scholarly journals Mollusca diversity in mangrove ecosystem of Delta Tumpat Kelantan

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-102
Raudatul Raihana Ahmad ◽  
Marinah Muhammad ◽  
Nur Khyairatul Syafinie Abdul Majid ◽  
Noor Janatun Naim Jemali

Mangroves play a significant ecological role as a physical habitat and nursery grounds for a wide variety of aquatic vertebrates and invertebrates include molluscs. This study focuses on assessing the diversity and characteristics of mollusc species in disturbed and undisturbed mangrove ecosystem areas in Delta Tumpat, Kelantan. In each site, molluscs were collected using dredging method during high tide and gleaning technique during low tide. Physical characteristics and diversity index (H’) were calculated for both sites. A total of 14 mollusc species were found in the study area including five species from Bivalvia and nine species from Gastropoda class. More species were found in the undisturbed area which had produced a high species diversity (H’=1.99) compared to the disturbed area. The biggest species found at both areas was Telescopium telescopium with 7.62cm in size. Meanwhile, Cerithedia aurisfelis was the smallest species found with the size of 0.87cm. The difference in the growth of molluscs species in mangrove ecosystems depends on the quality and quantity of available food resources.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-77
Djainudin Alwi ◽  
Sandra Hi. Muhammad ◽  
Henderson Herat

Ekosistem mangrove berperan sebagai habitat berbagai jenis satwa, salah satunya yaitu makrozoobenthos. Makrozoobenthos berperan sebagai konsumen primer dan ada pula yang berperan sebagai konsumen sekunder atau konsumen yang menempati tempat yang lebih tinggi. Pada umumnya, Makrozoobenthos merupakan makanan alami bagi berbagai satwa perairan yang berukuran besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kelimpahan makrozoobenthos dan menganalisis struktur komunitas makrozoobenthos di kawasan ekosistem mangrove Daruba Pantai. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan November sampai Desember 2019 yang berlokasi di kawasan Mangrove Desa Daruba Pantai. Pengambilan data menggunakan metode sampel kuadrat (Quadrat Sampling) dengan ukuran plot 1x1 m2. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis indeks ekologi seperti kelimpahan individu, kelimpahan relatif, keanekaragaman jenis, keseragaman dan dominasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kelimpahan individu makrozoobenthos tertinggi berada pada stasiun ke I yaitu 33,333 (Ind/m2) dan terendah berada di stasiun I dan II yaitu Polymesoda bengalensis 1,111 (Ind/m2). Sedangkan Kelimpahan Relatif tertinggi ada di stasiun II yaitu Episesarma (0,200 %) dan terendah ada di stasiun I dan II yaitu Polymesoda bengalensis (0,007 %). Hasil analisis indeks ekologi Keanekragaman (H’) stasiun I yaitu (2,146), stasiun II (2,158) dan stasiun III (2,131) termasuk dalam kategori sedang. Indeks Keseragaman (E) pada stasiun I berkisar (0,895), stasiun II (0,900), sedangkan pada stasiun III (0,925) termasuk dalam kategori tinggi. Indeks Dominasi pada stasiun I yaitu (0,132), stasiun II (0,132) dan pada stasiun III yaitu (0,130) termasuk dalam kategori rendah.THE DIVERSITY AND ABUNDANCE OF MACROZOOBENTHOS IN MANGROVE ECOSYSTEMS AT DARUBA VILLAGE COASTAL PULAU MOROTAI REGENCY. Mangrove ecosystems play a role as a habitat for various species of animals, one of which is macrozoobenthos. Macrozoobenthos acts as the primary consumer and some have a role as secondary consumers or consumers who occupy a higher place. In general, Macrozoobenthos is a natural food for a variety of large aquatic animals. This research aims to analyze the abundance of macrozoobenthos and analyze the structure of the macrozoos community in the area of the Daruba Coastal mangrove ecosystem. This research was conducted from November to December 2019 located in the Mangrove area of Daruba Pantai Village. Retrieval of data using the method of quadratic sampling (Quadrat Sampling) with a plot size of 1x1 m2. Data analysis methods use ecological index analysis such as individual abundance, relative abundance, species diversity, uniformity, and dominance. The results showed the highest abundance of macrozoobenthos individuals were at a station I which was 33,333 (Ind / m2) and the lowest was at stations I and II namely Polymesoda bengalensis 1.111 (Ind / m2). While the highest relative abundance in at station II, Episesarma (0.200%) and the lowest are at a station I and II, Polymesoda bengalensis (0.007%). The results of the analysis of the Ecological diversity index (H ') of Station I, namely (2,146), Station II (2,158) and Station III (2,131) are included in the medium category. The Uniformity Index (E) at a station I ranges (0.895), station II (0.900), while at station III (0.925) is included in the high category. The Domination Index at a station I (0.132), station II (0.132) and at station III (0.130) are in a low category.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-174
Erik Wijaya Kusuma ◽  
Ria Azizah Tri Nuraini ◽  
Retno Hartati

