scholarly journals A participação dos animais na fraternidade em Cristo

2018 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
Afonso Tadeu Murad ◽  
Marco Túlio Brandão Samapaio Procópio

O mistério da encarnação e da ressurreição tem repercussão nãosomente para a humanidade, mas para todas as criaturas. Há uma fraternidade cósmica que encontra respaldo não somente no relato da criação, mas também no mistério de Cristo. Particularmente os animais são colocados como verdadeiros irmãos e irmãs dos seres humanos por uma apropriada leitura teológica e hermenêutica bíblica. Entretanto, essa relação fraternal proposta pela tradição cristã depara-se com sua antítese expressa na atual relação de exploração animal. Os animais são hoje vítimas de um ciclo de sofrimento no mais alto grau, submetidos à escravidão, tortura e morte. A vontade de Deus expressa na Bíblia e em Cristo, porém, não é essa, mas de paz e justiça entre suas criaturas. Este trabalho apresenta a perspectiva cristã da relação entre os seres humanos e os animais, contrastando com a realidade atual e propondo caminhos de ação.Palavras-chave: Fraternidade cósmica. Teologia animal. Exploração animal. Ecoteologia.Abstract: The mystery of incarnation and resurrection has repercussions not only for humanity, but for all creatures. There is a cosmic fraternity that finds support not only in the account of creation, but also in the mystery of Christ. Particularly the animals are placed as true brothers and sisters of human beings by an appropriate theological reading and biblical hermeneutics. However, this fraternal relationship proposed by the Christian tradition is confronted with its antithesis expressed in the current relationship of animal exploitation. Animals today are victims of a cycle of suffering in the highest degree, subjected to slavery, torture and death. The will of God expressed in the Bible and in Christ, however, is not that, but peace and justice among his creatures. This work presents the Christian perspective on the relationship between human beings and animals, contrasting with current reality and proposing paths of action.Keywords: Cosmic fraternity. Animal theology. Animal exploitation. Ecotheology.

Yolanda Dreyer

The aim of the article is to argue that the sexual difference between female and male should be regarded as soteriologically indifferent. Though a biological reality of being human, sexuality is profoundly influenced by social constructs and the institution of marriage itself is a social construct. In this article the biological and social aspects are taken into account in a theological approach which on the one hand is interested in the relationship between God and human beings, and on the other in the way in which the Bible elucidates sexuality and marriage. The article indicates that the idea of sexual intercourse between a man and a woman as being equal to Godgiven “holy matrimony” has mythological origins. It focuses on these origins and on the multifarious forms of marital arrangements and models.

2020 ◽  
Vol 56 (07) ◽  
pp. 93-95
Sevinj Mais Nurullayeva ◽  

Human beings perceive of the outside world by listening and reading skills; he also conveys his emotions, thoughts, dreams and impressions to his opponents with his speaking and writing skills. In other words, listening and reading comprehension, speaking and writing is the ability to explain. For this, developing reading, writing skills in primary school children is important. The relationship between this skills should be well understood and attention should be paid to these skills in education and training. Key words: Primary education, researches, reading, writing, relationship of reading and writing

Douglas Hunter

This chapter relates the first decades of colonial interpretation of Dighton Rock after its markings were first described in 1680, mainly by John Danforth and Cotton Mather. It places the interpretation of the rock in the context of dispossession of Indigenous lands following the rebellion known as King Philip’s War. Erasure of Indigenous peoples from the history of colonial New England is discussed. It introduces contemporary theories rooted in Biblical hermeneutics of human migration and the relationship of Indigenous people to the rest of humanity, including ideas that they were descendants of Tartars, Canaanites, or the Lost Tribes of Israel. The author’s concept of White Tribism is explained.

2018 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
David T. Adamo

Since the 1980s, many Jeremianic scholars have spent much time on the study of the various contentious issues in order to resolve them. However, there has been no unanimous agreement yet. One of these contentious issues is the relationship of the prophet Jeremiah to ancient Africa and Africans which is the main focus of this article. The author of the book Jeremiah made references to Ancient Africa and Africans about 53 times in the Septuagint, and 67 times in the Masoretic Text. This indicates that the prophet Jeremiah is very familiar with ancient Africa and Africans. Using a historical–biographical and theological method of reading Jeremiah, this article examines the portrayal of ancient Africa and Africans in the book of Jeremiah. It is also part of an investigation of the African presence in the Old Testament which, to Africans, is an important moral and self–lifting scholarly exercise. It is also gratifying information in itself to know that Africa and Africans have participated in the drama of redemption which has not been recognised as such by either Eurocentric scholars or by the majority of Africentric scholars themselves. While in the Pentateuch references to Africa and Africans appear more than 577 times, in the Major Prophets there are about 180 references. What this means is that not only the author of the book of Jeremiah, but biblical authors in general are very familiar with ancient Africa and Africans, and deliberately took time to identify them. The continued recognition by scholars and non–scholars of Africa and African presence in the Bible has great implications for Christianity in Africa.

