2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 178-182

This study aims to improve student learning outcomes using LKPD. The online learning process causes students to ignore the assigned tasks, lack mastery of science material and lose focus in learning. This classroom action research is designed in two cycles. Actions taken by observing during learning activities with indicators include: attendance level, activeness in answering teacher questions and collecting assignments on time. The scope of the material given in the first cycle is Measurement and in the second cycle is the Properties of the Solution. The subjects of this study were 35 students of Class VII D SMPN 248 Jakarta in the 2021/2022 academic year. The results of Classroom Action Research were obtained in two cycles, there has been an increase in learning activities seen from the increase in attendance reaching 100% in the second cycle from 77.14% in the first cycle. The activeness of students in answering questions increased from 8.6% in the first cycle to 28.57% in the second cycle. The increase in student activity in collecting assignments increased from 68.57% in the first cycle to 85.71% in the second cycle. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik menggunakan LKPD. Proses pembelajaran secara daring menyebabkan peserta didik abai terhadap tugas yang diberikan, kurang menguasai materi IPA dan kehilangan fokus dalam belajar. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dirancang dalam dua siklus. Tindakan yang dilakukan dengan melakukan observasi saat kegiatan belajar dengan indikator meliputi: tingkat kehadiran, keaktifan menjawab pertanyaan guru dan pengumpulan tugas tepat waktu. Cakupan materi yang diberikan pada siklus I adalah Pengukuran dan pada siklus II adalah Sifat Larutan. Subyek penelitian ini adalah Peserta Didik Kelas VII D SMPN 248 Jakarta tahun ajaran 2021/2022 sebanyak 35 orang. Hasil Penelitian Tindakan Kelas didapatkan dalam dua siklus, telah terjadi peningkatan aktivitas belajar dilihat dari peningkatan kehadiran mencapai 100% pada siklus ke II dari 77,14% di siklus I. Keaktifan peserta didik dalam menjawab pertanyaan meningkat dari 8,6% di siklus I menjadi 28,57% di siklus ke II.  Peningkatan keaktivan peserta didik dalam mengumpulkan tugas meningkat dari 68,57% di siklus I menjadi 85,71% di siklus II.

Noni Dyah Ardiani

<p><em>The purpose of this study was to improve student learning outcomes in science learning, especially material on plant parts and their functions. This research is a classroom action research (CAR) which is carried out in three learning cycles, each cycle consisting of 3 stages, namely planning, implementing, and reflecting. The subjects of this study were 20 grade students of SDN Tembarak for the 2020/2021 academic year. The data collection technique uses a test using the Googleform platform. Data analysis includes data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Research shows that the use of instructional video media can improve student learning outcomes in science learning, especially material parts of plants and their functions in grade IV SDN Tembarak for the 2020/2021 academic year as evidenced by the percentage of completeness of learning outcomes in cycle I 70% and in cycle II 90%. The conclusion from the results of this classroom action research is that there is an increase in student learning outcomes in the material parts of plants and their functions.</em><em></em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 246-252

This research is classroom action research (CAR) which aims to increase motivation and learning outcomes for the composition function material in class XI UPW1 SMKN 1 Bandung by using Zoom Cloud Meeting Media. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that: 1) The use of Zoom Meeting Media can increase the learning motivation of Class XI UPW1 Students on Composition Function Material at SMK Negeri 1 Bandung in the 2021/2022 academic year. It can be seen from the Observation Sheet in the form of a questionnaire given to students in the first cycle of 59% and the second cycle of 81% indicating that students are motivated in the learning process with increasing zoom media. 2) The use of Zoom Meeting Media can Improve Student Learning Outcomes of Class XI UPW1 on Composition Function Material at SMK Negeri 1 Bandung in the 2021/2022 Academic Year. There is an increase in each cycle with the percentage of classical completeness of each cycle, namely the first cycle of 60% and the second cycle of 86%. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) bertujuan untuk Peningkatan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Materi Fungsi Komposisi pada siswa kelas XI UPW1 SMKN 1 Bandung dengan menggunakan Media Zoom Cloud Meeting. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dapatlah disimpulkan bahwa: 1) Penggunaan Media Zoom Meeting dapat Meningkatkan Motivasi belajar Siswa Kelas XI UPW1 Pada Materi Fungsi Komposisi di SMK Negeri 1 Bandung Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022. Dapat terpantau dari Lembar Observasi berupa angket yang diberikan kepada siswa pada siklus I sebesar 59 % dan siklus II sebesar 81 % menunjukan bahwa siswa termotivasi dalam proses pembelajaran dengan media zoom meningkat. 2) Penggunaan Media Zoom Meeting dapat Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas XI UPW1 Pada Materi Fungsi Komposisi di SMK Negeri 1 Bandung Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022. Mengalami peningkatan pada setiap siklus dengan persentase ketuntasan secara klasikal masing- masing siklus yaitu siklus I sebesar 60 % dan siklus II sebesar 86 %.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Habibah Habibah

