scholarly journals Pengaruh Social Media Marketing dan Tagline terhadap Brand Awareness pada Pattern X Medan

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-112
Satrio Abiemanyoe ◽  
Genesis Sembiring Depari

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana social media marketing (Instagram) dan Tagline memberikan pengaruh terhadap Brand Awareness.Desain penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Teknik mengambil sample yaitu non probability sampling. Teknik Analisa data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif statistic, uji instrument penelitian, Uji Asumsi Klasik, Analisis Regresi Linear Berganda, Uji Koifisien Determinasi dan Uji Hipotesis. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian, data telah terdistribusi secara normal, tidak memiliki interkorelasi antar variabel bebas dan bebas dari heteroskedasitas. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah Pemasaran Sosial Media memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Brand Awareness dengan hasil itung t (4.269) ›t tabel(1.984). Tagline memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Brand Awareness. dengan hasil t-itung  (4.625) >t tabel(1.984). Selain itu, Sosial Media Marketing dan Tagline memberikan pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan secara serempak terhadap Brand Awareness sebesar 60%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Ni Made Ayu Sutariningsih ◽  
I Gusti Ngurah Jaya Agung Widagda K

Perkembangan teknologi di era globalisasi ini sangat pesat. Social media marketing penting bagi strategi pemasaran. Social media marketing harus dilakukan dengan kreatif dan menarik untuk membentuk brand awareness sehingga dapat meningkatkan purchase intention. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan peran brand awareness memediasi pengaruh social media marketing terhadap purchase intention. Obyek penelitian adalah produk Chatime di Kota Denpasar. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuisioner online dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 120 responden. Metode penentuan sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah non probability sampling yaitu teknik purposive sampling. Teknik analisis mengunakan analisis jalur (path analysis) dan uji sobel. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan social media marketing berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap purchase intention dan brand awareness; brand awareness berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap purchase intention; brand awareness memediasi secara signifikan pengaruh social media marketing terhadap purchase intention. Perusahaan Chatime sebaiknya menambah fitur avatar, giveaway, quiz, voucher, fun fact dan bintang iklan, serta membuat iklan informatif dan iklan yang menarik seperti : pengunaan animasi, karakter, musik, dan gambar maupun font yang unik. Kata kunci: social media marketing, brand awareness, purchase intention

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Prilla Waristina Gunarto ◽  
Asep Muhamad Ramdan ◽  
Faizal Mulia Z

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur seberapa besar pengaruh social media marketing dan brand awareness terhadap brand commitment. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu social media marketing (X1), brand awareness (X2) dan brand commitment (Y). Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan non probability sampling dengan melakukan penyebaran kuesioner sebanyak 150 responden kepada konsumen banana kencana yang membeli melalui instagram. Terknik analisa data yang dugunakan yaitu regresi linear berganda dimana dalam metode ini menggunakan metode pengaruh secara parsial dan pengaruh secara simultan. Hasil yang didapatkan menunjukan adanya pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara social media marketing dan brand awareness terhadap brand commitment. Kata kunci : Social Media Marketing, Brand Awareness, Brand Commitment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Oktaria Ardika Putri

Instagram is a social media application that is currently very popular in the community, especially among artist, politicians, and business people. Companies or advanced business must quicly adapt to the advancement of information technology in the form of social media as a marketing tool. Instagram social media also necessary to developing educational institutions. One of the educational institution that ae currently developing is the newly established Faculty of Economics and Business Islam (FEBI) at the Kediri State Islamic Institute (IAIN Kediri). This writing aims to examine the importance of Instagram as social media marketing to building FEBI IAIN Kediri Brand Awareness. Instagram social media is considered more effectives to embrace students and the community, so it is expected to facilitate marketing and communication between FEBI IAIN Kediri with the students or other agencies. The method of this reasearch is a qualitative analysis which reference libraries are used as a basis. Keywods:  Instagam,  social media, Faculty of Economics and Business Islam, IAIN Kediri

