Teguh Prasetya ◽  
Muslih Faozanudin ◽  
Dyah Retna Puspita

Abstract: Implementation of minimum  service standards of basic education (SPM Dikdas) policy of junior high school level in Purbalingga has ups and downs in its development, sometimes up sometimes down, so it is interesting to examine how the implementation process is run. For that, the case study technique was taken in two junior high schools, they are SMP N 6 Satu Atap Rembang Purbalingga and SMP N 3 Purbalingga.The purpose of this research is to analyze the extent of the process of implementation SPM Dikdas policy in SMP N 6 Satu Atap Rembang Purbalingga and SMP N 3 Purbalingga. This research use is Qualitative Descriptive method with purposive sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that the implementation process of SPM Dikdas in SMP N 6 Satu Atap Rembang has not run well because it is still lack of manpower in the Administration Section in SMP N 6 one Roof Rembang while while in SMP N 3 Purbalingga has been run quite well run by the actors. The purpose of the SPM Dikdas Implementation Program is Sufficiently clear, but sometimes the objectives are not achieved maximally because the planned activities that are made still seem less bold because hampered by the tight rules and availability of funding sources. The development of MSS program in SMP level is quite good, but still less quickly because it is hindered by human resources that still do not meet the criteria of SPM Dikdas indicator. The other parties have participated well enough but there needs to be better coordination between the parties so that there is a better communication relationship to accelerate the process of program implementation and the uncontrollable factors experienced by the implementors are funding factors and natural factors which also includes the factors that greatly affect the process of implementation of SPM Dikdas.Keywords:  Policy of SPM Dikdas, Implementation Process  Abstrak: Implementasi Kebijakan Standar Pelayanan Minimal Pendidikan Dasar (SPM Dikdas) Tingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Kabupaten Purbalingga mengalami pasang surut dalam perkembangannya, kadang naik kadang turun, sehingga menarik untuk diteliti seperti apa proses implementasi dijalankan. Untuk itu diambil teknik studi kasus pada dua sekolah menengah pertama, yaitu SMP N 6 Satu Atap Rembang Purbalingga dan SMP N 3 Purbalingga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis sejauh mana proses iplementasi SPM Dikdas Tingkat SMP N 6 Satu Atap Rembang Purbalingga dan SMP N 3 Purbalingga.Metode penelitian yang penulis gunakan adalah metode Deskriptif Kualitatif dengan teknik pemilihan informan purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa proses implementasi SPM Dikdas di SMP N 6 Satu Atap Rembang  belum berjalan baik karena masih kekurangan tenaga pada Bagian Tata Usaha di SMP N 6 satu Atap Rembang sedangkan sedangkan pada SMP N 3 Purbalingga sudah berjalan cukup baik dijalankan oleh para aktor. Tujuan Program Implementasi SPM Dikdas Sudah Cukup Jelas, namun adakalanya tujuan tidak tercapai secara maksimal karena rencana kegiatan yang dibuat masih terkesan kurang berani karena terhambat oleh ketatnya aturan dan ketersediaan sumber dana.  Perkembangan program SPM Dikdas Tingkat SMP sudah cukup baik, namun masih kurang cepat karena terhalang oleh sumber daya manusia yang masih belum memenuhi kriteria indikator SPM Dikdas. Pihak-pihak lain sudah berpartisipasi cukup baik namun demikian perlu koordinasi yang lebih baik antar pihak-pihak tersebut sehingga terjadi hubungan komunikasi yang lebih baik untuk memprcepat proses implementasi program dan Faktor-faktor yang tak terkendali yang dialami oleh para implementor adalah faktor dana dan faktor alam yang juga termasuk faktor-faktor yang sangat mempengaruhi proses implentasi SPM Dikdas. Kata Kunci:  Kebijakan SPM Dikdas, Proses Implementasi

