoperability between distributed and heterogeneous systems. Indeed, operational health information systems originate from heterogeneous teams of independent developers and have to cooperate in order to exchange data and services. A good cooperation is based on a good understanding of the messages exchanged between the systems. The main issue of semantic interoperability is to ensure that the exchange is not only possible but also meaningful. The main objective of this paper is to analyze semantic interoperability from a software engineering point of view. It describes the principles for the design of a semantic mediator (SM) in the framework of a distributed object manager (DOM). The mediator is itself a component that should allow the exchange of messages independently of languages and platforms. The functional architecture of such a SM is detailed. These principles have been partly applied in the context of the HEllOS object-oriented software engineering environment. The resulting service components are presented with their current state of achievement.

2014 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 271-279 ◽  
Mikko Tuominen ◽  
Hannu Teisala ◽  
Janne Haapanen ◽  
Mikko Aromaa ◽  
Jyrki M. Mäkelä ◽  

Abstract Superhydrophobic nanoparticle coating was created on the surface of board using liquid flame spray (LFS). The LFS coating was carried out continuously in ambient conditions without any additional hydrophobization steps. The contact angle of water (CAW) of ZrO2, Al2O3 and TiO2 coating was adjusted reversibly from >150° down to ~10−20° using different stimulation methods. From industrial point of view, the controlled surface wetting has been in focus for a long time because it defines the liquid-solid contact area, and furthermore can enhance the mechanical and chemical bonding on the interface between the liquid and the solid. The used stimulation methods included batch-type methods: artificial daylight illumination and heat treatment and roll-to-roll methods: corona, argon plasma, IR (infra red)- and UV (ultra violet)-treatments. On the contrary to batch-type methods, the adjustment and switching of wetting was done only in seconds or fraction of seconds using roll-to-roll stimulation methods. This is significant in the converting processes of board since they are usually continuous, high volume operations. In addition, the creation of microfluidic patterns on the surface of TiO2 coated board using simple photomasking and surface stimulation was demonstrated. This provides new advantages and possibilities, especially in the field of intelligent printing. Limited durability and poor repellency against low surface tension liquids are presently the main limitations of LFS coatings.

Hironori Nakagami

Abstract There is currently an outbreak of respiratory disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by infection with SARS-CoV-2. Individuals with COVID-19 have symptoms that are usually asymptomatic or mild in most initial cases. However, in some cases, moderate and severe symptoms have been observed with pneumonia. Many companies are developing COVID-19 vaccine candidates using different technologies that are classified into four groups (intact target viruses, proteins, viral vectors and nucleic acids). For rapid development, RNA vaccines and adenovirus vector vaccines have been urgently approved, and their injection has already started across the world. These types of vaccine technologies have been developed over more than 20 years using translational research for use against cancer or diseases caused by genetic disorders but the COVID-19 vaccines are the first licensed drugs to prevent infectious diseases using RNA vaccine technology. Although these vaccines are highly effective in preventing COVID-19 for a short period, safety and efficiency evaluations should be continuously monitored over a long time period. As the time of writing, more than 10 projects are now in phase 3 to evaluate the prevention of infection in double-blind studies. Hopefully, several projects may be approved to ensure high-efficiency and safe vaccines.

Acta Juridica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 85-106
J Barnard-Naudé

This paper is a response to Dale Hutchison’s recent arguments about the role of fairness in contract law after the Constitution. From the point of view of transformative constitutionalism, the paper argues that the fairness ‘debate’ in the South African law of contract should be approached as what it so patently is, namely, as evidence of a deep ideological conflict that has existed in our law of contract for a very long time, and that this debate now exists within the context of a larger debate about the appropriate transformative reach of the Constitution. The argument takes the form of two ‘dangerous supplements’ to Hutchison’s discourse. The first of these supplements contends that indeterminacy is a symptom of the common law itself, rather than a result of contract law’s contact with the Constitution. The second dangerous supplement suggests a responsible judicial engagement with bona fides and ubuntu, one that can exploit the strengths of both the common law and the Constitution and that understands good faith and ubuntu to be ‘inter-linking’ constitutional values that should be enlisted in unison or at least in resonance when it comes to the question of fairness in our contemporary law of contract. In conclusion, I offer a reading of Hutchison’s own politics of contract law and contend that his is an altruistic politics committed to the standard form. I contend that this politics of contract law is consistent with a transformative understanding of the post-apartheid legal order. ‘Law, like every other cultural institution, is a place where we tell one another stories about our relationships with ourselves, one another, and authority. In this, law is no different from the Boston Globe, the CBS evening news, Mother Jones, or a law school faculty meeting. When we tell one another stories, we use languages and themes that different pieces of the culture make available to us, and that limit the stories we can tell. Since our stories influence how we imagine, as well as how we describe, our relationships, our stories also limit who we can be’.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 98-102
D. V. Lebedeva ◽  
E. A. Ilyicheva

Perioperative bleeding occupies a leading place among all surgical complications and, despite the rapid development of surgery, remains relevant to this day. In addition to an increase in mortality, bleeding can cause the development of other postoperative complications, which lead to disability of patients and to a decrease in the quality of life in all age groups. Most perioperative bleeding are caused by technical errors. This article reviews the problem of perioperative bleeding from the point of view of impaired coagulation capabilities of the body. The main etiopathogenetic features of hemostasis during the development of this complication are considered. The analysis of postoperative complications, which were directly or indirectly caused by bleeding during or after surgery, is presented. The prevalence of these complications in various areas of surgery has been demonstrated. More detailed study of the hemostasis system and the identification of predictors of hemostasis difficulties before the surgery may cause an improvement in the results of surgical treatment and reduce the number of postoperative complications and the duration of hospital stay. Accordingly, this will lead to a decrease in the cost of treatment and an increase in patient satisfaction with the medical care. In connection with the above, there is a great interest among surgeons and anesthesiologists in preventing the development of perioperative bleeding.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Bartosz Rymkiewicz

