2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-181
Sholikul Hadi

Harga memiliki peran yang sangat penting bagi kelangsungan hidup perusahaan. Strategi penetapan harga komoditas banyak dibahas dalam ekonomi konvensional, demikian pula penerapannya telah banyak dilakukan baik untuk mempertahankan usahanya maupun untuk bersaing memenangkan pasar. Namun apakah strategi penetapan harga tersebut sudah sesuai dengan aturan hukum Islam. Tujuan penelitian yang ingin penyusun capai adalah untuk mengetahui strategi penetapan harga komoditas dalam perspektif ekonomi syariah, Serta peran pemerintah dalam menangani permasalahan harga dalam pasar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi pustaka (library research design) dengan menggunakan pendekatan secondary analysis adapun pendekatan ini terbagi menjadi dua tahap yaitu tahap deskriptif dan tahap evaluatif. Instrument dan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah dengan teknik analisis kualitatif dengan pendekatan kepustakaan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan tiga komponen produk yaitu data reduction dan pengumpulan data, data display, dan  conclusion drawing, yaitu mereduksi dan mengumpulkan berbagai data dan teori yang berhubungan dengan tema sentral dengan berbagai sumber serta mengklasifikasikannya untuk kemudian diuraikan secara sistematis, selanjutnya dilakukan kajian dan pembahasan untuk kemudian diambil kesimpulan atas permasalahan yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa strategi penetapan harga komoditas dalam perspektif ekonomi syariah dapat diterapkan dengan cara melihat kondisi pasar, baik permintaan maupun penawaran. Tidak seperti prinsip strategi penetapan harga komoditas dalam ekonomi konvensional yang memiliki tujuan akhir, yaitu maksimalisasi keuntungan dan mencari keuntungan untuk tujuan menghimpun kekayaan. Prinsip ekonomi syariah dalam harga, yaitu untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dalam hal distribusi pendapatan. Mekanisme pasar tidak selalu dapat berjalan sesuai dengan konsep yang sudah ada, dengan demikian diperlukan peran pemerintah sebagai badan pengawas dalam menangani permasalahan harga di pasar agar terhindarnya dari masalah distorsi pasar. Namun pemerintah dilarang melakukan intervensi apabila pasar sedang berjalan normal.     Kata kunci : Harga Komoditas, Kondisi Pasar, Peran Pemerintah, Ekonomi Syariah  

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-84
Fitri Wahyuni

Learning could be effective and efficient, if the teacher has appropriately learning strategy as well the ability of the students, especially for disable students. So then the teacher’s strategy as teaching PAI is very important. The problem of this research is focused on how the teachers strategy on teaching PAI for disable students of SMPLB-YPPC Banda Aceh.Moreover, the objective of this research is to figure out the strategy of the teacher on teaching PAI for disable students of SMPLB-YPPC Banda Aceh. Research design used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Then, the location of this research is SMPLB-YPPC Banda Aceh. Subjects of this research are a headmaster and 2 PAI teachers. Method of data collection that used in this research is observation, interview and documentary. The instrument used here is a list of interviews and observations. The technique of data analysis is data reduction, data display, and data verification. The result displays 1) strategy of the teacher on teaching PAI in SMPLB-YPPC Banda Aceh: a) individual groups, b) cooperative, c) behavior modification. 2) Supporting and inhabiting factors on teaching PAI in SMPLB-YPPC Banda Aceh: a) inhabiting factors are students’ parents have less concern, disability of disable students and learning media. 3) Implementation on teaching PAI strategy in SMPLB-YPPC Banda Aceh: a) lesson plan, b) learning implementation, c) evaluation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Nanang Sugianto ◽  
Tri Setianingsih

This research aimed to find out the Personality of Ayyas in Bumi Cinta novel by Habiburrahman El Shirazy. The method applied in this research was qualitative method. The object of this research was the personality of Ayyas’ character in Bumi Cinta novel by Habiburrahman El Shirazy through psychology review. The technique used in collecting the data was library research. The process of data analysis was data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. The result of this study was found out that the personality of Ayyas was more dominant influenced by the superego. Based on the result of the study, it could be concluded that the personality of Ayyas influenced by the superego seems when Ayyas defended himself in the sanctity and his faith in the midst of the storms of free life country, having a firm belief and faith to God, Ayyas remained confident and believe in the grace of God to His people. Although there were some people who did not acknowledge the existence of God, Ayyas was always cling to the obligations of religion, implementing everything that God approves, and stay away from all His prohibitions, and reluctant to commit  sin and sinners, willing to sacrifice for the sake of religion and give helping.

