scholarly journals The Civil Liability of the Director of a One-person Company in the Saudi System and Jordanian Law

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-40
Ayed Saad Ayed Alahmary ◽  
Muhammad Abdurrahman Sadique

This study aims to identify the civil liability of One-person company directors in both the Saudi and Jordanian laws and the related legal articles, to demonstrate the civil liability of One person company directors and when does it apply, and to shed light on the types of directors in One-Person Company in both Saudi Arabia and Jordan, and their obligations; also, the powers of the director and co-director and their limitations .The researcher used the analytical, inductive, and comparative methods by which several findings were achieved. The most important of which are: the Saudi government did not create any exclusive legal regulations for one-person companies as it is the case for other companies. Also, the basis of civil liability is the existence of harm, and the civil liability of one-person company director requires him to compensate for the damage caused by the breach of the obligations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 1288-1294
Badriah M. Alkhannani

This paper looks at the effectiveness of Collaborative Teaching and Learning (CTL) strategies in increasing students’ satisfaction in their learning outcomes, experiences, and achievements. The main strategy addressed in this paper is engaging Students as Partners in the CTL. Student engagement correlates with positive learning experiences and outcomes for students. ‘Students as Partners’ principles and approaches are relevant to many aspects of enhancement and innovation in curriculum and pedagogy, particularly in Higher Education. While this may not be a novel or new idea in the West, many countries in Asia and the Middle East have yet to incorporate collaborative approaches in the classrooms. As such, this review hopes to shed light on the possibilities and advantages of engaging learners in aspects that in a traditional classroom, the role that only educators and teachers take on. This paper also explores the potential issues, challenges, and further work required in the application of CTL in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom in Saudi Arabia.

Mohammed Noah Alkhiri, Talal Aqeel Alkhiri Mohammed Noah Alkhiri, Talal Aqeel Alkhiri

This paper aims to shed light on distance education in the United Kingdom and comparing it to distance education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the extent of its use in improving the processes of distance learning and education, and ways to overcome the problems facing distance education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The study relied on reports and analysis of international data conducted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Among the most important findings of the study: It is possible to benefit from the experience of the United Kingdom in distance learning, and there are significant differences in distance learning between the two countries, and there are few similarities. Among the most important recommendations of the study: To benefit from the experiences of British universities and institutions in distance education, and to simulate the platforms and applications used in distance education in the United Kingdom and how to benefit from them, and to benefit from the experience of the United Kingdom in responding to economic growth and bridging the digital divide by using the Internet in schools to teach academic subjects.

Aqel Abdel Aziz Aqel

ABSTRACT The study aims to shed light on the reality of empowering the female students regarding the activities, the extent of engagement, their autonomy, and the academic development among them. In addition, it reveals the empowering requirements from the perspective of the activities’ leadership. The study used the analytical descriptive method, and the tools of the study, and analysed the documents, the questionnaire form and the meetings with the university leaderships. Empowering the female students’ rate for the activities was fifty percent. The cultural activities represented the rate of thirty to forty percent and the social activities represented the rate of 28.38 percent. Secondly, the meetings results showed that the female students are empowered for the activities, which fit their nature and identity. First, they had the rate of 17.14 percent, and the first impediments rated 11.19 percent. Regrading unempowering the female students for the activities, there was no enough number for the competitions. The major requirements for empowering the activities and providing the activities according to the requirements of the female students, their desires and attitudes had the rate of 17.14 percent. The questionnaire showed that the factor of autonomy and assessment rated mathematical average of 1.90 out of 3. It came after the academic development factor, with general mathematical average of 2.18 out of 3. As for the factor of the activities and their fittings, it had the general mathematical average of 1.93 out of 3.

