scholarly journals Percepción de competencia para la atención de alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales en Educación Física: la voz de estudiantes universitarios de España y Reino Unido (Perceived competence to teach students with special educational needs in Physic

Retos ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 372-378
José Campos Granell ◽  
Ramón Llopis Goig ◽  
Marc Gimeno Raga ◽  
Anthony Maher

  La atención a personas con necesidades especiales tiene una particular relevancia en el campo educativo. El presente estudio recoge las opiniones y las percepciones de estudiantes universitarios del Grado de Ciencias de Actividad Física y del Deporte de centros públicos de España y Reino Unido sobre la formación recibida en el Grado sobre atención a alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales (NEE). Los datos provienen de un cuestionario cumplimentado por 457 estudiantes de ambos países que se encontraban en su último curso del Grado/Bachellor universitario. Los resultados vienen a demostrar que la calidad de la formación en NEE es el factor que más influencia ejerce en la autopercepción de capacidad científica y profesional para abordar la atención a las NEE. También, se observa la existencia de una importante influencia de la experiencia personal adquirida en materia de NEE y, en menor medida, aunque también de modo significativo, el predominio de la formación práctica sobre la teórica en materia de NEE. Por países, el porcentaje de estudiantes que declaran que sus centros conceden una alta importancia a la formación en NEE es mayor en la muestra de estudiantes ingleses que de españoles. Además, se han encontrado diferencias significativas en función del país de procedencia en los tres componentes detectados demostrándose que los estudiantes españoles, a diferencia de los ingleses, tienen la percepción de que su nivel de capacitación profesional es mayor, que existe una mayor necesidad de formación, y de que la preparación del profesorado para la integración también es mayor. Los resultados plantean la necesidad de seguir centrando los esfuerzos en mejorar la formación en el campo de las NEE, dotándola de una mayor capacidad de integrar a este colectivo de estudiantes, tanto en sus contenidos teóricos como prácticos. Algo que debería también aplicarse a las actividades de formación continua que ofertan los organismos e instituciones educativas oficiales dirigidas al profesorado no universitario. Abstract. Centering attention on people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) has relevance to the educational field. The present study gathers the views of university students studying a Bachelor’s Degree relating to Physical Activity and Sports Sciences at public universities in Spain and United Kingdom (UK). Focus is placed on the training received relating to students with SEND. The data came from a questionnaire completed by 457 students from both countries who were in their last year of Bachelor’s Degree. The results show that the quality of training in SEND is the factor that most influences self-perceptions about scientific and professional capacity to address disability and SEN. Furthermore, personal experience in SEND matters also show an important influence and, to a lesser extent, although also significantly, the predominance of practical training over theoretical knowledge. The percentage of students who declare that their Bachelor’s Degree gives high importance to training in SEND is higher in the sample of UK students. In addition, significant differences have been found over the three components detected, demonstrating that Spanish students, unlike UK students, perceive that their level of professional training is higher, despite there being a greater need for training, and that the preparation of teachers for integration is also greater. Results suggest the necessity to continue focusing efforts on improving training in the field of SEND, providing it with higher levels of inclusiveness, both in its theoretical and practical content. This is something that should also be applied to continuous training offered by official educational institutions addressed to non-university teachers.

Hanna Skachkova

In the article analyzes the systems for preparing social workers to work with people who have special educational needs in universities in the US and Canada. There are revealed features of education in schools of social work at Columbia’s, Michigan’s and other universities. There are indicated experience of Great Britain, France and Germany in preparing future social workers for working with people with special educational needs. In the article considered programs that offer foreign universities in the preparation of future social workers who wish to work with persons with special educational needs. There are described curricula of the higher educational institutions of these countries, which prepare future qualified social workers to work with persons with special educational needs. There are analyzed reasons for the insufficient preparing of future specialists in the social sphere to work with persons with special educational needs. The general features of the process of teaching students of the specialty "social work" in foreign and domestic universities are indicated, among them the continuity of education, multidisciplinarity of training and the diversity of forms of education. The article shows the distinctive features of the professional training of future social workers for working with people with special educational needs, among which emphasis on practical training in foreign universities, the possibility of choosing a narrow specialization in foreign educational institutions and more stringent conditions for admission.

