scholarly journals Character Education Development Pattern: Efforts to Empower School Managers

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 262
Arif Wahyudi

Character education is a good thing. In Islam, characters are identical with morality, namely the tendency of the soul to behave automatically. The righteousness that is by Islamic teachings is called the ultimate morality or noble morality. The purpose of this study was to analyze the patterns, implementation, and implications of character education in private Islamic education institutions in remote districts. The research method uses the interpretive paradigm through a qualitative approach, the type of case study. The analytical tool used is a qualitative analysis model of Miles and Huberman. The results of this study are character education patterns through habituation of habituation and habituation in learning, exemplary teacher, employees and leaders, and board administrators and a system of punishment and appreciation and communication has accommodated the ideal character education pattern. The implementation of character education has both involved the community so that the synergy between all elements and evaluations is done at the end of the year. The implications of character education on the role of parents or guardians are less significant; the perception of the people who have not changed has left all responsibilities to schools unattended outside the school. Pendidikan karakter adalah sesuatu yang baik. Dalam Islam, karakter identik dengan akhlaq, yaitu kecenderungan jiwa untuk bersikap secara otomatis. akhlaq yang sesuai ajaran Islam disebut dengan akhlaqul karimah atau akhlaq mulia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pola, implementasi dan implikasi pendidikan karakter di lembaga pendidikan Islam swasta di daerah kabupaten terpencil. Metode penelitian menggunakan paradigma interpretif melalui pendekatan kualitatif, jenis studi kasus. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah model analisis kualitatif Miles dan Huberman. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pola pendidikan  karakter melalui pembiasaan ubudiyah dan pembiasaan dalam pembelajaran, keteladanan guru, karyawan dan pimpinan serta pengurus pondok dan sistem hukuman dan penghargaan serta komunikasi sudah mengakomodir pola pendidikan  karakter yang ideal. Implementasi pendidikan karakter sudah baik melibatkan masyarakat sehingga sinergi antar semua elemen dan evaluasi di lakukan pada akhir tahun. Implikasi pendidikan karakter pada peran orang tua atau wali yang kurang signifikan, persepsi masyarakat yang masih belum berubah menyerahkan semua tanggung jawab ke sekolah tanpa pengawasan di luar sekolah.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-69
Munifah Munifah ◽  
Rohmatul Fahmi Fajrin ◽  
Fartika Ifriqia

This article aims to find out the planning, implementation and evaluation of Strengthening Character Education (SCE) in SMPN 01 Kediri in realizing Islamic values. Islamic education is an effort to actualize the attributes of perfection that have been bestowed by Allah to humans. Strengthening Character Education (SCE) is one way to actualize Islamic values through various activities, intra-curricular, extra-curricular, and non-curricular. This article was written based on the results of a qualitative case study. This article concludes that the implementation of SCE in SMPN 01 Kota in realizing Islamic values, in general, has already been carried out and several aspects need to be improved. Planning for SCE activities in realizing Islamic values needs to be developed in several aspects, namely: (1) there is a need to develop SCE objective indicators, (2) additional activities need to be developed to develop the other three characters in SCE, in order to balance the characters in SCE such as integrity, mutual cooperation, and independence, and (3) SCE activities need to be developed through co-curricular activities, bearing in mind that SCE activities are still focused into extra-curricular activities. The implementation of SCE activities in realizing Islamic values requires the role of parents because they are the first education and as supervisors for their children outside of school. It is also found that evaluating SCE activities in realizing Islamic values had not used measurable appraisal instruments, but direct observation instead.

Eva Iryani ◽  
M. Masruri ◽  

This paper shows the role of Syafana Islamic School's strategic management in the transformation of the implementation of the full-day program by changing it to a boarding school system. These changes are not only in the aspect of the learning system, but even on the curriculum side which uses the combination of several curricula; Diknas, Egypt (Al-Azhar) and Cambridge are integrated into the concept of Islamic boarding school, the change process is observed and analyzed using the SWOT analysis model (Strength, Weakness ,Opportunity and Threath) with an emphasis on the process of changing the system and curriculum applied by Syafana Islamic School. With the results and findings, there is a strategic management in the transformation by integrating and using four collaborative strategies. First, the Strategic Opportunity Strategy. With the model of merging and accumulating strengths by exploiting various opportunities. Second, the Strength Threath Strategy with knowledge of the strengths possessed can see and anticipate existing threats. Third, the Weakness Opportunity Strategy, the opportunity to be a major factor in efforts to overcome the weaknesses in this institution and Finally the Weakness Threath Strategy. Defense efforts are still analyzed and carried out in order to minimize weaknesses and threats from outside the institution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-120
M Husnaini ◽  
Irnie Victorynie ◽  
Noor Amili

Presidential Regulation Number 87 of 2017 Article 2 states that character education must be the leading spirit in Indonesia's delivery of education. This study aims to describe the religious character education model implemented at Al-Hilal Islamic Primary School Bekasi, which is supported by students' parents' participation to build a learning process that not only produces an output of students who can graduate from school but also produce students who have religious characters. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study method. The data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, and documentation. The results are the synergistic relationship and active role of all parties; in this case, the school and parents have successfully shaped the Islamic religious character. Students' character is built on a strong foundation from the family and strengthened through the Islamic education system in schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-49
Nina Karlina ◽  
Akil ◽  
Acep Nurlaeli