ABSTRAK : Desa Kaliwlingi dan Sawojajar mempunyai kawasan hutan mangrove dengan karakteristik berbeda. Kawasan hutan mangrove Kaliwlingi menjadi ekowisata mangrove sejak tahun 2016, sedangkan di Sawojajar merupakan kawasan mangrove alami. Perbedaan fungsi tersebut diduga dapat mempengaruhi keanekaragaman hayati yaitu salah satunya adalah gastropoda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas Gastropoda di ekosistem mangrove Desa Kaliwlingi dan Sawojajar, Kab.Brebes, Jawa Tengah. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada bulan Juni sampai Juli 2018. Penentuan titik sampling menggunakan metode purposive pada 3 stasiun dengan tiga kali pengulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat 2 subkelas yaitu Pulmonata dan Prosobranchiata, dengan 3 famili dan  9 spesies gastropoda dari 3 famili, yaitu Elliobidae; Cassidula aurisfelis (Elliobidae), C. nucleus (Elliobidae), Littoraria articulate (Littorinidae), L. carinifera (Littorinidae), L. melanostoma (Littorinidae), L. scabra (Littorinidae), Telescopium telescopium (Potamididae), Terebralia obtuse (Potamididae), T. palustris (Potaminidae).  Nilai kelimpahan rata-rata gastropoda Desa Kaliwlingi dan Desa Sawojajar masing-masing 20,28 dan 16,36 Ind/m². Indeks Keanekaragaman (H’) gastropoda di kawasan mangrove Desa Kaliwlingi dan Desa Sawojajar termasuk ke dalam kategori rendah ke tinggi, sedangkan indeks keseragamannya  berkategori rendah.  Tidak ada jenis gastropod yang mendominasi di kawasan mangrove Kaliwlingi dan Sawojajar, dengan pola sebaran gastropoda mengelompok.ABSTRACT: Kaliwlingi and Sawojajar villages have mangrove forest areas with different characteristics. The Kaliwlingi mangrove forest area has been established as mangrove ecotourism since 2016, while in Sawojajar it is a natural mangrove area. The difference in function is thought to affect biodiversity, one of which is gastropods. The purpose of this study was to determine the structure of the Gastropoda community in the mangrove ecosystems of Kaliwlingi and Sawojajar Villages, Kab. Brebes, Central Java. Sampling was conducted in June to July 2018. Determination of the sampling points using purposive methods at 3 stations with three repetitions. The results showed that there were 2 subclasses, namely Pulmonata and Prosobranchiata, with 3 families and 9 gastropod species from 3 families, namely Elliobidae; Cassidula aurisfelis (Elliobidae), C. nucleus (Elliobidae), Littoraria articulate (Littorinidae), L. carinifera (Littorinidae), L. melanostoma (Littorinidae), L. scabra (Littorinidae), Telescopium telescopium (Potamebidide) ), T. palustris (Potaminidae). The mean abundance of gastropods in Kaliwlingi Village and Sawojajar Village were 20.28 and 16.36 Ind / m² respectively. Diversity Index (H ') of gastropods in the mangrove areas of Kaliwlingi Village and Sawojajar Village are in the low to high category, while the uniformity index is categorized as low. There is no type of gastropod that dominates in the Kaliwlingi and Sawojajar mangrove areas, and gastropod distributed as a grouped.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Andi Nur Samsi ◽  
Sharifuddin Bin Andy Omar ◽  
Andi Niartiningsih

