narcotics trafficking
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2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 650-659
Rahmad Gaol Hasibuan ◽  
Rizkan Zulyadi ◽  
M. Citra Ramadhan

Narcotics crimes are included in extraordinary crimes (extraordinary crime). Cases of narcotics abuse during this pandemic are increasing, from 2019 to 2020. The increase in narcotics circulation during the COVID-19 pandemic can be seen from the increasing number of evidence of narcotics being caught which is getting higher. This study aims to determine the modus operandi of narcotics trafficking and abuse during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used is normative juridical. The data used is secondary data consisting of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. Qualitative data analysis is used in analyzing the problem. The results of the study found that first, the modus operandi of narcotics trafficking and abuse during the Covid-19 pandemic had developed, namely by sending three bottles of narcotics in the form of liquid from China containing 10 ml which read Hemp Oil, Drug abuse is carried out in homes, apartments, and hotels. session, the modus operandi is to use postal and expedition services to several areas, and via online with a website, besides that, the mode of circulation is by means of agricultural logistics transportation, as if sending goods for the needs of the community.

Significance The ‘Golden Triangle’ -- centred on the tripoint of Laos, Thailand and Myanmar -- has long been a hub for production of illicit drugs. The area is rife with drug cartels. Impacts Regional authorities will continue to make large narcotics seizures but struggle to curb the trade in precursors used in drug manufacture. Laos and Cambodia will find it especially difficult to clamp down on drug trafficking, given their limited resources. Estimating the scale of drug production in Myanmar will get harder as governance in the country weakens.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-20
Kania Khairunisa ◽  
Dey Ravena

Abstract. Narcotics crime is one of the crimes categorized as extraordinary crimes or also called extraordinary crimes. Even though there are special rules on narcotics crimes, they also cannot hold back the circulation of narcotics crimes up to the correctional institutions which can even be carried out by death row inmates who have not yet been executed. This study aims to determine and understand the implementation of law enforcement in Indonesia for prisoners who commit narcotics crime in prison and to analyze what are the factors that hinder the execution of capital punishment in the case of narcotics distribution in prison by convicted prisoners who have been convicted capital punishment is connected with the Constitutional Court Decision Number 107 / PUU-XIII / 2015. This study uses a normative juridical approach. The research specifications used are descriptive analysis. Sources and types of legal materials used are primary legal materials supported by secondary legal materials. The data in this study were obtained through literature study. The data obtained were then analyzed by qualitative analysis methods to obtain conclusions from the problems studied. Based on the results of this research and discussion, it can be concluded that first, the perpetrators of narcotics trafficking offenses carried out in prison can be given prison sanctions and administrative sanctions. Second, the factors that cause obstacles in the implementation of capital punishment include the factors of legislation (legal substance), law enforcement factors, facilities and facilities factors, and community factors. Abstrak. Tindak pidana narkotika merupakan salah satu tindak pidana yang di kategorikan ke dalam kejahatan luar biasa atau disebut juga extraordinary crime. Meskipun telah aturan khusus terhadap tindak pidana narkotika tetapi juga tidak dapat menahan peredaran tindak pidana narkotika hingga di dalam lembaga pemasyarakatan yang bahkan masih bisa dilakukan oleh terpidana hukuman mati yang belum dieksekusi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami pelaksanaan penegakkan hukum di Indonesia terhadap narapidana yang melakukan tindak pidana peredaran narkotika di dalam lembaga pemasyarakatan serta menganalisis apa sajakah faktor yang menghambat terlaksananya eksekusi hukuman atas pidana mati dalam hal peredaran narkotika di dalam lembaga pemasyarakatan oleh narapidana yang telah divonis hukuman mati dihubungkan dengan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 107/PUU-XIII/2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif. Spesifikasi penelitian yang digunakan bersifat deskriptif analisis. Sumber dan jenis bahan hukum yang digunakan adalah bahan hukum primer yang didukung bahan hukum sekunder. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan metode analisis kualitatif untuk memperoleh kesimpulan dari permasalahan yang diteliti. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan ini dapat disimpulkan yaitu pertama, pelaku tindak pidana peredaran narkotika yang dilakukan di dalam lembaga pemasyarakatan dapat diberikan sanksi pidana penjara dan sanksi administrative. Kedua, faktor-faktor yang menjadi penyebab adanya hambatan dalam pelaksaan pidana mati di antaranya ialah faktor perundang - undangan (subtansi hukum), faktor penegakan hukum, faktor sarana dan fasilitas, serta faktor masyarakat.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Andi Pancai Fitriani ◽  
Sholahuddin Harahap

