2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-92
Diksi Metris ◽  
Esti Sri Mutmainah ◽  
Alvin Alvin ◽  
Ady Fauzan

Kebutuhan sumber daya manusia yang kompeten yang memiliki semangat, kedisiplinan, dan integritas yang baik sangat diperlukan untuk mencapai tujuan perusahaan. Dengan budaya organisasi yang baik dan manajemen kinerja yang baik akan dapat menciptakan sumber daya yang berkualitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana penerapan budaya perusahaan dalam menunjang manajemen kinerja surveyor. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan naratif, yang memiliki karakteristik alami (natural setting) sebagai sumber data langsung, deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan keberhasilan manajemen kinerja karyawan hampir selalu dikaitkan dengan budaya yang kuat. Berdasarkan analisa SWOT diketahui bahwa salah satu strategi yang perlu dijalankan oleh Asuransi Astra Buana adalah memanfaatkan budaya perusahaan yang baik dan kemampuan SDM yang dimiliki untuk menghasilkan layanan yang terbaik pagi pelanggan dan juga meningkatkan kinerja surveyor. Penerapan visi, misi, budaya perusahaan, strategi layanan, dan tata nilai perusahaan yang baik ini merupakan perwujudan dari penerapan manajemen sumber daya manusia yang telah dijalankan dengan baik di PT. Asuransi Astra Buana dan dapat menunjang manajemen kinerja Surveyor.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 279
Sativa Sativa ◽  
Bakti Setiawan ◽  
Djoko Wijono ◽  
MG Adiyanti

Abstract: Nowadays, the majority of Indonesian people live in the dense urban kampungs. Some of those kampungs laid on the riverside, as a marginal area -- due to their low economic value of the land. They have specific conditions especially on the limitation of infrastructures and facilities for children activities in the settlement area. This research is a part of my dissertation paper, which aims to gain how children (mainly school-age children) coping with such condition. This study is a qualitative exploratory research, meanwhile, observation and interview were used as collecting data methods. Kampung Ngampilan in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, was chosen as a case area, because of its unique characteristics: located on the riverside of Winongo River, had a high density, and most people have low economics. As the result, this study found that natural setting, especially river area and its surrounding vegetation, is a focus location for children to release live stress in their settlement, due to two space aspects: thermal comfort and visual comfort. This condition was triggered by the limited area of their house so that the children prefer to go out from their house especially after attending school in the afternoon. This results will be useful as a reference for urban kampung planning, especially in riverfront area.Keywords: children, kampung, environmental press, natural settingAbstrak: Mayoritas penduduk kota Indonesia tinggal di kampung berkepadatan tinggi. Sebagian dari kampung -kampung berada di bantaran sungai sebagai salah satu area kota yang dianggap marginal karena nilai ekonomi lahan rendah. Kampung-kampung umumnya berkondisi khas dan memiliki keterbatasan infrastruktur termasuk fasilitas untuk kegiatan anak-anak di permukiman. Studi ini merupakan bagian dari disertasi penulis, yang bertujuan mengetahui bagaimana anak-anak (terutama anak usia sekolah dasar) menghadapi tekanan lingkungan. Kampung Ngampilan dipilih karena merupakan kampung kota yang sangat padat, terletak di tepi sungai, berkontur curam, dan warganya termasuk kelompok ekonomi menengah ke bawah. Kajian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif eksploratif, dan penggalian data dilakukan dengan metode observasi lapangan dan wawancara. Penelitian menemukan, seting alami kampung, khususnya sungai dan vegetasi di sekitarnya, merupakan area pilihan utama anak bermain, karena memiliki dua aspek kenyamanan, yaitu kenyamanan termal dan kenyamanan visual. Pilihan anak-anak dipicu oleh kondisi rumah mereka yang sempit, sehingga mereka lebih memilih keluar rumah sepulang sekolah atau sore hari. Temuan ini dapat menjadi acuan bagi pengembangan kampung kota Indonesia yang lebih kondusif untuk anak, khususnya kampung tepi sungai.Kata kunci: seting alami, tekanan lingkungan, kampung kota, anak