Mangrove ecosystem is a habitat of Molluscs (Gastropoda and Bivalvia). This ecosystem is always influenced by environmental factors. This study aims to determine the influence of environmental factors on the distribution patterns Molluscs of natural mangrove ecosystems in Pannikiang Island, Barru Regency and rehabilitation mangrove ecosystem in Tongke-tongke village, Sinjai regency. This research uses the quantitative method. Environmental factors measured were temperature and salinity of the water, as well as carbon and nitrogen content of sediment. Samples of Molluscs (Gastropoda and Bivalves) and sediments were taken randomly. The observations of the Molluscan community include the composition of Mollusc species (Gastropoda and Bivalvia) and dispersal patterns. Data were analyzed by using multiple linear regression. The results showed that the distribution pattern of Molluscs (Gastropoda and Bivalvia) at both sites was not significantly different and the temperature, salinity, carbon, and nitrogen sediments also did not affect the Mollusk distribution pattern in both sites. Ekosistem mangrove merupakan habitat Moluska (Gastropoda dan Bivalvia). Ekosistem ini selalu dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor lingkungan terhadap pola distribusi  pada ekosistem mangrove alami di Pulau Pannikiang, Kabupaten Barru dan ekosistem mangrove hasil rehabilitasi di Desa Tongke-tongke, Kabupaten Sinjai. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Faktor lingkungan yang diukur adalah suhu dan  salinita air, serta kandungan karbon dan nitrogen sedimen. Sampel Moluska (Gastropoda dan Bivalvia) dan sedimen diambil secara acak. Pengamatan komunitas Moluska meliputi komposisi jenis Moluska (Gastropoda dan Bivalvia) dan pola penyebaran. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pola distribusi Moluska (Gastropoda dan Bivalvia) pada kedua lokasi tidak berbeda nyata dan suhu, salinitas, karbon, dan nitrogen sedimen juga tidak mempengaruhi pola distribusi Moluska di kedua lokasi penelitian.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-66
Eka Oktaviani ◽  
Arina Tri Lunggani ◽  
Rejeki Siti Ferniah

