scholarly journals Pernikahan "intra-religi": Kristen Protestan dan Katolik Roma

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-25
Jessica Elizabeth Abraham

ABSTRACT: While Christian teaching on marriage between a believer and an unbeliever is clear, the one between couples from different church traditions is not as straightforward. Although sharing several core beliefs, the differences that exist between the Protestant Church and the Roman Catholics are too real to be ignored. Besides, ignoring them may result in complications and conflicts in marriage life later. The research method used in this writing, which is a qualitative literature study, finds that there are several factors to be satisfied to build a strong marriage. This writing hopes to assist Protestant and Roman Catholic couples to assess their decision to get married by raising their awareness of some relevant differences between the two churches tradition. This writing will discuss the pillars of strong marriage, differences and similarities between Protestant and Roman Catholic teachings as well as some underlying conditions to be met to make a strong union between the two. Key words: marriage, church, tradition, Protestant, Catholics ABSTRAK: Ajaran Kristen tentang pernikahan antara orang percaya dan orang yang tidak percaya cukuplah jelas. Namun, pandangan Kristen tentang pernikahan pasangan yang berasal dari dua tradisi gereja yang berbeda tidaklah demikian. Meskipun memiliki beberapa kepercayaan inti yang sama, namun perbedaan yang ada di antara gereja Kristen Protestan dan Katolik Roma terlalu nyata untuk diabaikan. Lagipula, apabila diabaikan, perbedaan ini dapat mengakibatkan timbulnya masalah dan konflik di dalam rumah tangga kelak. Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini, yaitu metode kualitatif studi pustaka, menemukan bahwa ada faktor yang harus dipenuhi agar sebuah pernikahan dapat dibangun dengan kokoh. Tulisan ini diharapkan dapat membantu pasangan dari latar belakang Kristen Protestan dan Katolik Roma untuk mempertimbangkan keputusan mereka untuk menikah dengan meningkatkan kesadaran mereka akan beberapa perbedaan yang relevan antara kedua tradisi gereja. Tulisan ini akan membahas tentang pilar pernikahan yang kokoh, perbedaan dan persamaan antara ajaran Protestan dan Katolik Roma serta beberapa syarat mendasar yang harus dipenuhi untuk menyatukan keduanya. Key words: pernikahan, gereja, tradisi, Protestan, Katolik

Melchior Jakubowski

In the descriptions of Bukovуna as the new Habsburg province and in the records of the Roman Catholic Church various terms for ethnicity have functioned, sophisticatedly related to the religious denominations. Either all Orthodox inhabitants were described as Moldavians, or a difference between Orthodox Moldavians and Orthodox Ruthenians was marked. For Ruthenians (Orthodox and Greek Catholic) and their language there was no common name. All Roman Catholics were sometimes considered as Germans and Hungarians. Despite that, Catholic Church in Bukovуna from its beginning was multi-ethnic and multi-language. The ambiguity of terms is shown by the problem with distinguishing Catholic Poles and Slovaks. On the other hand, there was even a case of mistaking Ruthenians for Poles. Ethnicity and confession in Bukovina were entangled with each other, but with no strict connection, like the one functioning in Galicia (Polish Roman Catholics and Ruthenian Greek Catholics). The situation was much more complicated. The mixture of ethnicities among the faithful in both Orthodox and Catholic Churches was a factor of highest importance for the development of famous Bukovуnian tolerance. Keywords: Bukovina, ethnicity, religion, terminology

1970 ◽  
Vol 46 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 111-170
Witold Jemielity

