gis technologies
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2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (12) ◽  
pp. 1070-1074
Xamidullo Saydamatovich Mirzaaxmedov ◽  
Ismatullo Ziyadulla o’g’li Akaboyev ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 302
Indraja E. Germanaite ◽  
Kestutis Zaleckis ◽  
Rimantas Butleris ◽  
Audrius Lopata

Spatial Pattern (SP) Description, Identification, and Application Methodology (SPDIAM) was developed for describing and detecting spatial economic, social, and environmental phenomena and providing basic information technology (IT) artefacts that can be used for the spatial analysis development using GIS technologies. SPDIAM allows urban planning and design practitioners to describe SP in a computerized manner, identify SP automatically, and apply them in the spatial planning and design domain. In this article, we explain the general SP and spatial meta-pattern model, used in SPDIAM, that is based on the theory of Complex Spatial System (CSS), spatial configuration, and spatial capital concepts and is presented using UML diagrams as standard used for visualization of project models from structure and behavior points of views. The practical experiment of describing and identifying 6 basic spatial meta-pattern values is conducted using the new algorithm that combines Space Syntax method, Visibility Graph Analysis (VGA), and VGA measures to create a computer model of space and to quantify its configuration, which can then be used to handle geographic and geometric data associated with attribute information, to perform spatial, mathematical, and statistical calculations and to visualize SP. The results of the experiment show that the model and the algorithm are appropriate for spatial meta-patterns identification, and the best results can be achieved using VGA measure Isovist Compactness. In the future, general SP and the spatial meta-pattern model can be used to describe and identify complex SP and to solve problems in CSS with the help of the spatial meta-pattern values described in this article.

2021 ◽  
Vol 94, 2021 (94) ◽  
pp. 29-34
Ludmila Kazachenko ◽  
Vladyslav Kazachenko ◽  
Tetyana Zhidkova ◽  

The development of exogenous processes on the Earth's surface is a large-scale problem. Due to the development of exogenous processes there are changes in the composition and structure of the earth's crust and its surface. The destruction of streets, houses and public buildings, roads and railways leads to enormous losses. To predict the development of soil degradation, erosion processes on agricultural lands, which lose annual production areas, leads to the formation of a ravine-beam system and reduces the productive amount of land owned by citizens – is a solution. The use of GIS technologies, remote sensing of the Earth and modern programming can partially solve the problem, as it is a rapid identification of areas that have undergone the process of soil degradation and possible prediction of the development of negative phenomena. The use of geodetic software, GIS, information layers of the Public cadastral map can help in the fastest finding of territories, development of the forecast of the further destructive action, development of the corresponding protective methods and their introduction. The areas with manifestations of exogenous processes - soil degradation in agricultural enterprises, where every year the area of highly fertile chernozems is lost, which leads to large losses and landslides in the forest-steppe and steppe settlements of Kharkiv region have been subject of our study. We investigated destructive processes by geodetic measurements in the territories of their manifestations, observations were carried out for 8 years. The development of exogenous processes on the Earth's surface was revealed, which was manifested in landslides in the settlements of the forest-steppe zone and degradation of agricultural lands in the steppe and forest-steppe part of Kharkiv region. The cause of the destruction of the earth's surface were factors independent of human activity. We built 3-D models of development of exogenous processes manifested in soil erosion and growth of the ravine-beam system and determined the degree of erosion after surveying and processing the results of geodetic measurements in the software Digitals. For 8 years, we made changes to the software, surveying the area and building a monitoring line. Also in the settlements on the territory of the two zones, we observed the development of landslides on the streets of the village. Milova and s. Nova Vasylivka, where there is an intensive development of exogenous processes. The use of GIS technologies and remote sensing of the Earth to monitor the development of exogenous processes simplifies the solution.

Hleb S. Lazovik ◽  
Antonina A. Topaz

The article presents a method for creating a territory erosion hazard integrated map using RUSLE integral model, Earth remote sensing data and GIS technologies. The studies carried out on this topic are presented, the analysis of which has shown a more active use of integral indicators of water-erosion processes in foreign scientific works. Urgency of updating methodology for studying erosion processes has been substantiated. Theoretical foundations of the application of integral models of soil erosion are given, the application of the RUSLE model is substantiated, and the optimal way of using this model is proposed. The research methodology has been developed, consisting of primary processing of remote sensing data, calculation of the factors of erosion development and creation of a territory erosion hazard integrated map. Based on the processing of aerial photography materials, a point cloud, a digital elevation model and an orthomosaic map of the study area were created. The results of the geoinformation analysis of the remote sensing data, which included calculation of the soil erodibility factor and the topographic factor, are presented. Based on the integral indicator of watererosion hazard, a complex map of the erosion hazard of the territory has been created. Main patterns of geographical distribution of the values of the integral indicator of the water-erosion hazard of the territory are revealed, devised methodology is assessed. It was found that the schematic map reflects the general pattern of water erosion processes: they are more active in places where more dissected relief is spread. Influence of the soil factor on the pattern of the schematic map is shown: the pattern in the territories occupied by sod-podzolic loamy soils qualitatively differs from the pattern on the lands where sod-podzolic sandy loam soils are widespread. Patterns on the schematic map of different parts of the developed linear forms of relief, formed by temporary streams, are described. It is shown that the proposed method can be used to assess the water-erosion hazard of the territory. The need to take into account a larger number of factors and to refine the assessment of existing ones is concluded.

