2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-113
Dewi Dewi Nopitasari ◽  
Rizka Rizka Sulistianingsih

Based on the results of preliminary studies which in conducted by researchers to 10 respondens it was found that 5 female stundents said they were dissatisfied because of overweight so there was a desire to go on a diet or trying to loss their weight, and 3 female students said they were dissatisfied with their current weight because they fet less weight or thin so they wanted to gain weight, while the other 2 female students said that their body weight was ideal and they wer satisfied with the bodyimage.The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between dietary of 9thgrade students the statisfaction level of body image in Gunung Putri Junior High School In Bogor In 2018. The type of research was conducted by descriptive correlation with analytical survey design with cross sectional approach. This research wasconducted at Taruna Andigha Junior High School In Bogor. Sampling in this study used a total sampling technique. Data collection is obtained through a questionnaire. Data analysis that be used was univariate analysis and bivariateanalysis.Based on results of the research from 28 respondens, there wre 18 respondents were satisfied with a positive satisfaction level, 16 respondents and a negative level of satisfaction of 2 respondens that statistical test values is p=0,000 which means that P value 0,05, so Ho was rejected, Ha was accepted so that there was a relationship between dietary of grade 9 students with bodyimage satisfaction in Gunung Putri in 2018. From the calculation OR there are 9.000, dietary has an opportunity for the body image statisfaction level.For educational institutions to provide information on knowledge or bring health agencies to provide counseling to female students so the students are not wrong to go on a diet. And for respondents to take a dietary by the rules that do not harm them selves.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-61
Kristiyan Adi Putra ◽  
Zainal Munir ◽  
Wiwin Nur Siam

Anemia often occurs in young women because in adolescence there has been rapid growth into the age of puberty including red blood cells will increase. In addition, in young women, menstrual cycles begin to occur that will release blood from the body with a considerable amount. One effort that can be done is to consume Fe tablets.The research design is a quantitative method in the form of Cross Sectional Design. The study was conducted on Class VII Adolescent Girls in Junior High School 1 Tapen - Tapen, Bondowoso in May 2019 with a sample of 33 respondents. The measuring instrument used was a questionnaire sheet which then carried out the Spearman Rho analysis test with a significance level of p≤ 0.05. The results obtained p-value 0.007 (P≤ 0.05). So Ho was rejected and H1 was accepted, so there was a correlation between the Compliance of consumption Fe tablets with the incidence of Anemia in Class VII Adolescent Girls in Junior High School 1 Tapen, Tapen, Bondowoso. There is a need for counseling on the importance of consumption of Fe tablets and collaboration with teachers regarding the consumption of Fe tablets. Keywords: Fe Tablet Consumption, Compliance, Incidence of Anemia

Rihul Husnul Juliyatmi ◽  
Lina Handayani

<p>Menarche is the first menstrual period in the middle of puberty. There are many factors that affect the age of menarche include nutritional status, genetic, environmental conditions, socioeconomic status, and education. The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between nutritional status and age of menarche on female student of junior high school Ali Maksum Krapyak, Bantul, Yogyakarta. The research employed a cross sectional research design. The number of this sample was 81 female students that determined by total sampling. The statistical test used was Chi Square. The results of this research showed that there was a relationship between nutritional status and the age of menarche on female student of junior high school Ali Maksum Krapyak, Bantul, Yogyakarta (p value = 0.002) and the ratio prevalence was 3.077 (95% CI = 1.675 – 5.650); it means that respondents who have abnormal nutritional status get 3.007 times greater chance of experiencing abnormal menarche than respondents who have normal nutritional status.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (T2) ◽  
pp. 141-146
Muhammad Rachmat ◽  
Nur Arifah ◽  
Tanti Asrianti ◽  
Andi Tenri Awaru ◽  
Muliati Hidayat ◽  

BACKGROUNG: The age of new smokers has shifted to a younger age group. Smoking has become a trend among teenagers. AIM: The purpose of this study was to obtain a description of the characteristics of junior high school teenagers with smoking habit. METHODS: This research was a survey with cross-sectional observational study design. Respondents were male and female students in two public Junior High Schools in Makassar City, Indonesia. 1062 students were chosen, 473 were male students and 589 were female students. Data were collected using structured questionnaires. Univariate analysis was conducted to see the characteristics of respondents. RESULTS: The results showed 18.4% respondents never smoked with details of 39.4% male students and 1.5% female students. Students who ever smoked, as many as 26.7% are still smoking until currently with details of 28% male students and 1.5% female. As many as 11.3% of students had low knowledge about smoking, 27.8% interacted with peers who smokes, 17.3% lived with parents who smokes, and 18.8% interacted with tobacco advertising. CONCLUSIONS: Teen smokers have the potential to become long-term smokers. The high number of teenage smokers will worsen the public health situation. Therefore, health promotion for prevention and intervention of smoking behavior in schools needs to be done intensively.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Tri Sumarsih ◽  
Marina Nurfadillah ◽  
Arnika Dwi Asti