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 120
Cahyo Hasanudin

This research aims at: 1) describing the errors of writing in bahasa Indonesia in outdoor media in Bojonegoro, 2) describing the errors in using foreign elements, and 3) determining the suitability of the results of research with teaching materials of bahasa Indonesia at Junior High School. This research is qualitative descriptive with a sample of articles in outdoor media in Bojonegoro. The sampling technique used was purposive. Data collection techniques used were recording, observation, and note-taking. Data validation techniques used were triangulation and peer assessment. The data analysis technique was an interactive analysis which includes four components, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and verification. The conclusions of this study are as follows. First, the linguistic elements of language errors in outdoor media are related to the use of punctuations, especially a period (.), writing the preposition of “di”, the use of the word “pukul” and “jam”, and abbreviations. Secondly, the type of improper use of foreign terms is dominated by the use of the English and the Javanese. Both languages are used simultaneously on any word or Indonesian phrase. Third, the result of this research can be used as teaching materials of bahasa Indonesia at junior high school level, especially on the subject of spelling and foreign terms (borrowing).Keywords: language error, outdoor media, spelling, foreign terms, teaching materials

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-58
Yustinus Maksimilianus Dhey Nesi ◽  
Endang Purwaningsih ◽  

Conceptual understanding involves students' abilities in the aspects of translation, interpretation, and extrapolation. A way to increase conceptual understanding is to use excel-based modeling (EBM). However, the use of excel-based modeling (EBM) has not been applied in physics learning at the junior high school level. This study aims to test the effectiveness of project-based learning assisted by excel-based modeling to increase students' conceptual understanding of wave material. The sample of this study were students of class VIII-1 junior high school who were selected using the purposive sampling technique. This study used a one-group pretest-posttest design. Research data determine the effectiveness of using excel-based modeling using a pretest and posttest in the form of 7 identical essay questions. The data obtained were analyzed using a paired-sample T-test. After the treatment, data on the increase in the value of each indicator of concept understanding were obtained, namely 91.18 (translation), 86.65 (interpretation), and 83.09 (extrapolation). In the end, excel-based modeling is quite effective in improving students' understanding of concepts. Keywords: Conceptual Understanding, Excel-based Modelling, Project-based Learning

1970 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Oyoh O ◽  
Jenita Sidabutar

Kejadian dismenorea primer di Indonesia sekitar 54,89%, sisanya 45,11% dismenorea sekunder. Dismenorea primer  pada siswi SMP X dari 35 siswi 25 siswi mengalami disminor bila haid. Salah satu pengobatan dismenorea secara non-farmakologis yaitu hipnoterapi. Hipnoterapi merupakan salah satu cara yang mudah, cepat, efektif, dan efisien dalam menjangkau pikiran bawah sadar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh hipnoterapi terhadap dismenorea pada siswi SMP. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Pre Eksperimental dengan rancangan penelitian one group pre-test-post-test. Jumlah populasi yang didapat 117 orang dan jumlah sampel yang diambil 20 orang, dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data diperoleh secara langsung dari responden dengan menggunakan alat ukur Verbal Descriptor Scale (VDS). Analisis data melalui dua tahapan, yaitu univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan uji t-dependen. Hasil penelitian didapatkan nilai rata-rata skala dismenorea sebelum diberikan intervensi adalah 6,50 dan nilai rata-rata sesudah diberikan intervensi adalah 1,35, terdapat pengaruh hipnoterapi terhadap dismenorea (t=17,596, p-value= 0,001). Hipnoterapi dapat disarankan untuk diterapkan sebagai tindakan nonfarmakologis untuk mengatasi dismenorea.Kata kunci: Dismenorea primer, hipnoterapi, SMP.Effect of Hypnotherapy on Alleviating Primary Dysmenorrhea in Junior High School StudentsAbstractThe incidence of primary dysmenorrhea in Indonesia amounts to approximately 54.89%, while another 45.11% is secondary dysmenorrhea. 25 out of 35 female students at SMP Patriot Bangsa (Patriot Bangsa Junior High School) experience primary dysmenorrhea when menstruating. One of nonpharmacological treatments for dysmenorrhea is hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is an easy, fast, effective, and efficient way to treat dysmenorrhea by reaching the subconcious. This research aimed to identify the effect of hypnotherapy on dysmenorrhea in junior high school students. This research used a pre-experimental method with one group pretest- posttest design. The population of this research was 117 students and 20 students were chosen as sample with purposive sampling technique. Data were collected from respondents using Verbal Descriptor Scale (VDS) instrument. Data were analyzed in two steps, univariate and bivariate with t-dependent test. The results showed that the average value of dysmenorrhea before intervention is 6.5 and after intervention is 1.35. Hypnotherapy was found to have an effect on dysmenorrhea (t=17,596, p-value 0,001). It was suggested to the school that they should conduct nonpharmacological interventions such as hypnotherapy as treatment of dysmennorhea.Key words: Dysmenorrhea primer, hypnotherapy, SMP.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-140
Ahmad Jaelani ◽  
Agus Salim Mansur ◽  
Qiqi Yulianti Zaqiyah

