scholarly journals Bencana Banjir: Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Pemanfaatan Ruang Berdasarkan UU Penataan Ruang dan RUU Cipta Kerja

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-42
Sri Nurhayati Qodriyatun

Floods almost occurred in most parts of Indonesia, including in Bengkulu. The cause of floods in Bengkulu is more due to human behavior factors, namely massive land conversion. Even though the Spatial Planning Law already regulates how the use of space should be done and how to control it. On the other hand, the government is currently planning to change the rules regarding spatial planning to facilitate licensing in investment through the Job Creation Bill. In the bill, the authority of spatial planning is the authority of the central government. The problem is how the supervision and control of spatial use are carried out in Bengkulu and what about the supervision of spatial use control later if the spatial planning authority is centralized in the central government? By using a literature study, the study shows that the central government and the regional government of Bengkulu have not conducted supervision and control over spatial use as stipulated in the Spatial Planning Law. It was proven that it only conducted a review of Bengkulu Province Spatial Planning without conducting law enforcement for violations of spatial use. On the other hand, the spatial audit conducted by the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning was not running as it should. If the authority of spatial planning is centralized to the central government, as stated in the Job Creation Bill, it is feared that the misuse of spatial use in the regions will increase. Likewise, the occurrence of the flood as a result of increased environmental damage due to spatial use that is not following its designation and function. Therefore, it is necessary to review again the plan to revoke the authority of spatial planning at the regency/city level and the provincial government level in the Job Creation Bill.AbstrakBanjir hampir terjadi di sebagian besar wilayah Indonesia, termasuk di Bengkulu. Penyebab banjir di Bengkulu lebih dikarenakan faktor perilaku manusia, yaitu alih fungsi lahan yang masif. Padahal Undang-Undang tentang Penataan Ruang (UU Penataan Ruang) sudah mengatur bagaimana pemanfaatan ruang seharusnya dilakukan dan bagaimana pengendaliannya. Di sisi lain, saat ini pemerintah berencana akan mengubah aturan mengenai penataan ruang ini untuk mempermudah perizinan dalam investasi melalui RUU tentang Cipta Kerja. RUU mengatur kewenangan penataan ruang merupakan kewenangan pemerintah pusat. Permasalahannya adalah bagaimana pengawasan dan pengendalian pemanfaatan ruang dilakukan di Bengkulu dan bagaimana dengan pengawasan pengendalian pemanfaatan ruang nantinya jika kewenangan penataan ruang dipusatkan di pemerintah pusat? Studi literatur digunakan untuk mengkaji dan hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah pusat maupun Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Bengkulu belum melakukan pengawasan dan pengendalian pemanfaatan ruang sebagaimana yang diatur dalam UU Penataan Ruang. Terbukti hanya melakukan review RTRW Provinsi Bengkulu tanpa melakukan penegakan hukum atas pelanggaran pemanfaatan ruang. Di sisi lain, audit tata ruang yang dilakukan Kementerian ATR/BPN tidak berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Jika kewenangan penataan ruang dipusatkan ke pemerintah pusat, sebagaimana disebutkan dalam RUU Cipta Kerja, dikhawatirkan penyalahgunaan pemanfaatan ruang di daerah semakin meningkat. Demikian juga dengan kejadian banjir sebagai dampak dari meningkatnya kerusakan lingkungan akibat pemanfaatan ruang yang tidak sesuai peruntukan dan fungsinya. Oleh karena itu, perlu kiranya ditinjau kembali mengenai rencana mencabut kewenangan penataan ruang di tingkat kabupaten/ kota dan di tingkat pemerintah provinsi dalam RUU Cipta Kerja.

2009 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-186 ◽  
Andrea Mubi Brighenti

In this article I review a series of artworks, artistic performances and installations that deal with the topic of surveillance. My aim is twofold. On the one hand, I want to look comparatively at how different artists interrogate, question, quote, or critise surveillance society. On the other hand, I take these artistic actions as themselves symptomatic of the ways in which surveillance interrogates contemporary society. In other words, my claim is that surveillance does not simply produce substantive social control and social triage, it also contributes to the formation of an ideoscape and a collective imagery about what security, insecurity, and control are ultimately about, as well as the landscape of moods a surveillance society like ours expresses.

