Gender budgeting and improved fiscal policies to promote gender equality and women’s advancement

Janet G. Stotsky
Policy Papers ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (21) ◽  

At the request of the Italian Presidency of the G7, the IMF has prepared a paper on gender-budgeting as a contribution to the G7 initiative on equality. The paper provides an overview of gender-responsive budgeting concepts and practices in the G7 countries. It summarizes recent trends in gender equality in G7 and advanced countries, noting that while equality has improved overall, exceptions and gaps remain. Recognizing that many fiscal policies have gender-related implications, this paper: Sets out the main fiscal policy instruments, both expenditure and tax, that have a significant impact on gender equality. Provides a conceptual framework for the public financial management (PFM) institutions that play an enabling role in implementing gender-responsive fiscal policies. These instruments include gender budget statements, gender impact assessments, performance-related budget frameworks, and gender audits. Ministries of finance have an especially important role in promoting and coordinating gender budgeting, and associated analytical tools. Provides an assessment of the status of gender budgeting in the G7 countries. In preparing the paper, the IMF carried out a survey of PFM institutions and practices in the G7, as well as in three comparator countries that are relatively strong performers in developing gender-responsive budgeting (Austria, Belgium, and Spain). This information was complemented by other sources, including recent studies by the OECD and the World Bank. The main policy implications and conclusions of the paper include: Well-structured fiscal policies and sound PFM systems have the potential to contribute to gender equality, furthering the substantial progress already made by the G7 countries. While G7 countries have made effective use of a wide range of fiscal and non-fiscal policies to reduce gender inequalities, there has generally been less progress in developing effective gender-specific PFM institutions; embedding a gender dimension in the normal budgeting and policy-making routines varies across G7 countries and is not done systematically. Fiscal policy instruments of relevance to increasing gender equality include the use of tax and tax benefits to increase the supply of female labor, improved family benefits, subsidized child-care, other social benefits that increase the net return to women’s work, and incentives for businesses to encourage the hiring of women.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-63
Małgorzata Niewiadomska-Cudak

Summary The article treats not only about the struggle of women to obtain voting rights. It is an attempt to answer the question as to why only so few women are in national parliaments. The most important matter of the countries in the world is to confront stereotypical perception of the roles of women and men in a society. It is necessary to promote gender equality in the world of politics.

2005 ◽  
Vol 8 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 91-120 ◽  
Colm O'cinneide

The imposition since 1998 of a variety of positive equality duties upon public authorities has attracted comparatively little academic attention. However, these duties are a central part of current government equality initiatives, increasingly constitute a major part of the work of the UK's equality commissions, and have been described as an essential part of a new ‘fourth generation’ of equality legislation. It now appears likely that a positive duty to promote gender equality will soon be imposed upon public authorities, which will complement similar race and disability duties. Will the introduction of this positive gender equality duty add to, detract or complement existing statutory provisions? Given the danger that ‘soft law’ initiatives may undermine existing anti-discrimination controls, will the duty provide a clear steer to public authorities, or will it lack teeth, substance and direction, and possibly even prove counter-productive? Such positive duties are designed to compensate for the limitations of existing anti-discrimination law, by requiring the taking of positive steps to promote equality and eliminate discrimination, rather than just compelling a reactive compliance with the letter of the (equality) law. The justifications in principle for the introduction of such duties are strong: for the first time, the introduction of a positive gender duty will impose a clear legislative obligation upon public authorities to adopt a substantive equality approach and to take proactive action to redress patterns of disadvantage linked to gender discrimination. Serious concerns do however exist as to the extent to which such duties can be enforced, and the danger that they will simply encourage greater bureaucratic activity at the expense of real change. The proposed gender duty, as with the other duties that have been introduced, is no panacea. Nevertheless, it does constitute a good start, can serve a useful function by empowering public authorities to take positive action, and if effectively used will be a very valuable point of pressure to push for better things.

