Architectural Green Spaces Design of Medical Centers with Passive Defense Approach

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 69
Nasibeh Rezazadeh ◽  
Hassan Sattari Sarbangholi

Since medical centers, from the perspective of civil defense, are considered as centers of critical urban land, therefore, it is essential the criteria and defensive mechanisms to comply in design. One of these strategies would be taking advantage of the vegetation in a hospital. From this perspective, the use of vegetation in the hospital needs to scientific and expertise comments by the expert in the green space who is familiar with knowledge of passive defense. In this study, it is tried the principles of architectural green spaces design of medical centers to discuss from an architectural defensive approach and passive defense. For this purpose, using descriptive-analytic method and library research tool, the role of security in outer space of the medical centers are investigated, and in the end, a set of strategies for architectural design of green space for a therapeutic complex in order to reduce the vulnerability of human resources and improve security will be presented, by taking advantage of the fundamental concepts of passive defense. The present research achievements in the designing of green spaces for the medical centers will be useful in line with promoting passive defense purposes.

Hung-Pin Hsu

Parks and green spaces have been allocated for city residents to offer them healthier natural environments. However, people living in cities may have less opportunity to engage with the natural environment since parks seem to be passive locations of activity. We investigated how to proactively enhance the attraction of green space to improve people's health. First, we surveyed how 683 city residents were engaged in physical activities. From them, 30 people were recruited for depth interviews. Results showed that the park environment and the health activities that feature ‘inner-attraction' could enhance the frequency and persistence of the city residents to engage in healthy activities. We also evaluated the service experience and attraction of 40 users in a 3-month program in the Daan Forest Park of Taipei City in Taiwan. Using the culture probes method, we found that the experience cycle and the use of social media enhanced the park's inner and inter attraction, and that the role of the park was transformed from a passive green space provider to an active service operator.

Muhammad Muads Hasri

This article discusses about Al-quran opinion on the role of father in develoment of the child. The focus of this study is to reveal the verses of Al-qur'an that relate to the role of father in the family. Furthermore, this article will also illustrate the story of the father in the Qur'an. This article is a library research with descriptive-analytic method. The lens of contemporary and classic tafsir paradigm are also used as the aproach to analyse the data. From the analysis that has been carried out, this research concludes several important remarks. Firts, the Qur'an shows a role that should be applied by a father in the development process of his children, one of which is by monitoring and controlling the daily lives of children, instilling educational values, building good closeness and communication with children, and providing support and direction well. Second, several verses in the Qur’an describe the role of fathers who have their own way of educating their children, so that the method is relevant to be applied in the present context, They are Luqman, Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Nuh, and Prophet Ya'qub. Keywords: Al-qur’an, child development, role of father.

2019 ◽  
pp. 1671-1689
Hung-Pin Hsu

Parks and green spaces have been allocated for city residents to offer them healthier natural environments. However, people living in cities may have less opportunity to engage with the natural environment since parks seem to be passive locations of activity. We investigated how to proactively enhance the attraction of green space to improve people's health. First, we surveyed how 683 city residents were engaged in physical activities. From them, 30 people were recruited for depth interviews. Results showed that the park environment and the health activities that feature ‘inner-attraction' could enhance the frequency and persistence of the city residents to engage in healthy activities. We also evaluated the service experience and attraction of 40 users in a 3-month program in the Daan Forest Park of Taipei City in Taiwan. Using the culture probes method, we found that the experience cycle and the use of social media enhanced the park's inner and inter attraction, and that the role of the park was transformed from a passive green space provider to an active service operator.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-88
Polina Mullayarova

The article notes the role of urban green spaces in providing a safe and comfortable environment of the industrial centre. The damage caused by anthropogenic impact to different categories of urban green spaces is briefly described. The necessity of using GIS-technologies and digital cartographic support to gather and analyze information about urban green spaces is stated. To solve this problem a new type of cartographic products – digital greening plans – is proposed and described in detail. Classification of digital greening plans, the cartographic notation, thematic content, main directions of use and target audience are considered. Fragments of digital greening plans depicted the experimental work area in Novosibirsk are given. Conclusion about the advantages of digital greening plans compared to related types of cartographic products is made.