2021 ◽  
pp. 98-116
Alicia Walker

Focusing on Early and Middle Byzantine (fourth-to-twelfth-century) objects, images, and texts, this essay explores the tension between, on the one hand, efforts of the Byzantine church and state to discourage and control bodily adornment and modification and, on the other hand, the extensive evidence of widespread and immoderate engagement with these practices. The enhancement and manipulation of Byzantine bodies is considered as both a real and a metaphoric phenomenon. Evidence culled from secular and sacred, written and material sources demonstrates the importance of bodily adornment and modification to our understanding of Byzantine material and visual culture.

2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 187-200
T. R. Khayrullin

The article examines the struggle of the Qatari- Turkish alliance for regional leadership in the Federal Republic of Somalia. The analysis revealed that the foreign policy activity of Turkey and Qatar in Somalia began during the events of the Arab Spring. Ankara and Doha used diplomatic, military and fi nancial instruments to strengthen their infl uence in the country. Moreover, Qatari money played an important role in promoting pro-qatari candidates to power during the 2012 and 2017 presidential elections. However, the eff orts of the Turkish- Qatari alliance to strengthen its position in Somalia have clashed with the interests of the Saudi- Emirati bloc seeking regional dominance. On the other hand, the inability to close the main cooperation with the central government in Somalia forced the UAE to support such autonomous regions as Somaliland, thereby intensifying the destabilization processes in the country.

2015 ◽  
Vol 23 (5) ◽  
pp. 290-306
A.N. Krichevets ◽  
M.V. Solodushkina

The individual ways of the stutter correction group participants are considered in the article. We see this situation as difficult and even antinomical for participant because it requires the his partial rejection of self-control and a trust in handing over his consciousness to the group leader. We assume that this aspect of communication is expressed only stronger in the situation considered here, but is presented in all kinds of communication. On the other hand, not only psychology, but also our culture lacks in adequate measures for understanding and control of such a processes in the communication. Our analysis of participant’s interviews shows that the participant’s way in the correctional process depends on ones attitudes towards the problem of handing control over one’s condition to the group leader.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 160
Nurhilma Lestari

Adapun hasil penelitian dan pembahasan sebagai berikut: 1). Masyarakat di kawasan yang terdampak likuifaksi (kelurahan petobo, kecamatan palu selatan, kota palu, provinsi sulawesi tengah) sesuai dengan pergub nomor 10 tahun 2019, bahwa masyarakat tidak dapat menuntut lagi tanahnya di kawasan terdampak likuifaksi. Sebab, sangat jelas dalam pergub nomor 10 tahun 2019 bahwa kawasan terdampak likuifaksi di kelurahan petobo termasuk dalam zona merah, yang dalam hal ini dengan dipindahkan masyarakat korban bencana likuifaksi ke lokasi lebih aman (relokasi). Maka dengan adanya relokasi tersebut, masyarakat tidak lagi dapat menuntut hak atas tanahnya di kawasan terdampak likuifaksi,2). Berdasarkan pergub nomor 10 tahun 2019,mengatur mengenai penataan ruang wilayah perlunya perubahan pemanfaatan ruang di beberapa lokasi terdampak bencana masif, maka menjadi penting penyusunan arahan pemanfaatan ruang baru yang dapat diterima oleh masyarakat. Disamping itu, di daerah-daerah yang tidak terdampak bencana, maka arahan pemanfaatan ruang lama akan mengalami perubahan minimal, atau bahkan tidak berubah sama sekali. Kesimpulan yang bisa diambil dari penelitian ini adalah Bahwa masyarakat di kawasan terdampak (Kelurahan Petobo, Kecamatan Palu Selatan, Kota Palu, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah) sesuai dengan Pergub Nomor 10 Tahun 2019, bahwa masyarkat tidak dapat lagi menuntut tanahnya di kawasan terdampak. Sebab, sangat jelas didalam pergub Nomor 10 Tahun 2019  bahwa kawasan terdampak (Keluarahan Petobo) termasuk dalam Zona Merah, yang dalam hal ini dengan dipindahkannya masyarakat korban bencana dikawasan terdampak ke lokasi yang lebih aman (relokasi). Maka, dengan adanya relokasi tersebut, masyarakat tidak lagi dapat menuntut hak atas tanahnya dikawasan terdampak, dan Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah telah mengeluarkan Peraturan Gubernur Sulawesi Tengah No. 10 Tahun 2019 Tentang Rencana Rehabilitasi dan Relokasi Pascabencana, yang mengatur pelaksanaan pembangunan rumah untuk relokasi korban likuifaksi yang memiliki hak atas tanah dan bangunan secara sah menurut hukum. Pembangunan tempat tinggal untuk relokasi disini prinsipnya adalah pemerataan dan adil antara luas tanah dan fisik rumah adalah samaKata Kunci: Tanah, Status Hukum, Tata Ruang, dan Bencana Alam. The results suggest the following: 1) the community in the areas affected by liquefaction is according to the governor regulation number 10 of 2019 in which the community can no longer claim their land in areas affected. It is clearly stated within it that Petobo Sub-district belongs to the red zone which means that the people affected were relocated to a safer place and thus are not able to claim the land in the affected area; 2) the governor regulation number 10 of 2019 regulates the regional spatial planning which needs change in terms of utilizing spaces in several areas affected by massive disasters. That is why it is necessary to have arrangements for the utilization of new spaces that are acceptable to the community. On the other hand, the unaffected areas would undergo either minimal or absent change. In conclusion, the people in Petobo, Palu, Central Sulawesi, based on the governor regulation number 10 of 2019, are no longer able to claim their lands as it is considered a Red Zone which only for relocating the victims of a disaster. The provincial government of Central Sulawesi has issued the 2019 Regulation of the Governor of Central Sulawesi number 10 regarding the planning of the post-disaster rehabilitation and relocation that focus on the implementation of houses construction for the victims of liquefaction who have legal rights to lands and buildings according to the law. The principal of this construction is equal and fair between the land area and the physical house.Keywords: land, legal status, spatial planning, and natural disaster.

