state pension
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2021 ◽  
Vol 106 (6) ◽  
pp. 120-132
Irina Bitkina ◽  

The study presents an assessment of the impact of structural factors on the financial stability of pension systems in European countries. The purpose of the study is to determine the internal structural factors that have the most significant impact on the financial stability of pension systems in European countries. A review of the scientific literature dealing with the study of the financial stability of European pension systems is carried out. The correlation between the concepts of "financial stability" and "financial resiliency" is determined, the structural factors of pension models are identified and their grouping is carried out. The ranking of European pension systems by the level of their stability (including periods of financial crises) is carried out. The reasons for the decline in the stability and resiliency of European pension systems at this stage of development are identified. The study shows the internal structural factors that have a positive or negative impact on the degree of financial stability and financial resiliency of European pension systems. The conclusions obtained in the study can be used in the formation of the state pension policy of European countries and the choice of directions for reforming pension systems

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (11) ◽  
pp. 2606-2636
Ekaterina S. YAROVAYA

Subject. This article deals with the analysis of competitiveness, which is an important component of the strategic management of a non-State pension fund. Objectives. The article aims to study the existing approaches to the analysis of competitiveness, determine the role of the indicator of adaptability of competitiveness of non-State pension funds in conditions of high variability of the external environment, and formulate recommendations for drawing up criteria for the enterprise competitiveness taking into account the specifics of the activities of the funds. Methods. For the study, I used analysis, and the systems, and structural and functional approaches. Results. The article defines and classifies the factors affecting the competitiveness of non-State pension funds in modern market conditions. It substantiates the influence of the indicator of adaptability on the competitiveness of non-State pension funds. The article also proposes an approach to ranking this indicator, which can be applied regardless of the chosen method for assessing the competitiveness of non-State pension funds. Conclusions. The article concludes that the testing of the assessment of the non-State pension fund competitiveness using the author-proposed adaptability indicator helps determine the level of non-State pension fund competitiveness at the current time, track the changes, and identify the existing problems, the causes of their occurrence, and thereby ensure the conditions under which the non-State pension fund has the opportunity to promptly respond and adapt to external changes thus ensuring its stability in the market.

2021 ◽  
pp. 41
Zoriana Matsuk

Introduction. Nowadays, the pension system in Ukraine is being transformed, which necessitates analytical research on the activities of private pension funds, namely, open-ended, identifying problems of their activities and finding ways for further effective development.Methods. In the article author uses methods of analysis and synthesis, graphic research methods, economic and statistical methods for information collection and processing, in particular, sample surveys, groupings, statistical comparisons, trend analysis - in the process of evaluating the activities of private pension funds in Ukraine, and the method of logical generalization in formulating conclusions.Results. Author did an analytical assessment of indicators that characterize both the quantitative side of the activities of private pension funds in Ukraine and the qualitative side of their effectiveness in the domestic financial market. Attention is focused on the peculiarities of the structure of the portfolio of open non-state pension funds and it is concluded that the biggest quote (about 95%) in it belongs to cash on bank deposits and government securities. Author analyzed the indicators of profitability of the five most profitable open pension funds of Ukraine (according to the results of 2020) and their comparative characteristics, both in terms of the level of profitability and with the inflation rate. The tendency to decrease the profitability of investment portfolios during the analyzed period is noted. It was found that the structure of the portfolio of the most profitable open private pension funds is practically the same as the general structure of all pension funds of Ukraine. Discussion. Author proposed to form the portfolio structure of a private pension fund based on the characteristics of its depositors, and for the part of the portfolio with the largest investment horizon include risky instruments: direct investment funds, venture funds and real estate funds. This will allow using part of the pension savings as a long-term investment resource for the modernization of the domestic economy.Prospects for further research necessitate consideration of the main methods used in the process of selecting an asset management company, the administrator of a private pension fund, and assess the effectiveness of its asset management of private pension funds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-130
Anastasiia SVIRIDOVSKA ◽  

According to the current legislation, the modern Ukrainian pension system is not yet fully formed. In Ukraine, PFC contributions currently form a source of pension benefits for citizens. The solidarity pension system is crumbling . That is, as in the rest of the world, the nation is aging, the share of retirees is growing, and there is less able-bodied population. The search for new ways to save for old age is in the direction of creating a mandatory accumulation under the supervision of the state. Thus, today, a second level of the pension system, mandatory accumulative component, and a rather underdeveloped and unpopular non-state pension system, which forms the third level of the national pension system, do not function. However, in 2020, the work on the concept and bill on the mandatory savings system was intensified. Its introduction is seen as a tool that can increase both the level of pensions and their differentiation. But the world experience of such reforms shows that the real effect on payments from the savings system will have to wait at least 15-20 or even 25 years. The article examines the issue of introducing a funded pension level at the legislative level. According to the results of an expanded analysis of 19 draft laws on reforming the current pension legislation and proposals for new laws on these issues in the period from 2018 to 2021, we can conclude that there is no single concept of amending legislation, so most bills are either withdrawn or sent for further refinement. Currently, various aspects of the pension system of Ukraine are regulated by a large number of legislative acts, so there are signs of dispersion in these draft legislative changes. Most of the bills are developed to enhance the welfare of certain categories of citizens, including servicemen, single mothers, victims of the Chernobyl accident, war veterans and more. The issues of the accumulative pension system are mainly raised in the bills of 2020–2021.

