scholarly journals Studies of Atmospheric Parameters during SW Monsoon Period Associated with Severe Cyclone Aila and Lightning Occurrence over Ranchi Region

2012 ◽  
Vol 2012 ◽  
pp. 1-3
Abhay Srivastava ◽  
Manoj Kumar ◽  
Arun K. Dwivedi

A number of events are happening every time in the atmosphere in which much of them are randomly generated. Parameters are varying daily like temperature, humidity, electric field, and wind speed. Variation on surface layer parameters, events thunderstorms, earthquake, volcanoes, cyclone, tsunami, and so forth are occurring. Study and correlation between surface layer parameter and occurrence are greatly required in current research scenario. A comparative study about atmospheric parameters has been done just after the Aila; in the day when lightning occurred and correlation coefficients between these parameters are observed.

2015 ◽  
Vol 248 (5) ◽  
pp. 883-891 ◽  
Elisa Luengo ◽  
Juan Manuel Martínez ◽  
Mathilde Coustets ◽  
Ignacio Álvarez ◽  
Justin Teissié ◽  

2020 ◽  
pp. 24-31
V.N. Gadalov ◽  
E.A. Filatov ◽  
A.V. Filonovich

The article reveals information links between acoustic properties and parameters of the metal microstructure. A large number of regulatory documents and a lack of scientific concept lead to the system errors when estimating condition of both longterm operating metal and the product in the whole. The article considers methodology for developing a combined technological process based on modification of properties and change of the coatings' surface layer parameters, with an estimation of their efficiency in terms of productivity based on the criterial use of productivity principles. The analysis of technological activities for the productivity coefficient and the criterial estimates confirmed their efficiency.

Lyudmila Kokhanchik ◽  
Evgenii Emelin ◽  
Vadim Vladimirovch Sirotkin ◽  
Alexander Svintsov

Abstract The focus of the study was to investigate the peculiarities of the domains created by electron beam (e-beam) in a surface layer of congruent lithium niobate, which comparable to a depth of electron beam charge penetration. Direct e-beam writing (DEBW) of different domain structures with a scanning electron microscope was performed on the polar -Z cut. Accelerating voltage 15 kV and e-beam current 100 pA were applied. Different patterns of local irradiated squares were used to create domain structures and single domains. No domain contrast was observed by the PFM technique. Based on chemical etching, it was found that the vertices of the domains created do not reach the surface level. The average deepening of the domain vertices was several hundred nanometers and varied depending on the irradiation dose and the location of the irradiated areas (squares) relative to each other. Computer simulation was applied to analyze the spatial distribution of the electric field in the various irradiated patterns. The deepening was explained by the fact that in the near-surface layer there is a sign inversion of the normal component of the electric field strength vector, which controls the domain formation during DEBW. Thus, with the help of e-beam, domains were created completely located in the bulk, in contrast to the domains that are nucleated on the surface of the -Z cut during the polarization inversion with AFM tip. The detected deepening of e-beam domains suggests the possibility of creating the “head-to-head” domain walls in the near-surface layer lithium niobate by DEBW.

2021 ◽  
pp. 103-110
E. A. Stulov ◽  
E. V. Sosnikova ◽  
N. A. Monakhova ◽  

Based on the daily measurements of atmospheric aerosol characteristics in the city of Dolgoprudny (20 km from the center of Moscow) carried out during 2013-2018, the influence of some meteorological factors on the concentration of various aerosol fractions in the surface layer of the atmosphere is analyzed. It is that the aerosol concentration depends most on the wind speed and the vertical temperature gradient. The method of simple estimation of aerosol particles accumulation conditions in the surface layer based on the use of standard radiosonde data is developed.

1979 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 131-137
A. Longhetto ◽  
L. Briatore

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
pp. 151-161 ◽  
Michael Borsche ◽  
Andrea K. Kaiser-Weiss ◽  
Frank Kaspar

Abstract. Hourly and monthly mean wind speed and wind speed variability from the regional reanalysis COSMO-REA6 is analysed in the range of 10 to 116 m height above ground. Comparisons with independent wind mast measurements performed between 2001 and 2010 over Northern Germany over land (Lindenberg), the North Sea (FINO platforms), and The Netherlands (Cabauw) show that the COSMO-REA6 wind fields are realistic and at least as close to the measurements as the global atmospheric reanalyses (ERA20C and ERA-Interim) on the monthly scale. The median wind profiles of the reanalyses were found to be consistent with the observed ones. The mean annual cycles of variability are generally reproduced from 10 up to 116 m in the investigated reanalyses. The mean diurnal cycle is represented qualitatively near the ground by the reanalyses. At 100 m height, there is little diurnal cycle left in the global and regional reanalyses, though a diurnal cycle is still present in the measurements over land. Correlation coefficients between monthly means of the observations and the reanalyses range between 0.92 at 10 m and 0.99 at 116 m, with a slightly higher correlation of the regional reanalyses at Lindenberg at 10 m height which is significant only at a lower than 95 % significance level. Correlations of daily means tend to be higher for the regional reanalysis COSMO-REA6. Increasing temporal resolution further, reduces this advantage of the regional reanalysis. At around 100 m, ERA-Interim yields a higher correlation at Lindenberg and Cabauw, whereas COSMO-REA6 yields a higher correlation at FINO1 and FINO2.

