Openness as a feature of the cultural code of Russian architecture: from ancient Russia to the Russian avant-garde

A.Yu. Belov A.Yu. ◽  

The article describes the cultural feature of the national character of the Russian people - openness. The manifestation of this feature in Russian medieval architecture is considered, and the influence and development of this feature in the architecture of the Russian avant-garde is traced. The author reached conclusion about the continuity and development of openness in Russian medieval architecture and the architecture of the Russian avant-garde.

Svetlana N Vekovishcheva ◽  
Maria I Guseinova ◽  
Elena M Priorova ◽  
Elena P Savchenko

This article is dedicated to the analysis of a lexico-semantic transformation in translation of fiction. The aim of the paper is to identify frequently and less frequently used translation transformations that we treat as cross-language transformations. These transformations are based on selection of the lexical units in target language closed in sematic meaning to those used in source language. V.M. Shukshin’s texts are used as the linguistic material for the conducted research. The translations are prepared by R. Daglish, L. Michael and J. Givens. The study shows that the most difficult units for translation are those having specific meaning due to cultural factors. Cultural associations in V.M. Shukshin’s texts are based on territorial and ethnographic information. Items actively participate in formation of the cultural code. They can be considered as a marker of cultural feature of a text. Translators’ functions include the pragmatic adaptation of texts and different comments. The phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the translator does not always possess enough background knowledge (as far as dialectal words are concerned) or in other words associative links between the object and the name it identifies. The results of the research explain the necessity of a new approach in professional practice.

Neophilology ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (14) ◽  
pp. 11-17
Galina Anatolevna Bauder ◽  
Lyudmila Igorevna Polunina ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 60 ◽  
pp. 95-102
Olga E. Puchnina

The article focuses on the yet insufficiently explored side of Rozanov’s (1856–1919) work – his views on the art. Rozanov, as one of the brightest publicists and philosophers of his time, clearly saw the general trends in the development of not only social and political, but also of historical and cultural life. His commnts about the theatre, architecture, dance and painting are original and reflect not only his personal impressions, but also allow us to understand better the peculiarities of the national character of Russian people. Through the prism of his religious and philosophical views, Rozanov saw in the pictures of Repin, Nesterov, Malayvin, Ivanov and others the reflection of the historical and spiritual processes of the turning-point era of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

2021 ◽  
pp. 106-120
Е.В. Папилова

В статье излагаются правила образования формы императива русского глагола. Теорию предлагается закрепить практическими упражнениями на материале русских народных пословиц и поговорок, изобилующих формами императива. Этот выбор не случаен: пословицы и поговорки, являясь концентратом народной мудрости, отражая быт, традиции, национальный характер русского народа, являются прекрасным источником пополнения культурологических, страноведческих знаний иностранных учащихся, изучающих РКИ на продвинутом этапе. The article explains the rules of formation of Imperative Verbs in the Russian language. The theory is followed by some exercises which make use of Russian proverbs and sayings, which are replete with imperative forms. This choice is no accident: these proverbs and sayings, being the “concentrate” of folk wisdom, both reflecting and depicting everyday life, traditions and the national character of the Russian people, are an excellent source of culturological and regional knowledge for foreign students who are learning the Russian language at advanced level.

Michael Von Cannon

In 1914, Wyndham Lewis and Ezra Pound began the British avant-garde literary and visual arts movement known as Vorticism. In addition to Lewis and Pound, its members included writers and artists such as Richard Aldington, Lawrence Atkinson, William Roberts, Helen Saunders, Dorothy Shakespear, and Edward Wasworth. David Bomberg, Jacob Epstein, and Henri Gaudier-Brzeska were also associated with the group. Responding to Impressionism, Cubism, and Futurism, the passéism of the British national character, and the rise of World War I, Vorticists produced artwork that emphasized geometric shape, hardness, motion, and power. Pound, who coined the term "vorticism," referred to the "vortex" as "the point of maximum energy." By depicting abstract motion and acceleration, they saw themselves as reacting specifically to French Cubism’s reliance on the material world and the speed-fetishism of F.T. Marinetti and the Italian Futurists. Marinetti’s understanding of movement relied on actual machines—cars, airplanes, etc.—whereas other Futurists, such as Umberto Boccioni, sought to explore the interior and exterior sensation of speed by combining abstract and concrete detail. The Vorticist competition with the Futurists was also part of their nationalistic avant-garde campaign. In contrast to what they saw as a reactionary and outdated British literature, Vorticists stressed individuality, attentiveness, and aggression in order to champion a new, modern British nation. Lewis introduced many of these ideas in the short-lived but highly influential magazine, Blast. The Vorticist movement itself disbanded in the early years of World War I.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 149-155

V. V. Rozanov (1856-1919) and N. A. Berdyaev (1874-1948) were original Russian philosophers and publicists, despite the age difference, they were familiar both personally and with each other's works. Comments on each other's ideas are scattered through various works of philosophers, but there was also a brief period of active mutual polemics in journalism. Despite the contradictory assessment of mutual creativity and the specifics of each person's religious worldview, they addressed common themes. Russian thinkers pointed out the specific features of the Russian national character-the priority of the spiritual principle over the material, the compliance and sacrifice of the Russian person, a special attitude to social and political activity, but each of them interpreted this specificity in their own way. Rozanov and Berdyaev expressed similar opinions about the role and functions of state power in society, in their opinion, it should first of all protect people from arbitrariness and reduce the amount of evil in the world. Their political ideals were also close - as conservative philosophers, they preferred the monarchy. However, Rozanov and Berdyaev had different views on the tasks and goals facing the Russian people, and also had different opinions on the causes and consequences of the First World War for Russia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 96-105
Svetlana V. Suslova ◽  

