scholarly journals The Role of the ‘First Step’ State Curriculum in the Preschool Education System

Mokhira Jurakulovna Turdieva ◽  

The article examines the existing problems in the preschool education system, ongoing reforms aimed at solving these problems, and the importance of the state program “First Step”. The advantages of organizing classes based on interactive methods in PEO are shown.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 463
Muslim Ansori ◽  
Akhmad Khisni

With the enactment of the Education System Act no 20 of 2003 (better known as the Sisdiknas Act), the State has determined that educational institutions should have a legal umbrella in the form of a legal entity, or better known as the Legal Entity Education. As a non-profit organization, the Foundation is the right legal entity that becomes a place for educational institutions, especially private schools. Therefore, of course, Notary has a very crucial role in making notary deed in the form of establishment and deed of change, such as example how in making the right basic budget and not multi interpresatasi for stake holders in the foundation. Therefore, the role of function and authority of the organ of the foundation must be clearly stated in the articles of association, so as not to cause a dispute in the future.KEYWORDS: Notaries, Foundation, Organ Foundation,

K. E. Stupak ◽  

The article deals with analyzing the main streams of the education policy in Finland, which reflect the relationship between a person and society in modern socio–economic conditions. Such policy directs the system of education to change the person and his mind himself. Finland using its education system, has long before been concerned about preparing people for the future by reforming approaches to teaching in schools and higher education institutions. As a result, it has achieved world–wide recognition and top positions in various ratings have resulted. Therefore, today there is a great interest of scientists in certain issues of education functioning in Finland. Thus, G. Androshchuk, V. Butova. I. Zhernokleeva, T. Pushkareva and others study in their works the purpose and decisive role of Finland's education policy in the development of the education system. S. Grinyuk and V. Zagvozdkin pay attention to the practical the steps of reforming the Finnish system of education. T. Drobyshevsk investigates the system of providing educational services in Finland as a sector of knowledge production. L. Volynets, P. Kukharchuk consider the principles of the state education policy of Finland. L. Smolskaya examines the role of the state policy in implementing the "Finnish phenomenon"; P. Basyliuk and Yu. Kulykova, focus attention on the study of the evolution of the system of higher education in Finland; O. Scherbak reveals peculiarities of vocational education and training.

Lyudmila Nikolayevna Akimova ◽  
Alla Vasilievna Lysachok

The essence of such concepts is “financial service”, “financial ser- vices market”, and “participants of the financial services market”; determined the purpose of state regulation of the financial services market; forms of state regu- lation of the financial services market; financial services that are present in the financial services market; the structure of state regulation bodies of the financial services market in Ukraine is given; The role of state bodies in the regulation of the financial services market was studied; to characterize the regulatory le- gal regulation of the financial services market in Ukraine; the main problems of functioning of the domestic market of financial services are revealed; ways to solve existing problems. It is grounded that the state regulation of financial ser- vices markets consists in the state’s implementation of a set of measures aimed at regulating and overseeing financial services markets to protect the interests of financial services consumers and preventing crisis phenomena. It is concluded that the financial services market is an important element of the development of the economy as a whole, in particular, it concerns not only the state but also society. We must understand that when this market is settled, that is, all bodies that carry out state regulation are competent in their powers, only then will we make informed, effective decisions about the normal and effective functioning of the RFP. It is important that the data of the subjects of control do not overlap, their activities should be fixed at the legislative level. It is also worth bearing in mind that appropriate conditions must be created to create compensatory mecha- nisms in the financial services markets by developing a system for guarante- eing deposits and providing for payments under long-term life insurance contracts, non-state pension provisions, deposits with deposit accounts to credit unions, etс.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 62-66
Sabohat B. Radjabova ◽  

It is scientifically analyzed information about the activity of women in the education system of Surkhandarya region in the period of independence years and their achievements in this field through statistical data with examples over the years in this article. It is emphasized that the state pays attention to the work activities of selfless women, who have been awarded many medals and medals in this region, such as the Medal of “Shukhrat”, the Order of “Saglom avlod uchun”, the title of "Xalk ta`limi a`lochisi", is also mentioned separately

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 585-596
Andrey A. Karavdin

Issues related to state support of the agro-industrial complex are relevant for all countries of the world, including the Russian Federation. The article deals with the key problems of the agro-industrial complex, which are mainly caused by the features of agriculture. The necessity of state support for the agro-industrial complex of Russia on the basis of the identified problems is substantiated. The article analyzes the directions and measures of state support in Russia, the differences between the stated goals in the state program for the development of the agro-industrial complex and the results in practice. The lack of a comprehensive approach to solving existing problems and proper control over the implementation of the state program, ill-considered and insufficient funding of individual programs, lobbying by large agricultural holdings of their interests and the monopolization of agricultural production do not allow to rely on the development of small agribusiness and rural areas.

Agrafena Innokentyevna Makarova

Based on archival documents and previously pub-lished materials, an attempt is made to show the role of the pre-revolutionary education system in the socio-cultural development of the Yakut region. Si-beria was a place of exile for a long time and the state was in no hurry to develop education here. But the liberal reforms of 1860–1870 created the prereq-uisites for the development of the education system. The paper shows the formation and development of educational institutions in the region, provides in-formation on the number of schools and the number of students. The role of political exiles in raising the general cultural level of the local population is also revealed. The author comes to the conclusion that in the Yakut region, thanks to the state educational policy on education of foreign suburbs and public initiative, primary and then secondary educational institutions begin to open, which have had a signifi-cant impact on the socio-cultural life of the region.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 230-234
Marzhan Rakhymberdina ◽  
Ruslan Uteyev

The article reflects the need to improve the Executive geodetic documentation in for construction projects in Kazakhstan. The article analyzes the main points of the role of geodesy in the implementation of the state program "Digital Kazakhstan". The need to improve modern regulatory documentation are identified and justified, based on the modernization of geodetic support.

Lyudmila Nikolayevna Akimova ◽  
Alla Vasilievna Lysachok

The essence of such concepts is “financial service”, “financial services market”, and “participants of the financial services market”; determined the purpose of state regulation of the financial services market; forms of state regulation of the financial services market; financial services that are present in the financial services market; the structure of state regulation bodies of the financial services market in Ukraine is given; The role of state bodies in the regulation of the financial services market was studied; to characterize the regulatory legal regulation of the financial services market in Ukraine; the main problems of functioning of the domestic market of financial services are revealed; ways to solve existing problems. It is grounded that the state regulation of financial services markets consists in the state’s implementation of a set of measures aimed at regulating and overseeing financial services markets to protect the interests of financial services consumers and preventing crisis phenomena. It is concluded that the financial services market is an important element of the development of the economy as a whole, in particular, it concerns not only the state but also society. We must understand that when this market is settled, that is, all bodies that carry out state regulation are competent in their powers, only then will we make informed, effective decisions about the normal and effective functioning of the RFP. It is important that the data of the subjects of control do not overlap, their activities should be fixed at the legislative level. It is also worth bearing in mind that appropriate conditions must be created to create compensatory mechanisms in the financial services markets by developing a system for guaranteeing deposits and providing for payments under long-term life insurance contracts, non-state pension provisions, deposits with deposit accounts to credit unions, etс.

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