scholarly journals Suspending the Passing of Sentence (Probation before Judgment)

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 206
Esmael Afrasiabi ◽  
Mohammadali Kanani

<p>Suspending the passing of sentence is one of the new establishments of the Islamic Criminal Code and in the legal system of our Country, Iran it lacks any legislative background. In this new establishment we are witnessing a specific approach towards individuals who have committed some minor crimes and the legislator for the sake of accommodating them with social norms and preventing the re commitment of the criminal acts in case of existence of necessary conditions has predicted the possibility of suspending their sentence. Suspending the passing of sentence or pronouncing judgment has been established based on the principle of individualizing the judicial procedure of punishments and is part of the institutions of pardon for the committers of crimes. In the present text besides discussing the issue in philosophical terms the fundamentals and the domain of suspending a sentence, its formative and substantial conditions is being studied and scrutinized.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
M. Mahzaniar ◽  
Muhammad Ridwan Lubis ◽  
Adawiyah Nasution ◽  
Halimatul Maryani

In this study, this paper focuses on the study of euthanasia of COVID-19 patients, which causes the endless spread of COVID-19 and the possible practice of euthanasia assumed by Western medical personnel, as well as the ongoing debate over euthanasia because it is related to religious views. The above-mentioned motives are some factors that the paper attempts with an analytical descriptive writing method that cites references from several literatures such as books, journals, previous research and digital literacy. The study concludes that in Indonesia, although the Criminal Code does not explicitly mention the word euthanasia, however, based on the provisions of Article 344 of the Criminal Code, doctors should refuse to take this action even if the patient's family wishes. According to law, social norms, religion and ethics of doctors, euthanasia is not allowed. It is because the country of Indonesia, which has a majority Muslim population and religion, is in conflict with the issue. <p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0820/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>

2007 ◽  
Vol 79 (9) ◽  
pp. 311-333
Maja Omeragić-Pantić ◽  
Biljana Vujičić ◽  
Bojan Tubić ◽  
Rodoljub Etinski

Constitution and procedural laws explicitly guarantee right to a trial in a reasonable time. The procedural laws have been changed and some new solutions, which have to enable a trial in a reasonable time, were adopted. The Decision on establishing of national strategy of judicature reform was adopted, in order to make the judicature more efficient. However, the inquiries show that there are still some significant disadvantages which affect the right to a trial in a reasonable time. Despite the new legislative solutions, adopted in order to accelerate the trials, some of these solutions are not completely sufficient or their implementation in practice is not entirely adequate. The Decision on establishing of national strategy of judicature reform sets up the right analysis of the current status, as well as "therapy for the healing" of judicature. However, it seems that current measures are not in accordance with this therapy. Technical modernization of the courts is very slow and personal capacities, on the level of the associates, is declining instead of getting stronger. The biggest disadvantage of the present legal system, regarding the right to a trial in a reasonable time is the absence of the efficient legal remedies with which the party could accelerate the judicial procedure, respectively with which it could give damages caused by the breach of this right. This paper shows how strict are the criteria of the European court of human rights in Strasbourg related to it and that the existing legal remedies in our legal system are not sufficient to meet these demands. The confirmation of this conclusion came from Strasbourg, when this paper was already written, in the judgment V.A.M. v. Serbia of March 13, 2007.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-80
Herlambang P. Wiratraman

Freedom of political expression has not been fully guaranteed in the Indonesian legal system. One of the most prominent in the legal debate is the matter of treason (makar) charges against political expressions of self-determination. In the case of Papua, many Papuans have been detained, criminalised, and even killed because of their political expression. Interestingly, the Constitutional Court, through its decision Number 7/PUU-XV/2017, provided guidance in its ‘ratio decidendi’ argument, specifically the interpretation of treason phrases in the Criminal Code. Interpretation is given by the Constitutional Court after seeing the reality that law enforcement has been arbitrarily abused by the application of the treason article. This is contrary to the freedom of association, opinion and expression, as guaranteed in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. This article discusses how the application of the phrase treason in law enforcement, especially in connection with the conviction of many Papuans after the Surabaya anti-racism rallies in September 2019. A number of district court decisions on dozens of convicted Papuans show that the legal system that guarantees freedom of political expression has not changed much and law enforcement in fact emphasises the position of racial discrimination and is far below the standard of human rights law. Abstrak Kebebasan ekspresi politik belum sepenuhnya dijamin dalam sistem hukum Indonesia. Salah satu yang paling mengemuka dalam perdebatan hukum adalah soal tuduhan makar terhadap ekspresi politik menentukan nasib sendiri. Dalam kasus Papua, tidak sedikit jumlah warga Papua yang ditahan, dikriminalkan, hingga tewas terbunuh karena soal ekspresi politiknya. Menariknya, Mahkamah Konstitusi melalui putusannya Nomor 7/PUU-XV/2017 memberikan panduan dalam argumen ratio decidendinya, khusus interpretasi frasa makar dalam Kitab-Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana. Penafsiran diberikan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi setelah melihat realitas penegakan hukum telah banyak disalahgunakan penerapan pasal makar. Hal demikian bertentangan dengan kebebasan berkumpul, berpendapat dan berekspresi, sebagaimana dijamin dalam Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Artikel ini membahas bagaimana penerapan frasa makar dalam penegakan hukumnya, khususnya berkaitan dengan dipidananya banyak warga Papua setelah aksi anti rasisme Surabaya pada September 2019. Sejumlah putusan pengadilan negeri atas puluhan warga Papua yang dipidana tersebut memperlihatkan sistem hukum yang menjamin kebebasan ekspresi politik tidak banyak berubah dan penegakan hukum justru menegaskan posisi diskriminasi rasial serta jauh dari standar hukum hak asasi manusia.