The work concerns Augsburg and Reformed Protestants living on the area of the Augustów voivodship, which after the January Uprise was changed into Łomża and Suwałki guberniyas. After settling religious centres in the 40s of the nineteenth century the were nine parishes and eight branches on this area; there was only one Parish of the Protestant Church, while the rest of them were of Augsburg Protestant Church. There were over forty thousand Protestants at that time; about five hundred of them belonged to the Reformed Church. Protestants lived mainly on the area frontier line of the Congress Kingdom of Poland and Prussia ever since. Moreover, newly come German settlers lived on the area of Mazovia. On the eastern area of the Augustów voivodship lots of Protestants did not know German language and they used to pray in their native Lithuanian language. They mostly worked as farmers, though they also lived in the towns which were mostly inhabited by the followers of Moses. After the first World War eleven Parishes and branches were on the area of Lithuania while six of them were left in Poland. During that war the Russians deported lots of German settlers of their country and during the World War II numerous Protestants left for Germany. Protestants used to live among Roman-catholics, Orthodox and followers of Moses. During the first half of the century, before they regulated their own network of Parish Churches, Protestants baptised their children and got married in Roman-catholic churches and burried the deceased on the area of common cementaries. The problem of the mixed marriages was not regulated, as a rule the priest of the fiancée should give his blessing. After the January Uprise the Ortodox moved to the above described area. They were protected by the government. However the followers of Moses created a great but closed social and religious group.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 187
Marianus Ivo Meidinata

<em>In this study, the author focuses on the reality of the improperness of prison as something that does not suit the values of Pancasila, especially the one which talks about 'just and civilized humanity'. The author would like to explore the motives and causes why the government does not guarantee welfare for the prisoners. This research uses a qualitative approach, with a literature study as a data collection method. The author tries to see the reality of humanity and the motives that underlie the guidance of prisoners through the point of view of phenomenological philosophy. This study concludes that the Indonesian government has not been able to ensure human values for the prisoners. Improperness of the prison such as the overload of occupants is a sign that the perspective of understanding prisons and inmates is still deviant. Prison is not seen as a place of transformation but as a place of punishment, just like the old understanding of prison. The Indonesian people seem to have not been able to regard prisoners as people with dignity. </em><br /><br /><strong>Key words:</strong> Humanity, Injustice, Prisoners, Prisons, Pancasila.

Religions ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 46 ◽  
Ulrich Riegel

The Centrality of Religiosity Scale (CRS), the Francis Scale of Attitude towards Christianity (FAC) and the Post-Critical Belief Scale (PCB) are three prominent measures of religiosity. Comparing the three measures on theoretical grounds, one may assume that high religiosity (CRS) is linked to both a strong attitude towards Christianity (FAC) and to orthodoxy (PCB), while no religiosity (CRS) may be associated with both a low expressed attitude towards Christianity (FAC) and external critique (PCB). This paper examines that assumption on the basis of a convenience sample of N = 4.396 participants that filled in an online questionnaire (age: M = 47; SD = 15.90; 47% females; denomination: 1226 Roman-Catholics, 2369 Protestants, and 801 participants that have left the Roman Catholic or Protestant church). Factor analysis supports the one-dimensional structure of CRS and FAC. Exploratory factor analysis reconstructs the two-dimensional structure of PCB. There is a very high positive correlation between CRS and FAC (r = 0.92), indicating that CRS and FAC measure the same issue within a Christian context. Moreover, CRS and external critique of PCB correlate heavily negatively (r = −0.83). Finally, there is a very moderate negative correlation between CRS and relativism (r = −0.26). Multiple regression analysis reveals that both factors predict much of CRS (R2 = 0.75) or FAC (R2 = 0.83), while age and gender are of minor impact. Region, education, and income do not predict the outcome of CRS or FAC at all. This result will be discussed.

Horizons ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-119
Massimo Faggioli

In the ongoing aggiornamento of the aggiornamento of Vatican II by Pope Francis, it would be easy to forget or dismiss the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Vatican I (1869–1870). The council planned (since at least the Syllabus of Errors of 1864), shaped, and influenced by Pius IX was the most important ecclesial event in the lives of those who made Vatican II: almost a thousand of the council fathers of Vatican II were born between 1871 and 1900. Vatican I was in itself also a kind of ultramontanist “modernization” of the Roman Catholic Church, which paved the way for the aggiornamento of Vatican II and still shapes the post–Vatican II church especially for what concerns the Petrine ministry.