The article is based on the materials of the Historical and Ethnografic Atlas of the Tatar People (volume “Folk Costume”) prepared at the Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences. In the pre-national period of the Tatar’s history there were many various local, ethno-confessional and other complexes of costume. Its formation was closely linked to the characteristic properties of the complex ethno-cultural history of the local groups of Tatars (the Kazan Tatars, the Mishar Tatars, and the Christian Tatars or Kryashens), as well as their religion (Islam, Christianity, Heathenism). In the late 19th – early 20th centuries, during the development of economic and cultural communications between Tatars of Russia’s separate regions, the common national Tatar costume was formed. City traditions of the Kazan Tatars have lie at the core of its formation. These traditions were distinguished by the style of a costume tendency to change – from archaic monumental national forms to more refined, corresponding to directions of the all-European fashion of that time. The “secondary folklore forms” characterize the present stage of transformation of the Tatar national costume as a whole – the aspiration of professionals to use national traditions in professional culture (graphic, arts and crafts arts, theatre, scenic folklore, modern modeling, museum expositions as a symbol of reconstruction of ethnic identity). Several trends present folk costume traditions in the modern festive culture of the Volga-Ural Tatars: the ethnographic (authentic) Tatar costume; the folkloristic (neo-folklore) variation of traditional costume; the so-called symbolical national sign the avant-garde costume. As the element of the ethnic culture, the national costume is the most important related to the individual. It represents a symbolical sign-category, an original social-cultural code and transmits the ethnic information from the past to the future.

2019 ◽  
pp. 176-185
Георгий Сергеевич Дмитриев

Статья посвящена празднованию 900-летия Крещения Руси. Инициированное Славянским благотворительным обществом празднование юбилейной даты крещения было принято под организационный контроль Святейшего Синода, а после майского указа императора Александра III в 1888 г. подготовка к празднику приняла общегосударственный характер. Дискуссии по поводу датировки крещения Руси (988-989, 990 гг.), развернувшиеся в научном сообществе (Духовные Академии, Киевский Университет и др.), не дали определённого результата: учёные не пришли к единому мнению о времени и месте Крещения Руси. Обер-прокурор К. П. Победоносцев предложил остановиться на дате 988 г., он же возглавил организацию и проведение юбилейных торжеств в Киеве. Масштабные праздники, посвящённые эпохальному событию (программа торжеств включала в себя: проведение Божественных Литургий, молебнов, крестных ходов, военных парадов, торжественных приёмов) прошли по всей империи, центрами торжеств стали Санкт-Петербург, Москва и Киев. На празднование юбилея прибыли многочисленные гости из-за рубежа, особенно из братских славянских стран (духовенство и миряне Сербии, Черногории, Болгарии). Участие в праздновании 900-летия Крещения Руси всех слоёв российского общества, от императорской семьи до крестьян, показало особую значимость Православия в жизни русского народа, приверженность многовековым духовным и культурным традициям, верность христианским ценностям. Праздник такого масштаба содействовал укреплению национального самосознания и народного благочестия. The report is dedicated to the celebration of the 900th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus'. Initiated by the Slavic Benevolent Society, the celebration of the anniversary date of Baptism was taken under the organizational control of the Holy Synod, and after the May Decree of Emperor Alexander III in 1888, preparations for the celebration took on a national character. Debates on the dating of the Baptism of Russia (988-989, 990), which broke out in the scientific community (ecclesiastical academies, Kiev University, etc.), did not yield a certain result: the scientists did not come to a consensus about the time and place of the Baptism of Rus'. Hierarch Procurator K. P. Pobedonostsev proposed to settle on the date 988; he also headed the organization and conduct of the anniversary celebrations in Kiev. Large-scale festivities dedicated to the epochal event (the programme of the festivities included: Divine Liturgies, prayers, processions, military parades, and solemn receptions) were held throughout the empire, with St. Petersburg, Moscow and Kiev becoming the centres of the festivities. Numerous guests arrived for the celebrations from abroad, especially from the brotherly Slavonic countries (clergy and laymen from Serbia, Montenegro and Bulgaria). The participation of all strata of Russian society, from the Imperial family to peasants, in the celebration of the 900th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia showed the particular importance of Orthodoxy in the life of the Russian people, their commitment to the centuries-long spiritual and cultural traditions and their loyalty to Christian values. A holiday of this scale helped to strengthen national self-consciousness and popular piety.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 290-300
Rita Giuliani

<p>This article analyzes the excellence, uniqueness and specific elements of Russian literature that make it valuable in the eyes of a Western reader, helping him or her to better understand Russia and enrich his or her spiritual dimension. There are many such elements, and while I cannot touch on all of them, I would like to remind the reader of the fact that Russian literature has always been that particular point where social, humanitarian, political and philosophical thought comes together. Russian literature also sheds light on the mindset of the Russian people (<em>narod</em>), offering a different perspective to a Western reader. In addition, Russian literature, with its cultural &lsquo;explosions&rsquo; (<em>vzryvy</em>) and the writers who embodied these explosions, greatly influenced European literature, inspiring entire generations of readers and writers. What turned out to be most unique in Russian literature was a perpetual attention to the great questions of human existence, the so-called &ldquo;damned questions&rdquo; (<em>proklyatye voprosy</em>). But Russian literature has an additional quality, starting from that moment when its hero became the human soul. It is precisely the soul, the protagonist of Russian literature, which unites Russian writers in a unique and inimitable community, and their readers and admirers&nbsp;&mdash; in a community moved and grateful. Ultimately, Dostoevsky&nbsp;&mdash; probably the most beloved Russian writer in the West&nbsp;&mdash; was right when he asserted in his well-known Pushkin speech, &ldquo;the capacity for universal compassion (<em>otzyvchivost&rsquo;</em>) is the most important quality of our national character&rdquo;.</p>

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