G. G Tyustina ◽  
O. V Skvortsova

The problem stated is conditioned by the professional training of future physiologists for teaching psychology in general educational institutions according to the norms of new Federal Educational Standards of Higher Education regulating the formation of the professional competences which are demanded for a Bachelor’s Degree holder to teach psychology in school, spread psychological literacy among students, estimate educational processes in school using the up-today methods and innovative technologies in teaching. These days the problem of the impact of the applied disciplines to the professional training of future psychologists remains in demand though being not investigated deep enough. The paper presents the outlook of practical experience of professional training of students taking the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Psychology at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of Nizhnevartovsk State University The author reveals the importance of the applied discipline “The Methods of Psychology Teaching in General Educational Institutions” and states the impact that the discipline provides to the professional training of future psychologists through pointing out the aims of the discipline the demands for the students’ results and achievements and the analysis of the discipline content and the teaching methods it requires. The article states the feasibility of integration of theoretical and practical training aspects while the discipline teaching that supposes planning the class activities in the way that provides the interrelation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the students. The approach stimulates students’ individual research work in the field of future profession, their individual development and ability to work out the information creatively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 226
David Pérez-Jorge ◽  
Eva Ariño-Mateo ◽  
Ana Isabel González-Contreras ◽  
María del Carmen Rodríguez-Jiménez

Measures adopted by educational systems to improve and adapt the educational response of pupils with disability or diversity conditions arising from their personal and social conditions, have enabled them to gain tenure throughout the various stages of education. Educational institutions have been progressively adapting and responding to the educational needs of students who start university, and this fact highlights the lack of inclusive culture in university institutions. The lack of training of university teachers in the educational response to the needs of students with disabilities is evidenced by the high dropout rates of this group and in successive complaints of teachers who do not have the skills or tools to cope with this situation successfully. The review of a set of 75 programs developed by different Spanish universities to meet the needs of these students shows an insufficient institutional and administrative response while reflecting the lack of unity of jointly developed criteria.

2020 ◽  
Vol 75 ◽  
pp. 04006
Svetlana Sysoieva ◽  
Natalia Ovcharenko ◽  
Olga Chebotarenko

The article is devoted to the actual problem of contemporary art education ἦ#x201C; to improve the professional training of future music art teachers for children’s inclusive education. Its purpose is to present the results of theoretical understanding of the developmental and healing potential of music, to develop technological support in future music art teachers’ professional training for children’s inclusive education. According to the results of the study, the basic concept of the study was defined as: “professional training of future music art teachers for inclusive education”, which is seen as an educational process aimed at ensuring students’ readiness to provide a system of educational services to persons with special educational needs in their future professional activity, and it involves mastering their inclusively oriented musical and pedagogical knowledge, skills and personal qualities. To improve the professional training of future music art teachers for children’s inclusive learning, the findings of the latest research in the field of art and musicpedagogical theory concerning the harmonizing and music-therapeutic influence of music on the personality of a child in need of educational inclusion were used; criteria of musical works selection for children with psycho-physiological disabilities have been identified; there was developed and substantiated developmental and corrective technique of training singing that can be used in inclusive classes of different age, gender and cognitive abilities of children. Developmental and corrective technique of training singing includes innovative content of children’s teaching, comprising a specially selected vocal repertoire; lesson and extracurricular forms of training; specific teaching methods for students with special educational needs.

