The Influence of Teachers and Parents in Strengthening Character Education

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-49
Nina Karlina ◽  
Akil ◽  
Acep Nurlaeli

The purpose of this study is to ascertain the influence of teachers and parents in strengthening character education through a case study of IT Middle School At-Taubah Karawang. The method used in this thesis research is a sequential explanatory model/design using a Mix Method, that is, a method that sequentially combines quantitative and qualitative research methods, with the first stage utilizing quantitative methods and the second stage utilizing qualitative methods. The findings indicated that the involvement of school stakeholders in enhancing character education at IT Middle School At-Taubah Karawang was rather significant, scoring an average of 3.9. With the highest rating on the religious aspect with an average score of 4.0 and the lowest on the aspect of independence with an average score of 3.8. This shows that the role of educators is very influential on strengthening the character of students. In addition, the results of the study also show that the school/educator stakeholder variable has an influence on strengthening character education at IT Middle School At-Taubah Karawang. Meanwhile, the role of parents in strengthening character education at IT Middle School At-Taubah Karawang is in the high category with an average score of 3.8. With the highest assessment on the aspect of discipline with an average score of 4.0 and the lowest on the aspect of independence with an average score of 3.5. This shows that in addition to educators, the role of parents is very influential on strengthening the character of students.

Hazar Hekmat Malluhi ◽  
Nayel Musa Alomran

Schools and community engagement are seen as effective factors for making schools a thoughtful place. This case- study employed mixed methodology to explore the phenomena of parent involvement and to know the exact characteristics of the leadership style in the school. This case study examined and described school leaders’ perspectives, attitudes and practices towards parents’ involvement in an Abu Dhabi primary school using a variety of data sources including, interviews, open-ended teachers’ questionnaires, school self-assessment surveys and mothers’ council self-assessment surveys. The findings revealed that the school leaders effectively employ multiple collaborative, shared and transformational leadership practices to improve parent/family volunteering. Teachers and parents have good communications. The mothers’ council and the administration enhanced many different parental activities. There are some barriers in parents ‘participation like language and the lack of the awareness of important role of parents in the school. The implications of this study revolve around the important roles the school leaders have in helping parents feel supported and encouraging family volunteering. The school leaders have to increase the encouragement of parents’ involvement in general and family volunteering in particular. This study is a calling for a shift from random acts of parents’ involvement to coherent, comprehensive, continuous, systematic and equitable family volunteering approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-71
Fakhry Perdana Koara

Abstract. Sustainable tourism must consider three aspects of sustainability, namely economic, social and environmental aspects. To support sustainable tourism development, the community's role in tourism development or Tourism Based Community (TBC) is one of the critical principles that must be fulfilled because it is the component closest to and tied to regional tourism. This research examines the community's role in Girsang Sipangan Bolon District, Simalungun Regency in the development of sustainable tourism. The study uses quantitative methods by collecting data through distributing questionnaires. The observations show that the participation of local communities related to sustainable tourism in Girsang Sipangan Bolon is classified as good with an overall average score of 3.8 out of 4.5 for several indicators of local community participation in sustainable tourism

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 96
Nurfaliza Nurfaliza ◽  
Nur Eka Kusuma Hindrasti

Online learning leaves behind as problems that make students' learning spirit decrease. Giving encouragement and motive to students is expected to be able to adjust even though the situation is difficult to compromise. This is what happened to one of the students of SMP Negeri 3 Bintan Timur who felt that during online learning his learning achievements improved and learning motivation was a factor that influenced the success gained. This study is a case study with qualitative approach that seeks to explore the motives of the subject in improving learning outcomes, especially in online learning. Researchers collected data using interview techniques directly to subjects and parents as well as questionnaires through google forms to teachers and friends of the subject, with a total of two people each. Furthermore, data processing is done by analyzing students' problems, then seeking information from sources or people closest to the subject and finally finding the motives of the subject in improving learning achievement. The results showed that the provision of learning motivation can improve the learning outcomes of the subject, this is proven by the subject successfully becoming an outstanding student in the classroom. The purpose of this research is to explore the motivation of learning the subject and know the role of parents, teachers and friends in providing learning motivation. With this research can contribute to students, teachers and parents that the motivation of learning is very necessary to grow in order to strengthen the desired goals can be achieved.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-69
Munifah Munifah ◽  
Rohmatul Fahmi Fajrin ◽  
Fartika Ifriqia

