scholarly journals Tecnologias educativas no processo formativo: discurso dos acadêmicos de enfermagem

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 155
Marília Moreira Torres Gadelha ◽  
Isaura Carolina Brandão Bezerra ◽  
Jéssica Mayara Almeida Silva ◽  
Mayara Evangelista de Andrade ◽  
Marcelo Costa Fernandes ◽  

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the discourses of nursing students about educational technologies in the teaching-learning process. Method: this is a qualitative, descriptive study. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews with 16 nursing students, from November 2016 to January 2017. The statements were analyzed through Discourse Analysis, presenting them by means of a you speak Results: educational technologies were perceived as innovative method in teaching, having the most preponderant element related to ludic practices, a situation in which games were the most relevant examples to stimulate the student's learning. It is promoted, through the application of educational games, through the teachers, a sensitizing environment, in which learning by playing reflects, in academics, innovative and challenging motivation to study. Conclusion: the use of educational technologies in academic formation to the initiative, as well as to the interaction between teachers, students and the university itself is linked. It is observed that the playful is a way to construct the learning, in an interactive and sensitive way, favoring the critical formation of the nurse. Descritores: Health Education; Educational Technology; Students, Nursing; Nursing; Models, Educational; Play Therapy. RESUMOObjetivo: analisar os discursos dos acadêmicos de Enfermagem sobre as tecnologias educativas no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Método: trata-se um estudo qualitativo, descritivo. Coletaram-se os dados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, com 16 acadêmicos de Enfermagem, no período de novembro de 2016 a janeiro de 2017. Analisaram-se os depoimentos por meio da Análise de Discurso, apresentando-os por meio de recorte dos registros das falas. Resultados: perceberam-se as tecnologias educativas enquanto método inovador no ensino, tendo o elemento mais preponderante relacionado às práticas lúdicas, situação esta em que os jogos foram os exemplos mais relevantes para estimular o aprendizado do discente. Promove-se, pela aplicação dos jogos educativos, por meio dos docentes, ambiente sensibilizador, no qual o aprender brincando reflete, nos acadêmicos, motivação inovadora e desafiadora de estudar. Conclusão: atrela-se o uso das tecnologias educativas na formação acadêmica à inciativa, bem como à interação entre docentes, discentes e à própria universidade. Observa-se que o lúdico é um caminho para construir o aprendizado, de maneira interativa e sensível, favorecendo a formação crítica do enfermeiro. Descritores: Educação em Saúde; Tecnologia Educacional; Estudantes de Enfermagem; Enfermagem; Modelos Educacionais; Ludoterapia. RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar los discursos de los académicos de Enfermería sobre las tecnologías educativas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Método: se trata de un estudio cualitativo, descriptivo. Se recogen los datos por medio de entrevistas semiestructuradas, con 16 académicos de Enfermería, en el período de noviembre de 2016 a enero de 2017. Se analizaron los testimonios por medio del Análisis de Discurso, presentándolos por medio de recorte de los registros de las conversaciones. Resultados: se percibió las tecnologías educativas como método innovador en la enseñanza, teniendo el elemento más preponderante relacionado a las prácticas lúdicas, situación en que los juegos fueron los ejemplos más relevantes para estimular el aprendizaje del alumnado. Se promueve, por la aplicación de los juegos educativos, por medio de los docentes, ambiente sensibilizador, en el cual el aprender jugando refleja, en los académicos, motivación innovadora y desafiante de estudiar. Conclusión: se atreve el uso de las tecnologías educativas en la formación académica a la iniciativa, así como a la interacción entre docentes, discentes y la propia universidad. Se observa que el lúdico es un camino para construir el aprendizaje, de manera interactiva y sensible, favoreciendo la formación crítica del enfermero. Descritores: Educación en Salud; Tecnología Educacional; Estudiantes de Enfermería; Enfermería; Modelos Educacionales; Ludoterapia. 

