
Este trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de néctar misto de cenoura e laranja, adicionado de frutoligossacarídeo e pectina cítrica. A influência da adição desses ingredientes funcionais foi avaliada mediante planejamento fatorial completo de suas características físico-químicas e aceitação sensorial. A adição de frutoligossacarídeo em interação com a adição de pectina aumentou o teor de sólidos solúveis e a viscosidade da bebida. O frutoligossacarídeo não acarretou efeito negativo na aceitação sensorial da bebida, mesmo em concentração elevada (15%). A adição de pectina cítrica como fibra solúvel em concentração acima de 1% provocou aumento no pH da bebida e as formulações com essas concentrações não alcançaram boa aceitação pelos julgadores na avaliação sensorial. PHYSICO-CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION AND SENSORY ACCEPTANCE OF FUNCTIONAL DRINK ADDED OF FRUCTOLIGOSSACHARIDES AND SOLUBLE FIBER Abstract This work had as objective the development of a mixed nectar constituted of carrot and orange, added of fructoligossacharides and citric pectin. The influence of the addition of this functional ingredients was evaluated by complete factorial design of their physico-chemical characteristics and sensory acceptance. The addition of fructoligossacharides in interaction with the addition of pectin enhanced the soluble solids rate and the viscosity of the beverage. The fructoligosaccharide didn’t cause negative effect on sensory acceptance of the drink, even at high concentration (15%). The addition of citric pectin as soluble fiber in concentration above 1% led to an increase in pH of the drink and the formulations with this concentrations didn’t reach good acceptance by the judges in the sensory evaluation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 1615-1617
Jyoti Prabha Bishnoi ◽  
Rakesh Gehlot ◽  
S. Siddiqui

Ascorbic acid and total phenol in frozen aonla pulp on zero day of storage was found to be 365.5 mg/100g and 2.1 mg/g while in dehydrated aonla pulp it was 2.3 mg/100mg and 14.7 mg/g which was found to decrease with the increase in storage duration. However, significant increase (CD at 5% Level) in total soluble solids (TSS) and non-enzymatic browning was noticed with the advancement in storage duration. The decrease and increase in physico-chemical characteristics were more significant in dehydrated aonla pulp as compared to frozen aonla pulp. Mean score for sensory attributes of dehydrated aonla pulp at zero month of storage was fairly less than frozen aonla pulp. Moreover, there was more significant decrease in value of sensory attributes of dehydrated aonla pulp during six months storage period compared to frozen aonla pulp. Thus, present study was first in its kind to determine and compare chemical composition and overall acceptability of frozen and dehydrated aonla pulp obtained from aonla fruits cv. Chakaiya during storage for optimizing there use in further development of value added aonla product.

Irriga ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Lucas Farias Damasceno ◽  
Louise Rosa Monte Belo ◽  
Hans Raj Gheyi ◽  
Alide Mitsue Watanabe Cova ◽  
Geovani Soares de Lima ◽  