Menarche is the early menstruation that usually occurs at the age of 10-14 years. It is the culmination of a series of changes in adolescents who are stepping on adulthood. These changes bring about various questions, feelings of confusion, fear and anxiety. The purpose to know the anxiety during menarche (first menstruation) of female students of State Junior High School 1 of Ayah. This study uses descriptive method with cross sectional approach. The populations are all female students of State Junior High School 1 of Ayah who have experienced menarche. Samples were taken by using simple random sampling technique on 170 respondents. Instrument used in this study was DASS (Depression Anxiety Stress Scale). Data was analyzed by using univariate analysis. Based on the research conducted, there were 67 respondents (39.4%) experienced light anxiety during menarche. It is advisable for adolescents who are going into adulthood to get lot of knowledge about menarche.Key word : anxiety, menarche, teenager

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 120
Tri Sumarsih ◽  
Marina Nurfadillah ◽  
Arnika Dwi Asti

Menarche is the early menstruation that usually occurs at the age of 10-14 years. It is the culmination of a series of changes in adolescents who are stepping on adulthood. These changes bring about various questions, feelings of confusion, fear and anxiety. This reaserah to know the anxiety during menarche (first menstruation) of female students of State Junior High School 1 of Ayah. This study uses descriptive method with cross sectional approach. The populations are all female students of State Junior High School 1 of Ayah who have experienced menarche. Samples were taken by using simple random sampling technique on 170 respondents. Instrument used in this study was DASS (Depression Anxiety Stress Scale). Data was analyzed by using univariate analysis. Based on the research conducted, there were 67 respondents (39.4%) experienced light anxiety during menarche. It is advisable for adolescents who are going into adulthood to get lot of knowledge about menarche.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 188
Ni Ketut Noriani, M.Kes ◽  
Ni Made Nurtini

Knowledge greatly affect a person’s behavior. Lack of knowledge of young women against genital hygiene, especially during menstruation will cause reproductive problems such as infection, itching, redness, vaginal discharge, bad odor etc. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of the level of knowledge of the behavior of young women against genital hygiene during menstruation in female students of SMP Negeri 5 Junior High School Denpasar in 2016. This studyused analytical design with cross-sectional approach. The subjects were all 8th year students of SMA Negeri 5 Junior High School Denpasar Sampling used non-probability sampling with saturated sampling technique. The number of samples in this study was 78 respondents. Data collection tool was a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques used statistical test of Spearman Rho. This results showed that a significant level <0.05, p value<0.001 and direction of a positive correlation (+) and correlation strength 0.385 meaning lower levels of relationship. Then Ho was rejected but Ha was accepted which means there was a correlation between the level of knowledge of the behavior of young women about genital hygiene during menstruation. It can be concluded that the higher the level of knowledge of young women the better the genital hygiene behavior. The reverse was also true the less the level of knowledge of young girls, the more bad genital hygiene behavior. It suggested that the students should maintain good genital hygiene behavior.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (03) ◽  
pp. 153-158
Dwi Arini ◽  
Evin Novianti

Background: Adolescents face the problem of bullying, they need social support from those around them to have confidence in their abilities. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between self-efficacy and social support with bullying in adolescents at Junior High School 2 Sepatan, Tangerang Regency. Methods: The research design is cross-sectional using the spearman correlation test to analyze the relationship between variables. The sampling technique was simple random sampling with 127 respondents. The instrument uses a self-efficacy questionnaire, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and The revised Olweus Bully or Victim Questionnaire. Results: There is a significant relationship between self-efficacy and bullying (p-value 0.031) and there is a significant relationship between social support and bullying (p-value 0.001). Conclusion: There is a relationship between self-efficacy and social support for victims of bullying in adolescents. This study is also useful for parents that teenagers need support in getting through the effects of bullying.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (02) ◽  
pp. 231
Triani Yuliastanti ◽  
Mega Puspita Ria