2014 ◽  
Vol 22 (5) ◽  
pp. 731-738 ◽  
Isabel Silva de Jesus ◽  
Edite Lago da Silva Sena ◽  
Luana Machado Andrade

OBJECTIVE: to describe the perception of lecturers and undergraduate nursing students regarding the dialogic experience in the informal spaces and its relationship with training in health.METHOD: experiential descriptions were collected in the context of a public university in the non-metropolitan region of the state of Bahia, Brazil, using open interviews. These descriptions were analyzed according to the principles of the phenomenology of Maurice Merleau-Ponty.RESULTS: it was revealed that the informal spaces contribute significantly to the construction of knowledge and professional training strengthening teaching and promoting the re-signification of the subjects' experience.CONCLUSION: it is evidenced that the dialogic experience has relevancy for rethinking the teaching-learning process in the university, such that the informal spaces should be included and valued as producers of meanings for the personal and academic life of lecturers and students, with the ability to re-signify existence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 250-257
Sujarwo Sujarwo ◽  
Sukmawati Sukmawati ◽  
Asdar Asdar ◽  
Suharti Siradjuddin ◽  
Nina Ariani

Verbal interactions will occur when both the teacher/lecturer and learners could completely understand what each other means. It happens verbally among the teacher and learners during the teaching learning activity (Mardiana et al., 2019). This study was mainly conducted to examine the University students’ perception on verbal interaction through WhatsApp chat group. This study used qualitative descriptive method was used to achieve the objective of this study. Observation and a questionnaire were adopted as tools for data collection. A total number of samples was 14 English as a Foreign Language learners in university students. The analysis of the data revealed that university students’ perception on verbal interaction gave the positive feedback towards WhatsApp chat group. This proves that ordinarily learners selected agree with utilizing WhatsApp chat group in doing verbal interaction. Hence, utilizing of WhatsApp chat group can be recommended as an efficient technique in verbal interaction for teaching and learning process.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-20
Adriana López Cuevas ◽  
Juan Ruiz Xicoténcatl ◽  
María Concepción Mazo Sandoval ◽  
Dora Yaqueline Salazar Soto

ABSTRACTIn the university education is presenting the teaching generational change, the new professors are excellent professionals, but do not know how to teach, it is causing difficulties in the teaching-learning process. The objective was to determine the training needs of novice and experienced professors in the Degree General ´Practitioner in UAS. The methodology was qualitative, descriptive type and socioanthropological approach, in which the Likert survey, interview and observation were used. The results show that the training needs of both professors are in the dimension of teaching, research, time and teacher training.RESUMENEn el ambiente educativo superior se está presentando el relevo generacional docente, los nuevos profesores son excelentes profesionales, pero no saben cómo dar clases, ocasionando dificultades en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El objetivo, fue determinar las necesidades formativas de los docentes novatos y experimentados en la Licenciatura en Médico General en la UAS. La metodología fue cualitativa, tipo descriptiva y enfoque socioantropológico, en ella se empleó la encuesta tipo Likert, la entrevista y la observación. Los resultados muestran que las necesidades formativas de ambos profesores están en la dimensión de la docencia, la investigación, el tiempo y la formación docente.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (20) ◽  
pp. 75-94
أ.د. داود عبدالملك يحي الحدابي ◽  
د. عيسى صالح

The research aimed to identify the extent of practicing creative thinking skills among students of educational technology at the University of Ibb, Yemen in applying innovative educational technologies. To achieve the objectives of the study and answer its questions, the researchers used the descriptive method. The study population was educational technology students at the University of Ibb. The research sample involved (50) students of the second level in the Department of Educational Technology in the academic year 2018/ 2019. A scale of creative thinking and an open-ended questionnaire were used to assess creative thinking skills and identify the obstacles of creative thinking among students. The results showed a clear decline in the students' ability to practice creative thinking skills with a general average of (34.90) for group A students, and an average of (35.15) for group B students. The study revealed a number of obstacles of developing students' creative thinking. The study concluded with a set of recommendations and suggestions. Keywords: creative thinking skills, educational technology innovations, students of educational technology.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-35 ◽  
Leona Cilar ◽  
Nina Preložnik ◽  
Gregor Štiglic ◽  
Dominika Vrbnjak ◽  
Majda Pajnkihar

