A Study on the Availability of Taipei Social Rented Housing Policy - Examining the Taipei Social Rented Housing Policy from the Public Housing Policy in Taiwan

2013 ◽  
Vol 831 ◽  
pp. 241-244
Ying Mei Chou ◽  
Chu Tsen Liao

The legislation of public housing policy in Taiwan was in the 1949 after the Nationalist Government moved to Taiwan from China. Since 1949, Taiwan faced several difficult situations, for example the oil crisis period and the real estate economy took off. In 2000, government decided to stop this policy, and didn't offer any appropriate social housing policy. However, Taipei is the most densely-populated city in Taiwan. People could not buy their own private house for the high price. Its showed us a great deal of the need of housing rental. With this matter, Taipei City Government began to offer the public housing in 2012. This syudy compares the Taiwan national public housing policy and the Taipei local social housing overall policy planning. The purpose of this study is to examine if the Taipei social housing policy suits the rent market or not. We discussed the advantages and disadvantages of Taipei policy planning, analyzed the need of improvement on Taipei social housing policy.

2017 ◽  
pp. 41
Arturo Nicolai Martínez

ResumenEn el año 2001, la política Estatal de vivienda en México se enfocó en colocar en el mercado inmobiliario miles de viviendas de interés social a muy bajo costo. El objetivo del programa fue incentivar la industria de la construcción del país mediante la promoción intensiva de vivienda social, cubriendo así el rezago habitacional existente y acelerando el desarrollo económico del país. El presente artículo tiene como objeto analizar y describir el fenómeno del abandono en la vivienda social en México y la relación entre la ubicación de las viviendas abandonadas, la dimensión edificada de la vivienda y el perfil socioeconómico de los propietarios. El artículo se centra en un estudio de caso que, en la primera parte, describe el contexto y problemática general que enfrenta la vivienda social en México y posteriormente, analiza la interrelación de las variables tomando los datos de los municipios de Tizayuca, Zumpango y Huehuetoca al norte de la zona metropolitana de la Ciudad de México. El trabajo concluye que las viviendas abandonadas no están relacionadas con su ubicación dentro de la ciudad, sin embargo, existe una relación trascendental entre el tamaño de la vivienda ofrecida y el porcentaje de abandono. Palabras clave  Vivienda social; Periferia; Política pública; Dispersión urbana; Vivienda adosada AbstractIn the year 2001, the National Housing Policy in Mexico was focused in placed in the Real Estate market, thousands of low cost social row houses. The main objective of this program was to incentive the national construction industry with an intensive promotion of social housing, covering the actual lack of demand and accelerating the economic development of the country. This paper has the objective to analyze and describe the social housing abandon phenomenon in México and search the relation between the location of this houses, the dimension of the houses and the social economic profile of the owners. The paper is focused in a case of study that, in the first part, will describes the context of the Mexico’s housing policy main faced problem, and then, analyzed the data variable correlation in the municipalities of Tizayuca, Zumpango and Huehuetoca in the north arch of the Mexico City’s Metropolitan Area. This paper concludes that the abandon houses are not completely related with their location inside the urban contention buffers, however, it exists a transcendental relation between the offered house dimension and their abandon percentage. KeywordsSocial house; Suburbs; Public Policy; Urban Sprawl; Row Houses

2016 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 289
Aline Cavalcanti De Abreu

O presente estudo trata do financiamento da habitação social no Brasil no período de 2006 a 2012. Para isso, a metodologia envolveu a pesquisa teórica e do orçamento público da União. A institucionalização da política habitacional se desenvolveu num contexto de tomada do Estado como indutor de uma macroeconomia sob o ideário do social-liberalismo. Nessa perspectiva, ocorreu a reestruturação do mercado imobiliário e sob a crise econômica de 2008 a implementação de medidas anticíclicas para minimizá-la. Para a promoção da habitação social tivemos o Fundo Nacional de Habitação de Interesse Social orientado a satisfazer as necessidades habitacionais da população. Contudo, este foi paulatinamente desfinanciado e esvaziado de seu sentido político. Em 2009, foi criado o Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida com caráter de privilegiamento do produtor privado, o que possibilita a punção de fundo público e a redução da responsabilidade do Estado sob a habitação social como direito social. Palavras-chave: Crise do capital, Política de habitação social, Orçamento público.CAPITAL CRISIS AND PUBLIC SOCIAL HOUSING BUDGET IN BRAZIL Abstract: This study deals the financing of social housing in Brazil between the years 2006 to 2012. For this purpose, the methodology involved the theoretical research and the Union's public budget. The institutionalization of the housing policy developed in a context of state taken as inducer of macroeconomics under the social liberalism of ideas. From this perspective, it occurred the restructure of the housing market and under the economic crisis of 2008 measures were implemented to minimize it. For the promotion of social housing we had the National Funding for housing of social interesting oriented to meet the housing needs of the population. However, this was gradually non-funding and withdraw from its political sense. In 2009, it was created the Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida with character of the private producer privileging to continue taking in the public fund and the State’s to reduce under the politic of social housing as a social right. Key words: Capital Crisis, Social housing policy, Public budget.