ABSTRAKLatar belakang penelitian ini adalah terjadinya permasalahan yang sangat kompleks pada remaja, bahwa sebanyak 28% remaja perempuan dan 24% remaja laki-laki meminum minuman beralkohol sebelum usia 15 tahun. Sekitar 2,8% remaja 15-19 tahun terlibat penyalahgunaan NAPZA. 0,7% perempuan dan 4,5% laki-laki umur 15-19 tahun melakukan seks pranikah. Sekitar 32,1% remaja perempuan dan 36,5% remaja laki-laki mulai pacaran saat mereka belum berusia 15 tahun, Dari data di Puskesmas Boyolali II, bahwa anak-anak yang duduk dibangku SMP masih sangat mudah untuk dipengaruhi terutama dari lingkungan(Puskesmas Boyolali II, 2019), SMP N 3 Boyolali merupakan wilayah kerja Puskesmas II Boyolali merupakan sasaran untuk program PIK R. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan program konseling PIK-R dengan perilaku menyimpang anak SMPN 3. Design penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional.Populasi berjumlah 224 responden.Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik random sampling dengan jumlah sampel 36 responden. Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis Univariatdan Bivariat. Hasil analisis data menggunakan Chi-Square dengan program komputer diperoleh hasil p-value 0.008 (<0.05). Didapatkan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara program konseling PIK-R dengan perilaku menyimpang anak SMPN 3. Kesimpulan bahwa program konseling PIK-R dilaksanakan terencana, terstruktur dengan materi yang mudah dipahami, responden yang memiliki perilaku menyimpang 44,4% baik dari anak laki-laki dan perempuan. Remaja yang masih memiliki perilaku menyimpang yaitu siswa-siswi yang mengikuti program konseling PIK-R <2x. Dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan remaja dilingkungan SMPN3 Boyolali dapat menerima informasi yang baik melalui Program PIK-RKata Kunci : Program PIK-R, Perilaku menyimpang. COMPARATION PIK-R COUNSELLING  PROGRAM WITH DEVIATE BEHAVIOR OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTABSTRACTThe Background of this research is the occurrence of a complex and diverse problem in adolescents, that as many as 28% of adolescent girls and 24% of adolescent boys drink alcoholic drink before the age of 15 years. Approximately 2,8% of adolescent 15-19 years are involved in drug abuse. 0,7% of woman and 4,5% of men aged 15-19 years had premarital sex. Around 32,1% of adolescent girl and 36,5% of adolescent boy start dating when they are not yet 15 years old. The aim to explore comparation of PIK-R counselig program with deviant behavior junior high school students. A cross sectional quantitative study was used to measured 36 respondens aged 11-13 years. Data collection tool using questionnaires and analyzed using univariat and bivariat analysis.The result of data analysis using Chi-Square with a computer program, obtained p-value 0.008 (<0.05). There is a significant relationship between the PIK-R counseling program with deviant behavior of  junior high school students.So it can be concluded PIK-R counseling program carried out planned, structured with theory the easy in understand, respondent which has deviant behavior 44,4% of man and of woman. Adolescent still has deviant behavior that is student follow PIK-R counseling program <2x. The results of this study, it is expected that adolescents in Boyolali Junior High School can receive good information through PIK-R.Keywords : Program PIK-R, Deviate behavior.