Alina Turculet ◽  
Mihaela Voinea

The purpose of this study is to identify how primary school teachers understand the importance of inclusive education and the benefits of the collaboration between the class teachers and the support teachers. In order to identify the social representations of primary school teachers regarding the cooperation with the support teachers, we have used a questionnaire-based inquiry. We have organised the data into a case study at the level of primary school education. The responses to the open questions offered by the investigated teachers allowed a dramaturgical approach to the roles and the responsibilities of the actors in special education. Our results enhance the benefits of integration of students with special educational needs in the conditions of a distributed responsibility between parents, class teachers and support teachers. Therefore, the qualitative analysis of the written responses of primary school teachers reveals the need of continuous training in aspects related to special educational needs. Keywords: Special educational needs, support teachers, primary school education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 30-36
R. Markitanova

The article discusses the urgent problem for the modern education system of conducting correctional and pedagogical work with different groups of students with limited health opportunities, which arose in connection with the implementation of adapted educational programs in educational institutions of the usual type. The models of correctional pedagogy, its content, methods and forms are analyzed, the practical experience of using a differentiated approach to organizing integrated correctional and developing classes in mixed groups of children with special educational needs is revealed. Based on a study conducted on the basis of the Home-Based School of Education № 381 in Moscow, the specific difficulties encountered by schoolchildren of the first and second grades with various health problems during training are described, and in accordance with this, the principles of their distribution into groups are determined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14(63) (1) ◽  
pp. 155-162

It is especially important for the physical education teacher to have a good professional training because, in the current legislative context, he must be able to manage the behavioural problems of students during classes and at the same time be able to carry out effectively, efficiently and qualitatively lessons. The ability to observe and monitor the behaviour of students with special educational needs will allow the physical education teacher to record their progress by applying means of action, especially in the form of movement games, adapted to achieve integration and socialization during classes and to temper and shape their behaviour for a good hour. Aim of the research: The aim of this study was to analyze the aspects of integration and inclusion in the literature, highlighting the importance of categories of means for various conditions encountered in the physical education lesson, to accommodate students with special educational needs in primary school.

Lesia Zbaravska ◽  
Olha Chaikovska ◽  
Hutsol Taras ◽  
Sergii Slobodian ◽  
Oleksandr Dumanskyi

The integration of Ukraine into the European community is impossible without changes in the education sphere. The implementation of such projects of the European Union as "Horizon 2020” provides the collaboration between experts in Agriculture and Engineering. The results of the questionnaire conducted by “Agro Survey” agency showed the lack of student’s practical knowledge in Ukrainian Engineering and Agricultural universities. It is obvious that the quality of education in Ukrainian technical universities doesn't meet the requirements of the European labour market. Getting theoretical knowledge has no value until students can apply it for practical purposes. We suggest that a subject like Physics should be practice-oriented. If the Physics course at technical universities integrates theory with practice, students will be better prepared for their future career. The purpose of the study is to define the basic principles of professional competence as the key factor for improving the quality of future engineer’s training in the process of studying Physics. To select and interpret the factual material, concepts and theories the theoretical analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature on research was used in the paper. The pedagogical experiment was carried out on the basis of 4 universities in different regions of Ukraine and involved 159 respondents (151 students and 8 university teachers). To determine the strategies for implementation of the profession-based tasks in Physics course we carried out specially designed questionnaires for students majoring in Agrarian Engineering and university teachers. One of the necessary conditions for future engineer training is professional orientation in studying. We suppose that to consider the relationship between a comprehensive Physics course and the disciplines of professional and practical training the in-depth analysis should be performed. First of all, it will help to determine Physics knowledge, abilities and skills that should be used in student’s further professional training. Second of all, it will enable the most effective use of engineering-based tasks in Physics classes. However, knowledge of basic Engineering and General Theoretical subjects is not applied by the students of Technical High School for a long-period of university study. The results of the survey have shown that studying major subjects at a later stage doesn’t motivate students to learn Natural Science and Engineering disciplines. We can conclude that profession-based tasks in Physics class contribute to the formation of a system of natural knowledge, practical skills and abilities. They stimulate the students’ cognitive interest in Physics as a science, help to better absorb material of other disciplines, develop creative abilities and influence the formation of persistent motifs for obtaining knowledge of professional disciplines.