2021 ◽  
pp. 15-25
Iryna V. Zaichko

Purpose of the research. The main purpose of the article is to improve methodological support for the assessment of the financial security of the state, taking into account the impact of budgetary policy. Methodology. During the study the following methods were applied: comparative analysis, integral estimation, normalization of indicators, component analysis, method of principal components, etc. Results. In the course of comparing the existing methodological support for the financial security assessment, it is justified, notwithstanding the existing shortcomings, the expediency of applying in the analytical work the Methodological recommendations for the calculation of the economic security level of Ukraine of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine (2013) and the necessary calculations of the level of financial security of Ukraine for 2009-2018. Additional financial security indicators are proposed, taking into account the priority of its budget component, in particular, the share of revenues from the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) in the state budget revenues (for banking security), the ratio of the pension contributions of non-state pension funds to the own income of the Pension Fund of Ukraine (PFU) market), government revenue as a percentage of consolidated budget expenditures and the share of public servicing and debt repayment expenditures in consolidated budget expenditures (for debt security), expenditures and for servicing and repayment of public debt as % of gross domestic product (GDP) (for fiscal security); consolidated budget revenues in USD US (for currency security), consumer loans to households, % of household income, and lending to consolidated budget expenditures (for monetary security). On the basis of regression analysis, where sub-indices of functional constituents are taken by factor signs, and the integral indicator of financial security is obtained as a result sign, the reliability of the calculations is confirmed. Practical meaning. The calculated sub-indices of the functional components of the financial security of Ukraine and the integrated indicator for 2009-2018 can be used in the development of plans, forecasts, strategies for socio-economic development of Ukraine. Prospects for further research of the author are to study the impact of budgetary policy on the state of financial security of Ukraine.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (95) ◽  
pp. 48-65
Olga I. Yarkova ◽  
Olga S. Chudinova ◽  

The issues of ensuring the financial stability of financial institutions, which is understood as the sufficiency of assets to meet obligations, are of paramount importance both for clients and the management of a financial institution, and for the country's economy as a whole. Most often, the inability to fulfill obligations is associated with a lack of funds, therefore it is important to monitor the dynamics of the monetary capital of organizations, to assess their financial risks, including in the conditions of investment. Purpose of the study: development of tools for assessing the risks of financial organizations. Statement of the problem: to develop a simulation model that allows one to study the dynamics of the capital of an organization, whose financial resources are formed due to heterogeneous flows of inflow and outflow of funds and investment, including in risky assets, in an inflationary environment. The paper proposes a modeling algorithm that allows to collect a descriptive statistics on the distribution of financial resources, to estimate the dynamics of the money capital of financial organizations and investigate the "sufficiency" of the company's funds to meet financial obligations basing on data of cash flows for various types of contracts and returns (growth rates) of assets, presented in the form of statistical data and/or characteristics of time series models. The description of the software tool is given. A computational experiment was based on data of the inflow and outflow of funds of a non-state pension Fund under the program of non-state pension provision. Descriptive statistics are given for the distributions of the size of organization's funds constructed as a result of modeling. The probability of organization’s downfall in dynamics and the risk of entering the zone of financial insecurity are assessed. The proposed tools have scientific novelty in the field of designing simulation models and decision support systems for analyzing the activities of financial organizations and determining effective directions for their development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-150
I. R. Mamatkazin

The pension system of the Russian Federation has undergone three fundamental reforms. In 1992, the first law on pensions began to operate in Russia, which significantly differed from the Union legislation. In 2002, insurance principles were introduced into the pension system, which led to a change in the entire system of pension coverage for persons working under an employment contract, including new types of pension coverage. In 2015, there was a significant reform of the existing insurance pension system, which in its significance is no less significant than all the previous changes in the pension legislation. Each pension reform changed the procedure for calculating pensions, legislatively establishing a new pension formula for determining the amount of a pension. Along with this, the structural elements of pensions also changed. At the same time, it is possible to identify similar features in the structural elements of pensions assigned in different periods, but at the functional level. The totality of similar functions of pension elements allows us to talk about certain patterns in the development of the pension provision of the Russian Federation. So, despite the change in the nature of pensions from state to insurance, the essence of pensions, in general, remained the same. Moreover, the essence and functions of the elements of state and insurance pensions are largely the same. The pension is a social security payment with a complex structure. The presence of a structure, the presence of elements and connections between them, indicates a complex function performed by a pension. This function cannot be reduced to a compensatory function, a function of assistance or a function of substitution of earnings. There is an element in the pension structure that reflects past employment. In pensions of different nature, this happens in different ways: wages are taken into account (in state pensions) or insurance contributions (in compulsory pension insurance pensions). In addition, the pension should include an element that increases the amount of the pension in the presence of special circumstances of a subjective nature: disabled dependents, the need for constant outside care. In pensions for state pension provision, such an element is supplements to pensions; in compulsory pension insurance, this function is performed by a fixed payment. Social pensions and funded pension are one-component payments, which raises questions not only about the nature of these pensions, but also about their essence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 ◽  
pp. 102049
Marina Della Giusta ◽  
Simonetta Longhi

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