scholarly journals Recriando cotidianos possíveis: construção de estratégias de apoio entre docentes e estudantes de graduação em Terapia Ocupacional em tempos de pandemia/Recreating possible everday lifes: building support strategies between teachers and graduate students in occupational therapy in pandemic times

Melissa Ribeiro Teixeira ◽  
Catarina Magalhães Dahl

O início de 2020 foi marcado pela pandemia da doença causada pelo novo coronavírus (COVID-19) em nível mundial. Neste cenário, diversas instituições de ensino interromperam as atividades letivas, o que representou o adiamento de diferentes projetos, tanto acadêmicos, quanto de futuro (formatura, pós-graduação e inserção no mercado de trabalho). O artigo visa relatar os desafios impostos à comunidade acadêmica pelo distanciamento social e delinear possíveis estratégias de apoio entre docentes, terapeutas ocupacionais e discentes de um curso de graduação em Terapia Ocupacional. Aponta a adaptação de propostas de manutenção de algumas atividades acadêmicas, sensíveis às diferentes realidades dos estudantes, como estratégia para reestruturação da rotina no período de reclusão. Nesse sentido, a reorganização da rotina pode favorecer a ressignificação do cotidiano no cenário da pandemia, de intensificação da comunicação virtual e da eclosão do ethos social individualista. O mapeamento da situação dos discentes, as ações de autocuidado e a oferta de suporte remoto para acolhimento/ acompanhamento de estudantes que manifestaram sofrimento frente à pandemia e à interrupção das atividades letivas foram algumas das estratégias para oferta de apoio psicossocial deste coletivo. Em tempos de pandemia, a reinvenção de nossa cotidianidade é um imperativo ético para reafirmarmos nossos projetos de vida e fortalecermos a esperança em futuro menos aterrador.AbstractThe beginning of 2020 was marked by the pandemic of the disease caused by the new coronavirus (COVID-19) worldwide. In this scenario, several educational institutions interrupted academics activities, which represented the suspension of different projects, both academic and future accomplishments (graduation, post-graduation and insertion in the labor market). This article aims to report the challenges imposed by social distancing to the academic community and outline possible support strategies between professors, occupational therapists and undergraduate students of Occupational Therapy. It points to the need of adapting proposals to maintain some academic activities, sensitive to the different realities of the students, as a strategy for restructuring the routine in the period of social distancing. In this sense, the reorganization of the routine can favor the re-signification of daily life in the pandemic scenario, the intensification of virtual communication and of the worsening of an individualistic social ethos. The mapping of the students' situation, self-care actions and remote support for accompanying students who were suffering in face of the pandemic, and also the interruption of academics activities were some of the strategies for offering psychosocial support for this group. In times of pandemic, the reinvention of our daily lives is an ethical imperative to reassure life projects and strengthen hope for a less terrifying future.Keywords: COVID-19; psychosocial support; daily life; higher education; Occupational therapy. ResumenEl comienzo de 2020 estuvo marcado por la pandemia de la enfermedad causada por el nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19) en todo el mundo. En este escenario, varias instituciones universitarias interrumpieron las actividades académicas, lo que representó el aplazamiento de diferentes proyectos, tanto académicos como de futuro (graduación, posgrado e inserción en el mercado laboral). El artículo tiene como objetivo informar los desafíos impuestos a la comunidad académica por el distanciamiento social y esbozar posibles estrategias de apoyo entre profesores, terapeutas ocupacionales y estudiantes de un curso de graduación en Terapia Ocupacional. Señala la adaptación de propuestas para mantener algunas actividades académicas, sensibles a las diferentes realidades de los estudiantes, como una estrategia para reestructurar la rutina en el período de reclusión. En este sentido, la reorganización de la rutina puede favorecer la reasignación de la vida cotidiana en el escenario de la pandemia, la intensificación de la comunicación virtual y el surgimiento del ethos social individualista. El mapeo de la situación de los estudiantes, las acciones de autocuidado y la oferta de apoyo remoto para dar acogida / acompañamiento a los estudiantes que expresaron su sufrimiento ante la pandemia y la interrupción de las actividades académicas fueron algunas de las estrategias para ofrecer apoyo psicosocial a este grupo. En tiempos de pandemia, la reinvención de nuestra vida cotidiana es un imperativo ético para reafirmar nuestros proyectos de vida y fortalecer la esperanza de un futuro menos aterrador.Palabras clave: COVID-19; apoyo psicosocial; cotidiano; educación universitaria; Terapia ocupacional. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 7203
Emanuele Giorgi ◽  
Lucía Martín Martín López ◽  
Rubén Garnica-Monroy ◽  
Aleksandra Krstikj ◽  
Carlos Cobreros ◽  

