The Sacrament of Repentance in the Tradition of the South Slavonic Printed Trebnyks of the 16th century

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 107-134
Vasyl Popelyastyy
Antoni Biosca Bas

Resum: L’obra del poeta alacantí del segle XVI Josep Gosalbes de Cunedo ha passat a l’oblit. Alguns aspectes de la seua vida i obra mereixen atenció, com a mínim, per haver tractat temes propis de la seua terra. Alguns dels seus poemes tracten l’antiga Governació d’Oriola, al sud del regne de València, i celebren la creació del bisbat d’Oriola, motiu pel qual l’autor descriu el territori amb gust renaixentista. La seua amistat amb l’humanista Just Lipsi marca la seua biografia, on guerres i presó també estan presents.Paraules clau: poesia llatina; Renaixement; Oriola; Alacant; Just LipsiAbstract: The work of the 16th. century poet from Alicante Joseph Gosalbes of Cunedo has been forgotten. Some aspects of his life and work deserve attention, at least because he had written about topics of their own land. Some of his poems deal with the former Region of Orihuela, in the south of Valencia kingdom, and celebrate the creation of the diocese of Orihuela, so the author describes this territory in a Renaissance style. His friendship with the humanist Justus Lipsius mark his biography, where wars and prison are also present.Keywords: Latin poetry; Renaissance; Orihuela; Alicante; Justus Lipsius

A. J. Southward ◽  
G. T. Boalch ◽  
Linda Maddock

Scientific data from the last 100 years are combined with primary and secondary historical information on the fisheries to summarize changes in the relative abundance of pilchards and herrings in the south-west in the last 400 years. The fluctuations in the two species are compared with recorded and inferred annual mean temperatures over the period. Pilchards are more abundant and extend farther to the east when the climate is warmer, as from 1590 to 1640 and from 1930 to 1960. In cooler times, as in the second half of the seventeenth century, herrings are more abundant while the pilchard fishery occurs later in the year and is restricted to west Cornwall. Lesser changes in the relative abundance of the two species and the timing of the fishery along the south coast of Devon and Cornwall in the intervening periods between these extremes accord fairly well with smaller fluctuations in climate. It is presumed that in addition to direct effects on reproduction and behaviour, changes in climate can indirectly influence the relative competitive advantage of the species through alterations in the associated ecosystem.

Servis plus ◽  
10.12737/7588 ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 98-108
Геннадий Чалов ◽  
Gennadiy Chalov

The author specifies the location of the ancient "Sacred stones" of the south defense line of Muscovy in the first half of the 16th century, registered and literally adapted their legend, ascertained the Vyatichi origin of the legend and the stones and its affinity with the legend of Antes chieftain Boz- The article substantiates the extrapolation of their beliefs to the spiritual views, inner life and fighting qualities of their ancestors of the forenamed period with due regard for relics´ impact on the spirit world and mentality of the modern descendants of the lines´ defenders. Also the stones of the "Holy well" are presented as well as the ancient stones with strong energy and the image of Vedic cross to light the "live "fire.

1973 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 226-236
Michael B. Pulman

It has been remarked that the dissolution of the monasteries amounted to an infinite series of adjustments. This could hardly be more true than it is in the case of what happened to the lands of the dissolved abbey of St. Werburgh in Chester—a city about one hundred and seventy miles northwest of London, situated in a section of the country that was, at least compared with much of the south, uncouth and backward. Here the process of adjustment was so protracted, and in the end productive of so much acrimony, that the intervention of the highest authority in the land—that of the queen herself—was directly necessary for its successful completion, and, even with that intervention, a final concord was scarcely achieved before the 16th century gave way to the seventeenth. In Cheshire, the upheaval caused by the sudden disappearance of the regular Church was long in settling down. Settlement there was, eventually, but it was so slow in coming that one might consider amending the definition of the dissolution mentioned above to read: an infinite series of adjustments, almost infinitely prolonged.What happened in Cheshire can be seen from at least two viewpoints. It can be viewed as providing spectacular evidence as to who benefited the most from Henry VIII's attack upon the ecclesiastical institution; or it can be cited as a case study of just how the central government exercised its control over local affairs during the latter sixteenth century. Here I am concerned with both.

