scholarly journals Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Peat Soils Cultivated to Rice Field, Oil Palm and Vegetable

2012 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 105 ◽  
Abdul Hadi ◽  
Dedi Nursyamsi Affandi ◽  
Rosenani Abu Bakar ◽  
Kazuyuki Inubushi

Presently, about 20% of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) fields in Indonesia are on peat soil, in addition to that otherarea of peat soil has been conventionally used for rice field and vegetables. To elucidate the global warmingpotentials of peat soils cultivated to oil palm, vegetable or rice field, field experiment has been carried out in SouthKalimantan. Air samples were taken from rice field, oil palm and vegetable fields in weekly basis for six month periodand analyzed for concentrations of N2O, CH4 and CO2. The global warming potentials (GWP) of the three gases werecalculated by multiplying the emission of each gas with their respective mole warming potential. This step wasfollowed by the addition of the three gases’ GWP to have the total GWP. The results showed that the emissions ofgreenhouse gases from peat soils changed seasonally and varied with the crops cultivated. Oil palm has resultedthe highest GWP, mostly contributed by N2O. There was no statistical different in total GWP of paddy andvegetable fields. The annual N2O emission from oil palm field was 4,582 g N ha-1 yr-1. Water, nutrients and organicmatter managements are among the potential techniques to minimize gas emissions from oil palm field which needfield trials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 4928
Alicia Vanessa Jeffary ◽  
Osumanu Haruna Ahmed ◽  
Roland Kueh Jui Heng ◽  
Liza Nuriati Lim Kim Choo ◽  
Latifah Omar ◽  

Farming systems on peat soils are novel, considering the complexities of these organic soil. Since peat soils effectively capture greenhouse gases in their natural state, cultivating peat soils with annual or perennial crops such as pineapples necessitates the monitoring of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, especially from cultivated peat lands, due to a lack of data on N2O emissions. An on-farm experiment was carried out to determine the movement of N2O in pineapple production on peat soil. Additionally, the experiment was carried out to determine if the peat soil temperature and the N2O emissions were related. The chamber method was used to capture the N2O fluxes daily (for dry and wet seasons) after which gas chromatography was used to determine N2O followed by expressing the emission of this gas in t ha−1 yr−1. The movement of N2O horizontally (832 t N2O ha−1 yr−1) during the dry period was higher than in the wet period (599 t N2O ha−1 yr−1) because of C and N substrate in the peat soil, in addition to the fertilizer used in fertilizing the pineapple plants. The vertical movement of N2O (44 t N2O ha−1 yr−1) was higher in the dry season relative to N2O emission (38 t N2O ha−1 yr−1) during the wet season because of nitrification and denitrification of N fertilizer. The peat soil temperature did not affect the direction (horizontal and vertical) of the N2O emission, suggesting that these factors are not related. Therefore, it can be concluded that N2O movement in peat soils under pineapple cultivation on peat lands occurs horizontally and vertically, regardless of season, and there is a need to ensure minimum tilling of the cultivated peat soils to prevent them from being an N2O source instead of an N2O sink.

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-147
Mohammad Hertos

The purpose of this research was to find Pugam T and Urea interactions on the growth for Oil Palm in Pre Nursery to Peat Soil. The research was arranged in Completely Randomised with two factors and three duplications. This first factor was to find Pugam T (P) on four levels: 0 kg/ha (P0), 750 kg/ha (P1), 1000 kg/ha (P2) and 1.250 kg/ha (P3), the second factor was Urea (N) on four levels: 0 g/l (N0), 1 g/l (N1), 2 g/l (N2) and 3 g/l (N3). The results show the experiment of treatments Pugam T and Urea was significantly on the parameters: plant height, the stem of diameters, weight fresh of plant and root lengths of primers. The heighest yield to parameters of plant height in old 4,8 and 12 MST (10,57 cm, 31,03 cm and 35,00 cm), stem of diameters in old 4,8 and 12 MST (0,57 cm, 0,66 cm and 0,90 cm), weight fresh of plant (16,8 g) and root lengths of primers (26,08 cm). Obtainable on the treatments to find Pugam T as big as 1.250 kg/ha and Urea as big as 3 g/l (P3N3).