Organizational reporting is the most important tool of communication between an enterpriseand its stakeholders. However, it is not a static tool but continues to develop and adapt to ongoingeconomic and social changes. Formerly covering only financial information; currently, it is supplementedby a wide range of non-financial information relating to all aspects of the business. The evolution ofreporting is particularly fostered by the rapid development of the concepts of corporate socialresponsibility and sustainable development, as well as the progressing changes in the information needsof stakeholders. Enterprises are increasingly publishing voluntary reports concerning the social,environmental, and employment aspects of their business in addition to reports required by law. Thisresults in the multiplication of reports and duplication of content, which has a negative impact on thereports' usefulness. The solution to this problem may be integrated reporting, which integrates andinterconnects financial and non-financial disclosures. A milestone for the development of integratedreporting was the elaboration of integrated reporting guidelines by the International Integrated ReportingCouncil (IIRC) in December 2013. The aim of the paper is to present the development of integratedreporting in Poland in 2014-2020 on the example of public companies listed on the Warsaw StockExchange. The quality of reports was assessed from the point of view of compliance with IIRC guidelines,as well as their usefulness for stakeholders. Content analysis of corporate publications and comparativeanalysis was used for this purpose.

2020 ◽  
Edgard Valderramas

This study deals with issues of ethics and challenges related to its application in the field of Artificial Intelligence. In an analysis of AI in its social context, the impacts that this emerging branch of science can bring and its consequences are examined. From a methodological point of view, the paper deals with ethical assumptions, the cybernetic challenges related to society for its implementation and its adherence with AI citing examples and carrying out some evaluations. In view of the rapid development of this area, the paper emphasizes the growing importance of the debate among the agents involved.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-126
Drance Elias da Silva

This Article may be situated within the rapport field between Philosophy and Social Sciences, at the search regarding to the concept concerning the Representation. Regarding to Philosophy, under a general view, the concept, concerning Representation, has been, since a long time, understood as a trail which one would get througl reaching to the real and true ones. Representation, as the thought contents expression form had not been known departing from Philosophy as a barrier against the objectivity concerning the knowledge. Representation, in its source, has been constituting itself a cognictive, inmanent reflection, related to the conscience inner subjectivity. But departing from the episthemological point of view, it has been not so easy for the campus concerning the Culture Sciences as a totality. In the theory regarding to knowledge, the Social Sciences campus and, more specifically, in the human life Symbolic dimension constitutive aspects, it has been, often, accepted negatively as an entry door for the histotical social reality. Nowadays, one may conclude that the contents concerning the Culture are deeply rooted within the histotical reality, which may present new dimension the reading regarding to the Symbolical side concerning the human life, under the view regarding to the unseen aspect, such as the intellectualistic Western dominant Culture allows understanding the way which could be in.

2021 ◽  
Vol 275 ◽  
pp. 02015
Kejiang Chen ◽  
Tairan Huang ◽  
Yichen Zhang ◽  
Zimu Zhu

In recent years, the world has been committed to the development of environmental industries and sustainable resources, and continues to implement the strategic idea of the scientific concept of development to prevent environmental pollution and resource waste. However, the nation seems to be accustomed to the use of disposable items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste and slippers in hotels. With the rapid development of the hotel industry, a large number of disposable items have been used in the hotel industry for a long time, which has brought great pressure to the environment and does not meet the requirements of the concept of low-carbon economy and green development. Through the investigation and analysis of the use of disposable products in hotels, this paper explores the solution and feasibility of banning disposable products in hotels, aiming to contribute to the low carbon economy and low carbon consumption.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 83
László Gere ◽  
Ráhel Czirják

A fejlesztéspolitikában ma a „smart” címkével minden vonzóbb, eladhatóbb, a kifejezés sokszor a ’környezetbarát’ vagy ’fenntartható’ szinonimájaként is használatos. A városfejlesztésben az utóbbi idők egyik legfelkapottabb paradigmája, globális szintű versengést indítva mind a városok, mind az érdekelt vállalatok között a kölcsönösen hasznosnak vélt előnyök reményében. A szerzők egyrészt annak jártak utána, miért éppen most virágzott fel a smart city mint fejlesztési paradigma, és milyen tényezők indukálták gyors előretörését. Másrészt a nemzetközi példák bemutatásán keresztül arra a kérdésre keresik a választ, milyen társadalmi hatásokkal járnak ezek a fejlesztések, milyen kihívásokkal kell szembenézni a smart city fejlesztések kapcsán, és vajon a jövőben a fejlesztési szereplők képesek lesznek-e tanulni hibáikból, és tudatosan tervezni a hatások összességével. --- Do smart cities intensify social exclusion? In development policy everything seems to be more attractive and marketable when labelled ‘smart’; the expression is often used even as a synonym for ‘environmentally-friendly’ or ‘sustainable’. Considering urban development projects, smart city development is one of the most popular paradigms, triggering global competition between cities as well as the interested companies, both expecting mutual benefits from the co-operation. The article, on the one hand, tries to reveal, why the smart city paradigm has now started to thrive, and what factors played a part in its rapid development. On the other hand, through the presentation of international practices, the authors intend to answer what social impacts these developments have had, what challenges have the smart city developments met, and whether in the future the actors could learn from their mistakes and consciously take into account the complexity of impacts.

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