This Classroom Action Research discusses the use of the Drill method to improve student learning outcomes in Class IV on the subject of the Qur'an. His study was motivated by the low ability to memorize the Qur'an's Hadith students. This study is intended to answer the problem: (1) Whether the Drill method can improve student learning outcomes in the Al-Quran Hadith subject material Q.S. An-Nasr and Al-Kautsar class IV at MIN 8 Southwest Aceh 2018/2019 Academic Year ?. This type of research used in this study is Classroom Action Research with the nature of CAR carried out independently, which means researchers conduct CAR without collaboration with other teachers, but only involve 1 peer teacher to make observations during the teaching and learning process. Data collection methods used are documentation, observation and test methods. The study was conducted using 2 cycles with the steps of planning, implementing action, observation and reflection. To determine the effectiveness of the Drill method using descriptive analysis techniques. This study shows that learning the subject of the Qur'an in the Hadith Q. An-Nasr and Al-Kautsar by using the Drill method can improve student learning outcomes in MIN 8 Southwest Aceh. This can be seen from before the pre cycle, Cycle I and Cycle II an increase in student learning outcomes. the percentage of mastery learning from pre Cycle 41.66%, in Cycle I increased to 62.50% and in Cycle II increased to 83.33%. So there is no need to continue in the next cycle because the KKM and the percentage of completeness have been reached. This finding can be used as a material for consideration or input for schools in conducting school quality improvement with an improvement in student achievement. For the advice that I can convey is that the teacher in carrying out the learning of the Qur'anic Subjects of Hadith is expected to be able to use various learning methods that are tailored to the material being taught, so as to create a pleasant learning atmosphere that can ultimately improve student learning outcomes. Then students in order to have confidence so that they do not feel afraid to memorize in front of the teacher. In essence, the Drill method can improve student learning outcomes in the subject of the Qur'an Hadith material Q. An-Nasr and Al-Kautsar class IV MIN 8 Aceh Barat Daya 2018/2019 Academic Year.

el-Tarbawi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-46
I'ing Hildah ◽  

This study aims to determine the increase in learning outcomes of ablution material after using the demonstration method. This research is a classroom action research conducted on second grade students at SD Negeri Hargowilis. The subjects of this study were second grade students at SD Negeri Hargowilis, Kokap, Kulon Progo semester 1 of the 2018/2019 academic year. This research was conducted in two cycles, with each cycle consisting of action planning, action implementation, observation, andreflection. The results showed that the implementation of learning ablution material using the demonstration method could improve student learning outcomes in class II SD Negeri Hargowilis, Kokap, Kulon Progo. The increase in learning outcomes is indicated by an increase in learning activities by 15.2% and the number of students who achieve learning completeness as much as 90%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Habibah Habibah

This Classroom Action Research discusses the use of the Drill method to improve class IV student learning outcomes in the Hadith Qur'an subjects. His study was motivated by the low ability to memo-rize the Qur'an's Hadith students. This study is intended to answer the problem: (1) Whether the Drill method can improve student learning outcomes in the Al-Quran Hadith subject material Q.S. An-Nasr and Al-Kautsar class IV at MIN 8 Southwest Aceh 2018/2019 Academic Year ?. This type of research used in this study is Classroom Action Research with the nature of CAR carried out independently, which means researchers conduct CAR without collaboration with other teachers, but only involve 1 peer teacher to make observations during the teaching and learning process. Data collection methods used are documentation, observation and test methods. The study was conducted using 2 cycles with the steps of planning, implementing action, observation and reflection. To determine the effectiveness of the Drill method using descriptive analysis techniques. This study shows that learning the subject of the Qur'an in the Hadith Q.S. An-Nasr and Al-Kautsar by using the Drill method can improve student learn-ing outcomes in MIN 8 Southwest Aceh. This can be seen from before the pre cycle, Cycle I and Cycle II an increase in student learning outcomes. the percentage of mastery learning from pre Cycle 41.66%, in Cycle I increased to 62.50% and in Cycle II increased to 83.33%. So there is no need to continue in the next cycle because the KKM and the percentage of completeness have been reached. These findings can be used as material for consideration or input for the school in conducting school quality improve-ment with the improvement of student achievement. For the advice I can convey is that the teacher in carrying out the learning of the Qur'anic Subjects of Hadith is expected to be able to use various learning methods that are tailored to the material being taught, so as to create a pleasant learning atmosphere that can ultimately improve student learning outcomes. Then students should have confidence so that they do not feel afraid to memorize in front of the teacher. In essence, the Drill method can improve student learning outcomes in the subject of the Qur'an Hadith material Q.S. An-Nasr and Al-Kautsar class IV MIN 8 Aceh Barat Daya 2018/2019 Academic Year.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-63
Lilis Suharty