2014 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
Paul R. McCuistion ◽  
Colin Warner ◽  
Francois P. Viljoen

This article maintained that the historicity of Jesus’ baptism was intended to flesh out the righteousness of God that was well-documented in the Hebrew Scriptures. Furthermore, the historical event initiated the ontological emphasis on the relationship of baptism to righteousness. To support this proposal, this article focused on Matthew’s fulfilment statement in Matthew 3:15. Looking specifically at this verse within its context, the article examines what Matthew may have intended for his community to grasp regarding the Christian tradition of righteousness. The article is divided into four sections that are intended to examine Matthew’s intentions. Firstly, the immediate context is examined, showing the influences and setting for the fulfilment statement. The following section explores the fulfilment statement within this context. The third section uncovers some of the theological traditions in Paul and the church fathers. Finally, the baptismal statement of Matthew 3:15 will be tied directly to the relationship of the law and righteousness in Matthew’s ἦλθον statement of Matthew 5:17. Hierdie artikel betoog dat die historiese waarheid van Jesus se doop bedoel was om die geregtigheid van God, wat volledig uiteengesit is in die Hebreeuse Bybel, te versterk. Verder het die historiese gebeurtenis die ontologiese klem op die verhouding van die doop tot geregtigheid geïnisieer. Om hierdie voorstel te ondersteun, fokus hierdie artikel op Matteus se verklaring van verwesenliking (Mat 3:15). Deur spesifiek na hierdie vers binne sy konteks te kyk, ondersoek die artikel wat Matteus moontlik beplan het sodat sy gemeenskap die Christelike tradisie van geregtigheid kon begryp. Die artikel is in vier afdelings verdeel om sodoende Matteus se bedoelings te ondersoek. Eerstens word die onmiddellike konteks ondersoek wat die invloede en agtergrond van die verklaring van die verwesenliking uitwys. In die volgende afdeling word die verklaring van die verwesenliking in hierdie konteks verken. In die derde afdeling word ’n paar van die teologiese tradisies van Paulus en die kerkvaders aan die lig gebring. Ten slotte is die doopverklaring van Matteus 3:15 regstreeks aan die verhouding van reg en geregtigheid in Mattheus se ἦλθον verklaring van Matteus 5:17 gekoppel.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Daniel C. Timmer

This article argues for the necessity of integrating materialist and immaterialist perspectives in biblical interpretation on theoretical and practical grounds. After briefly exploring the relationship of the two perspectives in past and present philosophy and their appropriation in biblical hermeneutics, an interpretation of YHWH’s feast in Isa. 25:6–8 is undertaken with the aim of demonstrating their compatibility, complementarity, and inseparability.

2018 ◽  
Vol 74 (296) ◽  
pp. 847-866
Volney José Berkenbrock

Na tradição do pensamento ocidental, as diversas ciências que lidam com o ser humano – da filosofia à psicologia, da teologia à medicina – são herdeiras de um conceito dualista: matéria-espírito; corpo-alma; físico-psíquico. O modo de pensar yorubano, que chegou ao Brasil pelos escravos, e sobreviveu, sobretudo na religião do Candomblé, tem um conceito diverso deste dualista. O ser humano é multidimensional e constitui-se a partir da relação harmônica entre as diversas dimensões. Quais são estas dimensões e como elas concorrem para a composição de um conceito de ser humano serão o objeto das considerações desta contribuição.Abstract: In the tradition of Western thought, the various sciences that deal with human beings - from philosophy to psychology, from theology to medicine - are heirs of a dualistic concept: matter-spirit; body-soul; physical-psychic. The thinking of yoruba-people, who arrived in Brazil by slaves, and survived, especially in religion Candomble, have a different concept of this dualistic. The human being is multidimensional and is constituted by the relationship of various dimensions. What are these dimensions and how they contribute to the composition of a concept of human being will be the object of consideration of this contribution.Keywords: Human being. Candomblé. Religious anthropology. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Masnun Tahir

