The Accessibility Level of Balikpapan Botanical Garden According to Public Transportation Routes (Balikpapan Botanical Garden Development Concept)

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 ◽  
pp. 35-40
Rizky Arif Nugroho ◽  
Elin Diyah Syafitri ◽  
Rahmi Yorika

East Kalimantan Government had proposed to expand its tourism division, therefore Balikpapan Botanical Garden has to attract tourist to visit. Accessibility has certain degree of effect to affect visitor trip to certain area. Accessibility is a key feature to evaluating transportation system. Measuring accessibility involving how to measure distance from one point to another as the metric. Providing transport accessibility is an essential element of tourist infrastructure development. The analysis method used in this paper is buffer analysis. This method consists of identifying area surrounding geographic feature. It involving generates buffer around existing geographic feature, then identifying feature whether it locates inside or outside the boundary of the buffer. Balikpapan Botanical Garden had medium accessibility. The nearest collector street from Balikpapan Botanical Garden already have public transportation route. Hotels and Balikpapan Botanical Garden were connected via public transportation route. drawback that affect Balikpapan Botanical Garden accessibility was the distance from public transportation stop point to Balikpapan Botanical Gate may less ideal for pedestrian. The trip took about 35 minutes on foot as far as 2.8 kilometres.

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-56
Katarzyna Pukowiec

Abstract The activities in name of tourist development in Wodzislaw poviat are the reason to evaluate the tourist land development. The evaluation was prepared on the basis of selected indexes characterizing the level of tourist infrastructure development. It considered: the number of lodgings per km2, the number of restaurants per km2, the amount of additional attractions per km2 and the density of tourist tracks. This database was analyzed by the use of GIS tools. Using GIS software allowed working with large databases and provided the possibility to create a graphic representation of the results. The level of tourist land development is diversified and depends on it function. The cities with the best developed tourist infrastructure are Wodzislaw Slaski, Radlin, Pszow, Rydultowy and town in Odra Valley: Olza, Bukow and Nieboczowy. Pszow, Gorzyce and Godow commons have the biggest density of tourist tracks.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 884-891
Salwa Salsabila Mansur ◽  
Sri Widowati ◽  
Mahmud Imrona

Traffic congestion problems generally caused by the increasing use of private vehicles and public transportations. In order to overcome the situation, the optimization of public transportation’s route is required particularly the urban transportation. In this research, the performance analysis of Firefly and Tabu Search algorithm is conducted to optimize eleven public transportation’s routes in Bandung. This optimization aims to increase the dispersion of public transportation’s route by expanding the scope of route that are crossed by public transportation so that it can reach the entire Bandung city and increase the driver’s income by providing the passengers easier access to public transportations in order to get to their destinations. The optimal route is represented by the route with most roads and highest number of incomes. In this research, the comparison results between the reference route and the public transportation’s optimized route increasing the dispersion of public transportation’s route to 60,58% and increasing the driver’s income to 20,03%.

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 110
Baskoro Wicaksono

This study describes the border management policy conducted by the central government, provinceof East Kalimantan and Nunukan. Policies such as the establishment of regulatory, institutionalstrengthening, programs and infrastructure development. The policy is getting good responsefrom the elite and the masses. On the other hand policy makers have expectations of localcommunities border synergism Sebatik Island in order to build and develop the border areas so asto break the chain of dependence on Malaysia. The research was conducted in Sebatik Island,East Kalimantan province Nunukan with the formulation of the problem (a) what policies areoriented to maintain borders, (b) How is the public response to government policy, (c) What areyour expectations of policy makers in local communities to regional border. This study usedqualitative methods to phenomenological research strategy. Techniques of data collection in thisstudy using two ways, namely in-depth interviews and secondary data view Results indicate thatthe existing policy of both the central and provincial to district borders do not solve the problembecause it is made on the island of Sebatik with other border regions. The policy does not includelocal knowledge, where it is desperately needed by the people Sebatik. In addition to policies onprograms and infrastructure development of the center, the district adopted a policy of inactionagainst the illegal cross-border trade, which on the one hand against the rules but if enforced thenpeople can not perform economic activities that impact well-being. Policies like this gets a positiveresponse from the public. Expectations for the future border policy is to load local content orlocal knowledge.Keyword: border policy, local knowledge, dependent relationship