Ekosistem mangrove terdiri dari komponen penyusun komunitas mangrove yang berinteraksi dengan faktor lingkungan di habitat tersebut. Ekosistem ini mudah mengalami kerusakan akibat kondisi pasang naik dan pasang surut wilayah perairan laut maupun hilir sungai, yang bermuara ke perairan laut. Peran penting ekosistem ini adalah dalam perlindungan daerah pesisir karena mampu melawan kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh perairan laut, seperti tsunami dan badai siklon tropis. Akan tetapi, ekosistem ini sering tidak diperhatikan atas fungsi tersebut. Ekosistem ini dilindungi di dunia karena memiliki tingkat kerusakan komponen penyusun yang tinggi. Ekosistem mangrove Teluk Awur yang terletak di Kabupaten Jepara, Provinsi Jawa Tengah, merupakan  salah satu ekosistem mangrove yang mengalami kerusakan cukup parah karena perluasan lahan budidaya ikan (tambak), sehingga mendorong terjadinya erosi pantai. Peremajaan kembali dan konservasi ekosistem mangrove dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan bakteri tanah yang mampu mendukung pertumbuhan tanaman atau yang biasa disebut Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR). Salah satu mekanisme pendukung pertumbuhan tanaman oleh kelompok PGPR dapat dilakukan dengan aktivitas pelarutan fosfat karena fosfat dalam tanah berada dalam bentuk senyawa yang sulit diserap oleh tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh isolat Rhizobakteri pelarut fosfat yang unggul dalam melarutkan fosfat secara in-vitro dan mengetahui karakter isolat yang diperoleh. Isolasi dan penapisan rhizobakteri pelarut fosfat dilakukan menggunakan medium Pikovskaya agar. Karakterisasi isolat potensial secara mikrobiologi dan uji aktivitas biokimia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rhizobakteri pelarut fosfat potensial yang berhasil diisolasi, secara mikrobiologi teridentifikasi ke dalam genus Enterobacter. Mangrove ecosystems consist of constituent components of mangrove communities that interact with environmental factors in the habitat. This ecosystem is susceptible to damage due to the high tide and tidal conditions of the sea and downstream rivers that flow into the ocean waters. The important role of this ecosystem is in the protection of coastal areas because it is able to resist damage caused by marine waters such as tsunamis and tropical cyclone storms. However, this ecosystem is often overlooked to these functions. This ecosystem is protected in the world because it has a high level of damage to its constituent components. Mangrove ecosystem of Teluk Awur, which is located in Jepara Regency, is one of the mangrove ecosystems that suffered severe damage due to the expansion of fish farming land (ponds). Rejuvenation and conservation of mangrove ecosystems can be done by using bacteria that support mangrove plant growth, which commonly called Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR). One of the supporting mechanisms of plant growth by the PGPR group can be carried out with phosphate dissolving activity because phosphate in the soil is in the form of compounds that are difficult to absorb by plants. This study aims to obtain potential phosphate solubilizer Rhizobacteria in dissolving phosphate in-vitro and to determine character of the obtained isolate. Isolation and screening of potential phosphate solubilizer Rhizobacteria were carried out using Pikovskaya agar medium. Microbiological characterization of potential isolates was carried out based on microbiological and/or biochemical activity. The results showed that potential phosphate solubilizer Rhizobacteria, microbiologically identified to genus of Enterobacter.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 480
Lalu Raftha Patech ◽  
Kumala Ratna Dewi ◽  
Zulhalifah Zulhalifah ◽  
Abdul Syukur ◽  
Jamaluddin Jamaluddin

The utilization of the coastal environment is still dominated by-products and has not yet switched to ecosystem service products, such as the use of mangrove ecosystems as ecotourism. This study aims to assess the local community's perception of the potential diversity that becomes an object for the community's economy. The research method uses surveys, observations, and interviews for social data, while the ecological data use transect and quadratic methods. Furthermore, data analysis used descriptive statistics. In addition, ecological data were analyzed using density (Ki), relative frequency (FR), diversity (H') of mangroves, and ecological indexes (Diversity (H'), Evenness (E), Dominance (D)). The results of the study found six mangrove species, ten echinoderm species, and thirteen bivalves. The highest diversity index (H') was in Poton Bako 1.80 and the Evenness index ranged from 0.80 – 0.98 with a stable category. Biota relative dominance the association index of echinoderms is high 0.79–0.11. Meanwhile, the bivalves Dominance index of 0.03-0.11 was low. In addition, local community's perception of mangrove conservation for ecotourism, 63% of the community stated, 7% is not possible and 30% is not. The feasible value of mangrove development is 62%, 17% is not feasible and 21% does not know. The priority developed by Eduwisata is 48%, Bird Watching is 20% and Tracking is 32%. The conclusion is that the choice of using mangrove ecosystem services can be developed as a policy in overcoming economic threats and the vulnerability of marine biota as well as solutions for local communities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (12) ◽  
Fajar Hasidu ◽  
Jamili Jamili ◽  
Gaby Nanda Kharisma ◽  
Arif Prasetya ◽  
Maharani Maharani ◽  