This article deals with Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning technology innovation at the junior high school level. The focus of the problem studied is related to what is innovation, technology and how is PAI's learning technology innovation at junior high school level. The results showed that the form of PAI learning technology innovation at junior high school level included; educational innovation, technology, learning technology, development of learning technology, web-based learning (e-learning), as well as the internet as a source of learning with an approach to developing inquiry and discovery learning methods. The effectiveness of this learning technology innovation makes the subject matter more understood by students, because the material from teaching material is discovered and practiced by students themselves. While the response of students is very enthusiastic and positive. The weakness of this learning technology innovation is that there are obstacles in operating learning technology because not all students have a representative media in implementing technology-based learning (online).

1937 ◽  
Vol 120 (9) ◽  
pp. 224-225
Joseph A. Moore

How a lively Book Club improved the reading tastes of lads at Junior High School level.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
pp. 42-50
Ke Yan ◽  
Hui Deng ◽  
Zhouli Huang

The intersection of two lines was studied in grade 7, junior high school. This geometry material is very important, as the basic 3 dimensions that students will learn at the high school level. Exploring and persuading the two properties of vertical lines is the most difficult thing in teaching. Traditional teaching uses methods such as observation, drawing, measurement, and comparison to derive the properties of vertical lines, and expresses the properties of vertical lines in finer words, which easily create greater difficulty for students to understand. This research uses research and development methods, tries to use mathematical software to teach lines and angles and optimizes the basic concept of lines and angles. The results of this study provide specific references to the graphs and geometry of junior high school mathematics.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-226
Fira Amanta ◽  
Indra Gunawan ◽  
Wan Jamaluddin

Abstract: This study aims to produce products through the development of Frezi-based physics learning media on business materials and energy at the VIII grade of junior high school level, knowing the feasibility of the media according to the validators and knowing the responses of students to the media. This research is R & D research. The types of data produced are quantitative and qualitative data which are analyzed by the guideline of assessment criteria to determine product feasibility. This study resulted in Frezi-based learning media products on business materials and energy at the junior high school class VIII the final product produced had shown to be very feasible with an average score of material expert assessment 81%, media experts with an average score of 80%. learning media obtained in small group trials are very good with an average score of 87%. In the field trials obtained very good criteria with an average score of 88.33%. This frezi-based physics learning media has been qualified to use as a learning mediaAbstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk melalui pengembangan media pembelajaran fisika berbasis Frezi pada materi usaha dan energi tingkat SMP kelasVIII, mengetahui kelayakan media menurut para validator dan mengetahui respon peserta didik terhadap media. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitianR&D. Jenis data yang dihasilkan adalah data kuantitatif dan kualitatif yang dianalisis dengan pedoman kriteria penilain untuk menentukan kelayakan produk. Penelitian ini menghasilkan produk media pembelajaran berbasis Frezi pada materi usaha dan energi tingkat SMP kelas VIII produk akhir yang dihasilkan telah menunjukan sangat layak dengan skor rata-rata dari penilaian ahli materi 81%, ahli media dengan skor rata-rata 80% Respon peserta didik terhadap media pembelajaran yang diperoleh pada uji coba kelompok kecil yaitu sangat baik dengan skor rata-rata 87%. Pada uji coba lapangan diperoleh kriteria sangat baik dengan skor rata-rata sebesar 88,33%. Media pembelajaran fisika berbasis Frezi ini sudah terkualifikasi digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran.

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