Tirta Anggraini Tirta Anggraini

ABSTRACT According to World Health Organization (WHO), adolescent is a period of a transition from childhood into adulthood. Adolescent reproductive health survey in 2012 women 15-19 years national wide ever had sexual intercourse. Where as the same aged men as many as 6.835 people (4,5%) ever had sexual intercourse. The result of LSM research PKBI in 2005 showed 9,1% junior and senior high school at south Sumatera ever had sexual intercourse. Based on the results of a preliminary study, there were 5 students per class ever acces porn videos.Pair dating school students ever get caught over the limit like holding hands, hugging each other to embrace and 10 students ever get caught holding the breast schoolgirl. Purpose of this research in to know the accociated factors with premarital sexual behavior at Pramula Junior High School Palembang in 2014. This research analytic survey method with cross sectional approach. Population of this research is all of class VII and VIII at Pramula Junior High School Palembang in 2014 as many as 75 student using total sampling technique, this research instrument was questionnaire. Analysis with univariate and bivariate. The results of this research show that 75 respondent who have good premarital sexual 39 respondents (52%), 14 respondents (18,7%) were good knowledge, respondents who good influence parentsas many as 57 respondents (76%). Respondents who have never seen the media pornography 17 respondents (22,7%). The Chi-Square statistic test with significant level α = 0,05 showed there is no significant relationship between knowledge with premarital sexual behavior there is P value = 0,469, There is significant relationship between influence parents with sexual behavior there is P value = 0,009, There is significant relationship between pornography media with premarital sexual behavior there is  P value = 0,043. Of the result, suggested in Pramula Junior High School can add reproductive health lessons     ABSTRAK   Menurut World Health Organization (WHO) masa remaja adalah masa peralihan dari masa kanak-kanak menuju masa dewasa.Survei Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja 2012 mengungkap wanita diumur 15-19 tahun secara nasional pernah melakukan hubungan seksual. Sedangkan pria di usia yang sama berjumlah 6.835 orang atau 4,5% dari jumlah remaja Indonesia pernah melakukan hubungan seks. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian LSM Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia (PKBI) tahun 2005 menunjukkan 9.1% remaja SMP dan SMA di Sumsel sudah pernah melakukan hubungan seks. Berdasarkan hasil studi pendahuluan terdapat sekitar 5 orang siswa per kelas pernah mengakses video porno, sepasang siswa-siswi pernah ketahuan berpacaran lewat batas seperti berpegangan tangan, saling merangkul, hingga berpelukan, dan 10 orang siswa pernah ketahuan memegang payudara lawan jenisnya.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku seks pranikah di SMP Pramula Palembang Tahun 2014.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua kelas VII dan VIII di SMP Pramula Palembang tahun 2014 sebanyak 75 siswa dengan besar sampel 75 siswa dengan teknik total Sampling, instrumen penelitian yaitu Angket. Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat dan bivariat. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukan dari 75 respondent yang memiliki perilaku seks pranikah yang baik sebanyak 39 responden (52%), responden yang berpengetahuan baik 14 responden (18,7%) responden yang Pengaruh Orang Tuanya baik  57 responden (76%), responden yang tidak pernah melihat media pornografi 17 responden (22,7%). Dari uji statistik Chi-Square dengan tingkat Kemaknaan α = 0,05 menunjukan bahwa tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara pengetahuan dengan perilaku seks pranikah dimana P value = 0,469, ada hubungan bermakna antara pengaruh orang tua dengan perilaku seks pranikah  di mana P value = 0,009 dan ada hubungan bermakna antara media pornografi dengan perilaku seks pranikah dimana P value = 0,043. Disarankan DI SMP Pramula Palembang dapat menambahkan mata pelajaran tentang pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi.        

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-37
Satrio Satrio Kusumo Lelono

Background : Aggressive behavior is a way to fight very strongly, fight, injure, attack, kill or punish others, aggressively intended to hurt others or damage other people's property. Aggressive behavior aims to hurt others, both physically and psychologically, aggressive behavior can be done verbally or physically. Watching violence shows influence violent behavior, especially in school children. The more often children watch violent shows, the children will tend to be more aggressive and more violent. Violent impressions can also cause children to lose their sense of sensitivity. That is, they consider violence to be something normal and normal. As a result, they become accustomed to violence in everyday life. Objective :Determining the correlation between violence exposure with aggressive behavior of adolescent in Gunung Putri Junior High School Bogor Dstrict. Method :Research design used is Deskriptif Analitik Kuantitatif with Cross Sectional approach. The population studied were all students of Gunung Putri Junior High School Bogor Dstrict amounted to 926 students, after Slovin calculated using the formula obtained a sample of 279 students with the sampling technique is Random Sampling. Result : From the 279 respondents were shown that students who have aggressive behavior are often exposed to violent exposure were reached 87 respondents (31.2%) that are greater than students who have aggressive behavior and are rarely exposed to violent exposure as many as 58 respondents (20.8%). Values obtained P value= 0,001 with significant value was ≤ 0,05 , so that Ha is accepted, and obtained the value CC=0,200 that’s meaning there was strong relation between violence exposure and aggressive behavior. Conclussion :There was relatioship between violence exposure with aggressive behavior of adolescent in Gunung Putri Junior High School Bogor in 2017. The researcher were Expected that the results of this study can be used as information for the school and especially counselour teacher in making efforts to gap them, then guide and prevent the aggressive behavior in schools.

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