COVID-19 forced billions of people to restructure their daily lives and social habits. Several research projects have focused on social impacts, approaching the phenomenon on the basis of different issues and scales. This work studies the changes in social relations within the well-defined urban-territorial elements of co-housing communities. The peculiarity of this research lies in the essence of these communities, which base their existence on the spirit of sharing spaces and activities. As social distancing represented the only effective way to control the outbreak, the research studied how the rules of social distancing impacted these communities. For this reason, a questionnaire was sent to 60 communities asking them to highlight the changes that the emergency imposed on the members in their daily life and in the organization of common activities and spaces. A total of 147 responses were received and some relevant design considerations emerged: (1) the importance of feeling part of a “safe” community, with members who were known and deemed reliable, when facing a health emergency; and (2) the importance of open spaces to carry out shared activities. Overall, living in co-housing communities was evaluated as an “extremely positive circumstance” despite the fact that the emergency worsened socialization.

Natasha Reis Ferreira ◽  
Fátima Corrêa Oliver

O cotidiano compreende as atividades laborais, de lazer, de estudo, de autocuidado, de convívio social, entre outras, sendo também considerado como uma perspectiva de análise e intervenção orientadora da prática do terapeuta ocupacional. A condição de deficiência pode, muitas vezes, afetar a realização dessas atividades. O artigo tem como objetivo apresentar as dificuldades e possibilidades de realização de atividades cotidianas de jovens com deficiência. Com base no método Photovoice, que prioriza o ponto de vista do pesquisado, quatro jovens realizaram fotografias de atividades, locais, ou objetos relevantes em seu dia-a-dia, em uma semana típica de suas rotinas. Uma segunda rodada de fotografias referentes aos obstáculos enfrentados cotidianamente foi realizada, e apenas dois jovens participaram. A análise das fotografias ocorreu em conjunto com os participantes, quando relataram individualmente para a pesquisadora o contexto e motivos de realização das fotos. No texto comparou-se os registros de dois jovens, identificando diferenças extremas em seus cotidianos. O relato e reflexão sobre as fotos foi considerado significativo para um dos participantes que afirmou ter gostado de realizar os registros fotográficos. Pelas imagens, registradas pode-se observar que um dos participantes tem menos oportunidades de participação social, uma vez que seus registros foram todos realizados dentro de sua casa. Ambos participantes registraram limitações voltadas sobretudo às condições de acessibilidade arquitetônica e geográfica, seja dentro de casa ou em espaços de uso coletivo, revelando a grande interferência desses impedimentos para sua vida cotidiana. Abstract The daily life is marked by work, leisure, study, self-care, social interation, also considered as a perspective and analysis of the occupational therapist's practice. The disability condition can often affect the performance of these activities. The article aims to present the difficulties and possibilities of carrying out daily activities of young people with disabilities. Based on the Photovoice method, which prioritizes from the subject's point of view, the youngsters took photographs of relevant activities, places, or objects in their daily life in a typical week of their routines. A second round of photographs regarding the obstacles faced daily was held, and only two young people participated.. The analysis of the photographs occurred together with the participants, when they individually reported to the researcher the context and reasons for the photos. In the text, the records of the two young people were compared, identifying extreme differences in their daily lives. The report and reflection on the photos was considered significant for one of the participants, who liked to carry out the photographic records. From the recorded images, it can be observed that one of the participants has fewer opportunities for social participation, since their records were all carried out inside their house. Both participants registered limitations mainly on the architectural and geographical accessibility conditions, either indoors or in spaces of collective use, revealing the great interference of these impediments to their daily life.Keywords: Daily life; Photography; Young with disabilities; Occupational therapy.