2017 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Willem Frijhoff

Abstract: The University history of the Low Countries is largely tributary of the different fate of the two halves of that region. In the South (present-day Belgium), in fact a unitary state from the 16th century onwards, the University of Louvain, initially founded for the whole Low Countries, was long the only institution of higher education. It was temporarily joined by that of Douai (later incorporated into France). In the North (the present-day Netherlands), universities and other institutions of higher education were only founded from the independence in the late 16th century onwards, but then in huge numbers, due to the confederal character of the Dutch Republic. In the revolutionary and Napoleonic era, the whole university landscape was thoroughly altered, and most of the institutions in the North suppressed. After 1815, new universities were founded on the same footing in both countries, then again temporarily united. Although the Netherlands and Belgium went their own way ever since their separation in 1830, both countries show a similar institutional evolution, in  spite of the linguistic problems in the South. This is reflected in the cooperation between scholars on university history of the whole Low Countries region. In this article, I first sketch briefly the political evolution of the Low Countries and that of the university landscape and its institutional provisions, compulsory for a good comprehension of the university historiography. After a survey of the process of institutionalisation of university history in the European context ever since the 1980s, the (bi-)national associations and the renewal of the focus on the social dimension of university history and the history of science are briefly discussed. Throughout the article, the most important studies and memorial volumes of the last decades are quoted.Resumen: La historia de la Universidad de los Países Bajos es en buena medida heredera del destino diverso de cada una de las dos mitades de la región. En el Sur (actualmente Bélgica), de hecho, un estado unitario desde el siglo XVI en adelante, la Universidad de Lovaina, fundada inicialmente para el conjunto de los Países Bajos, fue durante mucho tiempo la única institución de educación superior. Se unió temporalmente por ello a Douai (más tarde incorporado en Francia). En el Norte (Holanda hoy en día), universidades y otras instituciones de educación superior sólo se fundaron a partir de la independencia, a finales del siglo XVI en adelante, cuando crecerían exponencialmente, debido al carácter confederal de la República Holandesa. En la era revolucionaria y napoleónica, todo el panorama universitario quedó alterado y la mayoría de las instituciones del Norte  suprimidas. Después de 1815, se fundaron nuevas universidades en el mismo nivel en ambos países, que otra vez quedarían temporalmente unidos. Aunque los Países Bajos y Bélgica siguieron sus propios caminos desde su separación en 1830, ambos países muestran una evolución institucional similar, a pesar de los problemas lingüísticos en el Sur. Esto se refleja en la cooperación entre los estudiosos de la historia de la universidad de los Países Bajos en toda la región. En este artículo, primero presento un breve esquema de la evolución política de los Países Bajos y de la universidad y sus disposiciones institucionales, algo obligatorio para una buena comprensión de la historiografía universitaria. Después de un estudio del proceso de institucionalización de la historia universitaria en el contexto europeo desde la década de 1980, las asociaciones (bi)nacionales y la renovación de la atención a la dimensión social de la historia universitaria y la historia de la ciencia se discutirán brevemente. A lo largo del artículo, se darán cita también los estudios más importantes y volúmenes conmemorativos aparecidos en las últimas décadas.Keywords: historiography, Low Countries, universities, colleges, Latin schools.Palabras clave: historiografía, Países Bajos, universidades, colegios, escuelas latinas.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 89-109
Marcin Mikołajczyk

Greek diaspora in Poznan in the 18th and 19th century Poznań, one of the largest Polish cities, was frequently inhabited by citizens of other countries. One such nation were Greeks, who came to Poland for economic, political and geopolitical reasons. Ethnic origins of emigrants remains an interesting problem. The first information on Greeks in Poznań can be traced back to the 16th century. In the second half of the 17th century, the number of Greeks coming to the city increased. Emigrants occupied themselves mainly with (profitable) wine and Eastern goods trade. Greeks imported wine mostly from Hungary. From the moment they came, Greeks were considered unwelcome by local tradesmen. Municipal books and the books of the Merchants’ Guild are full of complaints on the incomers from the South. It was not until 1789, when the laws of the Commission of Good Order operating in Poznań, that the conditions of Greeks staying in Poznań had been regulated. The Poznań Greek community was established around 1750. Poznań Greeks were of the Christian Orthodox denomination. Services were held at home churches, the community also had its cemetery. The following people were the chaplains: Atanazy Korda, Konstantyn Chartofilax Okuta, Atanazy Sawicz and Zupanos. The Poznań Greek community was dissolved in 1909. The most well-known representative of the Poznań Greeks is Jan Konstanty Żupański, a bookseller and publisher.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
pp. 17-30
Bram Caers

With the Fall – or Reconquista if you will – of Antwerp in 1585, the Revolt in the Low Countries entered a period of stalemate that would eventually materialise into the separation of north and south. This article looks at a poetry manuscript by the Mechelen rhetorician Willem de Gortter, an avid sympathiser of the northern cause, who spent his entire life in the Catholic and Spanish south. Through his references to the multiple nationalities involved in a conflict that in essence gripped Europe for the better part of a century, this article aims to position his discourse on the shared past in the division of two separate “memory cultures” that are believed to have developed from the late 16th century onwards. It shows that despite his fierce disapproval of the Spanish actions during the Eighty Years’ War, and despite his agreement with the northern propagandistic discourse on the recent past, he did incorporate some of the less strident views that circulated in the south.