Abstract. Hasidu LOAF, Jamili, Kharisma GN, Prasetya A, Maharani, Riska, Rudia LOAP, Ibrahim AF, Mubarak AA, Muhasafaat LO, Anzani L. 2020. Diversity of mollusks (bivalves and gastropods) in degraded mangrove ecosystems of Kolaka District, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21: 5884-5892. Mollusks are one of the mangrove organisms whose classes are bivalves and gastropods. It plays an important role in mangrove and marine ecosystems as filter feeders, predators, and herbivores. This study aims to knows the diversity and abundance of mollusks (bivalves and gastropods) in several mangrove ecosystems in the Kolaka coastline as well as the similarity of these locations. This study was conducted in mangrove ecosystems of Induha Village, Mangolo Village, Tahoa Village, and Towua Village of Kolaka District, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, from July to August 2019. This is a transect method stretched along a 100 m line perpendicularly from the seaward. The size of the mollusks subplot was 1 m2 and placed along the line transect. Each line transect comprises 10 subplots. To analyze the diversity index, evenness index, and its abundance, Kaleida Graph 4.0 version was used. This research indicates that the mollusks consist of 4 families of bivalves with 6 species and 10 families of gastropods with 182 species. It also found out 23 species of mollusks scattered to each location. The molluscan species which spread in all four mangrove ecosystems were Terebralia sulcata, Nerita planospira, and Batillaria multiformis. In Induha, the mollusks species were Anadara notabilis and Drupella margariticola. Meanwhile, Saccostrea cucullata, Pirenella incisa, Clithon oualaniensis, and Clithon pulchellum were only found in Towua. The diversity index of bivalves in each location was categorized as low diversity index category, as well as gastropods were categorized as medium diversity index. The highest diversity index of gastropods was in Induha (H' = 1.96). It was supported by the good mangrove ecosystem for mollusks' habitat. The lowest diversity index of gastropods was in Towua (1.41). This research depicts that three kinds of species with high abundance rate whose rates were >1 ind/m2are located in two different locations namely; P. incisa (3.9 ind/m2) and S. cucullata (3.2 ind/m2) in Towua and followed by B. multiformis (2 ind/m2) and Isognomon ephippium (1.2 ind/m2) in Mangolo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 391
Ni Made Dinda Pratiwi ◽  
I Made Widiartha

Mangrove ecosystems are found mainly in tropical and subtropical coastal areas. they are playing a very important ecological role in land-ocean interfaces. These ecosystems are protecting the environment and providing a habitat that supports many living organisms. Identification of area images in mangrove ecosystems is very helpful in monitoring and conservation of this ecosystem. In this study, we will present the segmentation of drone image taken from TAHURA Ngurah Rai mangrove area using otsu method. The otsu method giving well accuracy to segmented image to divide mangrove area and non mangrove area. Because Otsu method operates on a grayscale image so that it cannot distinguish the dark green of the tree canopies from the dark shadows of the trees, then the segmentation accuracy will decrease.

2021 ◽  
pp. 223-242
Wayan Pasek Eka Sedana Putra ◽  
Abdul Syukur ◽  
Didik Santoso