This article aims to find out the planning, implementation and evaluation of Strengthening Character Education (SCE) in SMPN 01 Kediri in realizing Islamic values. Islamic education is an effort to actualize the attributes of perfection that have been bestowed by Allah to humans. Strengthening Character Education (SCE) is one way to actualize Islamic values through various activities, intra-curricular, extra-curricular, and non-curricular. This article was written based on the results of a qualitative case study. This article concludes that the implementation of SCE in SMPN 01 Kota in realizing Islamic values, in general, has already been carried out and several aspects need to be improved. Planning for SCE activities in realizing Islamic values needs to be developed in several aspects, namely: (1) there is a need to develop SCE objective indicators, (2) additional activities need to be developed to develop the other three characters in SCE, in order to balance the characters in SCE such as integrity, mutual cooperation, and independence, and (3) SCE activities need to be developed through co-curricular activities, bearing in mind that SCE activities are still focused into extra-curricular activities. The implementation of SCE activities in realizing Islamic values requires the role of parents because they are the first education and as supervisors for their children outside of school. It is also found that evaluating SCE activities in realizing Islamic values had not used measurable appraisal instruments, but direct observation instead.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 262
Arif Wahyudi

Character education is a good thing. In Islam, characters are identical with morality, namely the tendency of the soul to behave automatically. The righteousness that is by Islamic teachings is called the ultimate morality or noble morality. The purpose of this study was to analyze the patterns, implementation, and implications of character education in private Islamic education institutions in remote districts. The research method uses the interpretive paradigm through a qualitative approach, the type of case study. The analytical tool used is a qualitative analysis model of Miles and Huberman. The results of this study are character education patterns through habituation of habituation and habituation in learning, exemplary teacher, employees and leaders, and board administrators and a system of punishment and appreciation and communication has accommodated the ideal character education pattern. The implementation of character education has both involved the community so that the synergy between all elements and evaluations is done at the end of the year. The implications of character education on the role of parents or guardians are less significant; the perception of the people who have not changed has left all responsibilities to schools unattended outside the school. Pendidikan karakter adalah sesuatu yang baik. Dalam Islam, karakter identik dengan akhlaq, yaitu kecenderungan jiwa untuk bersikap secara otomatis. akhlaq yang sesuai ajaran Islam disebut dengan akhlaqul karimah atau akhlaq mulia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pola, implementasi dan implikasi pendidikan karakter di lembaga pendidikan Islam swasta di daerah kabupaten terpencil. Metode penelitian menggunakan paradigma interpretif melalui pendekatan kualitatif, jenis studi kasus. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah model analisis kualitatif Miles dan Huberman. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pola pendidikan  karakter melalui pembiasaan ubudiyah dan pembiasaan dalam pembelajaran, keteladanan guru, karyawan dan pimpinan serta pengurus pondok dan sistem hukuman dan penghargaan serta komunikasi sudah mengakomodir pola pendidikan  karakter yang ideal. Implementasi pendidikan karakter sudah baik melibatkan masyarakat sehingga sinergi antar semua elemen dan evaluasi di lakukan pada akhir tahun. Implikasi pendidikan karakter pada peran orang tua atau wali yang kurang signifikan, persepsi masyarakat yang masih belum berubah menyerahkan semua tanggung jawab ke sekolah tanpa pengawasan di luar sekolah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-122
Maimun Maimun ◽  
Ahmad Lahmi ◽  
Syaflin Halim

Researchers found problems in the practice of the role of teachers and parents during online learning for students. Based on these conditions, the role of teachers and parents becomes what students need during learning. Therefore, the author raised this qualitative research with the title `The Role of Teachers and Parents in Learning Morals during the Covid-19 Pandemic at MTsN 2 Pasaman: A Case Study of Student Interest in Learning.` Problem formulation: (1) What is the role of teachers and other people? parents in online learning of morals during the covid 19 pandemic to students of MTsN 2 Pasaman? (2) What is the role of teachers and parents in fostering interest in religious learning, especially moral aqidah to students of MTsN 2 Pasaman? to students of MTsN 2 Pasaman. (2) The role of teachers and parents in cultivating interest in learning Islam, especially the moral creed towards the students of MTsN 2 Pasaman.Research method: This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Descriptive research aims to make research results real, accurate, and systematic about a series of real events and characteristics of certain regions and communities. Data collection techniques apply interview, observation, and documentation methods. The results of this study were determined by the level of knowledge, the presence of parents, and interaction. So, students who have parents with religious knowledge are also good, and are more at home, then the role of parents can be given as a whole in learning morals. On the other hand, students who have parents with less knowledge or religious knowledge, and are busy working, have a limited role in learning activities for their children's morals and beliefs. Parents provide motivation, messages, advice, sanctions (punishments) and rewards (rewards) to their children. This is done to foster interest in learning the religion of their children who study at school or at home. Therefore, parents have performed their roles as motivators, educators, discipline enforcers, and regulators or controllers. All of these roles are carried out differently for each parent, depending on the level of knowledge and religious basis, as well as the intensity of the meeting between parents and children in interacting while at home.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-80
Sodiah Sodiah ◽  
Habel Habel