QUALIDADE DA BERINJELA IRRIGADA COM ÁGUAS SALOBRAS VIA GOTEJAMENTO CONTÍNUO E POR PULSOS    LUCAS FARIAS DAMASCENO1; LOUISE ROSA MONTE BELO2; HANS RAJ GHEYI3; ALIDE MITSUE WATANABE COVA4; GEOVANI SOARES DE LIMA5 E LARA DE JESUS MARQUES6   1 Mestrando em Engenharia Agrícola da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, Rui Barbosa, 710, Centro, 45330-000, Cruz das Almas, Bahia, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] 2 Engenheira Agrônoma, Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, Rui Barbosa, 710, Centro, 45330-000, Cruz das Almas, Bahia, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] 3 Professor Visitante da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, Rui Barbosa, 710, Centro, 45330-000, Cruz das Almas, Bahia, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected]. 4 Pós-Doutoranda no Programa de Pós-graduação de Engenharia Agrícola da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, Rui Barbosa, 710, Centro, 45330-000, Cruz das Almas, Bahia, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] 5 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Agrícola, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Aprígio Veloso, 882, Universitário, 58428-830, Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brasil. E-mail:[email protected] 6 Estudante de Agronomia da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, Rui Barbosa, 710, Centro, 45330-000, Cruz das Almas, Bahia, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected]     1 RESUMO   Devido suas propriedades medicinais e por ser um alimento rico em antioxidantes, o consumo da hortaliça berinjela vem crescendo. Durante o cultivo da berinjela, o manejo da água e do solo são fatores que podem influenciar a qualidade do fruto. Assim, objetivou-se com este trabalho analisar as características físico-químicas do fruto da berinjela ‘Florida Market’ irrigada com águas salobras por gotejamento contínuo e pulsos. O experimento foi conduzido em ambiente protegido com delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2 x 4, com cinco repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de duas formas de aplicação de água: gotejamento contínuo e pulsos, com quatro níveis de condutividade elétrica da água – CEa (0,3 (controle); 1,5; 3,0 e 4,5 dS m-1). Foram avaliadas as variáveis: massa fresca do fruto, teor de sólidos solúveis totais, pH da polpa, acidez total titulável e relação sólidos solúveis totais/acidez total titulável. Com o incremento da salinidade da água de irrigação o teor de sólidos solúveis totais (+3,60%) e acidez total titulável (+9,87%) aumentaram, enquanto a relação de sólidos solúveis totais/acidez total titulável (-4,53%) e a massa fresca do fruto diminuíram. A interação entre a salinidade e a forma de aplicação da água não influenciou as características físico-químicas do fruto.   Palavras-chave: Solanum melongena L., salinidade, sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável.     DAMASCENO, L. F.; BELO, L. R. M.; GHEYI, H. R.; COVA, A. M. W.; LIMA, G. S. de; MARQUES, L. de J. QUALITY OF EGGPLANT FRUIT IRRIGATED WITH BRACKISH WATER UNDER CONTINUOUS DRIP AND PULSE IRRIGATION     2 ABSTRACT   Due to its medicinal properties and to be a functional food rich in antioxidants, the eggplant vegetable consumption has been increasing. During eggplant cultivation, water and soil management are factors that can influence fruit quality. Therefore, this work aimed to analyze the physico-chemical characteristics of the fruit of the eggplant ‘Florida Market’ irrigated with brackish water under continuous drip and pulse irrigation. The experiment was conducted in protected environment in a randomized block design, adopting a 2 x 4 factorial scheme, with five replicates. The treatments consisted of a combination of two forms of application of brackish water: continuous drip and pulses, with four levels of water salinity - ECw (0.3 (control); 1.5; 3.0 and 4.5 dS m-1). The variables evaluated were fresh weight of the fruit, total soluble solids content, pH of the pulp, total titratable acidity and the ratio of total soluble solids/total titratable acidity. With the increase in salinity of irrigation water the content of total soluble solids (+3.60%) and total titratable acidity (+9.87%) increased, while the ratio of total soluble solids/total titratable acidity (-4.53%) and fresh fruit mass decreased. The interaction between salinity and the form of water application did not influence the physico-chemical characteristics of the fruit.   Keywords: Solanum melongena L., salinity, soluble solids, titratable acidity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
Dianini Brum Frölech ◽  
Adriane Marinho de Assis ◽  
Michele Carla Nadal ◽  
Letícia Leal de Mello ◽  
Bruna Andressa dos Santos Oliveira ◽  

Abstract the aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical characteristics and sensory acceptance of juices and cuts of ‘Bordô’ and ‘Niágara Rosada’ grapes. The experimental design was in a one-factor scheme, with five levels. Treatments were: T1 – ‘Bordô’ (100%); T2 – ‘Bordô’ (70%) + ‘Niágara Rosada’ (30%); T3 – ‘Bordô’ (50%) + ‘Niágara Rosada’ (50%); T4 – ‘Bordô’ (30%) + ‘Niágara Rosada’ (70%); T5 – ‘Niágara Rosada’ (100%). Chemical analyses were: content of soluble solids, pH and titratable acidity, and sensory analyses were: color, aroma, flavor, body and global acceptance. For the soluble solids content, the highest averages were verified in T1, T2 and T3 treatments. As for pH, the highest value was recorded in T3, T4 and T5 treatments, while the highest titratable acidity was recorded in T4 and T5 treatments. In the sensory analysis, in juice with the highest percentage of ‘Bordô’ grape (T1 and T2) or with the same proportion of ‘Bordô’ and ‘Niágara Rosada’ (T3), the highest mean acceptance values were found. Thus, it could be concluded that the use of 100% ‘Bordô’ grape and ‘Bordô’ juice cut with up to 50% ‘Niágara Rosada’ are presented as alternatives for juice production.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 11 ◽  
J. Balamaze ◽  
J. H. Muyonga ◽  
Y. B. Byaruhanga

