scholarly journals Methods for mitigating effects induced by tunnelling on nearby existing buildings in cities

2020 ◽  
Vol 61 (HTCS6) ◽  
pp. 57-65
Ngan Minh Vu ◽  
Luyen Van Nguyen ◽  
Lam Phuc Dao ◽  

Tunnelling in urban areas in soft soil conditions has risks of negative impacts on nearby existing buildings. When buildings are in/on influence zones induced by tunnelling, they can be damaged in the case of without any mitigating methods applied. This paper summarizes and presents a three category classification of mitigating effects induced by tunneling including methods in tunnel design and tunnelling process, and soil improvement methods, as well as reinforcement for buildings. On the basis of the study, designers and engineers can obtain suitable solutions for their safe tunnel projects.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
pp. 19
Ana Crosita Ningsih ◽  
Luthfi Amri Wicaksono ◽  
Mokhamad Farid Ma'ruf

The northern coastal areas of Java such as Gresik and surrounding areas have a soil structure of alluvium consisting of gravel / coral, sand, clay soil and shells. Soil basic conditions are soft enough to cause land subsidence (settlement). The need for rapid construction causes the urban areas to become less and more for development land. This requires the improvement of soft soil to be used as a building site. As for the method to be done in this planning using a combination of preloading and PVD methods to accelerate the process of land degradation. Based on the planning result, the total height of embankment (preloading) is 3.5 m and the planning time lasted 4 months. Soft soil improvement is done up to 25 m depth with PVD design using triangle pattern and space 1.3 m. The 95% consolidation decrease due to the load of embankment caused the soil to fall as deep as 1,928 m. In this planning use modeling Plaxis 8.6 2D and the resulting yield of soil is 1,990 m. Wilayah pesisir pantai utara Jawa seperti daerah Gresik dan sekitarnya mempunyai struktur tanah berupa alluvium yang terdiri dari batu kerikil/koral, pasir, tanah lempung dan pecahan kulit kerang. Kondisi tanah dasar yang cukup lunak menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan tanah (settlement). Adanya kebutuhan konstruksi yang semakin pesat menyebabkan wilayah perkotaan menjadi semakin sedikit untuk dijadikan lahan pembangunan. Hal ini mengharuskan dilakukannya upaya perbaikan tanah lunak agar bisa dijadikan lahan bangunan nantinya. Adapun pada metode yang akan dilakukan pada perencanaan ini menggunakan kombinasi metode preloading dan PVD untuk mempercepat proses penurunan tanah. Berdasarkan hasil perencanaan didapatkan total tinggi timbunan (preloading) adalah 3,5 m dan waktu perencanaan berlangsung 4 bulan. Perbaikan tanah lunak dilakukan sampai dengan kedalaman 25 m dengan desain PVD menggunakan pola segitiga dan spasi 1,3 m. Penurunan konsolidasi 95% akibat beban timbunan menyebabkan tanah turun sedalam 1,928 m. Pada perencanaan ini menggunakan pemodelan Plaxis 8.6 2D dan hasil penurunan tanah yang dihasilkan adalah sedalam 1,990 m.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (23) ◽  
pp. 8357
Ibrahim Oz ◽  
Sevket Murat Senel ◽  
Mehmet Palanci ◽  
Ali Kalkan

Reconnaissance studies performed after destructive earthquakes have shown that seismic performance of existing buildings, especially constructed on weak soils, is significantly low. This situation implies the negative effects of soil-structure interaction on the seismic performance of buildings. In order to investigate these effects, 40 existing buildings from Turkey were selected and nonlinear models were constructed by considering fixed-base and stiff, moderate and soft soil conditions. Buildings designed before and after Turkish Earthquake code of 1998 were grouped as old and new buildings, respectively. Different soil conditions classified according to shear wave velocities were reflected by using substructure method. Inelastic deformation demands were obtained by using nonlinear time history analysis and 20 real acceleration records selected from major earthquakes were used. The results have shown that soil-structure interaction, especially in soft soil cases, significantly affects the seismic response of old buildings. The most significant increase in drift demands occurred in first stories and the results corresponding to fixed-base, stiff and moderate cases are closer to each other with respect to soft soil cases. Distribution of results has indicated that effect of soil-structure interaction on the seismic performance of new buildings is limited with respect to old buildings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 171
Jason Sastilaya ◽  
Gregorius Sandjaja Sentosa

