2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 364-376
Muhammad Kautsar ◽  
Yusrizal Yusrizal ◽  
Bahrun Bahrun

A school principal as a top manager has a strategic role in fostering the school teachers’ work discipline. The objective of his research was to describe the programs or policies made and the obstacles encountered by the principal in fostering the teachers’ work discipline at Islamic State Senior High School (MAN) 1 of Aceh Utara Regency. A descriptive – qualitative approach was used in conducting this research, and the  data were collected by doing interviews, observation, and documentation. The research subjects were the school principal and the school teachers. The results indicate that the aim of the programs fostering the teachers’ work discipline was to achieve the learning goals which might expectedly lead to the improvement of the school quality. Each program was arranged to provide a good, effective, and fun learning which should be the school goals – oriented. It was also found that in facing the teachers with a moderate level of work commitment, the principal implemented situational leadership while in dealing with the teachers who had higher level of work commitment, the principal implemented consultative and participative leadership. In addition, the principal often discussed with the teachers and listen to their ideas. The obstacles encountered by the principal in fostering the teachers’ work discipline and motivation were several teachers who came late to the school, those who prepared the incomplete learning tools, and those who used no media in teaching and learning process. Abstrak Kepala sekolah sebagai top manager memiliki peran yang strategis dalam meningkatkan disiplin kerja guru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan program kepala  sekolah, kebijakan kepala sekolah untuk meningkatkan komitmen kerja guru, serta kendala kepala  sekolah dalam meningkatkan  kedisiplinan guru pada MAN 1 Kabupaten Aceh Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif.Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi.Subjek  penelitian kepala sekolah dan guru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program peningkatan disiplin kerja guru bersasaran untuk tercapainya proses pembelajaran dengan optimal, sehingga pada akhirnya mutu sekolah dapat ditingkatkan. Setiap penyusunan program diarahkan agar proses pembelajaran berjalan dengan baik, efektif, dan menyenangkan, dan berorientasi kepada pencapaian tujuan sekolah. Kebijakan kepala sekolah untuk meningkatkan komitmen guru dengan menerapkan kepemimpinan yang bersifat situasional bagi guru-guru yang komitmen kerjanya biasa, tetapi sikap mereka lebih patuh dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, kepala sekolah menerapkan kepemimpinan konsultatif dan partisipatif. Kepala sekolah banyak berdiskusi untuk mendapatkan cara yang disetujui oleh guru-guru. Kendala dalam meningkatkan disiplin kerja guru  antara lain masih ada sebagian kecil guru yang datang terlambat ke sekolah, masih ada guru yang tidak menyiapkan perangkat pembelajaran dengan lengkap, tidak pernah menggunakan media dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-78
Dewi Wahyuni ◽  
Rani Rahim ◽  
Nur Hayati

The purpose of this study is to analyze: (1) find out how the influence of the principal's leadership on the performance of vocational level teachers. (2) knowing how the influence of the work environment on the performance of teachers at the SMK level. (3) To find out how the influence of school principal leadership and work environment on the performance of vocational school teachers. This research is a quantitative study according to Sujawerni. Randomly, five schools were selected as research subjects, namely Medan Darussalam Vocational School, Setiabudi Vocational School, Galang Insan Mandiri Vocational School, Medan 3 Vocational School and Medan 5 Vocational School. The analysis test results show that: (1) the performance of SMK Darussalam teachers is influenced by the leadership of the school principal and work environment by 0.157 (15.7%) while 84.3% is influenced by other variables. (2) The performance of SMK Setiabudi teachers is influenced by the leadership of the school principal and work environment by 0.536 (53.6%) while 46.4% is influenced by other variables. (3) The performance of Galang Insan Mandiri SMKS teachers was influenced by the leadership of the school principal and work environment by 0.376 (37.6%) while 62.4% was influenced by other variables. (4) The performance of SMK Negeri 3 Medan teachers is influenced by the leadership of the school principal and work environment by 0.555 (55.5%) while 44.5% is influenced by other variables. (5) The performance of SMK Negeri 5 Medan teachers is influenced by the leadership of the school principal and work environment by 0.138 (13.8%) while 86.2% is influenced by other variables.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Azizah Azizah