This study was aimed at establishing the variation in physico-chemical properties between and within different jackfruit varieties. Mature jackfruits from trees known to produce orange, yellow and white flakes were harvested and ripened at 28oC and 90% relative humidity. The weight, length and circumference of ripe fruits were measured. The fruits were cut into three equal sections: top, middle and bottom. Each section was separated into flakes, rind, abortive perigones, consolidated perigones, seeds and core. The percent weight of different fruit parts, and flake physico-chemical characteristics were determined. The average weight, length, circumference and maturation period for jackfruit varieties studied were 12 kg, 47 cm, 76 cm and 104 days, respectively. The mean proportions of flakes, rind, abortive perigones, consolidated perigones, seeds and core were 24.7, 20.0, 14.5 14.3, 13.1 and 11.3%, respectively. Ascorbic acid (AA), carotenoids, total soluble solids (TSS), TSS: acid ratio, color and texture varied significantly among jackfruit sections. Color did not vary among sections of yellow and white flaked varieties. Flake texture (hardness) was 12.1, 10.5 and 6.6 N/mm for the white, yellow and orange flaked varieties, respectively. Flake textural resilience was in the order: white > yellow > orange flakes. Principle component analysis showed white flakes correlated positively with flake resilience, hardness and color lightness. Orange flakes were associated with high carotenoids and TSS content. Yellow flakes exhibited intermediate properties between those of white and orange flakes. Jackfruit flake color and section can be used as flake quality predictor.

C. A. Paiva ◽  
E. M. M. Aroucha ◽  
R. M. A. Ferreira ◽  
N. O. Araújo ◽  
P. S. L. Silva

<p>O processamento de polpa e a fabricação de geleias são produtos de interesse para a região nordeste do Brasil. A baixa precipitação e os altos índices de luminosidade anuais, associado ao desenvolvimento da irrigação localizada na região, atraíram grandes empresas nacionais e internacionais para a produção de variados tipos de frutos, incluindo a acerola e o melão. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar as características físico-químicas de geleia simples e mista (50% de melão e 50% de acerola) de melão e acerola, por ocasião do preparo e após o armazenamento por 30 dias. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado. O tempo de armazenamento aumentou o teor de sólidos solúveis (SS) e o pH, mas reduziu a acidez titulável e o teor de ácido ascórbico das geleias. A geleia de melão apresentou o maior teor de SS após o armazenamento. E a geleia de acerola obteve valores superiores de pH, acidez titulável e vitamina C, nas duas épocas de análise. Já a geleia mista apresentou pH igual à geleia de melão, mas quanto às demais características situou-se entre às geleias simples.</p><p align="center"><strong><em>Physical and chemical characteristics of acerola and melon jellies during storage</em></strong></p><p><strong>Abstract: </strong>The pulp processing and the manufacture of jellies are products of interest to the northeastern region of Brazil. The low rainfall and high rates of annual luminosity associated with the development of drip irrigation in the region, attracted large national and international companies for the production of various kinds of fruits, including acerola and melon. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physico-chemical characteristics of single and mixed jelly (50% of melon and 50% acerola) of melon and acerola, on the occasion of preparation and after storage for 30 days. We used a completely randomized design. The storage time increased the soluble solids (SS) and pH, but reduced titratable acidity and ascorbic acid content from jelly. The melon jelly had the highest SS content after storage. And acerola jelly obtained higher values of pH, titratable acidity and vitamin C, in two periods of analysis. However the mixed jelly showed pH seems to jelly melon, but to the other features it was between the simple jelly.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 131
Lovro Sinkovič ◽  
Mojca Škof ◽  
Kristina Ugrinović

Onion is one of the most important vegetable bulb crops in the world. A field experiment was carried out at the experimental fields of the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia in 2017 with the aim to examine the effect of three nitrogen (N) fertilization rates on the physico-chemical characteristics of bulbs of five onion varieties. Three autochthonous and two hybrid onion varieties were evaluated. During the growth 0, 162 and 324 kg Nha-1 were applied. The number of fleshy scale leaves, bulb weight, height, diameter and firmness were determined on onion bulbs. In addition, the total soluble solids and total sugars were analysed. Both factors, i.e. variety and N fertilization rate, significantly affected the number of fleshy scale leaves, while N fertilisation rate also affected bulb firmness and the variety influenced the content of total soluble solids and bulb height. Hybrid varieties had lower total soluble solids compared to autochthonous varieties.

2005 ◽  
Vol 48 (spe) ◽  
pp. 143-150 ◽  
Maria de Fátima O. Matias ◽  
Edson Leandro de Oliveira ◽  
Eduardo Gertrudes ◽  
Margarida Maria dos Anjos Magalhães

With the purpose of using the cashew and guava dried bagasse for enrichment of cookies, a study of drying process was done. The physico- chemical characterization included the determination of pH, soluble solids, total acidity, protein, lipids, fiber, ash, moisture and total and reducing sugars. Total coli forms, yeasts and molds counting were the microbiological analyses conducted. Enriched cookies were prepared by adding 5, 10 and 15% (of total weight) of dry residues of cashew and guava. Appearance, color, odor, taste and texture were the sensorial attributes evaluated for the enriched and non-enriched cookies. The granulometric analysis defined that more adequate particle to add were between 65 and 100 mesh. The enriched cookies with cashew and guava fibers in 10% e 5%, respectively, showed a high rate of acceptability in relation to flavor.