Ellis Lopes Cordeiro ◽  
Ricardo Lopes Correia ◽  
Samira Lima da Costa ◽  
Silvia Barbosa de Carvalho

Introdução: Há distintas perspectivas sobre a infância. Assim, é necessário alargar os conhecimentos em Terapia Ocupacional a respeito dos cotidianos de crianças (Erês), sobretudo as de terreiro, que imprimem formas de envolvimento sagrado, baseado nas ocupações tradicionais, onde o dentro e o fora do terreiro possuem limites muito tênues. Objetivo: Compreender o envolvimento em ocupações tradicionais e os sentidos e implicações que estas exercem na vida cotidiana mais ampla de crianças de terreiro. Método: Foram conduzidas atividades dialogadas, durante o desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa qualitativa e exploratória em Terapia Ocupacional, com abordagem da pesquisa-participante, junto a sete crianças de um terreiro de candomblé na cidade de São Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, entre outubro e novembro de 2016. Resultados: Foram produzidas atividades dialogadas, que facilitaram a produção de narrativas das crianças, sobre o cotidiano de terreiro. Um mural serviu de síntese das narrativas e identificação de quatro temas, que oportunizaram a discussão sobre ocupações tradicionais na infância, a saber: 1) Minha vida no terreiro; 2) Ser criança no terreiro; 3) Ser criança de terreiro fora do terreiro; e 4) O projeto Erê Yá L’omi. Discussão: Os temas destacam os sentidos de pertencimento, a construção identitária e as formas de lidar com as violências da intolerância religiosa na vida social mais ampla. Considerações finais: A tradição e a ancestralidade constituem elementos fundamentais do envolvimento ocupacional de crianças e jovens de terreiro. Este envolvimento se refere a uma tessitura intergeracional, pois estão intimamente coligadas à (re)existência e às funções e aprendizagens no terreiro.Palavras-chave: Ocupações tradicionais. Infância. Povos de terreiro. Comunidades. Terapia Ocupacional.Abstract Introduction: There are different perspectives on childhood. Thus, it is necessary to expand the knowledge in Occupational Therapy regarding the daily lives of children (Erês), especially those in the terreiro, which print forms of sacred involvement, based on traditional occupations, where the inside and outside of the terreiro have very tenuous limits. Aim: To understand the involvement in traditional occupations and the meanings and implications that these have in the wider daily life of children in the terreiro. Method: Dialogue activities were conducted during the development of a qualitative and exploratory research in Occupational Therapy, with a participant-research approach, with seven children from a candomblé terreiro in the city of São Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, between October and November 2016. Results: Graphic activities were produced that composed the children's narratives about the daily life of the terreiro. A mural served as a synthesis of the narratives and identification of four themes that made it possible to discuss traditional occupations in childhood, namely: 1) My life in the terreiro; 2) Being a child in the terreiro; 3) Being a child in a terreiro outside the terreiro; and 4) The Erê Yá L’omi project. Discussion: The themes highlight the senses of belonging, the identity construction and the ways of dealing with the violence of religious intolerance in the broader social life. Final considerations: Tradition and ancestry are fundamental elements of the occupational involvement of children and young people from the terreiro. This involvement refers to an intergenerational fabric, as they are closely linked to (re) existence and to the functions and learning in the terreiro.Keywords: Traditional occupations. Childhood. Terreiro’s folk. Communities. Occupational Therapy.ResumenIntroducción: Existen diferentes perspectivas sobre la infancia. Así, es necesario ampliar los conocimientos en Terapia Ocupacional sobre la vida cotidiana de los niños (Erês), especialmente los del terreiro, que imprimen formas de implicación sagrada, basadas en ocupaciones tradicionales, donde el interior y el exterior del terreiro tienen muchos límites tenues. Objetivo: Comprender la participación en las ocupaciones tradicionales y los significados e implicaciones que estas tienen en la vida cotidiana más amplia de los niños del terreiro. Método: Las actividades de diálogo se realizaron durante el desarrollo de una investigación cualitativa y exploratoria en Terapia Ocupacional, con un enfoque de investigación participante, con siete niños de un terreiro de candomblé en la ciudad de São Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, entre octubre y noviembre 2016. Resultados: Se produjeron actividades gráficas que componían las narrativas infantiles sobre la vida cotidiana del terreiro. Un mural sirvió como síntesis de las narrativas e identificación de cuatro temas que permitieron discutir ocupaciones tradicionales en la infancia, a saber: 1) Mi vida en el terreiro; 2) Ser un niño en el terreiro; 3) Ser niño en un terreiro fuera del terreiro; y 4) El proyecto Erê Yá L’omi. Discusión: Los temas destacan los sentidos de pertenencia, la construcción de la identidad y las formas de abordar la violencia de la intolerancia religiosa en la vida social más amplia. Consideraciones finales: La tradición y la ascendencia son elementos fundamentales de la participación ocupacional de los niños y jóvenes del terreiro. Esta implicación se refiere a un tejido intergeneracional, ya que están estrechamente vinculados a la (re)existencia ya las funciones y aprendizajes en el terreiro.Palabras clave: Ocupaciones tradicionales. Infancia. Pueblos de terreiro. Comunidades. Terapia ocupacional.