Nan Jiang ◽  
Lorna Thorpe ◽  
Sue Kaplan ◽  
Donna Shelley

Background: To assess residents’ attitudes towards the United States (U.S.) Department of Housing and Urban Development’s new smoke-free public housing policy, perceptions about barriers to policy implementation, and suggestions for optimizing implementation. Methods: In 2017, we conducted 10 focus groups among 91 residents (smokers and nonsmokers) living in New York City public housing. Results: Smokers and nonsmokers expressed skepticism about the public housing authority’s capacity to enforce the policy due to widespread violations of the current smoke-free policy in common areas and pervasive use of marijuana in buildings. Most believed that resident engagement in the roll-out and providing smoking cessation services was important for compliance. Resident expressed concerns about evictions and worried that other building priorities (i.e., repairs, drug use) would be ignored with the focus now on smoke-free housing. Conclusions: Resident-endorsed strategies to optimize implementation effectiveness include improving the access to cessation services, ongoing resident engagement, education and communication to address misconceptions and concerns about enforcement, and placing smoke-free homes in a larger public housing authority healthy housing agenda.

2017 ◽  
pp. 47
Alejandra Sofía Rivas Espinosa

El presente artículo expone una reflexión sobre las especificidades delproceso de mercantilización de la vivienda social en Chile, analizandoparticularmente la concepción mecánica del hábitat y la consecuentedescomposición de la vivienda en dimensiones técnicas constructivas,por un lado, y sociales, por el otro, junto con el desconocimiento de otrosantecedentes, diferentes a los propuestos desde el conocimiento en el quese ampara la política pública. Teniendo en consideración esta dicotomíaque marca la ejecución de la política de vivienda chilena, se tematiza el roldel discurso experto en la naturalización de las soluciones habitacionalespropuestas, en la justificación de sus formas de producción y en la opacidad de su estrecha relación con las lógicas económicas dominantes, logrando con ello separar a las personas del diseño del hábitat residencial.Palabras clave: política habitacional, vivienda social, vivienda-mercancía,conocimiento técnico, habitar.Reflections on housing public policy in Chile: between the process and the goods, between the technical and the socialAbstractThis article presents a reflection on the specificities of the process of commodification of social housing in Chile, analyzing, particularly, the mechanical conception of habitat and the consequent decomposition of the houses in technical constructive dimensions, on one hand, and social, on the other; along with the ignorance of other knowledges, different from those proposed in the knowledge that protects the public policies. Considering this the role of the expert discourse in the naturalization of the proposed housing solutions, in the justification of its forms of production and in the opacity of its close relation with the dominant economic logics, thereby separating people from the design of the residential habitat. dichotomy that marks the execution of the Chilean housing policy, it presents. keywords: housing policy, social housing, housing-commodity, technical knowledge, live. Reflexões sobre a política pública de habitação no Chile: entre o processo e a mercadoria entre o técnico e o social Resumo O presente artigo expõe uma reflexão sobre as especificidades do processo de mercantilização da habitação social no Chile, analisando, em particular a conceição mecânica do habitat e da consequente decomposição da morada em quanto a dimensões técnicas de construção, por uma parte, e sociais, pelo outro, juntamente com a falta de outras noções, diferentes as propostas desde o conhecimento onde a política pública se baseia. Considerando esta dicotomia que marca a execução da política habitacional chilena, tematiza-se o papel do discurso experto na naturalização das soluções habitacionais propostas, na justificação de suas formas de produção e na opacidade de seu estreito relacionamento com as lógicas económicas dominantes, logrando assim separar as pessoas do desenho do habitat residencial. Palavras-chave: política de habitação, habitação social, habitação – mercancia, conhecimento técnico, habitar.