Matthew B. Roller

This chapter examines the historical and ideological aspects of women's dining. The scholarship reveals that, during early periods, women sat to dine while men reclined; whereas “now,” women too recline to dine, just as men do—their posture must therefore have changed at some point. On the other hand, by linking the alleged shift in women's posture to overall moral decline, these studies reveal that the distinction between the two postures has ideological implications. That is, dining posture is a locus where practice, gender, and ethics intersect. The chapter suggests that the seated posture functioned pragmatically, placing women under male scrutiny and control. Moreover, whatever the vagaries of actual social practice, the seated posture for women remained at all times the “strict protocol,” even in the Imperial period.

1997 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-178 ◽  
Drew S. Mendoza ◽  
Sharon P. Krone

A business-owning family and a soon-to-be-wed couple often face two mutually exclusive goals that seem impossible to reconcile. On the one hand, a couple considering marriage wants to believe that love alone will keep them together. On the other hand, statistics today say there is a good chance the relationship will not last. A prenuptial agreement provides the protection an individual or the family may want against a possible divorce, but the process by which the document is introduced and negotiated can deplete the relationship of intimacy. How can a woman from a wealthy business-owning family express and reinforce the emotional commitment and trust she has for her partner while presenting a prenuptial agreement] How can a son administer a prenuptial agreement to his fiancee without controlling the process or outcome of his spouse's financial welfare] How can a family require a prenuptial agreement without jeopardizing their future relationship with the newlyweds] In the following interview, Judy Barber, a consultant and licensed marriage and family counselor specializing in the psychology of money, outlines several recommendations for families and couples who are considering a prenuptial agreement.

1985 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-94 ◽  
Hitoshi Mikami ◽  
Akira Onishi

SUMMARYAggregation chimaeras were made from embryos of C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice. Chimaeric and control females were mated with ICR males at 8 weeks of age and their litter sizes were evaluated over a 5-month period after the first mating. Progeny tests showed that 18 of 27 chimaeras produced oocytes of both genotypes. The mean litter sizes of C57BL/6, BALB/c and their F1 crosses (C57BL/6 × BALB/c and BALB/c × C57BL/6) were 8·14, 9·36, 13·38 and 13·40, respectively. The mean for chimaeras was 11·54 and chimaeric heterosis was evident, but it was not as much as heterosis in the F1 When the chimaeras were classified into the mixed and single-genotype progeny chimaeras, chimaeric heterosis was observed only in the mixed-progeny chimaeras. Quantitative GPI analyses in ten organs showed that the degree of chimaerism in the mixed-genotype progeny chimaeras was higher than that in most of the single-genotype progeny chimaeras and that the degree of chimaerism in the ovaries was positively correlated with litter size in the mixed-genotype progeny chimaeras. On the other hand, such correlation was not observed in the single-genotype progeny chimaeras.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 251
Dhiana Puspitawati

