scholarly journals O pensamento geográfico e as aproximações com o humanismo: mundo e lugar nas letras das canções de Chico Buarque

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 95
Carolina Machado Rocha Busch Pereira

ResumoAs letras das canções de Chico Buarque são portadoras de sentidos, revelam o mundo e possuem potência geográfica para dialogar com o mundo, o lugar e o cotidiano a partir das relações que emolduram a vida. Este ensaio tem o objetivo de refletir sobre a potência das letras das canções de Chico Buarque pela perspectiva geográfica humanista. O lugar tem um sentido e constitui parte essencial da existência humana. Consequentemente, a experiência no mundo-lugar está ligada à forma como se percebe o mundo a partir do espaço-tempo-sentido. Desta forma o ensaio apresenta as geografias reveladas pela letra das canções, a partir do tripé espaço-tempo-sentido, que desvenda o lugar do sujeito, a existência e as possibilidades. As letras das canções de Chico Buarque dialogam com o lugar enquanto elo do mundo, expressão das relações, aproximações com o mundo a partir do espaço-tempo-sentido. As geografias de mundo reveladas nas letras das canções de Chico Buarque apresentam as relações vividas em referências espaciais e temporais.Palavras-chave: Geografia Cultural, Fenomenologia, Música. AbstractChico Buarque’s lyrics convey meanings and bring the world to light. They also have geographical strength to dialogue with the world, places and everyday life, starting from the relations that make up life. The aim of this essay is to reflect on the strength of Chico Buarque’s song lyrics from a humanistic geographical perspective. The place has a meaning and constitutes an essential part of human existence. Consequently, the experience in the place-world depends on the way by which the individual perceives the world from the space-time-sense. In this way the .the essay proposes the geographies shown in the song lyrics from the tripod space-time-sense. Chico Buarque’s song lyrics dialogue with the place as world link, expression of relationships, approaches to the world from the space-time-sense. The world geographies revealed in the lyrics of Chico Buarque songs show relationships lived in spatial and temporal references.Key-words: Cultural Geography, Phenomenology, Music. RésuméLes paroles des chansons Chico Buarque sont porteurs de significations, révéler le monde et ont le pouvoir géographique pour le dialogue avec le monde, le lieu et la vie quotidienne des relations que la vie de cadre. Cet essai vise à réfléchir sur la puissance des paroles de chansons de Chico Buarque point de vue géographique humaniste. L'endroit a un sens et une partie essentielle de l'existence humaine. Par conséquent, l'expérience dans le monde place est liée à la façon dont ils perçoivent le monde à partir de l'espace-temps-sens. De cette façon, le test montre géographiques révélés par la lettre des chansons du trépied espace-temps-sens, qui révèle la place du sujet, l'existence et les possibilités. Les paroles de chanson de Chico Buarque dialogue avec l'endroit comme lien de monde, l'expression de relations, les approches dans le monde de l'espace-temps-sens. Les géographies du monde révélés dans les paroles des chansons Chico Buarque montrent relations vivaient dans les références spatiales et temporelles.Mots-clés: Géographie Culturelle, la Phénoménologie, Musique. 

2005 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-95 ◽  
Christopher P. Klofft

[In the writings of Orthodox theologian Paul Evdokimov (1901–1970), Western theology can find new resources regarding the relationship between gender and moral development. The author presents Evdokimov's unique theological anthropology in the context of both the complicated question of gender, as well as the effects that gender has on the way women and men act. While the goal of the Christian life for both is the transformation of the individual through asceticism, the role each plays in the salvation of the world differs markedly.]