The purpose of this study is to ascertain the influence of teachers and parents in strengthening character education through a case study of IT Middle School At-Taubah Karawang. The method used in this thesis research is a sequential explanatory model/design using a Mix Method, that is, a method that sequentially combines quantitative and qualitative research methods, with the first stage utilizing quantitative methods and the second stage utilizing qualitative methods. The findings indicated that the involvement of school stakeholders in enhancing character education at IT Middle School At-Taubah Karawang was rather significant, scoring an average of 3.9. With the highest rating on the religious aspect with an average score of 4.0 and the lowest on the aspect of independence with an average score of 3.8. This shows that the role of educators is very influential on strengthening the character of students. In addition, the results of the study also show that the school/educator stakeholder variable has an influence on strengthening character education at IT Middle School At-Taubah Karawang. Meanwhile, the role of parents in strengthening character education at IT Middle School At-Taubah Karawang is in the high category with an average score of 3.8. With the highest assessment on the aspect of discipline with an average score of 4.0 and the lowest on the aspect of independence with an average score of 3.5. This shows that in addition to educators, the role of parents is very influential on strengthening the character of students.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 121
Fateme Yarmohammad

<p class="zhengwen">Due to physical and mental disability, children tend to withdraw themselves from society especially if their parents abandon them, and if society fail to establish a suitable relationship with these children, their presence will uproot from society. In this paper, we deals with the case Rofaydeh Welfare Services Complex in Iran in the he city of Tehran where 60 disabled, mentally or physically disabled children are taken care of, some of them were also orphans. The aim of the article is to provide an environment which is conducive to more relationship and interaction of these children with members of society with regard to their lack of caretaker and family, as well as protecting the primacy of the children's living spaces as their home.</p><p>The research methodology included library and field methods; thus, suitable strategies were developed to achieve the goal of this paper. The research indicates that designing the complex as a house in the middle of the neighborhood park allows for children's presence in the society among the people and close interaction with people through being positioned in a neighborhood park, as well as providing the presence of the children in a space similar to a house which is every child's wish. On neighborhood scale, the park protects the children from social damages so that they feel sense of intimacy working between them and people.</p>

Aulia Wahyunisa

Islamic Education for Early Childhood should be based on the values of manners, characters or moral animated by the Al-Quran and Sunnah. Achieving manners, characters or the perfect moral are the real purpose of education. Additionally, manners, characters or morality is a basic foundation of one's life in society and the state. The purpose of this paper is to know more clearly what is Early Childhood Islamic Education (PIAUD), and how these concepts in disruption era. The conclusion is the Early Childhood Islamic Education will get more from a family environment, education as a preparation for the child to live in the larger environment, the people. The education should be given to early children is 1) Faith Education and Investment 2) Worship Education and Investment 3) Character Education and development. The Islamic concepts of early childhood education in the era of disruption must start from the family as the first education for children. And the things that must be waged to the families in order to instill the concept of Islamic education itself are: 1) Parents should understand their roles and responsibilities; 2) Family as the first education for children; 3) Commitment to being a good educator for children: 4) Modelling the Prophet as an example; 5) Choose a good school for the children; 6). Being a parent does not have to know everything. And all the concepts of Islamic education will be given to the children by doing the method of habituation, modelling, giving good advice, every attitudes should be punished or rewarded, ordering and prohibiting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-75
Muhammad Shodiq Masrur ◽  
Asyhari Amri

The current era, with fertile technology that is increasingly developing, certainly has positive and negative sides. One of the phenomena that shows the negative side of development technologies such as Youtube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook is that many cildren use media gadgets as playmates, so that the child is not controlled is choosing content that is popular in cyberspace, as a reseult the child will further away from values religion, humanitarian values, values justice and moral values. In this article, the researcher describes the prevention of moral decadence for the younger generation, so it is necessary to increase the role of education, especially the role of parents in selecting entertaiment content that contains moral values for children. These efforts are made to prepare the next generation who have knowledge, faith and good character. The writing of this article uses qualitative research with descriptive analysis. The writer in this article uses Roland Barthes’ semiotic analysis model known as “two order of signification”, namely by looking for the denotative meaning the connotation of each scene. From using this method the researcher foumd that the animated film Nussa and Rarra, the episode of prayer must contain values from the concept of Islamic teachings, namely Akidah, Sharia and Moral. If parents are able to nurture and guide by choosing content that educated and implements in life, it is hoped that the child will become a person with character according to the expectation of the nation and religion. Islamic

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-44
Ita Nurmalasari ◽  
Dewi Zainul Karimah

This study examines the role of human resource management in improving the quality of educators. This research uses a qualitative approach with case study. This research site is in MTs Nu Ma'arif Kemiri, Purworejo Regency. The data collection technique used by researchers is interview observation. In this study, the object of research is the Role of Human Resources to Achieve Workforce Quality in MTs Nu Ma'arif Kemiri. Research data collection using descriptive observation, interview or qualitative methods. This interview observation study was conducted by lecturers and students of Islamic Education Management Study Program with student WK in MTs Nu Ma'arifKemiri. This activity aims to observe the Quality of Human Resources Workers conducted by MTs Nu Ma'arif Kemiri.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-92
Sara Tambun ◽  
Goncalwes Sirait ◽  
Janpatar Simamora

Education is an important issue and issue that the nation and the state of Indonesian are facing this time. Besides being important, being able to experience education is also a right for everyone. Lack of education in Indonesia can be seen in the Date Release of the Education For All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report 2011: Education Development Index wich UNESCO. Indonesia in year 2011 is 0,934 value is what puts Indonesia at posision 69 of 127 countries in the world. the causes could be the result of this lack of special attention to the aducation of the country to a greater extent in areas that really need  the attention of both the regional and the central goverments and not escape from the role of parents and families in not obstructing an increased education.

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