AbstractIntroduction. Nurses need to encourage patients to lead a healthy lifestyle, hence it is important that as nursing students they are already aware of the importance of physical activity. The purpose of the study was to investigate the physical activities of nursing students.Aim. The aim of the study was to find out in what state physical activity of nursing students is and to find out what are their main reasons for lack of physical activity.Material and methods. We conducted a cross-sectional observational study using a mixed methods design. The quantitative data was collected using the survey method with a convenience sample of 123 students and used descriptive and inferential statistics for the analysis. For the qualitative data we used a Grounded Theory Method with semi-structured interviews on purposive samples of four students.Results and conclusions. In the quantitative part of this study we found a significantly higher proportion of outdoor physical activity in comparison to indoor physical activity (p < 0.001). The qualitative part contains the main categories of physical activity implementation, as well as three sub-categories: attitude to physical activity, barriers and incentives. Nursing students do not do physical activities regularly due to lack of time, obligations at the university, time of the year and finances.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 3951126
Ana Luiza Salgado Cunha ◽  
Aida Victoria Garcia Montrone ◽  
Glauber Barros Alves Costa

This article aims to describe and understand extension experiences and their (dis) encounters with Popular Education in a public University, from the perspective of extension project coordinators. It consisted of a qualitative-descriptive research, in which we used documentary and bibliographic review and semi-structured interviews. We dialogue with coordinators (s) in the form of interviews, analyzed by Content Analysis. One of the most significant results obtained was the fact that experience in University Extension can promote formative spaces at the University. Still, the results indicate a complexity of definitions of Extension, result of the historical-social process and; indicate Popular Education as educational praxis that legitimizes people's knowledge. It was possible to apprehend educational processes consolidated in extensionist praxis, such as the search for other conceptions of the world, of knowing and living, as well as the resistance within dominant university logic, problematizing what the University is for.ResumoEste artigo objetiva descrever e compreender experiências extensionistas e seus (des)encontros com a Educação Popular numa Universidade pública, sob a ótica de coordenadoras(es) de projetos extensionistas. Constituiu-se de uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo-descritivo, para a qual utilizamos revisão documental e bibliográfica e entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Dialogamos com coordenadoras(es) por meio de entrevistas analisadas pela Análise de Conteúdo.  Um dos mais expressivos resultados obtidos foi a constatação de que experiência na Extensão Universitária pode promover espaços formativos na Universidade.  Ainda, os resultados apontam uma complexidade de definições de Extensão, resultado do processo histórico-social e indicam a Educação Popular como práxis educativa que legitima saberes do povo. Foi possível apreender processos educativos consolidados nas práxis extensionistas, como a busca por outras concepções de mundo, de saber e de viver, bem como a resistência dentro de uma lógica universitária dominante, problematizando para que(m) serve a Universidade.Palavras-chave: Processos educativos, Extensão universitária, Educação popular.Keywords: Educational processes, University extension, Popular education.ReferencesARAÚJO-OLIVERA, S. S.. Exterioridade. O outro como critério. In: OLIVEIRA, M. W.; SOUSA, F. R. (orgs.). 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2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Jennifer Oates ◽  
Timothy Worth ◽  
Sam Coster

Purpose This study aims to explore how student nurses conceptualise their well-being and their views on how to improve student nurses’ well-being. Design/methodology/approach Qualitative inquiry using semi-structured interviews with 17 final year students. Tran-scripts were thematically analysed using Braun and Clark’s six-phase approach. Findings Three themes were identified as follows: “student nurses” “experience of the university”, “the meaning of student nurse well-being” and “how the faculty could improve student well-being”. The findings are interpreted with reference to notions of social capital and a sense of belonging. Practical implications University nursing programmes should embed approaches to student well-being. Higher education institutions should ensure that their social and pastoral offer is accessible and relevant to nursing students. Originality/value The study offers unique insight into student nurses’ self-concept as “university students” in the context of their well-being.