2016 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 459-486 ◽  
Rosa Monteiro ◽  
Virgínia Ferreira

Abstract This paper aims to contribute towards a better understanding of the dynamics of women's movements and their relations with institutions, political parties and the official mechanisms used to promote gender equality. It is the outcome of the first study on State feminism in Portugal. Our research was carried out using a case study which focused on the main gender equality official mechanism and its networks, which required a qualitative approach. We concluded that currently, while the Portuguese State is confronted with its persistent inability to implement gender equality policies, the present situation of Portuguese women's movements is that of redefining and adjusting to the major challenge of reinvention and resignification within a very difficult external environment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-79
Sabita Dhakhwa

 The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. The Buddha delivered several Dhamma discourses to diverse people in the various places for forty-five years; from the time he attained enlightenment until he entered into Mahaparinibbāna. These Dhamma discourses are related to non-violence, equality and peace. The elimination of all forms of gender based violence and promotion of equality are very much related with change of attitude and positive mind development. Moral conducts (Sila), Right speech, Right livelihood, Right understanding, practicing of loving kindness (Mettā, Saraniya Dhammas, etc are some of the Buddha’s teachings which can contribute to attitude change and positive mind development. The teachings of the Buddha are in harmony with the spirit of Gender equality goal of SDGs. Therefore, the article intends to throw light on the following aspects: What are the Buddha’s teaching for Gender equality? and how Buddha’s teachings can contribute to eliminate gender based violence and promote Gender equality which is one of the goal of SDGs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 248
Abdul Gani Jamora Nasution

<strong>Abstrak:</strong> Artikel ini mengkaji persoalan bias gender dalam buku pelajaran Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam di tingkat Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. Secara khusus, akan diteliti sejauhmana kemungkinan bias gender dalam pelajaran SKI untuk domain materi, gambar, dan rubrik. Data diperoleh melalui telaah dokumen, yaitu menganalisa buku pelajaran SKI yang biasa digunakan guru pada tingkat Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. Kajian ini menemukan bahwa buku pelajaran SKI masih bias gender. Sebab itu, perlu dilakukan penulisan buku pelajaran untuk anak madrasah dengan memerhatikan asas kesetaraan gender, agar persoalan bias gender tidak dilestarikan oleh lembaga-lembaga pendidikan Islam di Indonesia. Temuan kajian ini dapat menjadi dasar bagi pemerintah, khususnya Kementerian Agama, dalam menentukan kebijakan tentang buku-buku pelajaran untuk madrasah yang seharusnya mengedepankan kesetaraan gender.<br /><br /><strong>Abstract: </strong><strong>Gender Bias in History of Islamic Civilization (SKI) Course Materials at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Level. </strong>This article examines the issue of gender bias in Islamic civilization history textbooks at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah level. Specifically, this article examines the extent to which gender bias is possible in SKI lessons for material sphere, images and rubrics. The data obtained through the study of the document, by analyzing textbooks and course materials used by teachers at the level of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. This study found that SKI textbooks are still gender biased. Therefore, it is necessary to write textbooks for madrasah students by taking into account the principle of gender equality, so that gender bias issues are not preserved by Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia. The findings of this study may serve as a basis for the government, in particular the Ministry of Religious Affairs, in determining policies on textbooks for madrasah that should promote gender equality.<strong></strong><br /><strong> </strong><br /><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong>bias<strong> </strong>gender, madrasah, Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam

George Marian ICHIM ◽  

The existent agreements and beliefs in the organisational culture, predominantly male, resist the possibility to find alternatives to even the chances for promotion in an academic and scientific career for men and women. The more a person identifies with the norms and culture promoted in an institution, the more difficult it is for them to see alternatives. Acker (1990) explain that such persons (who normally have management positions), socialised in the male culture of the academic and scientific world, benefit the most from the existent arrangements and stand to lose the most if the existent practices of the academic world are changed. The European Union has been focusing on a new direction to eliminate gender obstacles in the academic and scientific world. The new approach for activities related to gender equality has focused on academic and research organisations and institutions rather than only on the women themselves. “Administration improvement” has become the new objective. One of the ways this new objective has been implemented concentrated on integrating the gender dimension into research.

Valerie M. Hudson ◽  
Lauren Eason

Drawing on the cases of the United States and Sweden, this chapter considers the conceptual and practical issues associated with the implementation of a feminist foreign policy (FFP). While Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom of Sweden is perhaps the most vocal and overt advocate of the concept, the US State Department under Hillary Clinton also arguably promoted policies that were feminist in nature. This chapter examines the conceptualization of the term “feminist foreign policy,” probing dimensions, contestations, and inconsistencies. It explores the inherent pitfalls and misconceptions surrounding FFP, as well as the positive contributions of policies that promote gender equality. This chapter concludes that while FFP is not inherently pacifist, it does prioritize peace, and thus engaging in military interventions and alliances requires careful consideration under feminist just war principles. Moreover, this chapter argues that the dissemination of gender equality norms act as a mechanism that facilitates a more stable, secure, and peaceful nation.

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