2021 ◽  
pp. 194-211
Георгий Сергеевич Дмитриев

Целью настоящей статьи является изучение этапов и условий формирования вотчинного фонда Троице-Сергиевой Лавры в Переславль-Залесском уезде (юго-западной его окраины). С помощью нарративного, сравнительно-аналитического, историко-биографического, источниковедческого и других научных методов был определён состав земельного монастырского фонда, специфика его формирования, крупные вкладчики и история передачи их вотчин обители. В ходе исследования было установлено, что незначительные земельные сделки в Рождественском стане начались уже в 1520-х гг., это были деревни: Семенцово, Язвицево, Монастырище, Грозилово (позже часть из них превратилась в пустоши). Более крупными вкладами была отмечена вторая половина ХVI в.: Троицкий монастырь получил от Бутурлиных часть села Богороцкого (позже вторую часть пожаловал царь Феодор I), от опричников Ловчиковых - село Махру с пустошами, от Баима Воейкова - деревню Дмитровскую. Деревня Чернцы (Ченцы) была окончательно присоединена к владениям монастыря в 1631 г. Вклады 1570-80-х гг. носили экстренный характер, обусловленный опричным террором и царскими опалами. Жертвователи стремились отдать свои земли святой обители, принять там постриг и погребение. К концу ХVI в. большая часть Рождественской волости принадлежала троицким властям. В 1650 г. царь Алексей Михайлович обменял дворцовые земли в Серебожье: с. Константиновское с 14 деревнями на половину с. Мытищи и с. Толоконцево. Таким образом, формирование земельного фонда Лавры происходило поэтапно в Рождественской волости и единовременно - в Серебожье. К середине ХVII в. Троице-Сергиев монастырь являлся крупнейшим феодалом не только в Переславском уезде, но и во всём центральном регионе Московского государства. The article is devoted to the history and conditions of formation of the feudal complex of the Trinity-Sergius monastery in the Pereslavl district, namely in the South-Western edge of it - Rozhdestvensky and Serebuzhsky fields. Minor land deals in the Rozhdestvensky district started in the 1520s, these are villages: Sementsova, Iyzvitsy, Monastyryshche, Grosilovo. Later, some of them turned into wastelands. Larger contributions were made in the second half of the 16th century: Trinity monastery received from the famous Buturlins part of the village of Bogorodsky (later the second part was granted by Tsar Fyodor I), from the oprichniks Lovchikovs - Mahra village, with the badlands, from Baim Voeykov - the village of Dmitrovskaya. The village of Cherntsi was finally annexed to the monastery's possessions in 1631. The contributions of the 1570s and 80s were of the immediate type, due to the oprichnina terror and the king's wrath. Сontributions sought to give their land to the Holy monastery (and not to the tsar), take monastic vows and burial there. By the end of the XVI century, most of the Rozhdestvenskaya district belonged to the Trinity authorities. In 1650, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich exchanged the Palace of the earth in Sereboje - v. Konstantinovskoe with 14 villages, half the village of Mytishchi and v.Tolokontsevо. Thus, by the middle of the XVII century, the Trinity-Sergius monastery became the largest f feudalist not only in the Pereslavl district, but also in the entire Central region of the Moscow state.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 305-326
Priya Singh ◽  

The essay calls for a re-imagining and reshaping of colonial constructs. It concisely encapsulates the history of the Grand Trunk Road (GT Road), from the 16th century when it was referred to as ‘Sadak-e-Azam’ to the late 19th century, when the road was completed under the administration of Lord William Bentinck and was renamed as ‘The Grand Trunk Road’ to contemporary times when it connects multiple cities with National Highways as part of the Golden Quadrilateral project and remains a ‘continuum’ that covers a distance of over 2,500 kilometres. While highlighting its importance in terms of its criticality as a geopolitical/strategic connect, the essay concludes on the note that there is much more to the GT Road than being a mere logistical, infrastructural tool. It serves as a political and cultural connect as well as embodies a way of life and these historic and organic connections require reinforcement. The essay underlines the symbolic value of the GT Road, while it comprises the mainstay of commerce in the subcontinent but, at the same time is significant in terms of rearranging social and political hierarchies, in other words, it constitutes an intrinsic part of the broader narrative of the south Asian space.

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