Adeptus ◽  
2015 ◽  
pp. 53-63
Monika Bogdzevič

The concept of wisdom in Polish and Lithuanian paremiologyIn this paper, an attempt has been made to present the semantic and axiological substance of wisdom hidden in the consciousnesses of two different, namely Polish and Lithuanian, linguistic-cultural communities. The analysis belongs to a branch of linguistics, interpreting language in terms of concepts, viewing it as a source of knowledge about people themselves, different communities, their mentality, ways of perception and interpretations of the way the world is. As a model to present the most thorough understanding of wisdom, the method of cognitive definition proposed by Jerzy Bartmiński is applied. Linguistic-cultural images of wise [person], understood as the concretizations of wisdom have to reveal him/her in opposition to stupid. The cognitive picture of wise is for the most part based on the analysis of features of character and appearance, portrayed behavior, interpersonal relations and the way others have as a perception of wise. Many cognitive parameters of wisdom are revealed while exploring the interactions between people and that of nature (plants, animals) which surrounds them and investigating deeper interpersonal relations with other people. The material for research was taken from Polish and Lithuanian proverbs. The latter occur as a result of world perception, everyday life observation, confrontations with its phenomenon. The proverbs are taken from compendiums of Polish and Lithuanian proverbs: Nowa księga przysłów i wyrażeń przysłowiowych (The New Book of Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases) by Julian Krzyżanowski and Lietuvių patarlės (Lithuanian Proverbs), Patarlių paralelės (Parallels of Proverbs) by Kazys Grigas. Given as cognitive definitions the cultural visions of wise, despite all the emphasized differences, enable us to perceive many evaluations of wise similar or even common to Polish and Lithuanian cultures. Próba kognitywnego ujęcia mądrości (na materiale przysłów polskich i litewskich)Zamierzeniem artykułu jest próba przedstawienia semantycznej i aksjologicznej treści pojęcia mądrości tkwiącej w świadomości dwóch odrębnych wspólnot językowo-kulturowych – polskiej i litewskiej. Przeprowadzona analiza mieści się w nurcie badań językoznawczych, traktujących język jako źródło wiedzy o człowieku, jego mentalności i systemie wartości, sposobie postrzegania i interpretacji świata. Narzędziem opisu jest zaproponowana przez Jerzego Bartmińskiego metoda definicji kognitywnej. Językowo-kulturowe obrazy człowieka mądrego, stanowiąceukonkretnioną wizję abstrakcyjnego pojęcia mądrości, przedstawiają go w opozycji do człowieka głupiego. Obraz człowieka mądrego obejmuje cechy jego charakteru oraz wyglądu, mechanizmów zachowań, charakterystycznych miejsc przebywania oraz uwidacznia związek z zajmowaną przez niego pozycją społeczną. Wiele parametrów kognitywnych mądrości ujawnia się w trakcie analizy różnorodnych relacji człowieka z otaczającą go przyrodą (roślinami, zwierzętami) oraz wynika z bardziej skomplikowanych układów – ze stosunków z innymi ludźmi. Materiał analityczny stanowiły paremia polskie i litewskie, traktowane jako rezultat poznawania świata, obserwacji życia codziennego, zderzenia z różnymi jego zjawiskami. W badaniach wykorzystane zostały kompendia przysłów polskich i litewskich: Nowa księga przysłów i wyrażeń przysłowiowych pod red. Juliana Krzyżanowskiego oraz Lietuvių patarlės (Przysłowia litewskie), Patarlių paralelės (Paralele przysłów) pod red. Kazysa Grigasa. Ujęte w strukturę definicji kognitywnych kulturowe wizje człowieka mądrego, mimo istniejących różnic, pozwalają wyodrębnić sporo wartościowań podobnych albo nawet wspólnych, charakterystycznych dla kultur polskiej i litewskiej.

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-40
A Vafeev Ravil ◽  
V Filimonova Natalia

The article is an analysis of the characteristics and constraints to the integration of the Yugra state university into the world educational space on the way to formation of the national model of multilevel continuous education that meets the needs of the individual and society. The article considers the main directions of the interuniversity educational cooperation and describes the possibility of introducing a system of motivational measures for their full and meaningful implementation.

2022 ◽  
Kidder Smith

In the thirteenth century Dogen brought Zen to Japan. His tradition flourishes there still today and now has taken root across the world. Abruptly Dogen presents some of his pith writings—startling, shifting, funny, spilling out in every direction. They come from all seventy-five chapters of his masterwork, the Eye of Real Dharma (Shōbōgenzō 正法眼藏), and roam through mountains, magic, everyday life, meditation, the nature of mind, and how the Buddha is always speaking from inside our heads. An excerpt from chapter 1, “A Case of Here We Are”: Human wisdom is like a moon roosting in water. No stain on the moon, nor does the water rip. However wide and grand the light, it still finds lodging in a puddle. The full moon, the spilling sky, all roosting in a single dewdrop on a single blade of grass. A man of wisdom is uncut, the way a moon doesn’t pierce water. Wisdom in a man is unobstructed, the way the sky’s full moon is unobstructed in a dewdrop. No doubt about it, the drop’s as deep as the moon is high. How long does this go on? How deep is the water, how high the moon?

Seung-Hyun Lee

From being a simple communication technology to a key social tool, the mobile phone has become such an important aspect of people's everyday life. Mobile phones have altered the way people live, communicate, interact, and connect with others. Mobile phones are also transforming how people access and use information and media. Given the rapid pervasiveness of mobile phones in society across the world, it is important to explore how mobile phones have affected the way people communicate and interact with others, access the information, and use media, and their daily lifestyle. This article aims to explore the social and cultural implications that have come with the ubiquity, unprecedented connectivity, and advances of mobile phones. This article also focuses on the discussion about people's dependence on, attachment and addiction to mobile phones, social problems that mobile phones generate, and how people value mobile phone use.

