Reliability Methods: A Note on the Frequency of Use of Various Types

2011 ◽  
pp. 59-68
Hogan Thomas P. ◽  
Benjamin Amy ◽  
Brezinski Kristen L.
2000 ◽  
Vol 60 (4) ◽  
pp. 523-531 ◽  
Thomas P. Hogan ◽  
Amy Benjamin ◽  
Kristen L. Brezinski

2005 ◽  
Vol 75 (3) ◽  
pp. 201-209 ◽  
Touvier ◽  
Boutron-Ruault ◽  
Volatier ◽  

This study investigated the prevalence of inadequate micronutrient intake and the proportion of subjects who exceed Tolerable Upper Intake Levels a) with food only, and b) with food+supplements, in a population of French regular supplement users (n = 259). Assessment tools were seven-day records for supplements, three-day records for food intake, and a questionnaire about supplement use. Most subjects were recruited in retail outlets that sold supplements. They were recent users of vitamin/mineral supplements, aged over 15 years, and normo-energy reporters. The prevalence (%) of inadequate intake decreased with the inclusion of mean annual supplements, from 68.0 to 54.8 for magnesium, 55.9 to 40.7 for vitamin C, 53.4 to 43.9 for folic acid, 37.5 to 27.5 for iron, and 40.1 to 29.7 for pantothenic acid. Few subjects exceeded upper intake levels when mean annual intake of supplements was considered. When supplement consumption was considered during the studied week only, the proportion of subjects who were in excess of the upper intake levels was higher (maximum: 9.6% for magnesium). Supplement use brought a nutritional benefit for some targeted nutrients. It was not associated with excessive intake in this study, but could become hazardous if the annual frequency of use were to increase.

Corpora ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 351-378 ◽  
Isabel Durán-Muñoz

This paper attempts to shed some light on the importance of adjectives in the linguistic characterisation of tourism discourse in English in general and in adventure tourism in particular as well as to prove how significant the difference in usage is compared to the general language. It seeks to understand the role that adjectives play in this specific subdomain and to contribute to the linguistic characterisation of tourism discourse in this respect. It also aims to confirm or reject previous assumptions regarding the use, and frequency of use, of adjectives and adjectival patterns in this specialised domain and, in general, to promote the study of adjectivisation in domain-specific discourses. To do so, it proposes a corpus-based study that measures the keyness of adjectives in promotional texts of the adventure tourism domain in English by comparing their usage in the compiled corpus to the two most relevant reference corpora of English (coca and the bnc).

Psychiatry ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 6-15
I. V. Kolykhalov

The objective of the study was to investigate syndromal-nosological specificities of neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) and the frequency of use of antipsychotics in patients with various types of dementias, institutionalized to geriatric units of mental hospitals.Patients and methods: a total of 106 in-patients of three psychogeriatric units were examined. The median age of patients is 75 years [69; 80].The diagnostic distribution of patients at the time of the examination was as follows: in 33 subjects (31.1%) Alzheimer’s disease (AD) was diagnosed, in 25 (23.6%) - mixed dementia (MD), in 32 (30.2%) - vascular dementia (VD) and in 16 (15.1%) patients had dementia of complex origin (DCO).Results: a high incidence (54.7%) of NPS was found in patients with dementia of various origins. The greatest number of patients with behavioral and psychotic symptoms was found in AD and MD. The proportion of dementia patients with such disorders in each of these types of dementia is about 70%, while in CGD and VD, the proportion of patients with NPS is noticeably smaller (30% and 40%, respectively). For the treatment of NPS, antipsychotics were most often prescribed, but their use caused adverse events (AEs) in 1/3 of cases. Patients with VD are most susceptible to the development of AE, and AD patients are the least susceptible.Conclusion: the study showed that NPS are one of the important components of dementia, regardless of the nosology and stage of the disease. The treatment of NPS in dementia is particularly challenging because, although the symptoms cause significant distress, there are currently no effective alternative therapies. The risk of AE can be minimized by carefully considering the indications for prescribing antipsychotics and their short-term use, regular monitoring of the patient’s condition, and educating caregivers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 350
Ana María Díez-Pascual ◽  
María Pilar García García Díaz

The use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has become a fundamental tool in all areas of today’s society, including higher education. Lessons cannot be envisaged without the use of tools such as computers, tablets or mobile devices. Many lecturers use audience response systems (ARS) to keep their classes engaged. ARS software allows teachers to interact with students via polls, text responses, or multiple-choice questions displayed via their mobile devices. A new example of the use of this type of devices in education is gamification, a technique that uses a set of activities with ludic character as a learning methodology in order to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and competences. One of the most used gamification tools is Kahoot!, a free learning application based on a mixture of game and creativity, which encourages attention and participation of students through questions and answers formulated by the teacher and designed in a way that students respond via their mobile phones. This paper examines the use of Kahoot! in a subject belonging to the chemistry area. In order to assess the benefits of this tool, it was tested in a group of students to review the knowledge and skills acquired during the theoretical lessons prior to the exams, and the academic results were compared with those of a control group of students who did not use the tool. The results demonstrate that the use of Kahoot! led to an improvement in the teaching–learning process of the students and a noteworthy rise in their marks, and that its positive effects rise with increasing the frequency of use of this didactic tool.

