Challenges of Public Participation: A Qualitative Study

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 100-109
Safiah Suhaimi

The participation plays an important role among other people. When social participation is used today, a public participation will be rapid. The problem has happened when less participation of young people involved on youth associations. The youth has believed that they have still lacked the partcipation has needed for an effective participation and expressed little confidence in their involvement. This paper has analysed the challenges of public participation among youth associations. The methods that used a qualitative study by an interview for five youth associations in Kedah. Drawing on the final findings, two challenges which are: (i) financial and (ii) a less youth participation. Furthermore, the findings are expected to contribute to strengthening the youth associations to achieve good governance in the public participation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 131-160
Pedro Henrique Araújo dos Santos ◽  
Juliana Kelly Dantas da Silva

 Resumo: Nos dias atuais, percebemos que muitas são as dificuldades para a organização da juventude e a participação política nos espaços de poder e decisão existentes na sociedade. Em muitos dos espaços políticos os jovens não se sentem representados, nem tem oportunidades de defender seus interesses. Nesse contexto, percebe-se a ausência de formação política e oportunidades de participação do jovem na sociedade. Nessa perspectiva, esta pesquisa está pautada no levantamento de elementos da participação social, cultura política dos jovens e da trajetória de organização da Rede de Juventudes do Seridó que contribuem para a formação da consciência crítica dos jovens e favorecem o exercício do controle social e da promoção de políticas públicas voltadas para a juventude.  Palavras-chave: Juventude; Participação Social; Rede de Juventudes.  Abstract: Nowadays, we realize that there are many difficulties for the organization of youth and political participation in the spaces of power and decision in society. In many political spaces young people do not feel represented, nor do they have opportunities to defend their interests. In this context, one can perceive the lack of political formation and opportunities for youth participation in society. In this perspective, this research is based on the survey of elements of social participation, political culture of the young people and the organizational trajectory of the Youth Network of Seridó that contribute to the formation of the critical awareness of young people and favor the exercise of social control and promotion of public policies aimed at youth.  Keywords: Youth; Social Participation; Youth Network REFERÊNCIAS ABNT – Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. NBR 14724: Informação e documentação. Trabalhos Acadêmicos - Apresentação. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, 2002. ABRAMO, Helena Wendel; BRANCO, Pedro Paulo Martoni. (Orgs). Retratos da Juventude Brasileira: análises de uma pesquisa nacional. São Paulo: Editora Fundação Perseu Abramo, 2005.  ALBUQUERQUE, Alexandre Aragão de, Juventude, Educação e Participação Política. Paco Editorial. Jundiaí, 2012.  ALMEIDA, Elmir de. Políticas públicas para jovens em Santo André In:_____. 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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 395-404
Maurice S. Nyarangaa ◽  
Chen Hao ◽  
Duncan O. Hongo

Public participation aimed at improving the effectiveness of governance by involving citizens in governance policy formulation and decision-making processes. It was designed to promote transparency, accountability and effectiveness of any modern government. Although Kenya has legally adopted public participation in day-to-day government activities, challenges still cripple its effectiveness as documented by several scholars. Instead of reducing conflicts between the government and the public, it has heightened witnessing so many petitions of government missing on priorities in terms of development and government policies. Results show that participation weakly relates with governance hence frictions sustainable development. Theoretically, public participation influences governance efficiency and development, directly and indirectly, thus sustainable development policy and implementation depends on Public participation and good governance. However, an effective public participation in governance is has been fractioned by the government. Instead of being a promoter/sponsor of public participation, the government of Kenya has failed to put structures that would spur participation of citizens in policy making and other days to activities. This has brought about wrong priority setting and misappropriation of public resources; The government officials and political class interference ultimately limit public opinion and input effects on decision-making and policy formulation, which might be an inner factor determining the failure of public participation in Kenya. The study suggests the need for strengthening public participation by establishing an independent institution to preside over public participation processes.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0044118X2110408
Ilaria Pitti ◽  
Yagmur Mengilli ◽  
Andreas Walther