The purpose of this study is to improve the ability of teacher performance in the Teaching and Learning Process (PBM) through the guidance and supervision of School Principals at MIS Meunasah Teungoh Academic Year 2018/2019. The research was conducted at MIS Meunasah Teungoh. The School Action Research Subjects (PTS) are all teachers at MIS Meunasah Teungoh in the 2018/2019 Academic Year. The number of teachers is 10 teachers with 1 male teacher and 6 female teachers. This School Action Research (PTS) was conducted in the 2018/2019 Academic Year. The School Action Research (PTS) was conducted in a period of 3 months from August 2018 to October 2018 in Odd Semester. The methodology of this research is the School Action Research (PTS) consisting of two Cycles. In each cycle consists of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The research procedure consisted of, planning Cycle one, implementing Cycle one action, observing Cycle one, reflecting Cycle one, planning Cycle two, implementing Cycle two actions, observing Cycle two and reflecting Cycle two. Data collection techniques in this study were interviews, observation. Data were analyzed by means of percentage statistics. The results showed that there was an increase in teacher performance in teaching and learning from 72.50% in Cycle I and increased to 87.50% in Cycle II. Teacher performance activities increased from 65.00% in Cycle I and increased to 90.00%. The application of the guidance and supervision techniques of the School Principal can improve the activities and results of teacher performance in the teaching and learning process at MIS Meunasah Teungoh 2018/2019 Academic Year.

2019 ◽  
Jajuk Triningsih ◽  
Muhyadi Muhyadi

Thisstudyaimstofindtheeffectofprincipal’smanagerialcompetenciesonthequality of school-based management implementation. Managerial competency is one of the competencies that must be possessed by a school principal. As an education manager, the principal must be able to manage all the resources that the school has for educational purposes. The principal has an understanding of the goals of education, has a forward-looking outlook, and realizes the potential of the school to become a force to achieve goals for education. School-based management is the embodiment of one of the educational reforms that provides opportunities for schools to provide good education services for students. Improve leadership skills, administrative management, and budget planning followed by transparency and accountability, as well as the participation of parents and the community,makinglearningconducive.Principalswithgoodmanagerialcompetencies will make it a school leader who has good quality, which is one of the reasons that influence the occurrence of a good teaching and learning process at each level of the education unit. Having good managerial competence brings impact on the implementation of quality school-based management. Through library research and research, a theoretical basis, framework and research questions are reviewed. This study describes the influence of principals’ competence on the quality of school-based management implementation. Making quality schools based on government regulations that are demonstrated by the ability of school principals to utilize all school strengths and encourage school members to be more active in improving school quality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
Elok Sundus ◽  
Istikomah Istikomah ◽  
Nyong ETIS ◽  
Isa Anshori

The presence of supervision at a school is an indispensable activity. One such supervision technique is a class visit. The purpose of this research is to find out how the implementation of supervision in the School with class visit techniques and their impact on the level of professionalism of teachers. This research uses a qualitative approach to the study of phenomology in SMP At-Tibyan. The main data sources are the Principal and Teacher. This study also uses a sampling procedure with research subjects of 5 teachers with different tenure at the school. The data collection technique is observation and is supported by interview techniques as a source of supporting data. Data analysis techniques according to Miles and Huberman include condensation of data, presentation of data, drawing conclusions. The results obtained are 1) the implementation of supervision of classroom visits has increased in terms of technical implementation, 2) the level of professionalism of At-Tibyan Middle School teachers is still low, 60% includes Professional teachers, 20% includes quite professional teachers, and 20% of teachers are not professional. The development of teacher professionalism needs to be done immediately and the role of the school principal can effectively support the development of the teacher's professionalism. As a controlling stage for the business, academic supervision can be carried out with classroom visits techniques that continue to improve the quality of implementation. Through supervision of class visits can be seen developments in the level of professionalism of teachers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 216-220
Yudi Ekka Suryapriadi

Teacher management is very important in every institution in order to regulate the activities carried out, schools as educational organizations really need the management of teachers that are carried out properly. This study aims to review, analyze and describe the implementation of performance based teacher management oriented to improving the quality of teaching and learning activities (TLA). The method used is qualitative with research subjects are management officials, BPS (School Management), School Principal, Curriculum vice principal and classroom teachers and subject teachers. Research location at SD Labschool UPI. Data obtained through document review guidelines, interview guidelines, observation guidelines and self assessment. Data processing and analysis is done through the steps: data categorization and classification, data verification, data validation, member check, description of research results, and analysis and discussion of research results. The results showed that SD Labschool had the status of UPI academic supporting elements that developed educational innovations, educational management practices, and learning models, and carried out community service. SD Labschool is in the management of a one roof school management system and share authority and responsibilities between UPI and the Bandung Education Office (share authority and responsibility of school management system), teacher status is permanent teachers BPS (GT BPS), analysis of teacher needs based on on competence, teaching load, number of existing teachers, school programs, recruitment, distribution and placement of teachers is done at any time based on needs, the teacher shows good performance from preparation, implementation to evaluation of learning.