2014 ◽  
Vol 48 (spe2) ◽  
pp. 171-177
Otília Zangão ◽  
Mendes Felismina

The aim of this study was to assess the teaching-learning process related to patient privacy during the care process and the way nursing students’ protect patient privacy. Descriptive/correlational study using a qualitative approach and nonprobability sampling of 19 nurse educators from two schools of nursing. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was undertaken using the SPSS version 20 and Alceste 2010 programs. The study complied with ethical standards. Two classes were assigned (protection of patient privacy and care process) with four subcategories (protection, empathy, relational competencies and technoscientific competencies).The findings show the need to adopt a reflective approach to the teaching-learning process by using experiential learning activities and real-life activities. We believe that intimacy and the protection of privacy should be core themes of nurse education and training.

2022 ◽  
pp. 084456212110734
A. Arnaert ◽  
M. Di Feo ◽  
M. Wagner ◽  
G. Primeau ◽  
T. Aubé ◽  

Background: Online educational programs for nurse preceptors have been created based on various theoretical frameworks; however, no programs using a Strengths-Based Nursing (SBN) approach could be located. Purpose: This qualitative descriptive study explored the nurse preceptors’ experiences in using a SBN approach to provide clinical teaching to nursing students after completing an online SBN clinical teaching course. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six nurses. Data was thematically analyzed. Findings: Although their levels of familiarity with SBN varied, all preceptors acknowledged that using a SBN approach in clinical teaching benefits both students and educators. They reported that it empowered students and that it allowed them to discover their strengths. Getting to know their students helped the preceptors provide tailored learning experiences and feedback. Using the SBN approach simultaneously enhanced the preceptors’ self-confidence and created opportunities for shared learning. Conclusion: Using a strengths’ approach offers nurse preceptors a powerful tool to facilitate student learning and skills development in clinical practice.

Medwave ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (06) ◽  
pp. e8218-e8218
Jessica Godoy-Pozo ◽  
Daniela Bustamante ◽  
Tania Valenzuela ◽  
Jesús Sánchez Güenul ◽  
Mónica Illesca-Pretty ◽  

Introduction The learning process demands appropriate and effective strategies. Furthermore, the service-learning methodology implies significant challenges for both the student and the teacher-tutor. Objective To reveal the experience of community-based teacher-tutors work with nursing students from the Austral University of Chile, using the service-learning methodology. Method Descriptive and exploratory qualitative research through an intrinsic case study. Non-probabilistic and intentional sample of cases by criteria and convenience. Five teachers from the Austral University of Chile Nursing Institute hired by the university were interviewed. They fulfilled the role of teacher-tutor after signing the informed consent. The information was obtained through semi-structured interviews, and the analysis was carried out through the data reduction methodology, which considers the analysis of results at three levels. The Scientific Ethics Committee of the Austral University of Chile School of Medicine approved the study. Results At level 1: One hundred and seven (107) units of meaning were identified, grouped into five descriptive categories. At level 2, three meta-categories were formed: "opinion of the tutor-teachers on working with the service-learning methodology", "factors that influence working with the service-learning methodology" and "generic competencies developed with the service-learning methodology. Finally, at level 3, two qualitative domains were identified: "Teacher-tutors appreciation for the development of the service-learning methodology" and "Contributions of the service-learning methodology for developing generic competencies". Conclusions The efficient implementation of the methodology requires training and motivation of tutors, teachers, students and community partners.

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