Peter Mann

This chapter examines the structure of the phase space of an integrable system as being constructed from invariant tori using the Arnold–Liouville integrability theorem, and periodic flow and ergodic flow are investigated using action-angle theory. Time-dependent mechanics is formulated by extending the symplectic structure to a contact structure in an extended phase space before it is shown that mechanics has a natural setting on a jet bundle. The chapter then describes phase space of integrable systems and how tori behave when time-dependent dynamics occurs. Adiabatic invariance is discussed, as well as slow and fast Hamiltonian systems, the Hannay angle and counter adiabatic terms. In addition, the chapter discusses foliation, resonant tori, non-resonant tori, contact structures, Pfaffian forms, jet manifolds and Stokes’s theorem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Kevin Lanza ◽  
Melody Alcazar ◽  
Deanna M. Hoelscher ◽  
Harold W. Kohl

Abstract Background Latinx children in the United States are at high risk for nature-deficit disorder, heat-related illness, and physical inactivity. We developed the Green Schoolyards Project to investigate how green features—trees, gardens, and nature trails—in school parks impact heat index (i.e., air temperature and relative humidity) within parks, and physical activity levels and socioemotional well-being of these children. Herein, we present novel methods for a) observing children’s interaction with green features and b) measuring heat index and children’s behaviors in a natural setting, and a selection of baseline results. Methods During two September weeks (high temperature) and one November week (moderate temperature) in 2019, we examined three joint-use elementary school parks in Central Texas, United States, serving predominantly low-income Latinx families. To develop thermal profiles for each park, we installed 10 air temperature/relative humidity sensors per park, selecting sites based on land cover, land use, and even spatial coverage. We measured green features within a geographic information system. In a cross-sectional study, we used an adapted version of System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities (SOPARC) to assess children’s physical activity levels and interactions with green features. In a cohort study, we equipped 30 3rd and 30 4th grade students per school during recess with accelerometers and Global Positioning System devices, and surveyed these students regarding their connection to nature. Baseline analyses included inverse distance weighting for thermal profiles and summing observed counts of children interacting with trees. Results In September 2019, average daily heat index ranged 2.0 °F among park sites, and maximum daily heat index ranged from 103.4 °F (air temperature = 33.8 °C; relative humidity = 55.2%) under tree canopy to 114.1 °F (air temperature = 37.9 °C; relative humidity = 45.2%) on an unshaded playground. 10.8% more girls and 25.4% more boys interacted with trees in September than in November. Conclusions We found extreme heat conditions at select sites within parks, and children positioning themselves under trees during periods of high heat index. These methods can be used by public health researchers and practitioners to inform the redesign of greenspaces in the face of climate change and health inequities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
Martin Schäfer ◽  
Tino Ullrich ◽  
Béatrice Vedel

AbstractIn this paper we introduce new function spaces which we call anisotropic hyperbolic Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces. Their definition is based on a hyperbolic Littlewood-Paley analysis involving an anisotropy vector only occurring in the smoothness weights. Such spaces provide a general and natural setting in order to understand what kind of anisotropic smoothness can be described using hyperbolic wavelets (in the literature also sometimes called tensor-product wavelets), a wavelet class which hitherto has been mainly used to characterize spaces of dominating mixed smoothness. A centerpiece of our present work are characterizations of these new spaces based on the hyperbolic wavelet transform. Hereby we treat both, the standard approach using wavelet systems equipped with sufficient smoothness, decay, and vanishing moments, but also the very simple and basic hyperbolic Haar system. The second major question we pursue is the relationship between the novel hyperbolic spaces and the classical anisotropic Besov–Lizorkin-Triebel scales. As our results show, in general, both approaches to resolve an anisotropy do not coincide. However, in the Sobolev range this is the case, providing a link to apply the newly obtained hyperbolic wavelet characterizations to the classical setting. In particular, this allows for detecting classical anisotropies via the coefficients of a universal hyperbolic wavelet basis, without the need of adaption of the basis or a-priori knowledge on the anisotropy.