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-49
Fifi Puspita ◽  
Isna Rahma Dini ◽  
Dermala Sari

 One of the diseases that attack oil palm plants is stem rot disease. Control efforts that can be done is to use rhizosphere fungi from oil palm plants in peat soils. This study aimed to select fungi from rhizosphere of oil palm plants in peat soil based on morphological characteristics and test their potential as biological agents against Ganoderma boninense. This research was conducted by exploration, observation and experiment by using complete randomized design (RAL). The parameters observed were macroscopic characteristics of fungi from oil palm rhizosphere, disease severity index, fungus inhibition power from oil palm rhizosphere to G. boninense, colony diameter and growth rate of high antagonist rhizosphere fungus, hyperparasitic type of fungus from rhizosphere of oil palm plant with G. boninense and the morphological characteristics of fungi from high antagonist rhizosphere in macroscopic and microscopic. The results showed that 12 rhizosphere fungi isolates and 4 isolates were antagonist to G. boninense. Isolate J5 has a high antagonist power of 70.26% and is a genus Trichoderma, isolate J7 belongs to the genus Trichoderma, isolate J10 genus Aspergillus and isolate J12 genus Mucor.

2017 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-53
. Gusmawartati ◽  
. Agustian ◽  
. Herviyanti ◽  
. Jamsari

The aim of the research was to find out potential strainsof cellulolytic bacteria isolated from two tropical peat soils and to studythe potency of the isolated bacteria to decompose oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB). The research was carried out in two stages: (1) isolation of cellulolytic bacteria from peat soils and (2) testing the potency of isolated bacteria to decompose oil palm EFB. The cellulolytic bacteria were isolated from two peat soils, i.e. a natural peat soil (forest) and a cultivated peat soil (has been used as agriculture land). Isolation of cellulolytic bacteria was conducted by preparing a series dilution of culture solutions using a streak plate method in a carboxymethyl cellulose(CMC) selective medium.Isolates that were able to form clear zones surrounding their bacterial colony were further tested to study the potency of the isolates to decompose cellulose in oil palm EFB. The cellulolytic activity of the selected isolates were further determined via production of reducing sugars in an oil palm EFB liquid medium using Nelson-Somogyi method. The results showed that there are six isolates of cellulolytic bacteria that have been identified in two tropical peat soils used in the current study. Two isolates are identified in a natural peat soil (forest) and four isolates are identified in a cultivated peat soil. The isolates collected are identified as Bacillus sp., Pseudomonassp. and Staphylococcus sp. Among the isolates, an isolate of GS II-1 produces the highest concentration of reducing sugars, namely 0.1012 unitmL-1or 101 ppm, indicating that the isolate of GS II-1 is highly potential to decompose oil palm EFB. Therefore, the isolate of GS II-1 can be used as a decomposer in the bio-conversion processes of oil palm EFB.Keywords: isolation, bacteria, cellulolytic, oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB), peat soil

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Lisbet Norberg ◽  
Maria Hellman ◽  
Kerstin Berglund ◽  
Sara Hallin ◽  
Örjan Berglund

Greenhouse gas emissions from drained agricultural peatlands contribute significantly to global warming. In a laboratory study using intact cores of peat soil from eight different sites in Sweden, factors controlling the emission of the greenhouse gases nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) were examined. Soil properties, and the abundance of the total microbial community (16S rRNA gene abundance), and genes encoding for functions controlling N2O emissions (bacterial and archaeal amoA, nirS, nirK, nosZI, and nosZII) were analyzed and compared against measured greenhouse gas emissions. Emissions were measured at different drainage levels, i.e., higher soil water suction values, since drainage is an important factor controlling greenhouse gas emissions from peat soils. The results showed that N2O and CH4 emissions were generally low, except for N2O emissions at near water-saturated conditions, for which three soils displayed high values and large variations in fluxes. Relationships between N2O emissions and soil properties were mainly linked to soil pH, with higher emissions at lower pH. However, specific assemblages of nitrogen cycling guilds that included nosZII, typically present in non-denitrifying N2O reducers, were detected in soils with low N2O emissions. Overall, these results indicate that both pH and biotic controls determine net N2O fluxes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 78
A. KASNO ◽  