2020 ◽  
pp. 124-129
Shevtsiv Z.M. ◽  
Filonenko M.M.

Статтю присвячено теоретичному дослідженню проблеми реабілітаційної компетентності фахівця соціономічних професій (учителя, психолога, соціального працівника, логопеда, дефектолога, реабі-літолога, вузькопрофільного фахівця). На основі теоретичного аналізу наукової літератури виділено сутнісні характеристики реабілітаційної діяльності фахівців соціономічних професій в умовах інклю-зії. Встановлено мету реабілітації як особливого виду діяльності, скерованого на розкриття потенцій-них можливостей дітей з особливими освітніми потребами, на корекцію порушень психофізіологічного розвитку, компенсацію втрачених функцій, організацію здорового способу життя і відновлення взаємо-дії між особистістю та учнями класу, соціумом.Розкрито доцільність формування готовності фахівця соціономічної сфери до реалізації командної взаємодії в умовах інклюзії. Визначено компетентність командної роботи, що передбачає здатність пра-цювати в міждисциплінарній команді у ході розроблення індивідуальної програми розвитку учня з осо-бливими освітніми потребами, взаємодіяти з іншими членами соціуму; усвідомлювати цінності спільної роботи, партнерських стосунків, власної відповідальності за створення успішної комунікації взаємодії.З позицій методології комплексної реабілітації та компетентнісного підходу сформульовано терміни «корекційно-розвиткова робота», «психолого-педагогічна робота», «анімаційна робота», які визнача-ють поняття освітньої реабілітації.Акцентовано увагу на необхідності формування реабілітаційної компетентності у майбутнього вчи-теля початкової школи інклюзивного навчання як висококваліфікованого фахівця з інклюзивної освіти, здатного до організації інклюзивного навчання в закладі загальної середньої освіти. Теоретично обґрун-товано реабілітаційну компетентність та дано визначення реабілітаційної компетентності у майбутньо-го фахівця соціономічної професії як здатність сприйняти дитину з особливими освітніми потребами такою, якою вона є, дати їй можливість повноцінного відновлення в соціумі, зняття психолого-педаго-гічних комплексів і фобій, удосконалення діяльності вищих психічних процесів, утрачених пізнаваль-них умінь та навичок особистісних якостей, що уможливить реалізацію інклюзивної освіти в Україні. The article is devoted to the theoretical study of the problem of rehabilitation competence of a specialist in socionomic professions (teacher, psychologist, social worker, speech therapist, speech pathologist, rehabilitologist, specialist). On the basis of the theoretical analysis of the scientific literature the essential characteristics of rehabilitation activity of specialists of socionomic professions in the conditions of inclusion are allocated. The purpose of rehabilitation as a special type of activity aimed at revealing the potential of children with special educational needs, correction of psychophysiological development, compensation for lost functions, organization of a healthy lifestyle and restoration of interaction between the individual and students, and society.The expediency of formation of readiness of the specialist of the socionomic sphere to realization of command interaction in the conditions of inclusion is opened. The competence of team work is determined, which presupposes the ability to work in an interdisciplinary team during the development of an individual program of student development with special educational needs, to interact with other members of society; be aware of the values of joint work, partnerships, personal responsibility for creating successful communication of interaction.From the standpoint of the methodology of complex rehabilitation and competence approach, the terms “correctional and developmental work”, psychological "and pedagogical work”, “animation work” are formulated, which define the concept of educational rehabilitation.Emphasis is placed on the need to form rehabilitation competence in future primary school teachers of inclusive education as a highly qualified specialist in inclusive education, able to organize inclusive education in general secondary education. Rehabilitation competence of the future specialist of the socionomic profession is defined as the ability to perceive a child with special educational needs as he is, to give the opportunity to fully recover in society, remove psychological and pedagogical complexes and phobias, improve mental performance, lost cognitive skills and personal qualities, opportunity to introduce inclusive education in Ukraine.

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