2020 ◽  
Elmira Zaynagutdinova ◽  
Karina Karenina ◽  
Andrey Giljov

Abstract Behavioural lateralization, which reflects the functional specializations of the two brain hemispheres, is assumed to play an important role in cooperative intraspecific interactions. However, there are few studies focused on the lateralization in cooperative behaviours of individuals, especially in a natural setting. In the present study, we investigated lateralized spatial interactions between the partners in life-long monogamous pairs. The male-female pairs of two geese species (barnacle, Branta leucopsis, and white-fronted, Anser albifrons geese), were observed during different stages of the annual cycle in a variety of conditions. In geese flocks, we recorded which visual hemifield (left/right) the following partner used to monitor the leading partner relevant to the type of behaviour and the disturbance factors. In a significant majority of pairs, the following bird viewed the leading partner with the left eye during routine behaviours such as resting and feeding in undisturbed conditions. This behavioural lateralization, implicating the right hemisphere processing, was consistent across the different aggregation sites and years of the study. In contrast, no significant bias was found in a variety of geese behaviours associated with enhanced disturbance (when alert on water, flying or fleeing away when disturbed, feeding during the hunting period, in urban area feeding and during moulting). We hypothesize that the increased demands for right hemisphere processing to deal with stressful and emergency situations may interfere with the manifestation of lateralization in social interactions.

1967 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-49 ◽  
F. F. Bonsall

Let B(X) denote the Banach algebra of all bounded linear operators on a Banach space X. Let t be an element of B(X), and let edenote the identity operator on X. Since the earliest days of the theory of Banach algebras, ithas been understood that the natural setting within which to study spectral properties of t is the Banach algebra B(X), or perhaps a closed subalgebra of B(X) containing t and e. The effective application of this method to a given class of operators depends upon first translating the data into terms involving only the Banach algebra structure of B(X) without reference to the underlying space X. In particular, the appropriate topology is the norm topology in B(X) given by the usual operator norm. Theorem 1 carries out this translation for the class of compact operators t. It is proved that if t is compact, then multiplication by t is a compact linear operator on the closed subalgebra of B(X) consisting of operators that commute with t.

2000 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-29 ◽  
Xavier Coll

Infant Observation is a valuable training experience for workers in child and adolescent mental health, helping both to conceive the infantile experience of the children under their care, and to understand the parents' accounts of a child's history. It is an experience that gives trainees a unique opportunity to observe the development of an infant, systematically and practically from birth, in the child's natural setting, thus facilitating the acquisition of a meaningful understanding of how human relationships emerge and develop. Infant Observation gives the trainee a clear focus on the baby and his family, whilst remaining as a participant observer, and spontaneously encouraging problem-free talk.

2009 ◽  
Vol 623 ◽  
pp. 27-58 ◽  

In this experimental study both smoke visualization and three-component hot-wire measurements have been performed in order to characterize the streamwise evolution of longitudinal counter-rotating vortices in a turbulent boundary layer. The vortices were generated by means of vortex generators (VGs) in different configurations. Both single pairs and arrays in a natural setting as well as in yaw have been considered. Moreover three different vortex blade heights h, with the spacing d and the distance to the neighbouring vortex pair D for the array configuration, were studied keeping the same d/h and D/h ratios. It is shown that the vortex core paths scale with h in the streamwise direction and with D and h in the spanwise and wall-normal directions, respectively. A new peculiar ‘hooklike’ vortex core motion, seen in the cross-flow plane, has been identified in the far region, starting around 200h and 50h for the pair and the array configuration, respectively. This behaviour is explained in the paper. Furthermore the experimental data indicate that the vortex paths asymptote to a prescribed location in the cross-flow plane, which first was stated as a hypothesis and later verified. This observation goes against previously reported numerical results based on inviscid theory. An account for the important viscous effects is taken in a pseudo-viscous vortex model which is able to capture the streamwise core evolution throughout the measurement region down to 450h. Finally, the effect of yawing is reported, and it is shown that spanwise-averaged quantities such as the shape factor and the circulation are hardly perceptible. However, the evolution of the vortex cores are different both between the pair and the array configuration and in the natural setting versus the case with yaw. From a general point of view the present paper reports on fundamental results concerning the vortex evolution in a fully developed turbulent boundary layer.

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