2021 ◽  
pp. 305-340
Nicolás Daniel Fernández Álvarez

In this paper, we try to give a different perspective to the one that has been studied and offered in linguistics until now. Language starts as the main form of oral communication that is transmitted from generation to generation. Language is in constant evolution. One of the greatest evolutions in the linguistic field has been precisely writing. It represented perfectly the union of graphic ideas and concepts with the beginning of the religious beliefs. We also try to analyze which are the causes and consequences of interventionism in something as personal and private as language. We will try to demonstrate how socialism, even in linguistics, distorts the correct evolution of lan guage, remembering the Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights (1996) whose consequence is the strengthening of various nationalisms around the world. Finally, conclusions and solutions will be given to a very specific linguistic problem: Spain. Key words: Socialism, planification, spontaneous order, evolution, linguistics, language, pidgin, nationalism, economy, institution. JEL Classification: A1 (General Economics) → A12 (Relation of Economics to other Disciplines). Resumen: Este artículo pretende abordar una perspectiva diferente a la que se viene estudiando y ofreciendo en lingüística, pues el lenguaje comienza a forjarse como forma de comunicación oral que se transmite de generación en generación y que no deja de evolucionar. Está en constante evolución. Una de las mayores evoluciones en el campo de la lingüística fue precisamente la escritura que representaba a la perfección la unión de ideas o conceptos de forma gráfica y el comienzo de las creencias religiosas. En este mismo artículo analizamos cuáles son las causas de una interven - ción desde los poderes públicos en algo tan personal e intransferible como el len guaje, así como sus posibles consecuencias. Intentaremos, pues, demos - trar cómo el socialismo en materia lingüística (o su imposibilidad) distorsiona la correcta evolución del lenguaje, comenzando por la Declaración de De - re chos Lingüísticos del año 1996 que no ha hecho sino fortalecer un gran nú mero de nacionalismos a lo largo y ancho del globo terráqueo. Finalmente, intentaremos humildemente extraer conclusiones y poner posibles soluciones en un ejemplo muy concreto: España. Palabras clave: Socialismo, planificación, órden espontáneo, evolución, lingüística, lenguaje, pidgin, nacionalismo, economía, institución. Clasificación JEL: Dentro de A1 (General Economics), el apartado A12 (Rela tion of Economics to other Disciplines).

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 251
María Gómez Requejo

Las ceremonias que se tenían lugar cuando se producía el fallecimiento de un monarca de la casa de Austria, tanto las pre como las post mortem, eran el  vehículo de un lenguaje simbólico cargado de representaciones y emblemas que le recordaban al súbdito tanto el poder del rey muerto como el que iba a tener su sucesor y asimismo ponían de manifiesto la unión de la dinastía con la Iglesia Católica. Enfermedad, muerte y exequias se convierten, con estos monarcas, en un espectáculo fastuoso que requiere escenografía, actores, vestuario, guion  y un público –los súbditos- del que se busca una participación ya sea consciente y activa o pasiva, como mero espectador, pero en todo caso necesario para que el espectáculo cumpla su objetivo: persuadir del poder real. Abstract The ceremonies around the death of a Habsburg king in Spain, where the vehicle to a symbolic language, full of representations and emblems, used to remind to his loyal subjects not only the power of the dead king and the one his heir and successor was going to hold, but also the relationship between the dynasty and the Roman Catholic Church. With the Habsburg’s, the illness, death and exequies of the monarch were converted into a sumptuous show that needed: a set, actors, lavish costumes, script and audience –the loyal subjects- to which audience participation, whether it be active or passive, was essential to fulfill its objective: to be persuaded of the king’s power.

Matsobane Manala

Traditional Africans teach ubuntu principles of communality, mutual respect, caring and so forth, but they do not walk the talk with regard to the treatment of widows. In the footsteps of Jesus of Nazareth, Christian communities preach unconditional love, especially for the poor, marginalised and vulnerable. Implementation is, however, grossly lacking in respect of the treatment of widows. There is thus an apparent deliberate uncaring, disrespectful, discriminatory, impolite and unjust treatment of widows in African communities in spite of the ubuntu values and Christian teaching that emphasise love and caring, especially towards the grieving and thus vulnerable widows. Widows seem to be neglected and even oppressed in our time. The aim of this research is to critically examine African traditional widowhood rites and practices with special reference to the comfort or pain to which they subject African widows. The research further aims to examine the behaviour of some African Christians belonging to three congregations of one mainline church to determine whether their treatment of widows resonates with Jesus’ teaching regarding the requisite care of widows. The issue of widowhood in Africa, in terms of the apparent plight of these bereaved and grieving women, needs to be urgently addressed for change in the 21st century. A critical literature study of relevant sources and a newspaper article will be used for this research. My personal experiences and continuing observation as an insider will also inform the research in useful ways.