2020 ◽  
Vol 108 ◽  
pp. 144-154 ◽  
Daria Sikorska ◽  
Edyta Łaszkiewicz ◽  
Kinga Krauze ◽  
Piotr Sikorski

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-127
Muhammad Mu'ads Hasri

AbstractThis article discusses about Al-quran opinion on the role of father in develoment of the child. The focus of this study is to reveal the verses of Al-qur'an that relate to the role of father in the family. Furthermore, this article will also illustrate the story of the father in the Qur'an. This article is a library research with descriptive-analytic method. The lens of contemporary and classic tafsir paradigm are also used as the aproach to analyse the data. From the analysis that has been carried out, this research concludes several important remarks. Firts, the Qur'an shows a role that should be applied by a father in the development process of his children, one of which is by monitoring and controlling the daily lives of children, instilling educational values, building good closeness and communication with children, and providing support and direction well. Second, several verses in the Qur’an describe the role of fathers who have their own way of educating their children, so that the method is relevant to be applied in the present context, They are Luqman, Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Nuh, and Prophet Ya'qub.Keywords: Al-qur’an, child development, role of father.AbstrakArtikel ini membahas tentang pandangan al-Qur’an terhadap peran ayah dalam proses perkembangan anak. Adapun yang menjadi fokus kajian dalam penelitian ini adalah mengupas ayat-ayat al-Qur’an yang berkaitan dengan peran ayah dalam keluarga. Selain itu, artikel ini juga akan menggambarkan kisah ayah dalam al-Qur’an. Artikel ini merupakan jenis penelitian pustaka. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif-analisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan paradigma tafsir klasik-kontemporer. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara tematik, yaitu mengumpulkan ayat-ayat al-qur’an di berbagai surah yang memiliki korelasi tentang peran ayah. Dari analisis yang telah dilakukan, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa: pertama, al-Qur’an menunjukkan peran yang seharusya diaplikasikan oleh seorang ayah dalam proses perkembangan anak-anaknya, salah satunya dengan memantau dan mengontrol keseharian anak, menanamkan nilai-nilai pendidikan, membangun kedekatan dan komunikasi yang baik bersama anak, dan memberi dukungan serta arahan yang baik. Kedua, beberapa ayat dalam al-Qur’an menggambarkan peran ayah yang memiliki cara tersendiri dalam mendidik anaknya, sehingga cara tersebut relevan untuk diaplikasikan dalam konteks kekinian. Sosok ayah yang dimaksud adalah Luqman, Nabi Ibrahim, Nabi Nuh, dan Nabi Ya’qub.Kata kunci: Al-Qur’an; Perkembangan anak; Peran ayah.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 40
Panji Maulani

ABSTRAKProses penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan penelitian lapangan danpenelitian kepustakaan. Analisis mendalam terkait akulturasi budaya pada arsitektur MasjidAgung Jawa Tengah didapat melalui penggunaan metode deskriptif-analitik dengan langkahlangkahobservatif. Langkah-langkah tersebut disesuaikan dengan sumber terkait, sehinggadata pada objek penelitian dapat dideskripsikan serta dianalisis dengan pendekatan budayadan arsitektur. Penelitian ini menjadi penting untuk dilakukan karena Masjid Agung JawaTengah memiliki ornamen eksterior yang sangat khas, berbeda dengan ornamen masjidraya-masjid raya lain di Indonesia, yang umumnya memiliki ornamen eksterior yang hanyaberakulturasi dengan budaya Timur Tengah. Pada Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah kita dapatmerasakan suasana seperti di masjid Nabawi dan suasana Colloseum di zaman Romawi.Terdapat 6 buah payung hidrolik seperti di masjid Nabawi dan gerbang Al-Qanathir yangmenyerupai Colloseum pada pelataran masjid akibat pembangunan Masjid Agung JawaTengah menggunakan paduan tiga unsur budaya: Jawa, Timur Tengah, dan Romawi.Kata kunci: akulturasi, ornamen, masjid agung, Jawa TengahABTRACTThe research process was conducted by field research and library research. Depthanalysis related to acculturation on the architecture of the Central Java Great Mosque obtainedusing descriptive-analytic method with observational measures. The steps are adapted to thecorresponding source, so that data on the research object can be described and analyzed withcultural and architectural approach. This research becomes important thing to do because ofthe Great Mosque of Central Java has a very distinctive exterior ornament, in contrast to theother great mosques in Indonesia, whose the exterior ornament is generally only acculturatedwith Middle Eastern culture. In Central Java Great Mosque we can feel the atmosphere likeat the Nabawi Mosque and the atmosphere of the Colosseum in Roman times. There are sixpieces of hydraulic umbrella like in Nabawi Mosque and Al-Qanathir gate that resembles theColosseum in the courtyard of the mosque as the result of the construction of the Central JavaGreat Mosque using a combination of three elements of culture: Java, Middle East, and Roman.Keywords: acculturation, ornament, grand mosque, Central Java