Maria José Silveira da Silva ◽  
Ana Paula Trindade Rocha ◽  
Dyego da Costa Santos ◽  
Alfredina Dos Santos Araújo ◽  
Marcela Nobre de Oliveira

<p>Objetivou-se<strong> </strong>caracterizar blend<em> </em>de abacaxi com acerola liofilizado quanto à composição físico-química. O estudo foi conduzido no Laboratório de Armazenamento e Processamento de Produtos Agrícolas da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campina Grande, Paraíba. As polpas foram homogeneizadas em liquidificador durante 1 min e filtrado em peneira com malha de 2,5 mm, as amostras foram liofilizadas em liofilizador de bancada (Terroni, LS 3000), onde foi desidratada na temperatura de -50 °C por 76 h. A amostra in natura e a liofilizada foram submetidas às analises físico-químicas. Onde foi obtido um teor de água de 92% da amostra in natura e, após o processo de liofilização houve uma redução de 70%. A atividade de água (a<sub>w</sub>) foi inferior a 0,30 após a desidratação. Observou-se que houve um amento significativo nos teores de sólidos totais, acidez total titulável e sólidos solúveis totais. No tocante a relação SST/ATT houve um decréscimo de 8,37% e, com relação ao pH não houve diferença significativa entre a amostra in natura e a liofilizada. Com relação aos parâmetros de cor observou-se que houve um aumento de 33,91% para luminosidade e para intensidade de vermelho (+a*) de 3%, no entanto para a intensidade de vermelho (+a*) houve uma redução de 9,27% após a liofilização. O processo de secagem por liofilização concentrou as características físicas e químicas das amostras avaliadas, sendo considerado um método eficiente para redução da atividade de água e para conservação dos alimentos.</p><pre><strong><em>Physical-chemical characterization of pineapple blend with acerola obtained by the lyophilization method</em></strong></pre><p><strong>Abstract</strong><strong>: </strong>The objective of this work was to characterize the blend of pineapple and lyophilized acerola as regards the physicochemical composition. The study was conducted at the Laboratory of Storage and Processing of Agricultural Products of the Federal University of Campina Grande, Campina Grande, PB. The pulps were homogenized in a blender for 1 min and screened with a 2.5 mm mesh, the samples were lyophilized in a bench freeze dryer (Terroni, LS 3000), where it was dehydrated at -50 ° C for 76 h. The in natura and lyophilized samples were submitted to physico-chemical analysis. Where a water content of 92% of the sample was obtained in natura and after the lyophilization process there was a reduction of 70%. Water activity (aw) was less than 0.30 after dehydration. It was observed that there was a significant increase in the contents of total solids, total titratable acidity and total soluble solids. Regarding the SST / ATT ratio, there was a decrease of 8.37% and, regarding pH, there was no significant difference between the in natura and lyophilized samples. Regarding the color parameters, it was observed that there was an increase of 33.91% for luminosity and for red intensity (+ a *) of 3%, however for the intensity of red (+ a *) there was a reduction of 9.27% after lyophilization. It was concluded that the drying process by lyophilization concentrated the physical and chemical characteristics of the evaluated samples, being considered an efficient method to reduce water activity and to preserve food.</p>

2012 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
pp. 441-447
MM Khatun ◽  
MR Karim ◽  
MM Molla ◽  
MM Khatun ◽  
MJ Rahman

A study on the physico-chemical characteristics of 15 promising longan germplasm was carried out at the fruit Research Farm of Horticulture Research Centre (HRC) as well as laboratory of Post harvest Technology Section of HRC and the Central Laboratory of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur. The experiment was conducted during the fruiting season of 2010. Fifteen promising lines of longan germplasm including BARI Anshphal-1, BARI Anshphal-2, EL-Joy 003 to EL-Joy 015 of 12 years old were included in this experiment. A wide range of variations were observed among the germplasm in respect of different characteristics under the present study. Per cent edible portion was the highest in EL-Joy 010 (76.57 %), EL-Joy 006 (74.55%), EL-Joy 003 (74.20 %) and the lowest in EL-Joy 012 (65.10 %). Total reducing and non-reducing sugar was the maximum in EL-Joy 009 (6.94 %) and BARI Anshphal-2 (16.50 %), respectively. BARI Anshphal-1 contained the highest amount of ascorbic acid (13.00 mg/100 g) and EL-Joy 009 possessed the maximum total soluble solids (22.30 %). The study revealed that BARI Anshphal-1, BARI Anshphal-2, EL-Joy 003, EL-Joy 006, EL-Joy 009, EL-Joy 010 were the best in respect of physical and chemical characteristics of fruits. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 37(3): 441-447, September 2012 DOI:

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