Mariângela Scaglione Quarentei ◽  
Alessandra Rossi Paolillo ◽  
Carla Regina Silva ◽  
Helen Isabel Freitas ◽  
Isadora Cardinalli ◽  

Atividades humanas, terapia ocupacional e Covid-19: a experimentação das interfaces que compõem esses três universos é o que nos propomos expressar neste texto. Texto-texturas-tessituras metodologicamente produzidas a partir do primado da experiência e de cartografias de um grupo, de um coletivo, Terapia Ocupacional como Produção de Vida. Ao pensar os desafios impostos pela pandemia, passos a criar possíveis fazeres que não cabem em um manual. Operamos na composição de ideias com fragmentos de escritas singulares em conexão, sem perder a oportunidade de dar espaço ao desconexo e a partir dele, propor a colagem de nossos próprios cotidianos atualizados em poesias, crônicas, narrativas, costuras e reflexões teóricas. Desta colagem resultou um conjunto de trocas de experiências, estratégias e fazeres terapêuticos ocupacionais para apoiar sujeitos individuais e coletivos em seus cotidianos atravessados por medos e alegrias, sofrimentos e resistências. AbstractHuman activities, occupational therapy and Covid-19: the experimentation of the interfaces that make up these three universes is what we propose to express in this text. Text-textures methodologically produced from the primacy of experience and cartographies of a group of an occupational therapy collective as a production of life. When thinking about the challenges posed by the pandemic, steps to create possible actions that do not fit in a manual. We operate in the composition of ideas with fragments of singular writings in connection, without losing the opportunity to give space to the disconnected and from it, propose the collage of our own updated every daily life in poetry, chronicles, narratives, seams and theoretical reflections. This collage resulted in a set of exchanges of experiences, strategies and occupational therapeutic actions to support individual and collective subjects in their daily lives, crossed by fears and joys, suffering and resistance.Key words: occupational therapy; Covid-19; human activity; daily. ResumenActividades humanas, terapia ocupacional y Covid-19: la experimentación de las interfaces que componen estos tres universos es lo que proponemos expresar en este texto. Textos-texturas-tejidos producidas metodológicamente a partir de la primacía de la experiencia y las cartografías de un grupo de una terapia ocupacional colectiva como una producción de vida. Al pensar en los desafíos planteados por la pandemia, los pasos para crear posibles acciones que no encajan en un manual. Operamos en la composición de ideas con fragmentos de escritos singulares en conexión, sin perder la oportunidad de dar espacio a los desconectados y, desde allí, proponer el collage de nuestra propia vida cotidiana actualizada en poesía, crónicas, narrativas, costuras y reflexiones teóricas. Este collage resultó en un conjunto de intercambios de experiencias, estrategias y acciones terapéuticas ocupacionales para apoyar a los sujetos individuales y colectivos en su vida diaria, atravesados por miedos y alegrías, sufrimiento y resistencia.Palabras clave: terapia ocupacional; covid-19; actividad humana; todos los dias 

2021 ◽  
Helena S. Schuch ◽  
Mariana G. Cademartori ◽  
Valesca Doro Dias ◽  
Mateus L. Levandowski ◽  
Tiago N Munhoz ◽  