<p>ABSTRAK<br />Kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis) berkembang pesat di Indonesia<br />dan  penggunaan  pupuk  meningkat.  Pada  awalnya  pupuk  KCl<br />memperhitungkan hara K, namun diketahui hara Cl juga merupakan hara<br />mikro esensial. Penelitian bertujuan mempelajari penambahan Cl dan<br />bahan organik terhadap pertumbuhan dan kadar Cl dalam tanaman dan<br />akar kelapa sawit. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah kaca Balai Penelitian<br />Tanah, Bogor, tahun 2011. Contoh tanah diambil dari Cinangneng, Bogor<br />(Inceptisols), Cigudeg, Bogor (Oxisols), Kentrong, Lebak (Ultisols), dan<br />Sumatera Selatan (Gambut). Bibit kelapa sawit varietas Avros umur tiga<br />bulan ditanam dalam polibag dan dipanen setelah berumur 8 bulan.<br />Percobaan menggunakan rancangan petak terpisah, dengan petak utama<br />empat jenis tanah, dan empat anak petak, yaitu (1) Kontrol (-Cl), (2) KCl,<br />(3) NPK, dan (4) KCl + bahan organik. Setiap perlakuan diulang 4 kali.<br />Parameter yang diamati tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, bobot kering<br />tanaman dan akar, analisis Cl dalam tanah, daun, dan akar. Hasil penelitian<br />menunjukkan bahwa pemberian Cl menurunkan pertumbuhan bibit kelapa<br />sawit pada Oxisols, namun meningkatkan pada Inceptisols, Ultisols, dan<br />Gambut. Pemberian bahan jenis organik nyata meningkatkan pertumbuhan<br />kelapa sawit pada ke empat tanah. Pemberian hara Cl tidak meningkatkan<br />bobot kering tanaman kelapa sawit pada Inceptisols, Oxisols, dan Gambut,<br />namun meningkatkan bobot kering tanaman pada Ultisols. Pemberian hara<br />Cl meningkatkan bobot kering akar tanaman kelapa sawit pada ke empat<br />jenis tanah, namun meningkatkan kadar Cl dalam akar kelapa sawit,<br />sedangkan pemberian hara Cl tidak meningkatkan kadar Cl dalam daun,<br />kecuali pada Oxisols. Pemberian bahan organik menurunkan kadar Cl<br />dalam daun pada Ultisols dan tanah Gambut.<br />Kata kunci: bahan organik, Elaeis guineensis, jenis tanah, klorida,<br />pertumbuhan</p><p>ABSTRACT<br />Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) was growing rapidly in Indonesia<br />and fertilizers use increased. Initially KCl were calculated as K nutrient,<br />but it is known that Cl is also an essential micronutrients. The research<br />aimed at studying the Cl and organic matter application on growth and Cl<br />content in plants and roots of oil palm. The study was conducted in the<br />greenhouse of Soil Research Institute, Bogor, in 2011. Soil samples were<br />taken from Cinangneng, Bogor (Inceptisols), Cigudeg, Bogor (Oxisols),<br />Kentrong, Lebak (Ultisols) and South Sumatra (Peat). AVROS varieties of<br />oil palm seedlings used 3 months being planted in polybags and harvested<br />after 8 months. The experiment design used was split plot design, with<br />four soil types as main plot, and four sub plots e.i. (1) Control (-Cl), (2)<br />KCl, (3) NPK, and (4) KCl + organic matter. Every treatment repeated<br />four times. Parameters observed are plant height, stem diameter, plant and<br />root dry weight and Cl analysis in soil, leaves, and roots. The result<br />showed that Cl application decreasing oil palm growth in Oxisols. Organic<br />matter application siqnificant increase of oil palm growth on the fourth<br />soil. The application of Cl nutrient did not increase the dry weight of plant<br />in Inceptisols, Oxisols, and Peat soil, but increased the dry weight of plants<br />on Ultisols. The application of Cl did not increase root dry weight in the<br />four soils, but increased Cl content in the roots in the four soil. While the<br />application of Cl did not increase of Cl content in leaves, except in<br />Oxisols. Organic matter application can reduce the content of Cl in the<br />leaves on the Ultisols and Peat soil.<br />Key words: organic matter, Elaeis guineensis, soil type, chloride, growth</p>

Aleksandr Glubokovskih

The results of many years of research on the cultivation of crops in fodder crop rotation on dried peat soil are presented. A productive and agroecological assessment of crop rotation with various saturation with perennial grasses is given. The data on the reduction of peat reserves and changes in the agrochemical properties of the soil are presented.

2016 ◽  
Vol 44 (3) ◽  
pp. 475-485
G. Ravichandran ◽  
P. Murugesan ◽  
P. Naveen Kumar ◽  
R.K. Mathur ◽  
D. Ramajayam

Plant Omics ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (05) ◽  
pp. 247-251 ◽  
Yurnaliza ◽  
Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti ◽  
Agus Susanto ◽  
I Nyoman Pugeg Aryantha ◽  

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