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-13

This study set out to examine the effect of social media marketing on the growth of micro businesses in Wuse II, Abuja, Nigeria. The main objectives translated into two hypothesis to find out whether there was any significant relationship between Social Media usage, (independent variable) by micro business against increased brand awareness as well as increased sales (dependent variables). The study adopted a Descriptive survey method where data was collected using structured close-ended questionnaire. Data was collected from 99 respondents from the population of Micro Business in Wuse II comprising of management, staff and customers of the business. The collected data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and the tools employed were model summary, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and co-efficient table in testing the research hypotheses. The findings showed that there is a significant relationship between social media usage by micro business and increased brand awareness; and findings also indicated that there is a significant relationship between social media usage by micro businesses and increased sales. The paper therefore concluded that social media marketing is as important as any other marketing strategy as it contributes to business growth in terms of increased brand awareness and increased sales. The paper recommends that businesses in Wuse II, Abuja and others should invest more in deploying social media marketing tools and also to train their staff to enhance social media usage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Muhammad Nurfauzi Awaludin ◽  
Sigit Sukmono

<p>The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of social media marketing and brand awareness on purchasing decisions with viral marketing as an intervening variable in Janji Jiwa coffee consumers among students who use social media in Jabodeta. convenience sampling with samples used as many as 214 respondents to fill out an online questionnaire with certain criteria. This research uses two independent variables, namely social media marketing and brand awareness, the dependent variable is the purchase decision and as an intervening variable (mediation), namely viral marketing. The method used in this study uses path analysis which is the development of multiple linear regression andprocessed using SPSS software. From the research results, it is known that social media marketing has an effect on purchasing decisions both directly and indirectly through viral marketin mediation, and brand awareness influences purchasing decisions both directly and indirectly through viral marketing mediation. Of the two, the direct influence on purchasing decisions is greater than the indirect effect through viral marketing mediation.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (19) ◽  
pp. 5167 ◽  
Khan ◽  
Yang ◽  
Shafi ◽  

This study analyzes the influence of apparel/clothing brand social media marketing activities (SMMAs) on brand equity and customer response in Pakistan. First, the current SMMAs are examined; then, we propose new attributes, i.e., fundamental social media marketing activities (FSMMAs) and sophisticated social media marketing activities (SSMMAs) such as interactions, sharing, and trendiness. Second, the influence of innovative components, i.e., FSMMAs and SSMMAs, are analyzed regarding brand equity and customer response toward apparel brands. A survey was conducted with a total of 406 Pakistani customers who used apparel brands, and the collected data were analyzed through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Hayes PROCESS macro in SPSS. From the empirical results, we concluded that apparel brand equity (i.e., brand awareness, brand image) significantly mediates the relationship between FSMMAs and customer response (price premium willingness, customer loyalty). Moreover, it is also determined that SSMMAs moderate the indirect association of FSMMAs and customer response via brand equity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-193
Benni Handayani ◽  
Fatmawati Moekahar ◽  
Yudi Daherman ◽  
Mufti Hasan Alfani

Bisnis kreatif dalam beberapa dekade terakhir mengalami perkembangan ditopang dengan kemutakhiran teknologi. Fenomena ini kemudian dikomodifikasi menggunakan pendekatan sosial. Model di atas dikenal dengan istilah Socio-technopreneurship. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai social media marketing sebagai media pemasaran dan media sosial dengan memanfaatkan teknologi dalam membangun brand awareness ke-5 jenis usaha diantaranya unaware of brand, brand recognition, brand recall, dan top of mind, mendukung selebgram, penelitian ini berpusat di business center kantin terapung Universitas Islam Riau yang mengakomodasi berbagai wirausaha muda baik mahasiswa maupun alumni dengan bentuk bisnis di bidang apapun baik barang maupun jasa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Kesimpulan didapatkan bahwa kompetensi pengelolaan media sosial khususnya instagram yang digunakan oleh para informan untuk media bisnis cenderung masih konvensional, padahal trend terbaru dalam dunia bisnis online sudah semakin dinamis dan variatif. Pengembangan Socio-technopreneurship pada akhirnya menjadi sebuah metode yang signifikan sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kompetensi di atas.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 107 ◽  
Siti Maria ◽  
Tommy Pusriadi ◽  
Yundi Permadi Hakim ◽  
Dio Caisar Darma