Penelitian ini mengkaji efektivitas kebijakan kursus calon pengantin dalam menekan angka per­ ceraian di wilayah kerja KUA Kecamatan Batukliang. Oleh karena itu, fokus kajian penelitian diarahkan untuk megetahui: 1) tingkat perceraian di wilayah kerja KUA Kecamatan Batukliang. 2) pelaksanaan kebijakan kursus calon pengantin di KUA Kecamatan Batukliang. 3) tingkat efek­ tivitas kebijakan kursus calon pengantin dalam menekan angka perceraian di wilayah kerja KUA kecamatan Batukliang. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosio antropologis. Penelitian ini mem­ posisikan manusia sebagai pelaku yang memahami, meyakini, dan menjalankan ketentuan­keten­ tuan hukum perkawinan dalam Islam maupun dalam perspektif budaya lokal tentang perkawinan yang berkembang di Lombok. Pilihan pendekatan hukum perkawinan dan pendekatan agama dalam penelitian ini akan menjawab beberapa persoalan antropologi melalui empat macam metode ilmiah. Pertama, metode historis, yakni menelusuri pikiran dan perilaku manusia tentang pemahaman dan perilaku perkawinan dan persepsi agamanya yang berlatarbelakang sejarah. Kedua, metode normatif, yaitu mempelajari ketentuan hukum dan norma­norma (kaidah, patokan, atau sastra suci agama) maupun yang merupakan perilaku adat kebiasaan tradisional yang masih berlaku, baik dalam hubungan manusia dengan alam gaib ataupun dalam hubungan antara sesama manusia yang bersumber dan berdasarkan ajaran agama. Ketiga, metode deskriptif, yakni metode yang berusaha mencatat, melukiskan, menguraikan dan melaporkan segala sesuatu yang ditemukan di masyarakat berkaitan dengan obyek yang diteliti, seperti yang dilakukan oleh para etnografer. Keempat, metode empirik yang mempelajari pikiran sikap dan perilaku perkawinan dan agama manusia yang ditemukan dari pengalaman dan kenyataan di lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat efektivitas kebijakan kursus calon pengantin dalam menekan angka perceraian di wilayah kerja KUA kecamatan Batukliang dikategorikan efektif. Hal ini dapat dilihat darijumlah total pernikahan dan pengaduan kehendak bercerai yang tercatat di KUA Kecamatan Batukliang pada beberapa tahun yang dideskripsikan dalam beberapa bab dalam artikel ini.[This research examines the effectiveness of the policy bride course in suppressing the divorce rate in the KUA Sub Batukliang region. Therefore, the focus of the research study directed to 1) The divorce rate in the region KUA Sub Batukliang region. 2) Implementation of the policy bride’s course in KUA Sub Batukliang. 3) The effectiveness of the policy bride’s course in suppressing the divorce rate in the KUA sub­Batukliang region. This research uses a socio­anthropological approach. This research puts man as an actor who understands, believes, and executes the provisions of the marriage law in Islam as well as in local cultural perspectives about marriage that evolved in Lombok. In this study, the choice of law approach to marriage and religious approach will answer some of the questions of anthropology through four different scientific methods. First, the historical method, i.e. the trace of the mind and human behavior of understanding and combining behavior and perception of the diversity of religious history. Second, normative methods, namely studying the laws and norms (rules, benchmarks, or sacred religious literature) as well as the behavior of a traditional custom which is still believed, whether in the relationship of humans with supernatural or in the relationship between fellow human beings based on religious teachings. A method which attempts to record, illustrate, describe and report on everything that is found in the community related to the observation object, as done by ethnographers. Fourth, the empirical methods study the mind, attitude, and behavior of the marriage and human religion according to experience and the reality in the field. The result shows that the policy bride’s course is effective in suppressing the divorce rate in the KUA Batukliang sub-region. It reflects from the total marriage and denunciation of wills divorced are recorded in Batukliang Sub­district on the KUA number of years described in several chapters in this article.]

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Peshraw A. Mohammed Ameen

Power is the legitimate use of force in a socially acceptable manner, the legitimate force exercised by a person or group over others. The element of legitimacy is an important element of the idea of ​​power, which is the primary means by which power distinguishes itself from other, more general concepts of force. Force can be imposed forcibly or violently. On the other hand, the Authority relies on the acceptance of the subordinates, granting the right to those above them to issue orders or directives. the relationship of psychology and political power is a strong relationship, and through the study of the psychology of the masses and rulers in any state or region can be interpreted and predict the behavior of power and the masses in this country, and the subject of authority in the Kurdistan region as a subject directly related to the subject of psychology of power and the quality of this authority in this region is a place Controversy for everyone who monitors and deals with this power, so determine the quality of power and how to conduct it through the study of the psychology of power, according to current reality and one of the most important jobs for researchers in the Kurdistan Region so we know the quality of political authority in this region, so we try in this modest research to determine the quality and type of power in the Kurdistan Region through the analysis of the psychology of power in Kurdistan region.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Wulandari Ramadania

ABSTRACTThe moral value conveyed by the author to the reader through works of fiction especially novels is useful and useful to the reader. This study aims to describe the moral values associated with social messages and expose the moral values associated with the religious message contained in the novel Tasawuf Cinta by M. Hilmi As'ad. The method used in this research is analytic descriptive method. The results of this study indicate the moral values associated with social messages are: (1) social in social life; (2) relations between human beings of religion, and (3) association between the opposite sex. The moral values associated with the religious message are: (1) the relationship of man and God; (2) human nature and conscience; (3) the personal freedom that man possesses; And (4) the dignity and dignity of each individual.Keywords: moral value, novel                                                

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