A good parent-children relationship is an understanding relationship with guidance. Parents have a big influence develop children's abilities in the school environment. The research objective is to determine the role of parents in PAUD Al-Palah Batang Asai Jambi in encouraging children's development. The research method used is a qualitative method with a case study approach, where observation and interview techniques are used. The results showed that the role of parents in the development of PAUD Al-Palah Batang Asai Jambi children in terms of communication is still dominated by parents. The encouragement given was based on the wishes of parents who focus on cognitive children, not the children's needs, and parents tend to generalize the children's ability which naturally different from each other. Involving parents in schools in the form of caring and sharing which has been carried out through mentoring children to practice outside of school, meeting visits, discussion of child development with teachers, and parents as good role models for children. Therefore, the role of parents must be increased through a system of school-parent relationships.   Hubungan orang tua dengan anak yang baik adalah hubungan yang penuh pengertian disertai bimbingan. Orang tua memberikan pengaruh besar untuk mengembangkan kemampuan anak di lingkungan sekolah. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui peranan orang tua di PAUD Al-Palah Batang Asai Jambi dalam mendorong perkembangan anak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus sehingga mengunakan teknik pengamatan dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran orang tua pada perkembangan anak PAUD Al-Palah Batang Asai Jambi dalam komunikasi masih didominasi oleh orang tua, dorongan yang diberikan berbasis keinginan orang tua yang terpusat pada kognitif anak bukan child need, dan pemahaman orang tua menyamaratakan kemampuan anak yang secara alamiah berbeda setiap individunya. Pelibatan orang tua di sekolah berbentuk caring dan sharing yang telah dilakukan melalui pendampingan anak praktik di luar sekolah, kunjungan rapat, diskusi perkembangan anak dengan guru, dan orang tua sebagai role model yang baik bagi anak. Maka peran orang tua harus ditingkatkan melalui sistem hubungan kerjasama sekolah dengan orang tua.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 253-262
Onuma Suphattanakul

Purpose: This study evaluates the role of transformational leadership in effective strategic implementation. The purposes of this study are; first, to examine the degree of transformational leadership of administrative officials; second, to assess the degree of effective strategic implementation; third, to investigate the impact of transformational leadership on effective strategic implementation. Finally, this study examines the roles of organizational culture as a moderator of the association between transformational leadership and effective strategic implementation. Methodology: This study uses the case study of municipalities in Trang Province in Thailand. This research employs quantitative methods. The questionnaires are collected from administrative officials of municipalities in Trang Province. Descriptive statistics are used to analyse the data. This study uses Pearson correlation analysis to achieve the associations between two variables. In addition, regression analysis is applied as a suitable statistical tool to test the hypotheses. Implication: This study combined the framework of strategic management, leadership, and organizational culture for testing the conceptual model. The study is particularly useful for improving the roles of administrative officials in order to achieve effective strategic in municipalities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Rockie Sibanda

Teachers collaborating with parents is an axiom of successful school programmes. The parents’ role should be supportive and complementary to the teachers’ pedagogical function. A functional or dysfunctional parent-teacher partnership is a predictor of children’s success or failure in school. The functionality of parent-teacher partnerships is often measured through student achievement. The aim of this article was to illuminate how a coordinated parent-teacher partnership can be supportive to children’s schooling. Focus is on teachers’ teaching role complimented with the supportive and monitoring role of parents. Data were collected through interviews with parents and teachers at a township primary school. I engage the concern that a lack of parental involvement affects parent-teacher partnerships in township schools. Findings of this study demonstrate teachers’ lack of understanding of the sociocultural and economic circumstances constraining parental involvement, resulting in a chasm of understanding between teachers and parents on how to collaboratively support children’s learning positions at school and at home.

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