The purpose of this research is to analyze the direct effect of social media marketing, word of mouth, and the effectiveness of advertising on brand awareness and its impact on intention to buy, either directly or indirectly. The data source of 50 respondents, obtained from the customers who use transportation services in Samarinda. Models using path analysis programs and data are processed through SPSS version 23. Result from this research based on sub-stucture model 1 reveal that social media marketing and the effectiveness of advertising directly has a significant positive effect on brand awareness. From sub-structure 2, the effectiveness of advertising and brand awareness directly has a significant positive effect on intention to buy. Finally, social media marketing and effectiveness of advertising indirectly has a significant positive effect on intention to buy through brand awareness. Keywords— Advertising, Brand Awareness, Intention to Buy, Social Media Marketing, Word of Mouth. AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis efek langsung social media makerting, word of mouth, dan efektivitas iklan pada brand awareness dan dampaknya terhadap intention to buy, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Sumber data berasal dari 50 pelanggan layanan transportasi di wilayah Kota Samarinda. Penelitian menggunakan model analisis jalur dan data diproses melalui SPSS versi 23. Penelitian ini menyatakan model sub-struktur 1, diketahui social media marketing dan efektivitas iklan secara langsung berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap brand awareness. Dari sub-struktur 2, efektivitas iklan dan brand awareness secara langsung berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap intention to buy. Terakhir, social media marketing dan efektivitas iklan secara tidak langsung berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap intention to buy melalui brand awareness pelanggan. Kata kunci— Brand Awareness, Efektivitas Iklan, Minat Beli, Pemasaran Sosial Media, Word of Mouth.

Alejandro Mujica ◽  
Esteban Villanueva ◽  
Manuel Luis Lodeiros-Zubiria

This study aims to analyse the impact of Social Media Marketing in Customer Brand Engagement and Brand Awareness micro-learning platforms. The sample consisted of 220 students from micro-learning platforms using social media in the educational institutions. Because social-media marketing and customer brand- engagement are second-order reflexive constructions, the two-stage approach of hierarchical models with mode-A was adopted. The results reveal that social media marketing influences both the building of customer brand engagement and brand awareness among students on micro-learning platforms. Furthermore, it was shown that customer brand engagement is an important mediator between social media marketing and brand awareness. Social-media marketing activities carried out by micro-learning platforms contribute to the generation of customer brand-engagement and brand awareness of these institutions. Furthermore, the results show that, although social-media marketing helps to generate brand-awareness, it is through customer brand-engagement that social-media marketing is most effective in generating brand-awareness. For micro-learning platforms, the results allow them to understand the importance of customer brand-engagement when using social-media marketing to generate brand-awareness.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (46) ◽  
pp. 201-209
N. V. Proskurnina ◽  

The purpose of the article is to study the main digital channels of marketing activities and determine the methodology of building partnership relations in the value chain in social networks for retail operators. The research results in determining the basic digital channels, tools and technologies influencing the efficiency of carrying out the market promotion strategy for the goods produced by a retail enterprise. Several key benefits of using social media in the retail marketing strategy have been identified. The process of building partnership relations in the value chain in social networks has also been formed. Since the first step to building partnership relations in the value chain in social networks is to define goals and objectives, common goals for retail operators have been identified. It has been proved that the general goals for retail operators can be as follows: to increase brand awareness; to increase sales quality and return on investment; to create a loyal fan base. It has been pointed out that social media marketing can help to reach a number of goals, such as: increasing the web-site traffic; creating quality leads (perspective customers who have reacted in any way to the marketing interaction); constructing conversions; increasing brand awareness; creating the brand identity and a positive brand association; improving communication and interaction with target audiences. The social success cycle, comprising four stages (social listening, social influence, social network, social selling), has been mentioned, and the essence of each stage has been defined. Besides, the goals and performance metrics of each stage within the social success cycle have been summarized. The formation of methodological foundations for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing activities in the context of digital transformation using the generalized Harrington desirability function can serve as the prospect for further research.

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