This study aims to find out how to improve learning outcomes Mathematics students class III SD Negeri 028226 can be increased by using learning model quantum teaching. This study is a classroom action research. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach to the type of classroom action research. The subject of this research is the third grade students of SD Negeri 028226 Binjai with the number of respondents 25 students. Data from this study were collected through test results and observation results. Based on the results of the action obtained 87.5% who have completed learning. Thus in accordance with the established criteria that the model of quantum teaching can improve student learning outcomes in the Material rectangle students class III academic year 2016/2017

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Harsiti Harsiti

This research is an effort to improve student learning outcomes in the material properties of light in science subjects through the Kinesthetic Virtual Auditory learning model (VAK). Classroom action research was carried out on fifth grade students of SD Negeri Rembes 02, Bringin District, Semarang Regency, 2016/2017 academic year. This research was motivated by the learning outcomes of many students who were still below the KKM in science lessons, of the 24 students who scored the Minimum Completeness Criteria were 10 students or 41.67%. The improvement of learning outcomes can be seen from the results of classroom action research in cycles I and II. In the first cycle students who completed with the minimum completeness criteria were 16 students or 66.67%. In cycle II students who completed with KKM 70 were 21 students or 87.5%, an increase of 20.83% from cycle I. While the student activity process also increased, where in cycle I only reached 67% or 16 students reached classical ketutansan. But in cycle II there was a very significant increase reaching 92% or 22 students played an active role in participating in the learning process.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 397
Komariah Komariah

The purpose of this Classroom Action Research is to improve student learning outcomes in Tata Boga subjects for students of class X Even Semester of State Vocational School 30 Jakarta 2014/2015 Academic Year Jakarta. This research was conducted in August 2014 where the research subjects were students of class X Even Semester of State Vocational School 30 Jakarta 2014/2015 Academic Year. This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of 2 meetings which consist of planning, action, observation, evaluation, and reflection. Data on student learning outcomes are collected through tests. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results of this study are in the first cycle, with an average value reaching 78.28 while in the second cycle the average value is 82.94. Based on the findings from the results of this Classroom Action Research, it can be concluded that optimizing the use of food practice facilities as a learning laboratory is proven to improve student learning outcomes for Tata Hidang subjects with Tata Basic Lover material, for students of class X Even Vocational Semester Negeri 30 Jakarta in Academic Year 2014/2015.

Jurnal Socius ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Huriyah Huriyah

The purpose of this study to determine how to improve student learning outcomes geography lesson material hydrosphere dynamics geography lesson through a thematic approach models in class X 2 SMA PGRI 1 Banjarmasin Banjarmasin. Research conducted using the method of classroom action research with qualitative approach. The results showed that an increase in the learning activities of students after using the model of a thematic approach in cycle 1 and cycle 2, namely in cycle 1 gained 62.5% and the cycle 2 gained 95.8%. Classroom action research conducted in class X 2 SMA PGRI 1 Banjarmasin with a thematic approach model can improve student learning outcomes in hydrosphere dynamics of matter.Key Words: achievement, geography, hydro spherical dynamics, thematic model Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pelajaran geografi materi dinamika hidrosfer pelajaran geografi melalui model pendekatan tematik di kelas X 2 SMA PGRI 1 Banjarmasin Kota Banjarmasin. Penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan kelas dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pada aktivitas belajar siswa setelah menggunakan model pendekatan tematik pada siklus 1 dan siklus 2 yaitu pada siklus 1 memperoleh 62,5% dan pada siklus 2 memperoleh 95,8%. Penelitian tindakan kelas dilakukan di kelas X 2 SMA PGRI 1 Banjarmasin dengan model pendekatan tematik dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi dinamika hidrosfer.Kata Kunci: Hasil Belajar, Geografi, Dinamika Hidrosfer, Model Tematik

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-144
Fatimah Ahmad ◽  
Diani Syahfitri ◽  
Tri Aulia

Efforts to improve student learning outcomes through a modified learning model guided by class VIII MTs. Private Nurul Iman Hinai District. The subjects of this study were students of class VIII MTs. Private Nurul Iman, Hinai District, totaled 30 people. This study uses the classroom action research method with 4 stages commonly used in classroom action research, namely planning, implementation, observation, reflection which are summarized in cycles and in this study carried out in cycle II. As for the results of teaching and learning activities in the initial observation there are still learning outcomes that have not been maximized. In the first cycle there were research results of students who achieved learning mastery individually as many as 19 students or 63%, while 11 students or 37% had not achieved learning mastery. While in the second cycle with the results of 100% students achieve complete learning individually and are able to express opinions in discussions and analyze the problems they face and are able to solve them well. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the use of guided modified learning models in the learning process can improve student learning outcomes for class VIII MTs. Private Nurul Iman Hinai District.

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