Existing understandings of youth participation often imply clear distinctions from non-participation and thus boundaries between “recognized” and “non-recognized” practices of engagement. This article aims at questioning these boundaries. It analyzes young people’s practices in the public sphere that are characterized by both recognition as participation and misrecognition or stigmatization as deviant and it is suggested to conceptualize such practices as “liminal participation.” The concept of liminality has been developed to describe transitory situations “in-between”—between defined and recognized status positions—and seems helpful for better understanding the blurring boundaries of youth participation. Drawing on qualitative case studies conducted within a European research project, the analysis focuses on how young people whose practices evolve at the margins of the respective societies position themselves with regard to the challenges of liminality and on the potential of this for democratic innovation and change.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 386
Restu Rahmawati ◽  
Firman Firman

This writing going to talk about analysis the implementation of application qlue in region North Jakarta. Reason the study is done to see how the implementation of application qlue that is part of the program smart city in jakarta especially in tanjung priok. Research methodology used is the method the qualitative study descriptive to technique data collection of interview. The research results show that the implementation of the application of qlue have not been effective. It was because, the community tanjung priok many cannot discern between qlue application, is that supposed to mean lack of socialization for the public regarding the application of qlue. In addition, obliging heads of the neighborhood report three times a day also is not effective. Of the aspect of the achievement of the policy implications of the (output), application qlue policy it is implemented still not 100 percent, based on the data populi center of the community can only 35.8 % of being contented with the implementation of the application of qlue. This indicates that the target not maximum. Thus, the implementation of application qlue in North Jakarta rudimentary and consequently need to there had been improvements forward to create good governance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-55
Kasina Musunza ◽  
Wilson Muna

Devolution entails the decentralization of power and distribution of resources from the national government to the county governments. To ensure that national and county governments are providing good governance, public participation is vital. Studies done indicate that there is no information pertaining to devolutuon, county governments,  and public participation in the Kenyan county governments. In this study, Kitui county has been used to assess the county assembly initiative and the mass media initiative and their effectiveness in encouraging public participation. The exploratory research design was used to collect data from the target population of Kitui Central Sub County. Data was collected from 100 respondents using structured questionnaires. From the results received, it is evident that Kitui County Government has taken steps to enhance public participation by implementing Mass Media initiatives and County Assembly initiatives. Although, most of the respondents saw the need for the county government to put in more effort to ensure that the public is involved in governance, establishing efficient and effective public engagement initiatives will help strengthen public participation in devolved structures.

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Muhammadiah Muhammadiah

Achieve good governance through public participation is a must. The big challenge in governance and development in the era of regional autonomy sourced from within the community. In society there is a potential and enormous resources, if utilized properly will contribute significantly to the progress of society and areas .. The experiences show that governance and development without involving the public's participation will face serious problems. Because it must be recognized by government actors that the public should be involved in every stage of the process of governance and development programs. Communities are stakeholders that should not be ignored, because they have a strategic role and the potential for continuity of government and regional development. Mewujudkan good governance melalui partispasi publik merupakan suatu keniscayaan. Tantangan besar dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dan pembangunan di era otonomi daerah bersumber dari dalam masyarakat. Di dalam masyarakat terdapat potensi dan sumber daya yang sangat besar, jika dimanfaatkan secara baik akan memberi kontribusi nyata bagi kemajuan masyarakat dan daerah.. Berbagai pengalaman menunjukkan bahwa penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dan pembangunan tanpa melibatkan partsipasi public akan menghadapi persoalan serius. Karena itu harus disadari oleh aktor-aktor pemerintahan bahwa masyarakat seharusnya dilibatkan dalam setiap proses tahapan program pemerintahan dan pembangunan. Masyarakat merupakan stakeholders yang tidak boleh diabaikan, karena mereka memiliki peran dan potensi strategis bagi kelangsungan pemerintahan dan pembangunan daerah.