Andreas Follmann ◽  
Franziska Schollemann ◽  
Andrea Arnolds ◽  
Pauline Weismann ◽  
Thea Laurentius ◽  

The bans on visiting nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic, while intended to protect residents, also have the risk of increasing the loneliness and social isolation that already existed among the older generations before the pandemic. To combat loneliness and social isolation in nursing homes, this trial presents a study during which social networks of nursing home residents and elderly hospital patients were maintained through virtual encounters and robots, respectively. The observational trial included volunteers who were either residents of nursing homes or patients in a geriatric hospital. Each volunteer was asked to fill in a questionnaire containing three questions to measure loneliness. The questionnaire also documented whether video telephony via the robot, an alternative contact option (for example, a phone call), or no contact with relatives had taken place. The aim was to work out the general acceptance and the benefits of virtual encounters using robots for different roles (users, relatives, nursing staff, facilities). Seventy volunteers with three possible interventions (non-contact, virtual encounters by means of a robot, and any other contact) took part in this trial. The frequency of use of the robot increased steadily over the course of the study, and it was regularly used in all facilities during the weeks of visitor bans (n = 134 times). In the hospital, loneliness decreased significantly among patients for whom the robot was used to provide contact (F(1,25) = 7.783, p = 0.01). In the nursing homes, no demonstrable effect could be achieved in this way, although the subject feedback from the users was consistently positive.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 460
Yun-Hsuan Chen ◽  
Mohamad Sawan

We review in this paper the wearable-based technologies intended for real-time monitoring of stroke-related physiological parameters. These measurements are undertaken to prevent death and disability due to stroke. We compare the various characteristics, such as weight, accessibility, frequency of use, data continuity, and response time of these wearables. It was found that the most user-friendly wearables can have limitations in reporting high-precision prediction outcomes. Therefore, we report also the trend of integrating these wearables into the internet of things (IoT) and combining electronic health records (EHRs) and machine learning (ML) algorithms to establish a stroke risk prediction system. Due to different characteristics, such as accessibility, time, and spatial resolution of various wearable-based technologies, strategies of applying different types of wearables to maximize the efficacy of stroke risk prediction are also reported. In addition, based on the various applications of multimodal electroencephalography–functional near-infrared spectroscopy (EEG–fNIRS) on stroke patients, the perspective of using this technique to improve the prediction performance is elaborated. Expected prediction has to be dynamically delivered with high-precision outcomes. There is a need for stroke risk stratification and management to reduce the resulting social and economic burden.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 2040
AbdulHafeez Muhammad ◽  
Ansar Siddique ◽  
Quadri Noorulhasan Naveed ◽  
Uzma Khaliq ◽  
Ali M. Aseere ◽  

In the higher education sector, there is a growing trend to offer academic information to users through websites. Contemporarily, the users (i.e., students/teachers, parents, and administrative staff) greatly rely on these websites to perform various academic tasks, including admission, access to learning management systems (LMS), and links to other relevant resources. These users vary from each other in terms of their technological competence, objectives, and frequency of use. Therefore, academic websites should be designed considering different dimensions, so that everybody can be accommodated. Knowing the different dimensions with respect to the usability of academic websites is a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem. The fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) approach has been considered to be a significant method to deal with the uncertainty that is involved in subjective judgment. Although a wide range of usability factors for academic websites have already been identified, most of them are based on the judgment of experts who have never used these websites. This study identified important factors through a detailed literature review, classified them, and prioritized the most critical among them through the FAHP methodology, involving relevant users to propose a usability evaluation framework for academic websites. To validate the proposed framework, five websites of renowned higher educational institutes (HEIs) were evaluated and ranked according to the usability criteria. As the proposed framework was created methodically, the authors believe that it would be helpful for detecting real usability issues that currently exist in academic websites.

2017 ◽  
KYT Sim ◽  
KKS Bee ◽  
M Rahman ◽  
T Jian ◽  
J Adams ◽  

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