Puput Suriyah ◽  
M. Zainudin ◽  
Suen Yektiana

This study aimed to investigate to what extent the mathematics education lectures’ pedagogical competence using LMS Moodle in the era covid-19. The researchers employed a case study research design and the participants comprised three mathematics education lecturess who used LMS Moodle IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. As well, to collect the data, observation, questionnaire, and fieldnotes were used based on the teacher's perspective. The responses were then to be interpreted into percentages and analysed descriptively. There were three main phases to analyse the data, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. Moreover, triangulation was applied to validate and verify the data collected. The results of this study indicated that the mathematics education lectures' pedagogical competence was good as a whole of the seventh aspects discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-27
Entika Fani Prastikawati ◽  
Beny Arum Setianingsih ◽  

This study aimed to identify fragments found on online diaries of 6th batch SEA Teacher blog writing in St. Paul University Surigao, Philippine, and to describe the problems faced by 6th batch SEA Teacher participants in writing online diaries. The research design of this study was descriptive qualitative.  For collecting data, the researchers used non-interactive techniques by analyzing ten formal online diaries and distributing the questionnaire. The researchers employed three steps for analyzing the data, namely data reduction, data display, and drawing some conclusions. The researchers analyzed ten formal online diaries, the researcher found fragments on seven formal online diaries. The most significant fragment realized was missing verbs (56.52%) followed by missing subject (30.43%), added detail fragment (8.70%), and –ing fragment (4.34%). Whereas, the highest problem faced by 6th batch SEA Teacher participants in writing online diaries was lack of grammar knowledge, time limitation, limited reference, and different language used.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-16
Wahyudi Wahyudi ◽  
Syamsul Bahri ◽  
Syamsuddin Maldun

Pendisiplinan pegawai sangat perlu untuk meningkatkan citra kerja, dan kinerja pegawai. Salah satu bagian dalam upaya pendisiplinan tersebut adalah penggunaan alat absensi dalam bentuk finger print. Penerapan absensi finger print di Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan juga dapat memudahkan atasan untuk melihat tingkat kedisiplinan kehadiran dari masing-masing pegawai. Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu desain penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan di Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu: wawancara, observasi, serta dokumen. Untuk melakukan proses analisis data, peneliti akan melakukan tiga tahapan proses, yaitu:  1) Tahapan reduksi data (data reduction); 2) Tahapan penyajian data (data display); 3) Tahapan penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi (conclusing drawing verivication). Dalam proses pelaksanaannya keempat indikator yaitu pencapaian target, kemampuan adaptasi, kepuasan kerja dan tanggungjawab berdasarkan temuan di lapangan semuanya dilakukan dengan baik. Kendatipun ada masalah di lapangan namun hal tersebut hanya merupakan masalah teknis yang dapat diatasi dengan mudah dan cermat oleh instansi tersebut. Adapun hambatan dalam mendukung efektifitas pelaksanaan finger print di dinas PMD provinsi Sulawesi Selatan ada dua yaitu persoalan mesin finger print yang salah dalam melakukan identifikasi data pegawai dan adanya mesin eror. Employee discipline is very necessary to improve work culture and employee performance. One part of the disciplinary effort is the use of an attendance device in the form of a finger print. The implementation of finger print attendance at the Office of Community and Village Empowerment Service in South Sulawesi Province can also make it easier for superiors to see the disciplinary level of attendance of each employee. The research design used is a descriptive research design with a qualitative approach. This research will be conducted at the Community and Village Empowerment Service of South Sulawesi Province. Data collection techniques used in this study are: interviews, observations, and documents. To carry out the data analysis process, the researcher conducted three stages of process, which are: 1) Data reduction; 2) data display; 3) drawing conclusions or verification. In the implementation process, the four indicators, which are target achievement, adaptability, job satisfaction and responsibility based on findings in the field are all done well. Even though there are problems during the fieldwork, they are only technical problems that can be resolved easily and carefully by the agency. There are two obstacles in supporting the effectiveness of the implementation of finger print at the PMD office of South Sulawesi province, namely the problem of finger print machines that incorrectly identify employee data and the machine errors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Ali Akhbar Abaib Mas Rabbani Lubis