2016 ◽  
Vol 85 (3) ◽  
pp. 502-528 ◽  
Geoffrey Plank

Quakers began arriving in the Caribbean and North America when their religious society was still new and struggling to define its core beliefs and institutional structure. There were tensions within the Society of Friends stemming from the Quakers’ validation of individual inspiration and their communal commitment to the Christian message as contained in the Bible. A bitter debate over scriptural authority wracked Quaker meetings for the remainder of the seventeenth century, and the controversy included arguments over the Quakers’ relations with Native Americans, Africans, and others outside of Europe beyond the reach of formal Christian teaching. On both sides of the Atlantic opponents of Quaker discipline challenged long-standing assumptions about the source and content of the Christian message and the social hierarchies that resulted when some groups claimed privileged access to truth. The ensuing argument influenced the Quakers’ plans for their colonies in North America, and their debate over slavery.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (71) ◽  
pp. 565-580
Magda Costa Carvalho

Indecisão plena de promessas: imagens da vida e da infância na filosofia de Henri Bergson Resumo: Numa passagem da obra Évolution Créatrice, Bergson recupera a imagem da criança para afirmar que a natureza viva opera através de tendências divergentes. Apesar de não ter desenvolvido um pensamento de pendor educacional, encontram-se na obra bergsoniana referências que, por um lado, recuperam a dimensão criativa e criadora da infância e, por outro, acentuam a forma infantil dos movimentos do élan vital. Estas referências fazem parte da imagética do autor, mostrando como o seu pensamento sugestiona leituras ímpares. O convite para cruzar a imagem da vida como infância com a imagem da infância como vida revela-se, assim, sugestivo para repensar o que nos habita como constitutivamente outro: a criança que fomos e a natureza que somos. E será através da imagem – como forma de contacto dinâmico com o real – que poderemos encontrar algumas respostas para a sugestão bergsoniana de se promover nas escolas um conhecimento infantil (enfantin).Palavras-chave: infância; criança; natureza; imagem; Bergson. Indecision charged with promise: Images of life and childhood in Henri Bergson’s philosophy Abstract: In a passage in his Évolution Créatrice, Bergson reclaims the image of the child to argue that living nature works through divergent tendencies. Although Bergson’s work doesn’t focus specifically on education, it does contain references that, on the one hand, reclaim the creative and creating nature of childhood, while on the other hand accentuating the childlike nature of élan vital’s movements (vital impetus). These references are part of Bergson’s repertoire of imagery and demonstrate how his thought evokes uneven readings. The invitation to cross the image of life as childhood with that of childhood as life ultimately evokes a rethinking of what inhabits us as constitutively other: the child we were and the nature we are. And it is through the notion of image – as a form of dynamic contact with reality – that we will find some answers for Bergson’s suggestion that schools promote a childlike knowledge (enfantin).Key-words: childhood; child; nature; image; Bergson.  Indecisión cargada de promesas: Imagénes de la vida y de la infancia en la filosofía de Henri Bergson Resumen: En un pasaje sobre la obra Évolution Créatrice, Bergson recupera la imagen del niño para afirmar que la naturaleza viva opera a través de tendencias divergentes. A pesar de no haber desarrollado un pensamiento de carácter educacional, se encuentran en la obra bergsoniana referencias que, por un lado, recuperan la dimensión creativa y creadora de la infancia y, por otro, acentúan la forma infantil de los movimientos del impulso vital. Estas referencias hacen parte de la imagen del autor, mostrando como su pensamiento sugestiona lecturas impares. O convite para cruzar la imagen de la vida como infancia con la imagen de la infancia como vida se revela, de esta manera, sugestivo para repensar lo que nos habita como constitutivamente otro: el niño que fuimos y la naturaleza que somos. Y será a través de la imagen – como forma de contacto dinámico con lo real – que podremos encontrar algunas respuestas para la sugestión bergsoniana de promoverse en las escuelas un conocimiento infantil (enfantin).Palavras-clave: infancia; niño; naturaleza; imagen; Bergson. Data de registro: 20/08/2020Data de aceite: 30/11/2020

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