AbstractBackgroundThe COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted people’s routine in several ways, including the temporary cessation of face-to-face teaching activities, which may affect the mental health of the population. This study aimed to assess the mental health of the academic community of a University in South Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic.MethodsCross-sectional web-based survey conducted between July-August 2020 through a self-administered online questionnaire. All University staff and students were eligible. Depression was assessed using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 and anxiety by the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7. All analyses were stratified by academic or administrative staff, undergraduate and graduate students.Results2,785 individuals participated in the study. Prevalence of depression and anxiety were 39.2% (95% Confidence Interval (CI) 37.3-41.1) and 52.5% (95% CI 50.6-54.4), respectively. On stratified analyses, undergraduate students showed a higher prevalence of the outcomes compared to other groups. In relation to social distancing, higher prevalence of mental illness was associated to strictly following the authority’s guidelines and with not leaving the house routinely, but these associations were restricted to some subgroups. Mental health care and previous diagnosis of mental illness were associated with higher rates of anxiety and depression.LimitationsThe main concerns were the representativeness of the sample and the response rate.ConclusionsAn alarming prevalence of mental illness was observed in this academic community. Despite the well-known benefits of social distancing and quarantine to public health, it requires a special surveillance on the mental health of the population, especially students and those with previous mental illness diagnosis.

I Ketut Ardhana ◽  
I Nyoman Wijaya

Indian culture has dominantly influenced the Indonesian people, particularly in the western part of the archipelago. This, which started centuries ago, can still be seen in the peoples’ daily lives in social, cultural, economic and political matters. Both the Hindu and Buddhist lessons have been practiced in Bali, although it is argued that the Buddhist lessons had been developed earlier than the Hindu ones. These developments have strongly characterized Balinese daily life, so, it is very important to understand how the people anticipate and solve some crucial issues regarding the processes of modernization and globalization. There are some important questions that need to be addressed on the Indian influences in strengthening the Balinese culture from the earlier periods until the modern and even postmodern times. In this case, the specific questions are: Firstly, how did the Balinese accept these two lessons in their daily lives in the context of Balinization processes? Secondly, what kinds of tangible and intangible cultures of the Hindu and Buddhist lessons can be seen in the present day Bali? Thirdly, how do they strengthen the Bali identity or Balinization,  known as “Ajeg Bali”? Through this analysis, it is expected to have a better understanding of the issues of social, cultural, economic and political changes in Indonesia in general and Bali in particular in modern and postmodern times.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
Eliana Silva ◽  
Teresa Freire ◽  
Susana Faria

AbstractA better understanding of emotion regulation (ER) within daily life is a growing focus of research. This study evaluated the average use of two ER strategies (cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression) and concurrent and lagged relationships between these two ER strategies and affect (positive and negative affect) in the daily lives of adolescents. We also investigated the role of the same strategies at the trait level on these within-person relationships. Thirty-three adolescents provided 1,258 reports of their daily life by using the Experience Sampling Method for one week. Regarding the relative use of ER strategies, cognitive reappraisal (M = 2.87, SD = 1.58) was used more often than expressive suppression (M = 2.42, SD = 1.21). While the use of both strategies was positively correlated when evaluated in daily life (p = .01), the same did not occur at the trait level (p = .37). Multilevel analysis found that ER strategies were concurrently related to affect (p < .01), with the exception of cognitive reappraisal-positive affect relationship (p = .11). However, cognitive reappraisal predicted higher positive affect at the subsequent sampling moment ( β = 0.07, p = .03). The concurrent associations between cognitive reappraisal and negative affect vary as function of the use of this strategy at the trait level (β = 0.05, p = .02). Our findings highlighted the complex associations between daily ER strategies and affect of a normative sample of adolescents.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 500-503
Xinru Sun

The study focuses on the WeChat usage and WeChat group activities of a group of Pumi youngsters in order to investigate their self-expression and interaction. This is done by adopting methods of online ethnography and offline fieldwork, which explains how the new medium gets involved in their daily lives and is used to construct multiple narrations. In this article, WeChat is regarded to be a kind of self-processed cultural description and practice. Meanwhile, WeChat builds one’s daily life through double articulation as mentioned by Roger Silverstone. Thus, WeChat connects reality and virtual space, interweaves individual minds with ethnic beliefs and achieves a tighter interaction between the inside and the outside of a village.

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