The expansion of housing in big cities cannot be denied given the rapid population growth in Indonesia. One of the areas that is currently expanding housing is Kosambi City, Tangerang. Soil conditions in Kosambi City are soft soil with high moisture content and soil plasticity, low permeability and soil bearing capacity, and high pore water pressure. This soft soil condition makes the consolidation decline take a very long time. To overcome the problem of the length of time for this consolidation settlement, it is necessary to improve the land. Soil improvement is being carried out, namely the method of vaccum consolidation with preloading. The combination of these methods is carried out by installing a vertical drainage system in the form of prefabricated fabricated drain (PVD) in soft soil, then the initial load is given in the form of preloading on the soil. The calculation results show that the amount of consolidation reduction that occurs when clay soil is loaded with a stockpile of 1.2 m high, a water surcharge of 1.3 m and a vaccum load is 0.3929 m and 0.6968 m for 85 years. The combined method of preloading and PVD is proven to be able to accelerate the time of consolidation, where Preloading and PVD are installed in a triangle pattern between 0.80 m to a depth of 12 m, capable of achieving a consolidation degree of 90% within 8 weeksPerluasan perumahan di kota besar tentu tidak dapat dipungkiri mengingat pesatnya pertumbuhan penduduk di Indonesia. Salah satu daerah yang sedang dilakukan perluasan perumahan yaitu Kosambi City, Tangerang. Kondisi tanah di Kosambi City merupakan tanah lunak dengan kadar air dan plastisitas tanah yang tinggi, permeabilitas dan daya dukung tanah yang rendah, serta tingginya tekanan air pori. Kondisi tanah lunak ini membuat penurunan konsolidasi membutuhkan waktu yang sangat lama. Untuk mengatasi masalah lamanya waktu penurunan konsolidasi ini, perlu dilakukan perbaikan tanah. Perbaikan tanah yang dilakukan yaitu metode vaccum consolidation dengan preloading. Kombinasi pada metode ini dilakukan dengan cara memasang sistem drainase vertikal berupa prefabricated fabricated drain (PVD) di dalam tanah lunak, kemudian diberikan beban awal yaitu berupa timbunan (preloading) pada tanah tersebut. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan besar penurunan konsolidasi yang terjadi jika tanah lempung dibebani dengan timbunan setinggi 1,2 m, water surcharge setinggi 1,3 m dan beban vaccum  adalah 0,3929 m dan 0,6968 m selama 85 tahun. Metode kombinasi preloading dan PVD terbukti mampu mempercepat waktu konsolidasi, dimana Preloading dan PVD dipasang dengan pola segitiga berjarak 0,80 m hingga kedalaman 12 m, mampu mencapai derajat konsolidasi 90% dalam waktu 8 minggu. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 149 ◽  
pp. 02008
Ramdane Bahar ◽  
Omar Sadaoui ◽  
Fatma Zohra Yagoub

The coastal city of Bejaia, located 250 kilometers east of the capital Algiers, Algeria, is characterized by soft soils. The residual grounds encountered on the first 40 meters usually have a low bearing capacity, high compressibility, insufficient strength, and subject to the risk of liquefaction. These unfavorable soil conditions require deep foundations or soil improvement. Since late 1990s, stone columns technique is used to improve the weak soils of the harbor area of the city. A shallow raft foundation on soft soil improved by stone columns was designed for a heavy storage steel silo and two towers. The improvement of 18m depth have not reached the substratum located at 39m depth. The stresses transmitted to the service limit state are variable 73 to 376 kPa. A rigorous and ongoing monitoring of the evolution of loads in the silo and settlements of the soil was carried out during 1400 days that is from the construction of foundations in 2008 to 2012. After the loading of the silo in 2010, settlement occurred affecting the stability of the towers due to excessive differential settlements. Consequently, the towers were inclined and damaged the transporter. This paper presents and discusses the experience feedback of the behavior of these structures. Numerical calculations by finite elements have been carried and the results are compared with the measurements.

2002 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 481-499 ◽  
J. M. Pestana ◽  
R. B. Sancio ◽  
J. D. Bray ◽  
M. P. Romo ◽  
M. J. Mendoza ◽  

An earthquake of moment magnitude (Mw) 7.0 struck the central region of Mexico on 15 June 1999 between the states of Puebla and Oaxaca. A second event with a moment magnitude 6.3 occurred on June 21, also affecting the central region of Mexico but with minor consequences. Attenuation relationships of peak ground acceleration with hypocentral distance for the June 15th event were compared with strong-motion recordings over a variety of geologic site conditions. Significant site amplification was observed and was correlated with deep soil conditions. The June 15th event caused significant damage of unreinforced masonry structures, such as churches and houses, including more than 500 historical buildings. Puebla City and the towns of Tehuacán and Acatlán de Osorio were the urban areas hardest hit by the earthquake. Although the earthquake was felt in Mexico City, the damage was light and mostly restricted to nonstructural elements. Comparison with observations obtained during the September 1985 earthquake suggest that significant soil nonlinearity, resulting in increased amplification at larger periods, can be observed for soft soil sites.