This paper tries to explain the important picture of the space that was wanted to be created by a common desire, which previously Indonesian people were still locked by colonialism. The space to be created is an independent and independent state, but how is it created? there must be a fierce struggle and debate in producing a country that can be picked dynamically. The author departs from qualitative research, where the data is obtained from library research in the form of descriptive analysis. Stages of data analysis in this study include data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The conclusion is that the basic debate and form of the state is the struggle for political space to dominate the country, but the struggle and debate is a necessity because it has already happened before independence Indonesia. So for researchers that the debate and struggle over the political space of the Indonesian State is a result of the accommodation of historical independence at the same time it is very reasonable because the space produced is a democratic space. It's just that it needs to be emphasized that every dynamics should be in accordance with the applicable constitution, not by means of radicalism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Aadi Nugraha ◽  
Effendi Effendi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang hasil belajar siswa menggunakan LKPD terintegrasi STEM-PjBL pada materi termokimia. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research) yang menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yaitu jurnal ilmiah yang bereputasi. Metode pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah metode dokumentasi dengan mencari dan menggali data literatur yang berkaitan dengan rumusan masalah. Metode analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode Miles Dan Hibernian aktivitas dalam analisis data, yaitu reduksi data (reduction), penyajian data (display), dan kesimpulan (conclusion drawing).

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 1209
Hajrah Hajrah ◽  
Rapi Tang ◽  
Suradi Tahmir ◽  
Kembog Daeng

This study employs a qualitative descriptive research design. The data in this study are words in the lines and stanzas of Kelong Makassar containing the concept of Makassar local wisdom. The techniques of data collection users are reading, observation and document study. The data analysis technique used in this study is the interactive model of data analysis developed by Miles and Huberman (1992). The data analysis includes data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/verification. The data were analyzed to obtain the concept of local wisdom through the meaning of Kelong Makassar. The results of this study reveal the meaning of Kelong based on the review of Michael Riffaterre's indirection of meaning and show that (1) displacement of meaning in this analysis was found through figurative language in the form of metaphor, metonymy, pars pro toto and personification, (2) distortion of meaning was found through ambiguity and contradiction, (3) creation of meaning was found through enjambment and typography.

2012 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 47 ◽  
Epon Ningrum

The dynamics of the Kampung Naga at District Tasikmalaya community is controlled by the custom. Generally, the aim of this research is to analyze the traditional dynamic community of Kampung Naga, especially to: (1) identify the  custom of Kampung Naga community; (2) identify the dynamic of the society; and (3) recommend employing society strategy. The research design is using qualitative approach with descriptive method. Researcher as human instrument with the aid of interview guide, observation guide and field note. The subject of this research consists of 5 respondents. The data validity is through triangulation, probing, peer debriefing, and members check. The data analyze through data display, data reduction, verification and conclusion. The result of the research are: (1) the custom consists of testament tradition, mandating, prohibition and consequence; (2) the society dynamic consists of technology changing, occupation, income and life facility ownership; and (3) employing strategy is recommended through adaptive innovation concerning the custom.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Sutrimo Sutrimo

The main objective of this study is to describe how the teaching of Primary Speaking class at SMART ILC. The researcher limits this study only to find and then describe; the implementation, the responses of the students, the result of the students, and the evaluation of the students after joining Primary Speaking class at SMART ILC. This research used descriptive qualitative approach as a research design. The subject was Primary Speaking students. The methods used in collecting data were interview, observation, field note and documentation. The data analysis was based on three concurrent flows of activities, they were: data reduction, data display, and verification. The result of this study shows that syllabus, lesson plan, materials, method, technique, and media of teaching were available. The curriculum was not necessary for non-formal education to have it. The resrponses which came from students were various. They were active, responsive, nervous, but they felt enjoyable. The result of students after joining the class was FAIR. And the evaluation that the students gave according to the documentation was GOOD.

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