Alison Roberts Miculan

One of the most pervasive problems in theoretical ethics has been the attempt to reconcile the good for the individual with the good for all. It is a problem which appears in contemporary discussions (like those initiated by Alasdair MacIntyre in After Virtue) as a debate between emotivism and rationalism, and in more traditional debates between relativism and absolutism. I believe that a vital cause of this difficulty arises from a failure to ground ethics in metaphysics. It is crucial, it seems to me, to begin with "the way the world is" before we begin to speculate about the way it ought to be. And, the most significant "way the world is" for ethics is that it is individuals in community. This paper attempts to develop an ethical theory based solidly on Whitehead’s metaphysics, and to address precisely the problem of the relation between the good for the individual and the common good, in such a way as to be sympathetic to both.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-73
Fumihiko Sueki ◽  
Anton Luis Sevilla

AbstractToday, the modern value systems that once held sway have fallen apart, and people throughout the world are wandering in an aimless state. Amidst this, we are pressed to ask, “What kind of a new ethics might we construct?” We need to consider the possibility of an ethics that focuses on the religious view of humankind (previously ignored by modernity), that goes beyond this life, and includes the next life. In this article, I examine the way of being of bodhisattvas in Mahāyāna Buddhism via the Lotus Sutra. According to the Lotus Sutra, human existence is one that necessarily relates with the other, and this relationship is not confined to this life, but continues from past lives to future lives. Here, I refer to this as “bodhisattva as existence.” On this basis, it is possible to think of an ethics of “bodhisattva as praxis” that considers the benefit of others even after death. This view of bodhisattvas in the Lotus Sutra lives on in Japanese Buddhism and can be said to point to a new possibility for ethics today.

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (6) ◽  
pp. 646-660 ◽  
Mike Michael

This article considers the sociological role of activities that seem to make no sense: what can be learnt from episodes ‘unhinged’ from the routines of everyday life? In particular, stressing a processual framework for the study of everyday life, these unhinged episodes are regarded as useful for accessing its virtuality. The paper draws on literatures on everyday life, the object and the event in order, firstly to contrast critique to speculation, and secondly to sketch out what a speculative method for the study of everyday life might look like. Along the way, a number of concepts are developed: including affordance (the combination of plan, body and object); idiocy (a positive responsiveness to that which makes no sense); and affect (an ‘exquisite sensitivity to the world’). This perspective is illustrated through a discussion of how everyday practical issues raised by the use of rolling or wheeled luggage might evoke new forms of sociality – a ‘technosociality’.

1989 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 229-241
Pascale-Anne Brault

You have turned the page, and thus have already opened a door.A door to the text.A text about doors.Or, to be more precise, about the recurrence of doors and their function in Sophocles and Racine.Our purpose in focusing on plays in which the door or gate has a significant role for the individual and his being-in-the-world is to delineate the passageway which leads the tragic character to a boundary situation and, from there, to a possible transgression of that situation. That which is on each side of the door, the spaces created by the thresholds, will thus help locate the place of the tragic event. This spatialization of the tragic event as the transgressing of a boundary situation is emphasized by the way in which both Sophocles and Racine determine the parameters of the action as it is structured within a specific space.

Olha Punina

In the present paper the scholar refers to the first part of her theoretical concept “psychotype – creator – image” and focuses on the peculiarities of Vasyl Stus’s character. This approach helps to defi ne the psychological type of the poet. Psychic ways of adaptation always leave a mark on the character of the individual. The coincidence between indirect observations of friends, acquaintances and psychological self-characteristics of the writer gives especially important information for the researcher. The analyzed materials include literary texts and different everyday life records that contain psychologically mediated observations and self-observations on the character of Vasyl Stus. These data allow identifying the specific psychological structure of personality based on many characteristics. The attributes ‘strong-willed’, ‘vulnerable’, ‘sensitive’, ‘quicktempered’, ‘uncompromising’, and ‘intellectual’ may be recognized as key features of this personality. The psychological exclusivity of Vasyl Stus is presented by the characteristics ‘self-suffi cient’, ‘intellectually deep man of strong will’, ‘inclined to expansive reaction and unsuited for compromise’. The scrupulous attention to the moral, volitional, emotional and intellectual components of Vasyl Stus’s character brings the researcher closer to determining the author’s model of the world order. The defined psychotype of the writer helps to understand the interdependence of the psychological nature of the author and his literary style

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