Juha Forsman ◽  
Tommi Marjamäki ◽  
Harri Jyrävä ◽  
Noora Lindroos ◽  
Merja Autiola

Mass stabilization is soil improvement method to increase the strength and stiffness of soft soils (e.g. peat, mud, clay, silt) by using an admixed binder agent. In the demanding soil conditions of Baltic Sea region shore line and interior soft soil areas, cost effective soil improvement methods are needed in the foundation engineering and earth construction. Methods are also needed in the handling of soft and/or contaminated sediments (clay, mud, etc.), which are not allowed for off shore dumping. For these applications, mass stabilization has been proven to be a cost effective method and the effectiveness of mass stabilization has been demonstrated in laboratory and in field conditions during last decades. Especially good results have been reached with contaminated dredged sediments, which enable harbours to reuse sediments for construction. Better cost effectiveness has been achieved when by-products or waste materials have been utilized as a binder. Numerous mass stabilization projects have been carried out around the word and in the Nordic countries since beginning of 1990’s. In this article is presented: the principles of mass stabilization method, case examples of using mass stabilization in harbour and road construction projects, utilization of by-product or waste based binders and the cost effectiveness of that kind of binders.

Herman Herman ◽  
Demi Adidrana ◽  
Nico Surantha ◽  
Suharjito Suharjito

The human population significantly increases in crowded urban areas. It causes a reduction of available farming land. Therefore, a landless planting method is needed to supply the food for society. Hydroponics is one of the solutions for gardening methods without using soil. It uses nutrient-enriched mineral water as a nutrition solution for plant growth. Traditionally, hydroponic farming is conducted manually by monitoring the nutrition such as acidity or basicity (pH), the value of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Electrical Conductivity (EC), and nutrient temperature. In this research, the researchers propose a system that measures pH, TDS, and nutrient temperature values in the Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) technique using a couple of sensors. The researchers use lettuce as an object of experiment and apply the k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) algorithm to predict the classification of nutrient conditions. The result of prediction is used to provide a command to the microcontroller to turn on or off the nutrition controller actuators simultaneously at a time. The experiment result shows that the proposed k-NN algorithm achieves 93.3% accuracy when it is k = 5.

2006 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
E. v. Münch ◽  
G. Amy ◽  
J. F. Fesselet

This paper describes the potential of ecological sanitation (ecosan) to provide sustainable excreta disposal in emergency situations and in peri-urban areas or slums in developing countries. At the present time, pit latrines are the most common form of excreta disposal both for emergency situations and in low-income peri-urban areas or slums. Although not intended to be a long-term solution, pit latrines provided during emergencies are often used for a long time (more than six months to years). This practice is not sustainable if the area is prone to flooding or there are soil conditions that allow groundwater pollution in areas where groundwater is used for drinking water, to name but two of the main factors. We propose eight criteria for the applicability of ecosan based on analysis of three case studies representing different types of emergency situations. The two most important criteria are awareness and expertise in ecosan within the aid agencies, and availability of standardised, lightweight toilet units that are quick to assemble and easy to transport (e.g. container for faeces, and urine diversion squatting pan made of impact-resistant molded polypropylene). Such toilets could be moved to, or replicated in, other areas in need after the emergency (peri-urban areas or slums). This would provide benefits for Millennium Development Goals achievements (targets on hunger, child mortality, sanitation and slum dwellers) at lower cost than conventional sanitation systems. Costs for sanitation systems should be compared based on the entire system (toilet, transport, treatment, reuse in agriculture), using Net Present Value analysis for capital, and operating and maintenance costs.

Marc N. Potenza ◽  
Kyle A. Faust ◽  
David Faust

As digital technology development continues to expand, both its positive and negative applications have also grown. As such, it is essential to continue gathering data on the many types of digital technologies, their overall effects, and their impact on public health. The World Health Organization’s inclusion of Gaming Disorder in the eleventh edition of the International Classification of Disease (ICD-11) indicates that some of the problematic effects of gaming are similar to those of substance-use disorders and gambling. Certain behaviors easily engaged in via the internet may also lead to compulsive levels of use in certain users, such as shopping or pornography use. In contrast, digital technologies can also lead to improvements in and wider accessibility to mental health treatments. Furthermore, various types of digital technologies can also lead to benefits such as increased productivity or social functioning. By more effectively understanding the impacts of all types of digital technologies, we can aim to maximize their benefits while minimizing or preventing their negative impacts.

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