2020 ◽  

A supervisor fosters improved academic quality related to efforts to create better learning conditions in the form of academic aspects, not merely physical material problems. When supervision is faced with performance and quality control of education, it certainly has a different mission from supervision by the school principal. It aims to provide services to school principals in developing the quality of educational institutions and facilitating school principals to be able to manage institutions effectively and efficiently.So, education supervision is really needed to review the extent of the professionalism of teachers in teaching and how teachers interact with their students in school in achieving interesting and controlled learning goals later.The purpose of educational supervision is to help teachers to better understand / realize the goals of education in schools, and the function of schools in an effort to achieve educational goals. The main purpose of supervision is to improve teaching. The general purpose of supervision is to provide technical assistance and guidance to teachers and staff so that the personnel are able to improve the quality of their performance, in carrying out their duties and carrying out the teaching and learning process.The final benefit of the supervision process is something that is not easy in the personnel management system in Indonesia, such as to do mutations, demotion, let alone dismiss school staff who are incompetent. This is also the case with curriculum changes that are highly centralized, which do not show the differences in each school. However, whatever the obstacles are, supervision activities must still be carried out, even if only to very modest limits

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 320
Siwi Enggar Makarti

The background of this study is the low learning outcomes IPS. It is characterized by the acquisition of the average value of social studies students at 59.10 with the percentage of students learning completeness amounted to 50.00% from 20 students. This research is a classroom action research (PTK) which aims to improve student learning outcomes through the implementation of strategies IPS Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL). This study was conducted in 010 primary schools Silikuan Ukui Hulu subdistrict, with research subjects fifth grade students with a number of 20 students. This study was conducted by two cycles. The data used in this study are the activities of teachers, student activities, and learning outcomes are collected using the observation technique teacher and student activities and written tests, while the analytical techniques used in this research is descriptive analysis. The study states that the acquisition of the activities of teachers and students and learning outcomes in each cycle has increased. This is supported by: (1) the percentage of activity the teachers in the first cycle of the first meeting by 45%, in the first cycle of meetings II percentage teacher activity by 52%, the percentage of teacher activity in the second cycle of the first meeting by 65%, the percentage of teacher activity in the second cycle meeting II by 75%; (2) the percentage of student activity in the first cycle of the first meeting by 49%, in the first cycle of meetings II percentage of student activity by 60%, the percentage of the activity of students in the second cycle the first meeting by 63%, the percentage of student activity on the second cycle of meeting II by 79% ; (3) learning outcomes in basic score of 59,10.Dan which reached KKM 65 only 10 students or (50%). The first cycle of the average value obtained by the students reached 63.6. Students who achieve KKM there are 13 students or 65 (65%). Cycle II average value obtained students achieve value above 67 means the KKM. Students who reached the last 16 students or (80%).

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Hamnidar Hamnidar

This research was motivated by the learning outcomes of students' natural sciences that were still low. The purpose of this study was to improve student learning outcomes with the application of the Contextual Teaching And Learning approach. This research is a classroom action research consisting of II cycles with research subjects in class VI of 007 Kampung Baru State Primary School Gunung Toar District, Kuantan Singingi Regency. The results showed that, judging from the basic score, the lowest value of students was 50 while the highest score of students was 85 with an average grade of 62.78 with an incomplete category. in the first cycle the lowest value of students was 65 while the highest value of students was 90 with an average grade of 74 with a complete category. For learning outcomes in cycle II, the lowest value of students is 75 while the highest value of students is 100 with the average value of class 84.47 with complete categories. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the application of the Contextual Teaching And Learning learning approach assisted by media images can improve the learning outcomes of Natural Sciences students of class VI 007 Public Primary School Kampung Baru, Gunung Toar District, Kuantan Singingi Regency.

Sri Winarsih

This study aims to determine the appropriate steps in carrying out academic supervision so as to be able to improve the pedagogical competence of teachers, especially in the learning process which in turn will affect the improvement of the quality of education.The study was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle has different planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Research subjects of the principal and teacher. The school principal with his academic supervision measures, while the Kunto Darussalam Elementary School 017 teacher as an object as well as the subject in providing academic supervision treatment. Data collection techniques through class supervision with stages of supervising teachers in the learning process and observation of classroom learning, to record important events related to research, especially at the time of the processlearning takes place.Data analysis techniques that guide data processing using a percentage (%) of achievement with 100 constants. And to see the interpertation using score interpertation criteria to strengthen the interpretation in conclusions as follows: 80% - 100% (Very Good), 66% - 79 % (Good), 56% - 65% (Enough), and 40% - 55% (Less).The results showed that the ability of teachers in the implementation of the learning process experienced an increase in the percentage at each stage, from the first cycle reached an average of 63% (sufficient) and in the second cycle reached an average of 68% (good). There is an increase in teacher's ability by 5% from cycle I. In detail there is a significant increase in the initial condition of the school when compared to the final condition in the second cycle. The accuracy of teachers entering the class increased by 48%, the use of learning media increased by 32%, varied methods increased by 31%, and learning strategies increased by 36%.

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