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Priyo Katon Prasetyo ◽  
Rosye Villanova Christine ◽  
Sudibyanung Sudibyanung

Abstract: Based on Law Number 2 of 2012 concerning Land Acquisition for Development in the Public Interest, the Openness Principle is one of the ten principles as the basis of the implementation of development. This principle is significant because its complex role can lead to conflicts and disputes. In this paper, discussions are divided into two parts: 1) how the implementation is expected to be applied according to the acquisition procedure in theory; and 2) the reality that occurs in the field. The first discussion was conducted by reviewing the applicable regulations and the methods or concepts of development of the openness principle. Meanwhile, the second discussion about the reality on the field was conducted by elaborating case studies regarding problems in land acquisition. The results of this study indicate that there are gaps in the implementation of the openness principle between theory and reality in regards of land scarcity, economic inequality, and information asymmetry among the involved parties. In conclusion, the implementation of the openness principle is significant with the role of information in land acquisition.Intisari: Berdasarkan Undang Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2012 tentang Pengadaan Tanah Bagi Pembangunan Untuk Kepentingan Umum, Asas Keterbukaan adalah salah satu dari sepuluh asas yang menjadi dasar pelaksanaannya. Asas ini menjadi signifikan karena perannya yang kompleks dapat menimbulkan konflik dan sengketa. Artikel ini akan membagi pembahasan menjadi dua bagian: pertama, bagaimana implementasi yang seharusnya diterapkan pada prosedur pengadaan secara harapan, dan kedua, membahas mengenai realita yang terjadi di lapangan. Secara harapan pembahasan dilakukan dengan melakukan library research atau studi terhadap peraturan yang berlaku dan metode-metode atau prinsip perkembangan dari asas keterbukaan. Realitas di lapangan akan dielaborasi dari studi kasus mengenai permasalahan dalam pengadaan tanah. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan ada gap dalam implementasi asas keterbukaan antara harapan dan realitas di lapangan yang bersumber dari kelangkaan sumber daya/tanah, ketimpangan ekonomi dan asimetri informasi di antara para pihak yang terlibat. Tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa implementasi asas keterbukaan signifikan dengan peran informasi dalam pengadaan tanah. 

Михаил Юрьевич Лазебный ◽  
Ирина Дмитриевна Самсонова

В настоящее время вязы, пораженные голландской болезнью, выявлены во всех 18 районах Санкт-Петербурга. Проведена оценка состояния ильмовых в зеленых насаждениях общего пользования, выявлена роль факторов их усыхания и проанализированы мероприятия по уходу за ними. Currently, elms affected by the Dutch disease have been identified in all 18 districts of St. Petersburg. The state of elm trees in public green spaces was assessed, the role of their drying factors was revealed, and measures to care for them were analyzed.

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 813
Hui Dang ◽  
Jing Li ◽  
Yumeng Zhang ◽  
Zixiang Zhou

Urban green spaces can provide many types of ecosystem services for residents. An imbalance in the pattern of green spaces leads to an inequality of the benefits of such spaces. Given the current situation of environmental problems and the basic geographical conditions of Xi’an City, this study evaluated and mapped four kinds of ecosystem services from the perspective of equity: biodiversity, carbon sequestration, air purification, and climate regulation. Regionalization with dynamically constrained agglomerative clustering and partitioning (REDCAP) was used to obtain the partition groups of ecosystem services. The results indicate that first, the complexity of the urban green space community is low, and the level of biodiversity needs to be improved. The dry deposition flux of particulate matter (PM2.5) decreases from north to south, and green spaces enhance the adsorption of PM2.5. Carbon sequestration in the south and east is higher than that in the north and west, respectively. The average surface temperature in green spaces is lower than that in other urban areas. Second, urban green space resources in the study area are unevenly distributed. Therefore, ecosystem services in different areas are inequitable. Finally, based on the regionalization of integrated ecosystem services, an ecosystem services cluster was developed. This included 913 grid spaces, 12 partitions, and 5 clusters, which can provide a reference for distinct levels of ecosystem services management. This can assist urban managers who can use these indicators of ecosystem service levels for planning and guiding the overall development pattern of green spaces. The benefits would be a maximization of the ecological functions of green spaces, an improvement of the sustainable development of the city, and an improvement of people’s well-being.

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