Hermes Ulises Ramirez-Sanchez ◽  
Alma Delia Ortiz-Bañuelos ◽  
Aida Lucia Fajardo-Montiel

Meteorological factors such as temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction are associated with the dispersion of the SARS-CoV-2 virus through aerosols, particles <5μm are suspended in the air being infective at least three hours and dispersing from eight to ten meters. It has been shown that a 10-minute conversation, an infected person produces up to 6000 aerosol particles, which remain in the air from minutes to hours, depending on the prevailing weather conditions. Objective: To establish the correlation between meteorological variables, confirmed cases and deaths from COVID-19 in the 3 most important cities of Mexico. Methodology: A retrospective ecological study was conducted to evaluate the correlation of meteorological factors with COVID-19 cases and deaths in three Mexican cities. Results: The correlations between health and meteorological variables show that in the CDMX the meteorological variables that best correlate with the health variables are Temperature (T), Dew Point (DP), Wind speed (WS), Atmospheric Pressure (AP) and Relative Humidity (RH) in that order. In the ZMG are T, WS, RH, DP and AP; and in the ZMM are RH, WS, DP, T and AP. Conclusions In the 3 Metropolitan Areas showed that the meteorological factors that best correlate with the confirmed cases and deaths from COVID-19 are the T, RH; however, the correlation coefficients are low, so their association with health variables is less than other factors such as social distancing, hand washing, use of antibacterial gel and use of masks.

2003 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 615-653 ◽  
M. D. Keywood ◽  
G. P. Ayers ◽  
J. L. Gras ◽  
R. Boers ◽  
C. P. Leong

Abstract. Continuous measurements of dry aerosol light scattering (Bsp) were made at two sites in the Klang Valley of Malaysia between December 1998 and December 2000. In addition 24-h PM2.5 samples were collected on a one-day-in-six cycle and the chemical composition of the aerosol was determined. Periods of excessive haze were defined as 24-h average Bsp values greater than 150 Mm-1 and these occurred on a number of occasions, between May and September 1999, during May 2000, and between July and September 2000. The evidence for smoke being a significant contributor to aerosol during periods of excessive haze is discussed and includes features of the aerosol chemistry, the diurnal cycle of Bsp, and the coincidence of forest fires on Sumatra during the southwest (SW) monsoon period, as well as transport modelling for one week of the southwest Monsoon of 2000. The study highlights that whilst transboundary smoke is a major contributor to poor visibility in the Klang Valley, smoke from fires on Peninsular Malaysia is also a contributor, and at all times, the domestic source of secondary particle production is present.

Jurnal MIPA ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 58 ◽  
Farid Mufti ◽  
As'ari .

Penelitian ini mengkaji lebih dalam kondisi angin dan kelembapan udara pada saat musim hujan dan musim kemarau di Manado dengan menggunakan data di lapisan permukaan dan data udara atas dari Stasiun Meteorologi Sam Ratulangi Manado. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan hubungan antara kondisi angin dan kelembapan lapisan atas terhadap lapisan permukaan, sehingga dapat memprakirakan kondisi angin dan kelembapan lapisan permukaan dengan berdasarkan keadaan lapisan atas. Metode yang digunakan adalah mengkomponenkan angin dalam arah utara-selatan dan timur-barat, selanjutnya mencari keterkaitan dengan menggunakan teknik korelasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pada saat musim hujan angin pada lapisan 1500 m dan angin di lapisan permukaan memiliki arah yang sama dan saling menguatkan untuk komponen timur-barat (zonal) dengan koefisien korelasi r=0,56, sedangkan pada saat musim kemarau angin pada lapisan 1500 m dan angin di lapisan permukaan memiliki arah yang sama dan saling menguatkan untuk komponen utara-selatan (meridional) dengan koefisien korelasi r=0,45. Keterkaitan yang cukup kuat antara angin dengan kelembapan terjadi pada komponen V (meridional) yaitu, pada saat musim hujan, semakin besar kecepatan angin komponen negatif (utara) semakin besar pula kelembapan udara di lapisan permukaan, dengan koefisien korelasi benilai positif r=0.40. Pada saat musim kemarau, semakin besar kecepatan angin komponen positif (selatan) semakin kecil kelembapan udara di lapisan permukaan, dengan koefisien korelasi bernilai negatif r=— 0,48.This study examined the wind and humidity condition in the rainy season and dry season in Manado by using the data in surface layer and upper air data from the Sam Ratulangi Meteorological Station. The primary objective of this study was to find the relationship between wind condition and upper layer humidity to surface layer, using correlation technique, in order to predict wind condition and humidity of the surface layer based on the condition of the upper layer. The results showed that, during the rainy season, the wind at layer 1500 m and surface layer had the same direction and mutually reinforced for the east-west component (zonal) with correlation coefficient r=0.56, whereas during the dry season, wind at layer 1500 m and at surface layer had the same direction and mutually reinforced for the north-south component (meridional) with correlation coefficient r=0.45. A relationship between wind and humidity was found at V component (meridional), which was, at rainy season, the higher the wind speed of negative component (north) the higher the humidity at surface layer with positive correlation coefficient r=0.40. At dry season, the higher the wind speed of positive component (south), the lower the humidity at the surface layer, with negative correlation coefficient r=—0.48.

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