2018 ◽  
Sang-Hyun Lee ◽  
Rabi H. Mohtar ◽  
Seung-Hwan Yoo

Abstract. The aim of this study is to analyze the impacts of food trade on food security and water-land savings in the Arab World in terms of virtual water trade (VWT). We estimated the total volume of virtual water imported for four major crops – barley, maize, rice, and wheat – from 2000 to 2012, and assessed their impacts on water and land savings, and food security. The largest volume of virtual water was imported by Egypt (19.9 billion m3/year), followed by Saudi Arabia (13.0 billion m3/year). Accordingly, Egypt would save 13.1 billion m3 in irrigation water and 2.1 million ha of crop area through importing crops. In addition, connectivity and influence of each country in the VWT network was analyzed using degree and eigenvector centralities. The study revealed that the Arab World focused more on increasing the volume of virtual water imported during the period 2006–2012 with little attention to the expansion of connections with country exporters, which is a vulnerable expansion. This study shed light on opportunities and risks associated with VWT and its role in food security and land management in the Arab World.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 186-206
Mukran H. Usman ◽  
Imran Bukhari ◽  
Awal Rifai Wahab ◽  
Aris Firdaus

Zakat obligation is matter in religion that are logically already known. Refusing to pay zakat due to ignorance and greed is one of the great sins in afterlife law, and is among the most heinous crimes in worldly law. This research discusses the law of takzir against people who are reluctant to pay zakat by taking their property according to the four schools. This research aims to find out the opinions of the four schools of jurisprudence about the law of takzir against people who are reluctant to pay zakat by taking their property (forcibly), and to know the understanding of disputes of opinion about the takzir against people who are reluctant to pay zakat by taking their property according to four schools. The research methods used in research are inductive-deductive and comparative methods. The results showed that the four schools of jurisprudence agreed to impose takzir on people who are reluctant to pay zakat by taking their property forcibly according to the obligatory zakat rate on it without additional. While some scholars consider that takzir for people who are reluctant to pay zakat is to take their property forcibly according to the obligatory zakat rate on it accompanied by additional punishment that takes half of its property. This is the opinion of the old Shafii (qaul qadīm), one of the narration of Imam Ahmad, as well as the opinion of some scholars such as al-Auzāʿī, Isḥāq bin Rāhūyah, Ibn al-ʿUṡaimīn, in addition to the opinion of the permanent of Fatwa Commission of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. As for the understanding of dissent in this matter is the knowledge that every school of jurisprudence has a proposition as a guideline to strengthen its opinion, so that the difference should not be the cause of division and hostility among the Muslims.

سلطان بن حسن آل يحيى ◽  
بدر الدين إبراهيم ◽  
محمد ليبا

الملخّصيذهب فقهاء القانون الإداري إلى اعتبار الرقابة القضائية على أعمال الإدارة وتصرفاتها أهم وسيلة للمحافظة على مبدأ المشروعية، وهو المبدأ الذي يضمن للأفراد حقوقهم وللإدارة استقرارها. وفي هذا السياق؛ تأتي هذه الدراسة لتسليط الضوء على القواعد العامة التي يمارس من خلالها ديوان المظالم في المملكة العربية السعودية رقابته على نشاط الإدارة المتمثل في تنفيذ الأنظمة واللوائح وتشغيل المرافق العامة. وسيتم ذلك من خلال استعراض اختصاصات المحاكم الإدارية التابعة لديوان المظالم بفئاتها الثلاث: المحكمة الإدارية العليا، ومحاكم الاستئناف الإدارية، والمحاكم الإدارية (محاكم الدرجة الأولى)، ثم يلي ذلك بحث حدود النطاق الولائي لرقابة القضاء الإداري السعودي على النشاط الإداري، وسيكون السير في هذا المضمار من خلال محاولة شرح النصوص وتفسير الغامض منها، والإفادة من الأحكام القضائية كحالات عملية، لتنتهي الدراسة بعد ذلك باستعراض الحالات المهمة في تمييز قضاء المظالم في النظام الإسلامي عن قضاء المظالم في النظام السعودي.الكلمات المفتاحيّة: ديوان المظالم، القضاء الإداري، الرقابة القضائية، جهة الإدارية.             AbstractJurists of administrative law consider judicial supervision of administrative works and their actions one of the means of preserving the principle of legitimacy, which ensures the rights of individuals as well as the organization’s stability. This study attempts to shed light on the applied general principles through which the Bureau of Grievances in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia exercises its supervision of management activities reflected by the implementation of the systems and rules and operating public facilities. This paper accomplishes through a demonstration of the tasks of administrative courts that work under the Bureau of Grievances in its three sections: the Supreme Administrative Court, Administrative Courts of Appeal, and Administrative Courts (courts of first instance), followed by a discussion on the scope of the Supervision of the Saudi administrative judiciary and administrative activities,  illustrating cases for differentiating grievances of judiciary in Islamic system from grievances of judiciary in the Saudi system.Keywords: Bureau of Grievances, Administrative Judiciary, Judicial Supervision, Administrative Authority.