Mangrove ecosystems have an important role in coastal areas. Mangroves have a function as a shelter, foraging for food, and breeding various aquatic biota. Damage to mangrove forests can cause the service of mangrove ecosystems to decrease, especially for mollusk life. Mollusks are one of the associated biotas of mangroves whose life is influenced by mangrove forests. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of mollusks and the relationship between mollusk density and mangrove density in the mangrove ecosystem of the southern coast of East Lombok. A sampling of mollusks used the quadrate sampling method by purposive sampling by taking into account the mangrove species contained in the observation plot. The collected data were analyzed by diversity index, distribution pattern, association, and Pearson correlation coefficient. Then a simple linear regression analysis was performed with the independent variable (x) mangrove density and the dependent variable (y) mollusk density. The results of this study were the discovery of 22 species of mollusks consisting of 17 species of gastropods and five species of bivalves. The density of mollusks in the mangrove ecosystem of the southern coast of East Lombok is 44.50±2.63 ind./m2. The diversity index at the study site was classified as moderate, with a value ranging from 1.99 to 2.46. The distribution pattern of mollusks at the research site is clustered with an Id value > 1. There are eight mollusk species associated with three mangrove species from 22 mollusk species found. The linear regression equation y = 0.084x – 0.2963 with a Pearson correlation coefficient (r) 0.95 describes a strong relationship between the independent variable (x) mangrove density and the dependent variable (y) mollusk density. This study concludes that there is a significant relationship between mangrove density and mollusk density as indicated by F-hit(41.01) > F-table (7.70) and P-value (0.003) < (0.05).  

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
Rahman Rahman ◽  
Yusli Wardiatno ◽  
Fredinan Yulianda ◽  
Hefni Effendi ◽  
Iman Rusmana

Studies on the fluxes of greenhouse gases in mangrove ecosystems especially during tides are relatively scarce. The research was conducted in Tallo River Makassar which is a mangrove ecosystem habitat. Gas sampling was done by utilising size 0,5x0,5x1 m3 chamber through a syringe during the tidal periods. Gas analysis was done using gas chromatography methods. The research shows that the flux of CO2 gasduring high tide was 204,84 mg m-2 hr-1 or 1,79 kg m-2 year-1  and 183,81 mg m-2 hr-1 or 1,61 kg m-2 year-1 during low tide, while the flux of CH4 gaswas 0,75 mg m-2 hr-1 or 0,007 kg m-2 year-1  during high tide and 0,62 mg m-2 hr-1 or 0,005 kg m-2 year-1 during low tide, and the flux of N2O gaswas 0,141 mg m-2 hr-1 or 0,0012 kg m-2 year-1  during high tide and 0,145 mg m-2 hr-1 or 0,0013 kg m-2 year-1  during low tide. Keywords : greenhouse gas flux, mangrove ecosystem, Tallo River

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Lisa Ernawati ◽  
M Sofwan Anwari ◽  
M Dirhamsyah

Gastropod is one the mollusk phylum that can adapted at the mangrove ecosystem. Gastropod are organisms that have an ecological role as forming detritus. The study aimed to examine species diversity of gastropods in the mangrove forest ecosystem of Sebubus Village, Paloh District, Sambas Regency. The study was conducted in April 2019, using the survey method. Observations found 6 families and 16 species of gastropods in the mangrove ecosystem. Gastropods species are Chicoreus capucinus, Nerita balteata, Neritina cornucopia, Nerita violacea, Cerithideopsilla alata, Cerithidiopsis quoyii, Cerithidea obtusa, Littoraria scabra, Littoraria undulata, Littoraria carinifera, Nassarius dorsatus, Cassarius dorsatus, Cassidula aurisfelis, Ellobium aurisjudae, Cassidula nucleus, Pythia plicata, and Ellobium gangeticum. Species diversity index of gastropod in zone 1 = 0.83, zone 2 = 0.73 and zone 3 = 0.79 in the low category. Species abundance index of gastropod in zone 1 = 15.3, zone 2 = 10.5, zone 3 = 15.8.  Species evenness index of gastropod in zone 1 = 0.32, zone 2 = 0.30 and zone 3 = 0.30 categorized as low. Species dominance index of gastropod in zone 1 = 0.20, zone 2 = 0.28 and zone 3 = 0.25 are categorized as low. Species similiarity index of gastropod in zone 1 and 2 = 91.67%, zone 2 and 3 = 80.00%, zone 1 and 3 = 81.48 are categorized very high.Keywords: Diversity, Gastropods, Mangrove Ecosystems

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