2020 ◽  
pp. 259-298
Daniel B. Rowland

This chapter investigates the problem of advice and advisers in the political culture of Muscovy, which was found to be vitally important to the various authors of the tales about the Time of Troubles. It shows that consultation with advisers, together with other legitimizing factors, was a crucial ingredient in the Illustrated Chronicle Compilation (ICC) when depicting proper judicial procedure prior to punishment. It also discusses ICC artists that were careful to represent the legitimating features of legal procedure, which were notably absent in cases of violence processed outside the official legal system. The chapter focuses on the imagery in the ICC that depict crucial moments in the succession from Vasilii III to Ivan IV. It confirms whether the pattern of presenting the monarch together with its advisers holds true for the ICC.

2020 ◽  
pp. 223-255
Xiaoqun Xu

Chapter 9 covers criminal justice in the first two decades after Mao’s death (1977–1996), when Deng Xiaoping was the top leader. With a brief summary of political developments, it outlines the post-Mao legal-judicial reforms as part of the reform and opening policies launched by Deng, including the enactment of the first Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedural Law of the PRC. While the Criminal Code retained Maoist language and influence, such as placing certain offenses in a category of “counterrevolutionary crimes,” the Criminal Procedural Law offered the beginning steps leading to procedural justice. The reforms included construction of a court system, professionalization of judges, and restoration of the legal profession. The chapter also looks at legal responses to reemerging crimes such as prostitution, human trafficking, narcotics trafficking, and pornography.

2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 645-665
Mimi Zou

Abstract There has been burgeoning interest among legal scholars in recent years regarding the implications of blockchain technology for the law. Two thoughtful monographs that go beyond the hyped claims of enthusiasts and cynics are Primavera De Filippi and Aaron Wright’s Blockchain and the Law: The Rule of Code and Kevin Werbach’s Blockchain and the New Architecture of Trust. While the two books have different focal points, both contain a common Laurence-Lessig-inspired theme of ‘code as law’ in which decentralised blockchain networks are viewed as a regulatory ‘modality’ or ‘architecture’ with its own system of rules. However, as this article argues, blockchain is not outside the law or the existing legal system. Code necessarily interacts with other modes of regulation, namely the market, social norms and law, in constraining the operation of blockchain applications such as smart contracts. This argument also situates smart contracts in a relational analysis of real-world contracting practices.

Acta Comitas ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 198
Ida Ayu Adnyaswari Dewi

The act of whistling, being called as “darling”, “gek”, “handsome” or “beautiful” and unwanted verbal comments are classified as “catcalling”, which is included as a form of harassment. This harassment can be easily experienced by anyone in their daily lives, even today, it is still considered as something normal. Seeing this phenomenon, it is deemed necessary to study the “catcalling” regulation in the Indonesian legal system and the view of the community towards “catcalling” itself. The purpose of this journal is to find out the regulations and the views of the community toward “catcalling”. The result that obtained in this study is the regulation of “catcalling” indirectly, already in Indonesian Law in the Article 281 of the Criminal Code, Article 351 of the Criminal Code, Article 9 of the Pornography Law, Article 35 of the Pornography Law and Article 86 paragraph (1) of the Employment Law, but with the differences in the use of the terms in the articles eventually, can limit the use of these articles. Based on the results of an online survey, most people said that “catcalling” is not a joke or praise, those who experience “catcalling” feel angry, disgusted and afraid when they experience it. The survey result shows that it is necessary to have a specific regulation to regulate “catcalling.” Tindakan bersiul, dipanggil dengan sebutan “sayang”, “gek”, “ganteng” atau “cantik” dan komentar verbal yang tidak diinginkan, tergolong kedalam “catcalling” yang termasuk sebagai bentuk pelecehan. Pelecehan ini dengan sangat mudah dapat dialami oleh siapapun dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya, bahkan sampai saat ini hal tersebut masih dianggap sebagai suatu hal yang biasa. Melihat fenomena ini, maka dirasa perlu untuk dikaji pengaturan “catcalling” dalam sistem hukum Indonesia dan pandangan masyarakat terhadap “catcalling” itu sendiri, haruskah diadakan suatu aturan mengenai “catcalling”. Tujuan penulisan jurnal ini ialah untuk mengetahui tentang pengaturan dan pandangan masyarakat terhadap “catcalling”. Hasil yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini ialah aturan “catcalling” secara tidak langsung sudah ada di dalam peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia pada Pasal 281 KUHP, Pasal 351 KUHP, Pasal 9 UU Pornografi, Pasal 35 UU Pornografi dan Pasal 86 ayat (1) UU Ketenagakerjaan, namun dengan adanya perbedaan penggunaan istilah dalam setiap pasal mengakibatkan dibatasinya penggunaan pasal-pasal tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil survei online sebagian besar masyarakat menyebutkan bahwa “catcalling” bukanlah suatu candaan atau pujian, mereka yang mengalami “catcalling” merasa marah, jijik dan takut ketika mengalami “catcalling”. Hasil survei menunjukkan bahwa dirasa perlu adanya suatu aturan khusus yang mengatur tentang “catcalling”.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Blerta Arifi ◽  
Besa Kadriu