Ayed Saad Ayed Alahmary ◽  
Muhammad Abdurrahman Sadique

This study aims to study the nature of the criminal liability of one-person company director in both the Saudi and Jordanian systems in light of the legal basis of the criminal liability of one-person company director which is represented in freedom and choice. It also aims to present the conditions for criminal liability of one-person company director, and to examine the pillars of criminal liability. Additionally, it aims to highlight the most important situations in which the criminal liability apply to one person company director; and the difference between the Saudi system and the Jordanian system as the Saudi law contains several provisions for situations which the Jordanian law does not have, besides the severity of penalties in the Saudi law. The researcher used the analytical, inductive, and comparative methods by which several findings were achieved. The most important of which are the Saudi government did not create any exclusive legal regulations for one-person companies as it is the case for other companies. Also, the basis of criminal liability is the existence of harm, and the effects of criminal liability of one-person company director requires him to compensate for the damage caused by the breach of his obligations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 96
Majed Barashid

This study aimed at analyzing the cognitive levels of the wh-questions following the reading texts in the Students’ Book of Flying High for Saudi Arabia One. A Checklist based on the revised cognitive domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy was the instrument used to categorize the cognitive levels of these questions and to determine to what extent they are included properly in the Student’s Book of Flying High for Saudi Arabia One. The main findings revealed that the wh-questions following the reading texts which are included in the textbook under analysis were not properly included. Also, the authors of the textbook overemphasized the lower thinking skills and neglected higher thinking skills. Such study is recommended to shed light upon the role of the other series of Flying High for Saudi Arabia in developing cognitive skills among secondary Saudi students.

Ali Rashed Nasr ◽  

The study aims to shed light on digital marketing, its value, economic advantages, and criteria for its growth in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The globalization of the digital marketing industry, its pace of growth, and its simplicity have contributed to the appetite of customers, which called for the ease of its development, attention, and analysis of this phenomenon. In addition to improving the means of protection in them, using them to achieve economic benefits, improving dealing with them, and establishing laws to increase consumer confidence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. There is no doubt that there are many problems in the practice of digital marketing, such as economic, marketing, customs, and legal challenges that need support from the relevant government departments, especially concerning information security, electronic payment methods, and others.

Szymon Madurski

The main goal of this article is to present the methods of effectively combating the grey area (called the shadow economy by the author) against the background of the changes introduced by the legislator in the form of split payment, as an institution that is to replace the not necessarily successful previous regulations related to reverse payment and joint and several liability. The first part — dealing with the grey economy — presents the basic facts on this topic. Attempts will be made to define this phenomenon, analyze its structure and the factors determining the formation of the shadow economy. This will be crowned with a multidimensional assessment, both in terms of micro and macroeconomics. The second part of the work will present split payment, which is to be a revolution in closing the tax gap. The tools that the split payment mechanism has “absorbed” due to their inefficiency will also be briefly discussed. Additionally, the article will present the history of this tool — both in the international arena and in Poland, where the optional form of split payment was initially in force, and currently, under certain conditions, it is also mandatory. The compulsory use of this tool is the subject of numerous discussions as it negatively affects the financial liquidity of entrepreneurs, which will also be analyzed and assessed. Taxpayers’ demands regarding changes in the split payment mechanism, especially in times of the COVID-19 pandemic, will also be presented. The dogmatic-legal and legal-comparative methods, as well as the opinions of the entrepreneurs themselves, will be used to achieve this research goal.

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