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 70 ◽  
Warsilan Warsilan

As the capital of the province of East Kalimantan, Samarinda City developments has a rapid progress from year to year. Samarinda City Development has a tendency oriented towards infrastructure development without regard to the existence of the quality of the existing environment. Imbalance of development in Samarinda city is to start decreasing the water catchment area, so its make increasing intensity of flood in the Samarinda City. The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of changes in land use in the Samarinda city on the ability of the water catchment area. This research method using descriptive approach, the data collection system of primary and secondary. Intensity flood in the Samarinda city  is increasing from year to year, this condition happened as a problem that always occurs during the rainy season. Current development trends, always take an area that should be an infiltration  area for Samarinda City. Culture and inadequate infrastructure conditions such as lack of system of drainage and polder, was another factor causing the high intensity of flood  in Samarinda City. Therefore, the relevant regulations development guidelines for Samarinda  City must consider all aspects of planning, in this case especially the important of a balance of cultivated land and protected areas or zones.Keywords: Changes in land use; intensity of puddles; Samarinda

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-132
Adinda Sekar Tanjung ◽  
Puspita Dirgahayani

Abstract   The demand for rural public transportation is dominated by people who cannot access private vehicles. In terms of the number of operating routes and the performance of their services, currently rural public transport services tend to decline. The mobility of rural communities to reach social facilities can be hampered if there is no public transportation service, which in turn will reduce the quality of human resources in rural areas. This study focuses on the movement characteristics of rural public transport passengers in Kuningan Regency. Several rural transportation routes were taken as samples, namely route 030 Cilimus-Linggarjati, route 061 Cilimus-Mandirancan, and route 037 Lengkong-Rancakeusik. This study shows that the characteristics of the movement of rural public transport passengers are an integral part in an effort to maintain rural public transport services. These characteristics of passenger movement can be used to improve the performance of public transportation, become input for public transport operators, and become material for local governments to make policies   Keywords: rural public transportation; public transport routes; public transport services; public transport performance.     Abstrak   Permintaan angkutan umum perdesaan didominasi oleh masyarakat yang tidak dapat mengakses kendaraan pribadi. Dari sisi jumlah trayek yang beroperasi dan kinerja layanannya, saat ini layanan angkutan umum perdesaan cenderung semakin menurun. Mobilitas masyarakat perdesaan untuk menjangkau fasilitas sosial dapat terhambat jika tidak ada layanan angkutan umum, yang pada akhirnya akan menurunkan kualitas sumber daya manusia di kawasan perdesaan. Studi ini berfokus pada karakteristik pergerakan penumpang angkutan umum perdesaan di Kabupaten Kuningan. Beberapa trayek angkutan perdesaan diambil sebagai sampel, yaitu trayek 030 Cilimus-Linggarjati, trayek 061 Cilimus-Mandirancan, dan trayek 037 Lengkong-Rancakeusik. Penelitian ini  menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik pergerakan penumpang angkutan umum perdesaan merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam upaya mempertahankan layanan angkutan umum perdesaan. Karakteristik pergerakan penumpang ini dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kinerja angkutan umum, menjadi masukan bagi operator angkutan umum, serta menjadi bahan pemerintah daerah untuk membuat kebijakan.   Kata-kata kunci: angkutan umum perdesaan; trayek angkutan umum; layanan angkutan umum; kinerja angkutan umum.

Morgan D. Vogel ◽  
Robert Blair ◽  
Jerome Deichert

Across the United States there is increased pressure for communities, especially in states like Nebraska, to engage in sustainable transportation infrastructure development. Through a case study of an ongoing statewide transportation initiative in nonmetropolitan Nebraska, this chapter examines transportation sustainability and planning from a regional and collaborative perspective. The Nebraska effort can be adapted to other states with significant rural and dispersed population centers. Funded by the state and the federal governments, Nebraska's transportation initiative, using an innovative public-private partnership, is creating and enhancing regional transit services in small urban and rural areas, using public transportation as a means to promote long-term economic growth and sustainability. Smaller urban and micropolitan communities, often serving as regional growth centers, frequently are overlooked when it comes to research on transportation planning and policy.

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