ABSTRAKPerkembangan kelautan di Indonesia semakin berkembang dari tahun ke tahun hingga dicetuskannya konsep ‘poros maritim’ oleh Presiden Joko Widodo. Konsep ‘poros maritim’ menekankan pada terwujudnya konektifitas antar pulau melalui pengembangan industri pelayaran serta transportasi laut. Dengan demikian dibutuhkan akselerasi pembangunan pelabuhan di wilayah-wilayah kepulauan seperti maluku dan Riau. Sayangnya alokasi dana dari pusat untuk daerah masih didasarkan pada luas wilayah daratan. Hal ini menjadikan daerah dengan wilayah perairan yang lebih banyak tidak mendapatkan alokasi dana sebagaimana daerah yang mempunyai wilayah daratan yang luas. Padahal percepatan pembangunan di wilayah kepulauan sangat dibutuhkan dalam mewujudkan Indonesia sebagai ‘poros maritim’ dunia. Tulisan ini akan menganalisa tantangan dan peluang pembangunan wilayah kepulauan yang berlandaskan poros maritim dalam perspektif negara kepulauan. Pembangunan Wilayah Kepulauan sangat diperlukan untuk mewujudkan konsep Poros Maritim. Akan tetapi perlu diperhatikan mengenai perimbangan keuangan daerah dalam mewujudkan akselerasi pembangunan tersebut. Dibutuhkan pengembalian mindset masyarakat Indonesia ke kelautan serta harmonisasi aturan dan kelembagaan dalam mewujudkan ‘poros maritim’ dalam perspektif negara kepulauan yang berimplikasi pada perimbangan keuangan daerah antara daerah biasa dengan daerah yang terdiri dari kepulauan. Kata kunci: peluang; poros maritim; tantangan; wilayah kepulauanABSTRACTThe development of maritime affairs in Indonesia is growing rapidly until the inception of ‘maritime fulcrum’ by President Joko Widodo. Such concept emphasizes the establishment of inter-island connectivity through the development of shipping and sea transportation industries. Thus, the acceleration of port and facilities development in islands region such as Maluku and Riau is needed. Unfortunately, fund allocation from the central government to region areas is still based on how large the land areas of certain region. This makes island regions have less fund allocation than those of regions with large areas of land. While, on the other hand, the establishment of ‘maritime fulcrum’ concept is largely depends on the acceleration of national development in island regions. This paper aims to analyze challenges and opportunities in developing island regions based on ‘maritime fulcrum’ concept within the perspectives of archipelagic state principles. National development in island regions of Indonesia is important to support the establishment of ‘maritime fulcrum’, however, the usage of the term ‘archipelagic’ should also carefully consider legal implication of the term ‘archipelago’ according to International Law. Restoration of Indonesian people’s orientation to the ocean is crucial. In addition to this, the harmonization of related legal instruments as well as institutional arrengement, especially focusing on balancing reginal funding is also urgent.Keywords: challenges; island regions; maritime fulcrum; opportunities

Ilyassa Ardhi

This study analyzes the implementation of the Village Fund Program and the cause of the delay in absorption of the fund in 2015 in Pacitan District. The Village Fund Program as a central government program was implemented at the first time in 2015. The Civil Society and Village Empowerment Board (BPMPD) was investigated with regard to a sample of seven villages in Pacitan District. The research method is descriptive qualitative analysis, with data collected by conducting interviews and collecting documentation. The results reveal that the delay in absorption was caused by deficient regulations, which were subsequently revised in April 2015 to improve the implementation of the Village Fund Program. As a result, the Program implementation timeline is shifting from the initial plan. On the other hand, the BPMPD of Pacitan District faced difficulties in interpreting the regulations regarding the implementation of the Program from three line ministries.                         Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan Program Dana Desa dan mencari penyebab terjadinya keterlambatan penyerapan dana desa pada tahun 2015. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Pacitan. Penelitian dilakukan pada Badan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Pemerintahan Desa (BPMPD) dan mengambil tujuh desa sebagai sampel. Metode analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif, yang sumber datanya diperoleh dengan melaksanakan wawancara dan dari sumber dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterlambatan penyerapan Dana Desa disebabkan oleh ketidaksempurnaan peraturan yang mendasari pelaksanaan Program Dana Desa. Akibatnya, pada bulan April 2015 dilakukan perubahan peraturan pelaksanaan Program Dana Desa yang berdampak pada bergesernya timeline pelaksanaan program tersebut. Di samping itu, BPMPD Kabupaten Pacitan menghadapi kendala dalam penginterpretasian peraturan terkait pelaksanaan Program Dana Desa dari tiga kementerian terkait.

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