In this paper the author will analyze the legal treatment of juvenile delinquency in Republic of Macedonia, in historical aspect of the development of its legislation. In this way it will be presented the place of the criminal law for juveniles in the criminal legal system of the country and its development during today. The study will be focused on the innovation of legal protection of delinquent children, especially it will be analyzed the sanctioning of juvenile perpetrators and their special treatment from the majors in Republic of Macedonia. It will be a chronological comparison reflect of the juvenile sanctioning based on some of laws in Macedonia such as: Criminal Code of Former Yugoslavia, Criminal Code of Republic of Macedonia (1996), Law on Juvenile Justice (2007) and Law on Child protection (2013). The purpose of the study is to bring out the types of criminal sanctions for juveniles in Republic of Macedonia from its independence until today which, above all, are aimed on protecting the interests of the juvenile delinquents. Also the author of this paper will attach importance to the so-called “Measures of assistance and protection” provided by the Law on Child protection of Republic of Macedonia, which represent an innovation in the country's criminal law. This study is expected to draw conclusions about how it started to become independent itself the delinquency of minors as a separate branch from criminal law in the broad sense – and how much contemporary are the sanctions to minors from 1996 until today.

Muh. Amiruddin

The country that adheres to the continental european legal system of Indonesia that regulate euthanasia is contained in the provisions of Article 344 of the Criminal Code while Netherlands The provisions are contained in the code penal section 40 and Article 293 of the Dutch Criminal. Code anglo saxon like USA hardness of euthanasia. this is based on a court decision in USA that rejects the application of euthanasia as a jurisprudence. Indonesia does not Regulate clearly about the enactment of euthanasia. Netherlands legalize Euthanasia, while State with Anglo Saxon Law system, does not legalize EuthanasiaKeywords: Euthanasia, Continental European Legal System, Anglo Saxon Legal System Negara yang menganut sistem hukum eropa kontinental yaitu Indonesia yang mengatur tentang Euthanasia yaitu termuat dalam ketentuan pasal 344 KUHP sementara di Belanda ketentuan ini dimuat dalam code penal section 40 dan pasal 293 KUHP Belanda. Sistem hukum Anglo saxon seperti Amerika Serikat melarang keras adanya euthanasia. hal ini didasarkan adanya putusan pengadilan di Amerika Serikat yang menolak penerapan euthanasia sebagai sebuah yurisprudensi. Indonesia tidak Mengatur secara jelas tentang pemberlakuan euthanasia. Belanda melegalkan Euthanasia, sedangkan negara dengan sistem Hukum Anglo Saxon tidak melegalkan EuthanasiaKata Kunci: Euthanasia, Sistem Hukum Eropa Kontinental, Sistem Hukum Anglo Saxon

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Ida Bagus Sudharma Putra

<p>Society in social life always there is a means in the form of control or control to regulate the various behavior or behavior anngota social group, It means that human behavior should be limited by the rules so that humans can know what to do and actions that should not be done. Behavior that is governed means a limit of values ??and norms deviant and antisocial. Con- versely, the behaviors that are ordered mean that they contain values ??and norms that are komformis. Prevention or handling efforts for the community not to violate the rules, then within the community group must have a set of values ??and norms is none other than to prevent or reduce the violation of the rules. This is called the form of social control. When looking at the function of social control that applies to the life of the community, is to develop a fear that someone not to do acts that are not in accordance with the values ??and norms that apply, and provide compensation for people who comply with the values ??and norms -the prevailing norms so as to reinforce a sense of confidence in society that the value is supposed to be adhered to for the life of society towards the better. And able to create a legal system (the rules are formally formulated with the sanctions contained in it). From these limitations, it can be interpreted that social control is a designed or not designed and controlled means and process aimed at engag- ing, educating, and even forcing citizens to comply with prevailing social norms and values.</p>

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