Liga Mirlina

Democratic state administration needs interaction with the public, which requires not only government communication with the public but also the public interest and understanding in the political and public administration processes. The task of public administration is to create a legal and institutional framework and mechanisms for public participation, while NGOs and the general public need civil competency to use the opportunities of public participation. Analysing the Latvian government's communication activities related to public participation and public awareness, the aim of this paper is to examine the level of participation of different social groups and the impact of their awareness on it. Within the framework of the research, the following methods have been used: analysis of normative documents, statistics on the implementation of the Memorandum of cooperation between the government and non-governmental organizations, interviews with experts from NGOs and state administration, focus group discussions with young people. Analysing legal documents and statistics on the involvement of NGOs, public participation platforms and their use have been evaluated. Based on the views of NGOs and state administration experts, there are certain factors that influence the level of public participation and public awareness. Focus group discussions with young people have identified their awareness and interest in public administration processes as well as their civic participation. The research study found that the state administration has created a variety of platforms for the involvement of NGOs in decision-making processes and an increase in the participation of NGOs. By choosing young people as one of the social groups of society, it can be concluded that information about public participation does not reach the general public, thus it has little effect on the formation of the general public's awareness and the level of participation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 118-125 ◽  
Maria Tsekoura

Abstract This article presents current debates regarding the presence of young people in the public domain. There is a wealth of discussion and perplexity regarding how young people choose to get active in the public domain that originates from the distinct use of the term political in academic and policy debates. This article will proceed in the following way: it will summarise the main tenets of the Decline discourse, it will present how the Personalisation discourse draw our attention to alternative ways of involvement, it will discuss how Context focused discourses highlight how participatory decision making relates to the ways young people conceptualise their daily lived experience, and concludes arguing that youth participation can be better understood when it is contextualised within everyday lived experience.

Arturo Narváez Aguilera

El artículo sitúa la discusión en la legislación y las políticas hacia los adolescentes y jóvenes en México, con énfasis en la participación política y social. Se analizan aquí las tensiones entre las formas de mediación estatal, condensadas en el paradigma liberal y universalista de los derechos humanos y la pluralidad de experiencias juveniles en contextos multiculturales. En el primer enclave analítico, se problematiza el enfoque de sujetos de derechos a la luz de instrumentos internacionales en la materia, y, enseguida, se abordan los mecanismos estatales de participación de los jóvenes y su convergencia con la trama neoliberal.Palabras clave: Derechos, Juventud, Adolescencia, Subjetividad, Socialización, políticas, Legislación Policies and legal frameworks on adolescents and youth in Mexico: a sociological viewSummaryThe article places the discussion on legislation and policies towards adolescents and young people in Mexico, with emphasis on political and social participation. The tensions between the forms of state mediation, condensed in the liberal and universalist paradigm of human rights and the plurality of youth experiences in multicultural contexts are analyzed here. In the first analytical enclave, the approach of the rights of subjects is problematized in the light of international instruments in the field, and then, the state mechanisms for youth participation and their convergence with the neoliberal plot are addressed.Keywords: Rights, Youth, Adolescence, Subjectivity, Socialization, Policies, Legislation Politiques et cadres légaux sur adolescences et jeunesses au Mexique : un regard sociologiqueRésuméL’article situe la discussion dans la législation et les politiques envers les adolescents et jeunes au Mexique, en mettant l’emphase sur la participation politique et sociale. On y analyse les tensions parmi les formes de médiation de l’état, condensées dans le paradigme libéral et universaliste des droits humains et la pluralité des expériences juvéniles en contextes multiculturels. Dans la première enclave analytique, on problématise l’approche des sujets de droit à la lumière des instruments internationaux dans la matière, et ensuite, on aborde les mécanismes de l’état quant à la participation des jeunes et leur convergence avec la trame néolibérale.Mots clés: Droits, Jeunesse, Adolescence, Subjectivité, Socialisation, politiques, Législation

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