Abstract. Law enforcement against narcotics abuse has been widely carried out by law enforcement officials. This law enforcement is expected to be able as an antidote to the spread of narcotics trafficking. Although the Indonesian people already have laws on narcotics and psychotropics, in practice, law enforcement related to drug problems is still chaotic and ineffective. The ineffectiveness of the implementation of the law is due to the fact that the police who deal with narcotics problems are sometimes so low that they are often tempted to work with syndicates to get money. Law enforcement can be carried out using Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics Abuse and besides members of the Police who abuse narcotics can be charged with Article 114 paragraph (1) Subsider Article 112 paragraph (1), while Brigadier Devis will be charged under Article 131 of the Act Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning drug abuse. And members of the Police who commit crimes will be followed by a trial of the existing Police Professional Code of Ethics. Abstrak. Penegakan hukum terhadap penyalahgunaan narkotika telah banyak dilakukan oleh aparat penegak hukum. Penegakan hukum ini diharapkan mampu sebagai faktor penangkal terhadap merebaknya peredaran perdagangan narkotika. Kendati bangsa Indonesia telah memiliki undang-undang tentang narkotika dan psikotropika, dalam praktiknya, penegakan hukum yang terkait dengan masalah narkoba masih carut marut dan tidak efektif. Tidak efektifnya pelaksanaan undang-undang tersebut disebabkan oleh aparat kepolisian yang menangani masalah narkoba  terkadang rendah sehingga sering tergiur untuk bekerja sama dengan sindikat demi memperoleh uang. Penegakan hukum dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan Undang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Penyalahgunaan Narkotika dan selain itu anggota Kepolisian yang menyalahgunakan narkotika dapat dijerat dengan Pasal 114 ayat (1) Subsider Pasal 112 ayat (1), sedangkan Brigadir Devis akan dijerat dengan Pasal 131 Undang-undang No.35 Tahun 2009 tentang penyalahgunaan narkotika. Dan anggota Kepolisian yang melakukan tindak pidana akan diikuti dengan sidang Kode Etik Profesi Kepolisian yang ada.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-77
Aamir Khan ◽  
Naureen Akhtar

Purpose: The main objective of this research paper is to look at Pakistan's legal, administrative, and judicial framework in terms of countering money laundering and tax evasion. Money laundering and tax evasion are two financial crimes that have been linked, either directly or indirectly, to one other. Money laundering was formerly solely associated with the crimes of narcotics trafficking and terrorism financing. At present, it has been also associated with tax evasion. Methodology: The framework regarding tax evasion and money laundering is varied. In Pakistan, two different mechanisms exist to combat both crimes. This article analytically studies the parliamentary statutes and ordinance, the working of investigating and prosecuting agencies and judicature structure concerning tax evasion and money laundering in Pakistan. Findings: This article concludes that the problem of tax evasion and money launder are causing financial instability in Pakistan. There is an urgent need of revamping the current tax administration to detect tax evasion and frauds. Implication: this article recommends potential reforms in the existing legal, administrative and judicial framework to control and curb both crimes more effectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 378-383
I Kadek Pasek Saputra ◽  
I Nyoman Gede Sugiartha ◽  
I Made Minggu Widyantara

As a developing country with the state ideology Pancasila, it is not enough for the State of Indonesia to be able to dedicate itself as a prosperous country. Viewed from a legal perspective, there are behaviors that are in accordance with the prevailing norms and there are also behaviors that deviate from the prevailing norms. Nevertheless, it is necessary to have legal sanctions regulating the life of the nation and state. In the criminal justice system in Indonesia, the correctional institution has a position as a place of guidance and implementation of what has been decided by the court for the convicted person. There are two problem formulations that will be discussed further related to the criminal act of looting, including how the classification of abuse of power carried out by prison officers against the circulation of narcotics that occurs in prisons and how to impose legal sanctions for prison officers who are involved in narcotics trafficking in prisons? From the formulation of the problem, the discussion is carried out using normative research methods. The abuse of authority of correctional officers is regulated in Law no. 12 of 1995 concerning Correctional Facilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 105
Andri Winjaya Laksana

Narcotics abuse is a serious problem experienced by various countries including Indonesia. The proliferation of narcotics trafficking among students has become increasingly alarming by making students the target of narcotics syndicates networks. The concern about the circulation of Narcotics among students must be anticipated immediately considering that students are the next generation of the Nation. Juridical empirical approach method. The implementation of the prevention of narcotics crime among students in its development has not been able to run effectively this is because the circulation of narcotics among students with target consumers of fellow students uses social media networking facilities via the internet which is the result of advances in information and communication technology as well as overcoming the circulation of narcotics crime is divided into : primary, before abuse occurs, or known as a preventive function. Usually in the form of education, dissemination of information about the dangers of drugs, approaches through the family, etc. In carrying out this function, the efforts that must be made by the government include regular outreach, establishment of supervisory institutions, forming laws and regulations in various forms, and even establishing international cooperation both bilaterally, regionally and multilaterally.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 114-118
I Made Karnadi ◽  
I Nyoman Gede Sugiartha ◽  
Ida Ayu Putu Widiati

Prevention of narcotics abuse by adolescents children and adults as well as the eradication of narcotics trafficking is handled by an institution namely the National Narcotics Agency and the Police The National Narcotics Agency has the authority to conduct investigations and investigations The police also have the same powers as the National Narcotics Agency The problems studied in this research are 1) The function of the National Narcotics Agency and the Police in narcotics crime 2) Synergy between the National Narcotics Agency and the Police in Investigation and Investigation of narcotics crime. The research method used in this research is normative legal research Besides that an approach through legislation is also used as well as a conceptual approach The results of this study indicate that the function of the National Narcotics Agency is the prevention and eradication of narcotics abuse Meanwhile the police function is to arrest conduct investigations and investigations and eradicate the illicit trafficking of narcotics The synergy between the National Narcotics Agency and the Police is carried out by means of coordination in dealing with narcotics crime Starting from the investigation investigation assessment of the perpetrator to the process of escorting hearing and execution

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