2017 ◽  
pp. 47
Alejandra Sofía Rivas Espinosa

El presente artículo expone una reflexión sobre las especificidades delproceso de mercantilización de la vivienda social en Chile, analizandoparticularmente la concepción mecánica del hábitat y la consecuentedescomposición de la vivienda en dimensiones técnicas constructivas,por un lado, y sociales, por el otro, junto con el desconocimiento de otrosantecedentes, diferentes a los propuestos desde el conocimiento en el quese ampara la política pública. Teniendo en consideración esta dicotomíaque marca la ejecución de la política de vivienda chilena, se tematiza el roldel discurso experto en la naturalización de las soluciones habitacionalespropuestas, en la justificación de sus formas de producción y en la opacidad de su estrecha relación con las lógicas económicas dominantes, logrando con ello separar a las personas del diseño del hábitat residencial.Palabras clave: política habitacional, vivienda social, vivienda-mercancía,conocimiento técnico, habitar.Reflections on housing public policy in Chile: between the process and the goods, between the technical and the socialAbstractThis article presents a reflection on the specificities of the process of commodification of social housing in Chile, analyzing, particularly, the mechanical conception of habitat and the consequent decomposition of the houses in technical constructive dimensions, on one hand, and social, on the other; along with the ignorance of other knowledges, different from those proposed in the knowledge that protects the public policies. Considering this the role of the expert discourse in the naturalization of the proposed housing solutions, in the justification of its forms of production and in the opacity of its close relation with the dominant economic logics, thereby separating people from the design of the residential habitat. dichotomy that marks the execution of the Chilean housing policy, it presents. keywords: housing policy, social housing, housing-commodity, technical knowledge, live. Reflexões sobre a política pública de habitação no Chile: entre o processo e a mercadoria entre o técnico e o social Resumo O presente artigo expõe uma reflexão sobre as especificidades do processo de mercantilização da habitação social no Chile, analisando, em particular a conceição mecânica do habitat e da consequente decomposição da morada em quanto a dimensões técnicas de construção, por uma parte, e sociais, pelo outro, juntamente com a falta de outras noções, diferentes as propostas desde o conhecimento onde a política pública se baseia. Considerando esta dicotomia que marca a execução da política habitacional chilena, tematiza-se o papel do discurso experto na naturalização das soluções habitacionais propostas, na justificação de suas formas de produção e na opacidade de seu estreito relacionamento com as lógicas económicas dominantes, logrando assim separar as pessoas do desenho do habitat residencial. Palavras-chave: política de habitação, habitação social, habitação – mercancia, conhecimento técnico, habitar.

Peter Baldwin

Europeans Often Regard America as a country of bigness: big people, big cars, big houses. People we have already touched on; cars will come. American housing standards do fall in the upper half—but still well within— the European scale. Two rooms per inhabitant is the U.S. average. Residents of Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the UK, and Belgium have more (figure 88) The Irish have a higher percentage of their households occupying at least five rooms, the English and Spanish are very close runners-up. For social or public housing, transatlantic discrepancies pale before even more impressive disparities within Europe itself. Approximately a fifth of all accommodation in England and France is public housing, but those are by far the highest figures in Europe. In Italy, it is only 7%. In Spain, the fraction of the public housing stock of all dwellings is even less than in the United States, namely 1%. According to figures from the OECD, social housing scarcely exists at all in Portugal, at least to judge from the sums the government spends on it. Sweden, a country with a somewhat smaller population, spends well over 500 times as much. In any case, the range of state spending on housing in those nations with figures high enough to register as a fraction of GDP varies from 0.1% in Austria and Luxembourg to 14 times that in the UK. It is hard to call a penchant for social housing a defining European characteristic. Moreover, despite the absence of much public housing in the United States, the poorest fifth of tenants in America pay less of their income for housing than their peers in Sweden or Switzerland, and only a bit more than in the UK. America is oft en considered a stingy helper of Third World nations in distress. It is true that American foreign aid, in the form of direct cash grants, is not impressive if measured per capita. Nor is that of Austria or the Mediterranean nations, except France, which are all lower (figure 89).

2018 ◽  
pp. 35-57
Lance Freeman

From the Great Depression until the 1970s, project-based housing assistance, in the form of the Public Housing Program, was planned and developed in a way that reinforced existing patterns of residential segregation by race. As the victims of public policy that promoted segregation, African Americans decried the way that public housing was used to expand and maintain the ghetto. The dire and persistent need for decent affordable housing and the concomitant resources that develop and maintain such housing, however, have complicated the African American response to segregated affordable housing. This complex and multifaceted stance toward segregated affordable housing has had implications for affordable housing policy from the Public Housing Program through the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit. This chapter chronicles the African American response and considers the implications of this response for past, present, and future public policy.

2013 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 583-600
Špelca Mežnar ◽  
Tamara Petrović

After Slovenia gained its independence and the privatization of the public housing stock took place, housing policy was considerably transformed. According to 1991 Constitution, the responsibility of the state has been only to provide appropriate conditions for citizens to settle housing situation. Although a number of housing policy documents were adopted by the Parliament, many of them did not take into account the genuine needs and situation in the country. Due to the austerity measures adopted by the Government, many social benefits have been restricted or cancelled, which in turn leads to a gradual decline in the level of welfare.

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