2021 ◽  
pp. 4557-4570
Abdalrahman R. Qubaa ◽  
Alaa N. Hamdon ◽  
Taha A. Al Jawwadi

    Today, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or Drones are a valuable source of data on inspection, surveillance, mapping and 3D modelling matters. Drones can be considered as the new alternative of classic manned aerial photography due to their low cost and high spatial resolution. In this study, drones were used to study archaeological sites. The archaeological Nineveh site, which is a very famous site located in heart of the city of Mosul, in northern Iraq, was chosen. This site was the largest capital of the Assyrian Empire 3000 years ago. The site contains an external wall that includes many gates, most of which were destroyed when Daesh occupied the city in 2014. The local population of the city of Mosul has also largely overtaken the central part of this archaeological site, while the northern and southern parts are still uninhabited. The awareness of the existence of unchanged surface and ground forms in the northern or southern parts led us to prepare an urgent study to interpret the outer surface of those parts and to analyze any discovery in the surface morphology. So, drone data and GIS technologies were used in this study to find any discovery that could aid in understanding the original surface of this ancient site. Visual and digital interpretations of satellite images, drone images, and Digital Surface Models (DSMs) were used to analyze and study the data. As a final result, certain morphological features were identified in the southern parts of the ancient site which could be a new archaeological and compositional discovery with reference to the earlier activities of the ancient society during the Assyrian empires, represented by the ditches and building lands used by the ancient inhabitants. Small modern tunnels penetrated the ancient wall were also discovered in addition, to a drainage canal and a motorway newly constructed during the occupation of the city that had penetrated the archaeological land.

2021 ◽  
Vol 60 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-84
Sergey P. Semenov ◽  
Viktor V. Slavsky ◽  
Maria V. Kurkina ◽  
Artyom O. Tashkin ◽  
Olga V. Samarina ◽  

The article describes the results of five years of research in the development and creation of computer mathematical models of socio-economic systems using GIS technologies within the framework of two RFBR grants, which were directed by V.V. Slavsky. The first part describes the results of the development and creation of an interactive socially-oriented geographic information system designed to obtain information about social infrastructure facilities aimed at meeting the needs of people with limited mobility and people with disabilities. The second part describes the results of the development and creation of an interactive agent-based dynamic model of socio-economic processes (transport, production, demographic, etc.), using GIS technologies on the example of Khanty-Mansiysk.

2021 ◽  
Vol 937 (3) ◽  
pp. 032069
M I Ruzmetov

Abstract The Global research to assess the impact of climate change on soil-climatic conditions of arid lands has resulted in the following scientific findings: pasture degradation due to inefficient use of available resources; improved technologies for the condition of pasture soils and their restoration and the use of GIS monitoring; soil conditions, desertification factors and degradation processes of anthropogenesis in pasture conditions; developments for remote sensing of the Earth to determine the current state of pastures and the use of GIS technologies; and, improved technologies for adapting to climate change and combating soil degradation. Measures have been developed to restore biodiversity, increase crop productivity, and increase the fertility of these soils. This article describes the relevance of pasture land use around the world and the effectiveness of the use of a variety of water-saving technologies (Water-box) in the foothills and desert pastures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 100 (11) ◽  
pp. 1209-1217
Olga V. Mironenko ◽  
Andrey Yu. Lomtev ◽  
Ekaterina A. Fedorova ◽  
Lidiya A. Soprun ◽  
Nina M. Frolova ◽  

Introduction. The annual growth of medical waste due necessitates a comprehensive approach to solving the issue of medical waste management. It is necessary to develop unified methodical strategies for the complex solution. The objective of the study. To substantiate the hygienic efficiency of the thermal decontamination of class B and C medical waste based on geo-informational system (GIS) technologies in the Krasnoyarsk region for five consecutive years. Materials and methods. Medical institutions (MI) of the Krasnoyarsk region’s three macro districts were studied as class B and C waste sources. At the first stage, the composition of wastes by classes and their volumes were determined, and local technologies of thermal deactivation available in medical organizations were identified. The received information was subjected to statistical processing, stratified on electronic maps to apply GIS technologies further. Results. Based on statistical processing of data on medical class B and C waste generation in separate MO, the analysis of operating technologies capacity in 2014-2015 based on GIS-technology of spatial analysis, construction of optimal transport ways of waste delivery, area mapping in the three districts in the Krasnoyarsk region have been substantiated proposals to optimize medical waste management for five years. Conclusion. To have an environmentally and epidemiologically safe system of handling class B and C waste in the region, it is necessary to create a comprehensive functional model based on GIS technology, taking into account the optimal combination of decentralized and centralized systems, regional features of the transport network, and the prospects of health care system development.

2021 ◽  
pp. 709-718
Hamid Čustović ◽  
Melisa Ljuša ◽  
Jasmin Taletović ◽  
Mirza Ponjavić ◽  
Almir Karabegović

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 86-92

The article presents the results of a soil cover study carried out in Azerbaijan. It was found that the soils of the study area are slightly saline, which is more common on irrigated lands. Solonetzic soils are widespread in the Shabran-Sumgait region. The negative impact of alkaline soils on the development and crop yield of cultivated plants is due to the presence of soda and absorbing sodium and magnesium cations in the soil solution. It was revealed that 36.3% of soils with. Gyulamli, Shabran region, was heavily salinized. It is necessary to control the flows of the collector and drainage network in agricultural areas.

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